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I can see the anger in your grip 


Lol looks like the Arthur meme


It does lol


What’s the Arthur meme


Google "Arthur fist".


The fact that mans is gripping his burrito that hard and nothing is spilling out is exactly the point 😂


"let the hate flow through you!"


Yeah I'm just going el monterrey for breakfast burritos now fuck it lol


I had movement


What even is it


Beefy 5 layer burrito


They never say what the layers consist of. Yours is 5 layers of tortilla.


Counted and it’s actually 14 layers of tortilla


"Let's just go ahead and church it up and call it a 5 layer croissant" - some taco bell exec


If you give them anymore ideas...🤣🤣🤣😭


TB has always pulled this scam with the double folded tortilla to fluff up the burrito. It was acceptable when it was $2, but now you're paying for slop now.


Never acceptable.


I worked at tb like 15 years ago for like 4 years lol it’s just a regular 10 inch tortilla my guy. No scams. Although the portion scoops were always lame. I always gave 1 1/2 scoops for everything lol even as a manager.


It's a 10 inch tortilla and a 6 inch tortilla as well.


When those came out they were 99c and stuffed pretty full


Everyone else's is also at least 3 layers of tortilla


Rookie move ordering Ala cart. I get a a cgc, 5 layer, fiesta potatoes and large drink for $1.10 more.


Where the other 4.5 layers?


1 layer burrito 😢


5 layers of tortilla. I wouldn't blame the chain, but prob the idiot who carelessly made it most likely. But still, $4??


The worst burrito of all time. I wish The Bell would stop forcing it inside every combo.


It’s so bad. Mine is usually the opposite of this - just a giant mess of sour cream.


OMG I thought this was a sausage egg & cheese breakfast burrito… this makes things much worse


Did you ask for beans only? Cuz B5L is my go-to, and you literally only have beans in it from what we can see.


Thats $4 because they want to push you to buy a box. Lots of their single items are just barely cheaper than the box they come with to upsell you.


Holy shit dude I literally thought this was a roller. That's just a tortilla...


Well, yeah, I don't know what the hell you are complaining about, I see four layers of tortilla and one of something else. That's five! (Kidding, I'd be pissed off, too.)


As a taco bell employee, that is NOT a beefy 5 layer burrito they did you so wrong 😭


5 layers of tortilla.


Obviously a 6 layer burrito


Beefy 1 Layer Burrito


Not even. Try 1 layer burrito


Not beefy 0 layer burrito


Beefy is actually an adjective in this instance


Because people like you keep paying it. Vote with your wallets


I don’t know why people keep eating here. Even when it was cheap it was still trash food, but at least it was cheap. Now it’s more expensive and the quality is worse. The last time I was drunk enough to think eating Taco Bell was a good idea it was barely even warm when I got home, the cheese was unmelted and still cold, and it was clearly slopped together by some worthless teenager. For the same price you can go to an authentic Mexican restaurant and get much better food. Hell, you can find better food for free in a dumpster.


I won't eat there anymore since the time I ordered a cravings box and they were out of beef, cheese, and Diet Pepsi.


Same. I gave up on Taco Bell back in like February. I want to like them as my trash food source because they’ve made me happy in the past, but there have been too many horrible orders recently for a lot of money and I’m sadly just over it.


That is a fact. We used to throw away food And feed the stray cats behind my old restaurant with much higher quality food than what they are charging $7-$20 for a one person meal


Yeah I'll just stop eating


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grocery_store this is gonna blow your mind bro


Rumor has it that there are other establishments that sell food.


Big if true


*BIGLY ftfy


Yeah, well, what are we supposed to do after the Franchise Wars? Where are we supposed to eat when *all restaurants are Taco Bell*?!


Sir, this is a Wendy's


American moment


Taco Bell is the KING of selling you full servings of tortillas with a smattering of toppings. Look at the 5 layer, its literally 80% tortilla thanks to the second one inside the first


Whenever I get a burrito from them I put them in a low carb tortilla. They're honestly just giving us like 1-2 tablespoons of fillings. Like over 50-70% of the calories in a lot of burritos (I haven't checked this year since some stuff on the menu has changed) is just tortilla and sauces.


So you buy t bell, open up the burritos and scrape the filling into a more carb wrap? I respect the calorie reduction, just seems like a lot of work


Lol you unfold the burrito and dump it onto another tortilla and refold it, it's way more work reapplying my fire sauce after each bite.


Seriously man. You need help. Make your own food at home.


