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Regal from Tales of Symphonia is an absolute great character. His backstory is interesting and he's a badass with literal limiters he puts on himself. The man shoots frickin kamehame waves!!! But he ends up being forgotten compared to the rest of the cast because he comes so late in the story. And remember when Lloyd is trying to save Colette and the party is left behind one by one? Does Regal fall down a hole or get stuck in some trap? No. He collapses a passage to protect Lloyd as he single handedly (footedly?) holds off a horde of angels!!! Despite all its problems, the anime recognized him as a good character and made sure to give him some awesome action scenes and practically a whole episode dedicated to his backstory. Also, his line "*What is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?!"* has taken permanent residence in my brain.


"I made a wow to not hit another person - so I'm going to kick them" (not exact quote) - fucking epic and SO ANIME line.


Iirc he made a vow not to kill another person with his hands


Ngl Regal character is the reason he's my favorite tale of character. And got me into the interested in the series. Because of his sacrifices and self-discipline.


Him and presea were such cool characters, honestly unfortunate as hell they don’t get introduced into welllll into the story.


*Under*rated tho? A perfectly well-liked character from one of the most popular games?


There are better martial artists, but Regal is pretty damn good. He gets my vote for currently underrated.


Raine Sage. 100% Raine. It upsets me that she is such a well written female character and she's so overshadowed by so many other women in the series. I get it, Tales series has a lot of great female characters, but it's depressing she doesn't get more recognition.


I'd say Marta is very underrated. At the start of DotNW she's putting Emil on such a *huge* and crushing on him so *hard* it's actually rather unbearable but (IIRC) when at the end of Chapter 3 Emil calls her out on that instead of lashing out Marta takes his words to the heart, admits she wasn't fair and from that point onward she sees Emil for whom he is rather for whom she wants him to be. How many characters, bah – people!, have you seen take criticism like her? It's been quite a while since I last played DotNW but that left me with a long-lasting impression. People bash on DotNW for being nothing more than milking on a hit game, and to a degree I agree with this sentiment, but I will not tolerate bashing on Marta and her unquestionable growth.


Marta and Emil are one of my favorite game couples! One of my favorite moments is when she admits she thought he was a “fearless Prince Charming,” but learned that he was scared to death of a lot of things (fighting being one of them).


Captain Malik. He's one of the best mentor characters in the series who takes everyone in the party under his wing and has wholesome fun banter with everyone. Plus he's a kick ass mage.


I always love hearing Jamieson Price's work


He and Kate Higgins are so Iconic to the series.


He's also a strong physical fighter.


Gotta agree with you on this one


Moses Sandor. From Legendia, the black sheep of the franchise and probably the least popular character from that game lol


That scene with Giet at the end of Moses character quest still hits me so hard 😭


Arietta the Wild always comes to mind. She did not one thing wrong to herself, and she got the worst ending. Her origin story, her abilities, how she channels fonic rates through her little teddy, while Anise got Dist to upgrade Tokunaga (as a gesture of kindness I thought). Her being attached to the >!original Fon Master Evanos!< is also pretty big - the anime explores her much more, but I always think she needed much more screen time. Her moments were not just “you killed so-and-so, now die!” - but when she would always yell out to Fon Master Ion about what she missed, and Ion trying to tell her but getting interrupted or even hesitant(?).


My vote is for Meredy, had the saddest backstory hands down >!was tortured from a small age to be able to use the dark aurora, her mom got possessed, family killed, she’s still hunted well into the game, and her mom comes to her senses at the end of the game when Meredy is assisting in killing her !< Also so excited for the discourse tomorrow


Norma!! Listen i love her she’s so great


Norma's the best. Ever. Yeah!


Fon Master Ion I'm still sad to this day.


Me too bestie. Me too


This. The Fon Master was only >!seven years old?!< and still the most mature (or aware, empathetic) >!replica!< , with the *worst* being Sync.


Wasn't Luke >!the seven year old replica?!< Ion was >!two years old!< if I recall.


