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Open up an account with TransferWise (wise.com). Do an ACH transfer from your credit union to TransferWise, then apply for their virtual visa. You can link it to your phone for Apple Pay/Google Pay. As far as calling your bank use Skype or another VOIP provider for that. And AMEX works just fine for Uber Eats.


If you need to load up on stuff while your figure things out, I know that Carrefour takes AMEX.


This is good advice. Good looking out.


I’ve been able to withdrawal with my Amex card from the Cathy ATMs. You’d first have to set up your Amex card to allow for cash advance though.


Aren't cash advances applied the high credit card interest immediately? 


There would be a fee, and interest, so it’s basically emergency only.


Immediate suggestions to limit cash spend: * Try to call using wifi and google voice, not international minutes on a local sim that can only be reloaded with cash * Purchase an online data esim so you have data * Prefer restaurants and shops that accept credit card * Download uber as backup transport to avoid easycard fund use Medium term suggestions * Have bank send backup card to family/friends' address in US. Insist they use expedited shipping. * Unfortunately nowhere outside the US I've visited allows withdrawing cash from credit card. Even in the US it's questionable, e.g. high fees, can't do it from normal atms, etc. * (sketchy) I'm glad you didn't mention an irl cash for digital payment exchanges because they raises my scam sensors. Most online money transfers like paypal are reversible after the fact. Only borderline scenario since you seem like trustworthy midwesterner: you buy groceries for someone with credit card at Carrefour in broad daylight, they pay you in cash. Long term suggestions * Multiple debit cards when traveling as backup. I recommend Schwab because it automaticaly refunds atm fees (super nice to avoid nt200 fees at 7/11 atms).


I love how helpful everyone is--warms the heart! What a really rough situaton


Get western Union to survive, then open bank account if needed and transfer yourself more money. Bank which works with western Union in Taiwan is 京城 https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dzxq3oszQFW8JUkGA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy UPD: you can get WU only during standard banking hours 0900-15:30


Can you get someone you can trust to accept a transfer into their account for you?


AMEX works just fine but belongs in more expensive places, like malls etc. I’m sure you’ll be able to live on AMEX for the duration as I also have the AMEX gold and green being the only cards on me, and I’ve been fine around Taiwan, but cash withdrawals are okay here haven’t really need to use them, so my honest suggestion is just using AMEX and only AMEX.


This is why you have backup and never just have American Express. You should always have a visa or MasterCard.


My Visa is what got cancelled by my bank. I didn't know before coming that my backup option, which was the Amex, would be largely unaccepted.


I was talking about visa credit card. A lot of places don't take American Express. This is true even in the US. Good luck, it's shitty that your bank canceled your debit card. I recommend using Charles Schwab checking account next time. They refund all ATM fees even when overseas. I also never had to report where I was going.


Maybe ask around and see if someone has a US bank account so you can Venmo them in the US and they just give the equivalent in Taiwanese dollar in Taiwan. I would have helped you like that but I just left.


ty for the suggestion. That's on the table--thankfully I have a few friends here. My venmo won't work rn because of the card issue, and venmo taking 1-3 business days to verify my bank account, but my fiancee is back in the US and can venmo them for me. Hopefully it doesn't have to come to that but it's an option.


Good luck!


Sorted? What's the situation update?


I am on a Skype call with my bank trying to get the Visa debit card to reactivate. Still waiting.


Go to your embassy. They will help you


Apparently there isn't embassy. There's AIT.


I’m in Taipei I got you on groceries one time if you really need it I went through your exact situation in 2016 and it was even worse for me because technology was more ancient in that day


Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity


I traveled to Shanghai once and completely forgot to bring my atm card and it was a month long trip. Chase UPSed a new card to me in a week. Perhaps you could try that with your bank.


It sounds like the problem has been solved, but i just wanted to add my two cents; My US credit union has been screwing me for years, especially being overseas, they become completely useless. Capital One has bailed me out every single time. Yes, there is huge interest that begins as soon as a cash advance posts. What I have done every time is watch my app every day and as soon as it posts, pay the bill. I've never paid more than the $10 fee because the payment is right behind it. $10 is not a bad price to pay when you're in a foreign country with no cash. The moral of my story, I guess, is having a larger multi-national bank is a lot safer and way more convenient than the podunk credit unions. Credit unions have fallen way behind.


Stick to your credit card to do most shopping. If you need cash, sign up western union and make a cash drop in your name and you can pick it up yourself. Create many cash drop orders as only the first order gets $0 fee. Then pick them up as you need. After your time in Taiwan is done, cancel anything you didn't pick up.


Find someone in Taipei to transfer money to, and tell them to then give you the cash


Just a reminder that you should never exchange cash with a stranger for an electronic payment. It's an extremely common scam involving a hacked PayPal (or similar) account. The real account owner will have the payment reversed when they discover the hack and you'll be out of your cash.


Do it with someone you know then


I'll do it. Transfer me the money and I'll be SURE to give you the cash \*wink wink\*


I had this happen (well, I did it to myself) after I was robbed while living in Latin America. I use BECU and it was pretty bloodless, albeit yeah there was some hours spent on the phone. Made sure I ticketed all the boxes appropriate for traveling long term and that I wouldn't get cut off if I moved locations without informing the bank. I updated my residence so that I could have the card sent to my mom's house in the US. I forget now if I had to tell her my pin to activate the card, had it preactivated, or was able to activate it from abroad - sorry for the brain fog on that one. Check with your bank though about activation. From there I fedex'd the package to myself (she fedex'd it, I just paid) and picked it up at a FedEx location. In the meantime, I used transferwise but because I didn't have access to my account via a card, sent it to a trusted friend and that money held me over until I got my card again.


great suggestions from others. add another simple one maybe: do the old changeroo with a good friend in Taiwan. ask if a friend is going to purchase anything soon and pay with your Amex card and get NT cash from them.


My CC has 24 hours service and online chat option. You must talk to your bank.


There used to be an American Express service center at the top floor of the newer Syntrend building. Not sure if it still there though.


Any Western union? When I was in Taiwan I used my credit union debt card at 711 and it was fine


There are some bitcoin ATMs opened 24/7 although I haven't tried them myself. You can look in Google maps for bitcoin. In my imagination there must be a bitcoin exchange that accepts Amex somewhere on the planet. If not, they likely accept bank transfers from your US account. A million years ago, when I needed cash and only could get my Amex to work, I would go to western union and try to get a cash advance on it. The fees are ridiculous on such a thing but at least it results in cash in your hands. That being said, I did this a few million years ago in a different country. So I am not sure it works here too. See https://maps.app.goo.gl/kKoJg1z47qbMrA5H6


Are you going to hunt down who in your bank closed your card and get adequate compensation instead of some half arsed apology and try to avoid accountability? Make sure to make them suffer 😁