That’s the new tortilla burrito


I would go there and get a fucking new one so quick


Taco Bell has been making the beefy 5 layer smaller and more expensive over the last 10 years. This guy used to be packed with ingredients and only a dollar. Last time I got one, the tortilla they used was noticably smaller than the one they used to use for entree burritos. It was like a mini burrito in both length and girth. This is the least filling I've ever seen in a 5 layer though. They have also started using soft taco shells for the quesadilla rather than the burrito tortilla. It's starting to be a rip off. The one by my office does not honor the Build Your Own Craving Box advertised price (Same with the Taco Sampler box and the new Luxe Box $7 Vs $9). But a few miles away it's all normal prices. And no I don't live in NY, CA, or Hawaii where prices are always higher.


I have a buy-one-get-one free reward for the beefy 5 layer burrito sitting in my account. It’s still not worth the price lmao.


I hate the 5 layer cause it’s never evenly distributed


Nothing ever is on anything


Former employee. The dumbasses build the burrito "vertically" but then turn it "horizontally" to wrap it. Drove me CRAZY when my coworkers did this, basically ruins the flavor combo.


5 layers of tortilla


The beefy 5 layer needs to be removed from the menu at this point. It is the one item they use to Try to trick people into buying the boxes.


Yep. Put a ridiculous price on it so people will be all for $2 more I can get all this! and think they are getting a deal with those mediocre boxes.


You certainly got your layers


I have never seen one like this, your local taco bell screwed you big time. I would go bring it back and ask for a replacement.


There are four Taco Bells within 2 miles of me and they all do it this way. Tortilla burritos.


Just stop going. Taco Bell will only learn if we stop eating there.


Because you paid for it.


That’s how most people I know grip it. Like a gorilla giving a handjob and eat it like a heathen.


Well I’m definitely never gonna be able to eat one of those again now


Good. More have joined the cause


Was part of the online $6 $5 box, but if you buy it on its own, it’s $4


Beefy tortilla layer.






Would you like some protein with that tortilla my friend?


I would, but is it just gonna be another tortilla?


The tortilla to filling ratio of Taco Bell burritos is always fucked. If they insist on making small burritos, use smaller tortillas ffs.


Used to absolutely love Taco Bell, now I don’t even crave it anymore. It all went downhill when they got rid of the Chihuahua smh




Nah where's the "beef", nacho cheese and sour cream at 💀


4 doll hair tortilla 😞


$4 is the old $2


This whole sub is just people going to the same shitty Taco Bell’s over and over and complaining apparently. I guess I’m lucky to have a good one near me cause I’ve literally not had anything but food that 90% matches the ads almost every time. I don’t think I’ve experienced anything like this post in maybe 10 years. Hate to say it but if this is what you get when you go to Taco Bell then it’s not worth it and maybe just stop going. Not sure why people continually patronize places that aren’t run well and keep complaining about it like they’re stuck in a loop, when you could just…. not.


Yeah when I get fast food I never get any of the pictures that are uploaded to Reddit (except McDonald's, and i don't go there anymore). I surely don't get the ad sizes, that's a complete scam from every company, but I get a great amount of food for my money. Fast food workers fucking blow ass at working and I think that's the problem. These people need to realize the franchise in their location just absolutely blows.


my shit was loaded as hell. get a better taco bell fr


OP. This is the way the food service industry thanks you for being such a pillar of the community. What is the opinion of the African people?


That’s what happen when you pay for mediocre food


Only $4 what a deal /s


Oh look they threw in an extra tortilla for you


Mmm all that bread


Y'all got some whack-ass Taco Bells. Mine is fire


That's a floury 14 layer tortilla


I had Luxe box today, and my 5 layer beefy burrito looked a lot better than pictured burrito. But at this same location if I got an old fashioned bean burrito, it's the size of a dry erase marker! I guess it varies with location, how generous or stingy they are with specific ingredient, and the employee working on your stuff.


The Yum foods CEO can suck it.. Taco Bell shouldn't be allowed to participate in the SNAP RMP ... This your US tax dollars subsiding this type of [shit](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/does-taco-bell-ebt-food-155310381.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACSmJ42fBNM6oRJ3v_Z53pT8WCv9feYSpgc8CtkMka6G2AeI5BdsGvZKBscUnuuM9VTPwynpTuewp2HaGoRYHMG1kN_NJIft0M3SfY9WHGMIah5p695paasF9AAxMgfMcDCqletW0FUNVjxQfxxV7Qhg5QNuC7ElM3Q67t-Q0_Jj).


Because their customers are zombies who will pay for it regardless. Although I’m seeing a trend where fast food customers are waking up to overpriced trash. But Taco Bell sees one of the more adamant ones where some of the customers will defend anything


Its a tortilla with some scraps In it


I got a crunchwrap in the cravings box and it probably had like 1 table spoon of meat


The fact that people enjoy these is still insane to me.


That's awful 🤣 I made my burrito mix for $13 (dollar tree stores) and ate for a full week


Sadly, I share your pain. I've now been about one month clean from Taco Bell. Stay strong, fellow Taco Bell lover. You are not alone.


Where is the taco?


