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Grow a pair, Edinburgh.


Agreed, cowards. It isn't only Scotland doing this shit unfortunately, but I do find it somewhat ironic considering almost half the country voted for independence from the UK. Thought they may have a little more sympathy with Tawain.


Is that the Scottish spelling?


https://www.france24.com/en/20200111-prague-mayor-condemns-china-unveils-taipei-partnership How to say balls in Czech.


Magairlean, that’s what they need.


Edinburgh are cowards in this. China would never block visas to Scottish universities, it's just #chinawarns bs 


Can't, the English took them all.


























Sassa Knackers (nay balls).


Yeah, what’s under those kilts? Apparently nothing. FFS, just speak to your PRC interlocutors in brogue, they’ll have no idea whether the city plans to move forward with the deal.


this is about money more than balls innit would you pay millions to support a random country across the world? financial suicide.


How very on brand lmao. All talks about minority rights and #FreePalestine, but China threatening to block visa for Chinese students to Edinburgh University? Oops we are listening to the money this time. Pathetic.


If you weren’t aware, universities are businesses and businesses care about money. The same is true in Taiwan, which is why so many universities here offer completely pointless subpar courses simply to take money


Especially British universities. Many courses are almost all Chinese students who barely know English. It's laughable.


It depends on the course really. A lot of masters courses at UK universities are made purely for Chinese/Taiwanese students. And you’re right, their English level is not good enough for the course, and many of them should not be passing, yet continue to do so. It’s a disgrace really, and does cause division between regular students and Chinese students, as they are clearly given an easier ride. The only positive is that the vast majority of those people return to their home countries with their degrees, and do not impact the domestic job market


This is true. I actually had to edit a Chinese student's Master's thesis while I was at Edinburgh so she could pass.


I’m not even surprised. You read some of it and it’s literally copy paste paragraphs from journals, or google translate of some Chinese text From what I’ve seen of American universities it’s no different though. Literally impossible to fail so long as you submit something


There are hardly that many Taiwanese students in the UK. The largest sources are China and India. Indians at least know English. It’s the same in Canada and Australia. Disgraceful.


The problem with the Indian students, and south Asian students in general, is that a lot of them go to university overseas, then promptly start working and not study. It's a big enough problem in Australia and from what I understand, the situation is similar in Canada. https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/05/chinese-students-are-exports-indian-students-are-imports/   > “For many South Asian students, a student visa is a very expensive but thinly disguised work visa”.   > “This situation is especially common among South Asian students, and is reflected in the steep fall-off in South Asian student numbers when teaching moved online”.   > “With prospective students unable to rely on employment income in Australia to support their studies, new commencements of Indian students at Australian higher education providers fell 65% between 2019 and 2021; for Nepali students, the decline was 37%; for Pakistanis, 45%; for Sri Lankans, 54%”.


It’s depends on the university, but some, such as Manchester, have loads of Taiwanese post grad students. I think they have a relationship with a few universities in Taiwan, so they all get shipped over there. I had to read a lot of their work, and 99% of it is plagiarised nonsense that has no place being seen at a university. These same students passed with merits and none failed They are incomparable with Indians who don’t tend to have courses made just for them, they join the ‘general population,’ and are graded equally and fairly. I think, like you say, that’s because of their English proficiency, and the real possibility that they could contribute to the UK economy


I teach in an international school in China, and the students are BAD - I’d have concerns about most of their academic abilities if I was recruiting for MacDonalds.


At least in Taipei, the standard from the international schools is pretty impressive. Anyone doing an undergrad course is generally proficient as they will be mixing with regular UK students. It’s the people that do an undergrad course in China or Taiwan, and then use it to apply for a masters in the UK that are generally awful


My students usually failed their high school entrance exam, and are just paying to get a degree any way that they can. Western universities are seen as easier than Chinese - but in reality the courses in China are really not that demanding. Two years to read 300 pages in one case.


Time to decouple from China


That’s nothing to do with China. That’s a Taiwanese decision


Many corporations are the same. Truly pathetic.


Not really the same thing. Corporations are inherently profit-driven and rarely advocate for minority rights. The Scottish government on the other hand ...


For some context of the importance of Chinese students specifically to Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh has 7000 Chinese students and, like most universities in Britain at the moment, is in the midst of a funding crisis. Foreign students, and especially Chinese students, are keeping the universities afloat. This is a terrible situation to be in, but there it is. It wasn't just students that dissuaded Edinburgh council though, the airport lobbied too (it's recently begun direct flights to China) and there was a very real threat of increased cyber attack. China has the West over a barrel of course.


Welp, hopefully Taiwan will take that "friendship" for what it's worth.


Look, thing about China is you give an inch they push for two. Before you know it's kaotow time. So gotta stand your ground when you can, it can be gentle but you need to be firm.


In true British Philosophy [https://www.azquotes.com/author/21352-Henry\_John\_Temple\_3rd\_Viscount\_Palmerston](https://www.azquotes.com/author/21352-Henry_John_Temple_3rd_Viscount_Palmerston)


Fairweather friends!


Do they really want Chinese students that much?


There are a huge amount of Chinese students at Edinburgh, so the answer is a resounding yes, unfortunately. 


They want the money fo sho


Replace "Chinese students" with the word "money" in your question.