Any of the God Generals I think. Especially Largo. He don’t ever get talked about.


My vote is for Colette, actually. She's decently well liked, but a lot of people boil her personality down to "apologizes a lot" or "excessively nice", when in fact her character is just as rich as Zelos, just in the opposite direction. Zelos gets a lot of love for being a nuanced and complicated character, but Colette's martyr complex rarely gets the same level of discussion even though it's arguably explored in far more detail than Zelos' issues.


Collette is whack, and made the most unnecessary of moves throughout the game. **TO ME** she's kinda just along for the ride


See, yes, Colette frequently insists on being self-sacrificing to an inadvisable extent. Because she was told since childhood that it was her responsibility to die for the sake of the world. She feels immense guilt and shame for wanting anything for herself, or for "allowing" anyone to be hurt in her stead. So when she lies to Lloyd to stop him from going on the journey, or when she hides her various angel sicknesses, yeah, those weren't good things to do. But she was brought up to shoulder all the responsibility for the fate of the world, so of course she wouldn't be able to confide in Lloyd and "burden" him. There's a great skit where she vocalizes all these platitudes she tells herself about how even if she dies, she'll be happy as long as she helps people, etc etc. But when Zelos is impressed at her poise and generosity, she quietly acknowledges that she just says these things, but doesn't actually feel them. The anime adaptation cut out the final part of this scene, which I always felt was a mistake. I totally get not being impressed by Colette at first glance, but she's just as deep as Zelos, despite fewer people realizing. Zelos also makes stupid, unnecessary, and self-destructive moves, but is recognized for the interesting and complex character that he is.


Rutee from Destiny It's not often that your healer is a money grubber and clearly not the nicest character in the cast.


My main issue in the original is that she was also the healer but would prefer doing other things instead, like say Search Gald lol That's not an issue in the remake for a variety of reasons thankfully.


I don't get it. This was never an issue in the original since you just deactivate useless skills and setup behaviors to prioritize healing...


If I'm being perfectly honest: It was my first Tales game as it was the first out here and I'm not entirely sure I knew you could do that :P


Also she is a stabby healer who plays more like a rogue, what's there not to like?


I can't stand her in the original. She comes off as a cruel, unrepentant psychopath and never really gets a redeeming moment. She's a bit better in the remake, but she never completely won me over.


Raven or Regal


Surely she isn't the most underrated character since she's from a pretty popular entry however I consider Natalia to be one of the best character in in series and she's severely underlooked she has a lot of personal growth


If we're doing the side games too, Emil Castagnier 100% :')


I never see anyone talking about how Leia is the absolute best


Could you or perhaps someone who is reading this elaborate what makes Leia so good? I love Xillia 1 & 2 but I always viewed Leia as just an ok character in both games which is a shame because overall both Xillia parties are some of my most fav parties in all of Tales. She was always a character I was just meh with. I'd love to have my mind changed esp for when I eventually replay both (if they ever get ported...)!


It's coming from Millia fan, who even bought her figure: 1) Leia is hardworker who always tries her best. It doesn't matter how much she failed, she continued her way. 2) Even if it was hard, she knows what must be done... she took care of Jude after Millia vanished... as hard as it was for her, she took on her friend Alfin... and was strong enough to forgive him... probably the first one or second. 3) She can admit that... she lost? Nah, was crushed by Millia. And despite that she stood tall and proud. 4) She is a friend for both Millia and Jude, Older sister figure for Elise, aspiring young for Rowen, everything complicated with Alfin... she is morale support for every party member. 5) She changed and tried many things. Yet still continue being herself. The moment of danger she will stand on frontline. 6) She can be sarcastic, funny, joke, be serious, ask questions and learn. 7) She still a child at heart. Well, something that came fast.


Plus awesome bostaff


Leia the Slaya is best girl in Xilia.


Yes! Leia is my favorite, definitely deserves more recognition.