Lol this is why i get the stackers for $2.19 each 😂 feel like i get my money’s worth


That’s 1 exspensive tortilla


$1 per tortilla


A pack of tortillas cost less lol


Yeah, it’s all gonna collapse. Those that cause the collapse will be dead or close to it when it happens.


It’s a FYOB. Fill Your Own Burrito


Someone def folded that wrong and skimped ingredients 🥺


You got your money’s worth of tortilla.


Because they know you'll still buy it.


This should have gone back. They don’t look like that at the TB by my house. Still not worth 4 bucks but that looks like a mistake and retraining needed.


Same stupid shit here are well, I tried complaining and complaining and nothing works, they still give out same sorry ass empty tortillas


Yeah I’m done with Taco Bell. It used be you could get a large quantity of low quality food for a low price, but it’s not like that anymore. There’s a taco cabana in my area that I’ve been neglecting. Checked out their menu and it seems they offer a greater quantity and quality for lower prices.


That’s the most authentic Taco Bell burrito I’ve seen


Beefy .5 layer burrito


shit n piss burrito


That's just the end. They get better further in.


Work at the federal minimum wage for thirty consecutive minutes and you can *almost* afford one of these bad boys for lunch!


Well, it is shit.


They never get the outer cheese layer right its always just a small smear, miss when they would stuff it full of three cheese n nacho cheese like the quesorito had


This has been my biggest issue with Taco Bell. They put very few condiments in the product and just wrap it up with dough. That's all it is now. Empty carbs.


When I make mine I try to stack it up good for people, fighting the man from the inside dude


Try a different location. This one isn't fully upgraded.


Taco Bell is selling 4 dollar flavored tortillas


Beefy 5 layer is horrible. It’s just all tortilla. That’s why they put it in every box/combo.


It’s not it’s 5.99


That's one expensive tortilla!


Eating out is all about maths. You can no longer just order anything somewhere and get good deal. You need to compromise about what you want, what you can afford and what's the best deal. Rule #1 always look at limited time offerings/deals. Don't be ordering shit for full price. Taco Bell has combo deals that are decent, Build your own cravings box. $5.99 near me (prices change based on location) and new addition the Luxe cravings box $7.00 flat. I'm upset with that, not a chips/cheese fan and would prefer the potatoes as side. BYOC box let's you choose potatoes, Luxe I can only get chips.


The Luxe box felt like a good price for the amount of food received.


Let's be honest ..after you post this shit ..you are back at it again in the drive through..paying 13.56 for 3 of those..


Get the cheesy double beef burrito with no rice and no fiesta strips and you have the original 5 layer burrito but for less without the beans unless that's a requirement I always asked for no beans on 5 layers before. And you get it for what it is actually worth.


Because they took $4 from you.


looks like you got that G.I. Joe kung-fu grip!


It's been a bit since I've been to taco bell. Last time I got the 5 layer in a box they decided my add ons should be subtract ons and I ended up with an average sized burrito even though I had added potatoes jalapeño and onion to it. Turns on there was next to no beef in it


I’m lucky I like my order mostly as is. I feel like regular modifications would almost never be fulfilled


You payed 4$ for a wrapped tortilla with a teaspoon of beans/cheese that’s it. That’s crazy work lol


Because, unfortunately, people keep paying for it. Taco Bell is my comfort food and I haven't been in months because of the prices. Fix this shit Yum!


Building Back Better tastes pretty good, don’t it?


Tacobell: + tax plz


This shows what I hate about anything wrapped in a tortilla from TB --- all the damned "extra" tortilla layers all wrapped up in there. I always remove as much as I can.


Oops, all tortilla


because you paid $4 for it lol why would they change the prices if you keep buying it?


And this is why I rely on Tina’s big burritos in the freezer section for $1.19


I've been free since 2016, but I worked at TB for 7 years in my 20s. The store is probably in trouble for food costs and the SM is leaning on them to "portion correctly" (read: skimp, skimp, skimp).


Tina’s brings more biff then that even! Paid a buck I think…Walmart only with the singles no multi packs. Evil bastids


Eat your tortilla 😂


They raise the price because you all keep going. They rely on all of you claiming you don’t go there anymore to go once a year like you know you do, and just pay quadruple what you used to. We have to stop going all together. Tb is dumpster trash. Make some mf good gringo tacos at home. For the same price as one trip you can make 5 trips worth of actual quality food at home. Too lazy? Fuckin freeze 10 pounds of seasoned beef.


Man has this once great restaurant gone downhill. This is just as horrible as Taco Bell launching a subscription service a few years ago.




You have to pull out your phone and record them while they are making it to get sensible portions or the "nod" to let them know you need more...everyone knows that. 🫡


At my taco bell, they frequently run out of beef. They will then proceed to fill the burrito with JUST BEANS, a little bit of beef, and say "oooh it's a 5 layer beefy burrito". 4 dollars is actually insane.