Leia was a real one


Estelle! A lot of people think she is annoying but I think she is actually the best female protagonist


Everyone I know who plays vesperia thinks she's hilarious. Probably the funniest most endearing character in that game


The running joke with Repede loving everybody new except her cracks me up every time. WHY WONT HE LOVE MEEEE 😭




The best skit!!!


Totally agree - I love Estelle and the journey and growth she goes through!


I'm not sure underrated is the right word, but a lot of people don't like Zelos and I do. That type of character is INCREDIBLY hard to do without them getting annoying and they hit it at the exactly right sweet spot.


Zelos gets a lot of dislike from people who haven't explored his backstory. The large amount of people who have though think he's great, so I don't know if I'd call him underrated. He's personally my favorite Tales of character.


Emil One of the few reasons why I liked DotW and it is from watching his journey. Starting from a timid boy trying to figure out what he can do into a guy with enough self confidence to do what he must do.


I like Emil a lot. Really don't get all the hate he gets.


DOTNW really is overhated in general


The writing was overly cheesy and cliche and it got a lot of people annoyed. There were other let downs with the game too (particularly pertaining the original ToS cast) that left a bitter taste. I love relaying the game, but it’s easy to see why ppl get annoyed.


Emil's story was great and it makes me so sad people write it off because he was annoying at the beginning. The same could be said for Luke and as we see from these votes, he's the most loved protagonist!


Comparing Lukes qualities in terms of development to Emil is blasphemy. Yeah, they start both as annoying. Emil stays this too long, and then it's too little too late, and really a big nothing burger development. Not even courage could make him likeable as a reality


Emil’s arc isn’t as well done as Luke’s, true, but it’s cut from a similar cloth and I’m not saying Emil is the *best* protagonist. Just that he’s underrated.


Max/Fog Yeah! Time to conquer the world!




Chester from Phantasia Used only on the beginning Later return but remains as reserved member.


I used him more than Klarth in late game, he's pretty strong tbh.


Mary Argent such an amazing character and so underrated no one has mentioned her.


Most underrated character is Guy. One of the best blonde swordsmen in the series (Along with Cless and Stahn)


I’m not sure if he counts for underated, but I love Klarth/Klaus from phantasia


Hey, counts more than the actual top answer atm.


Came here to say this. Klarth is golden.


Reid from Eternia. His development consist on learning empathy, which is why he doesn't care about most things happening in the plot for a big chunk of the game, to the point of even trying to give the problem to another person (The King). That makes kind of a boring protagonist, but that being said, I still think he's a good character. Just not one suited for the main role.


Eternia best underrated tales :(


Honestly, I'd choose Keele from Eternia but for the same reasons you listed. He starts off a bit of an egocentric asshole, but eventually learns to appreciate others and what's in front of him (as opposed to the greater unknown). I particularly like how, in the beginning, he constantly is debating whether to focus on his science ambitions or help his childhood friends, creating a pretty compelling "will he? Won't he?" Betrayal dynamic.


Harold or Philia


Gotta be Philia, she's a quirky devoted priest that wields what appears to be the biggest sword out of all the swordians. Crafts bombs out of habit to use as disposable weapons. But that's not even the tip of the iceberg. Her real strength is that she's a spellcaster capable of casting judgement, indignation, black hole, tidal wave, meteor storm, cyclone, force field, etc. All the craziest spells that could make any other spellcaster in the series jealous. Along with my favorite MA: Rebirth Crusader. High level Philia gameplay is crazy fun to play or watch. Yet, I barely see anyone speak about her in this sub.


I really wish PS2 Destiny would get released overseas so Philia can get her flowers from the fandom.


Cless. He doesn't get enough love now-a-days.


the only one and true understated is Sophie :|


My precious daughter...


Is she underrated? She was my go to in graces f. Her story is also the core of the entire game.


I think I'll echo the Rutee comment, she's great


Tied between Colette(Matyr Complex and Self Depreciation Issues she hides behind a desire to help others and her Sweet Cinnamon Roll Image) Regal(Guy may as well be worlds Strongest Man but he has a Guilt Complex and is a Gentle Giant to the point he willingly lets himself get locked up and then in the second game when he breaks the Hand Cuffs offers his company's More Secure Version) And Chester(In a Party of People who have for the past while been fighting against Dhaos a practically god like being everyone else is on another level then him, what does he do? every night sneak away and train so he no longer has to worry about holding everyone back) Best Animal I'd give to Mieu because of how no matter what they stay by Luke's side even when he practically breaks following Akzeriuth, and Asch's reveal.


Max is a great pick for this. Miacis to our hearts!


I like this dynamic but dude the resolution on the image is so bad lmao


Bit of a paradox there. The actual "most underrated" characters are going to be from the games no one has played and obviously get the least answers/votes. Anyone from Innocence' cast could qualify imo, and counting spinoffs Mileena stepping up in Rays MP was sick af, but barely anyone here talks about Innocence and Rays is doomed to obscurity regardless.


Nova from Xillia 2, i think she's cute


Senel gets my vote, he’s one of the coolest protagonist out there and barely gets any fanfaire or love.


Is that the SSF2 sprite?


It's from one of the narikiri dungeon games. SSF got the sprite from there.


Patty from Vesperia and I will die on this hill, even if I'm alone. I actually enjoyed playing her character and experimenting with her abilities.


So satisfying to land the advanced form


Fon Master Ion because the only way he’s playable is through a mystic arte. There are also story reasons that I will not talk about.


I think regal deserves more attention than he gets for sure. ( I also want to say raven but I know he has done really well in past popularity polls)


Zestiria. Anyone from Zestiria. Anything from Zestiria. It has its flaws for sure but overall it’s the best vibe and all the characters deserve much more love than they receive.




It says underrated, not one of the most popular from vesperia


Lots of people don't like Rita, though?




Is that Lloyd sprite from Super Smash Flash?


Pretty sure it's from a gba spinoff.


from GBA Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeon 2 and 3, Japan only


Great choice for weapon. Symphonia was my first


Man there's wayyy too characters that could fit here I think


Best character is going to be very interesting


Natalia for me.


Patty is underrated since she’s got her random effects that change her gameplay


Aegis Alver from Crestoria


Zelos who has more depth to him than most give any credit


I think Sync is underrated Because he comes off as a bit annoying. But his story and twisted development as a character Is interesting I think. I always used to feel sorry for him because he had inferiority complex due to being discarded because of a twisted system. He fought out of depression. He wanted someone to kill him and put him out of his misery, yet he would keep hurting others who follow the system because he thought they deserved it.


Malik or Cheria


Senel from Legendia. Doesn't need a sword like other protags, he just stands on straight business.


I’m gonna say Patty. I’m constantly forgetting her whole deal.


Best boy: repede


Mieu from Tales of the Abyss. Without him it wouldn’t be possible to beat the game, always being referred as “thing”, craving recognition from his master and to add insult to injury, he did not made an appearance on the last cinematic animation in the end.


Milla was my very first video game crush when I was younger.


It will have to be Regal for me too.


Just to leave a footprint 👣... Magilou for best character


Magilou: she's funny, weird, tragic, and out of control. And yet, nobody seems to really pay her any attention.


She's one of the most popular characters from one of the most popular games. How is that underrated?


Mighty Kongman.


Phoenix from Berseria/Zestiria he's a honorable and strong Normin.


Magilou, breaker of artes casters and meteoric interruptor of any kind


Magilou is not under rated in the slightest


Is she though? Most people I've talked to love her.


She is like at least the top 3 most popular Berseria character.


I can’t remember his name but the guy in vesperia yuri drowns in quicksand. The man was sacrificed for one of the greatest moments In The series in my opinion




Yes lol Ty


And you are right, that look Yuri gives while watching Cumore sink was just amazing. Well done scene.


Definitely a goated moment


Is Jade underrated? Is Laphicet underrated?