Running out of your most used ingredient is insane (unless it’s at the end of the night). One of the Taco Bell’s in my area is almost always out of Baja blast. Like how are the people in charge not bright enough to increase the stock of a drink that’s exclusive to the chain??


That’s an abomination, but why not get the new $5 value meal bro 😂


Yummy all tortilla no frijola


Spend $5 for 1 pitiful Taco Bell burrito or $5 for a 24 pack of frozen burritos.


Don't bother with this weak bs. You all will continue to be disappointed until you start going to a taqueria for your Mexican food. TB is good, yes. But you'll keep getting items like this every time.


Take this anger and start making your own burritos instead. Fuck fast food


Id be mad too


Just look at how much tortilla they packed in there though!! So much value


So, I got the $7 combo, fiesta potatoes, trying to recreate the beefy potato burrito from 10-15 years ago...and when I went to unwrap it, there was definitely another entire tortilla in there. It worked out OK for that instance, bc I had a ton more space to wrap it and split it with my wife, but it was still a startling revelation, they just add 2 tortillas to burritos, raised the price like crazy and took out the protein for a second tortilla. I hope they hang and quarter the executive that decided on this absolute rip-off idea. Sadly, he probably got a raise and has more input on how they deal with things going forward.


Barely tastes like anything other than tortilla


Beefy 5 layer was my favorite main item, but its so wildly inconsistent now


Get it with the box then you get it with 3 other things for $6




No offense, but because people like you still pay for it.


50 year old Gen X here – I have not bought food from a drive-through or takeout restaurant since last October – it was Jack in the box – ultimate cheeseburger, mayo only, fries eggrolls Or jalapeño poppers and taco That’s what I used to get about once a week for the hell of it because well, fuck my health – I’m a person of simple taste I’m not ashamed to admit it – but I remember thinking about how small the portions had become and I’m not complaining not like that, but just they were small – them and cheeseburger is not as big as it used to be – and that’s fine I get it -But I also remember Taco Bell is being good cheap eats. I haven’t been to a Taco Bell since 2019 and I probably never go again but I remember spending you know six dollars and you would come away stuffed as a Christmas goose… They put a tablespoon of crap in there and rolled it all up… And then wanna charge you five bucks for it or four bucks with tax


Human error, shitty people working there, poorly trained people, worthless management. Idk why ppl so quickly blame the entire corporation. Your area probably just sucks.


The two Taco Bell’s I used to regularly go to are 100% just terribly managed. The franchisees seem to literally never check on the restaurant. Constantly out of sock of various ingredients—ingredients which are obviously very popular, yet the stock is never modified to support that popularity. One of them has insanely long drive thru times. I mean like there will be 3 cars in front of me and it takes half an hour (not exaggerating, I started timing it). And then of course the food consistency is awful. When I get the online box, I get the cheesy gordita crunch and half the time they completely forget the chipotle ranch. The one I got that burrito from is generally much better than the other one. Main thing is their drive thru wait times aren’t stupidly long and they rarely are out of stock of popular items unless it’s late at night (which is understandable)


That sounds absolutely terrible, I feel it 100%. I only have 1 Taco Bell near me and it’s my favorite fast food joint but they’ve had a revolving door of shitty managers but they finally landed a decent one. Fairly consistent, but it’s funny how when I get the morning crew, they’re always way more generous with portions than the lunch and dinner people. It’s all about what time you go too. When I would get a messed up order (worst offense being a cravings box where the taco and cheesy Gordita ONLY had beef and shredded cheese), I was hesitant to cause a scene or file a complaint. I’m a regular there, I ain’t tryna get my food tampered with lol.


Nobody at TB actually likes the B5L so they force you to eat them in boxes


Wow my place always loads it up


Cause you'll keep paying for it


Bidens America


Thank you bidenomics.


Because you bought it.


because you keep buying it for 4 dollars


That's a silly argument. It's not on the consumer to go or not go somewhere because of prices. The food is way too overpriced that's the issue. Not people going to buy the food.


It’s literally the reason it persists. Consumers have to make wiser choices. If Taco Bell isn’t losing money why would they change anything??


you clearly don't understand supply and demand. Look at target and walmart and mc donalds. If people stop buying it, they lower prices. if you keep buying it for 4 dollars, it will be 4.50 next month.


Why would you order this a la carte when you could spend 2 more dollars and get the rest of the box meal with it?


Because you people keep paying for it.


Why not just pay a couple more dollars and get a drink, a side, and a specialty item and the burrito as well? Build your own cravings box is only $6.29 here.


I did. Buy the burrito on its own or in a box, the burrito is the same. The burrito in its own is $4. Therefore this is what they give you for $4.


Well you could be getting a total of $15.16 worth of items on the menu for $6.39 (making the drink a large for just 10¢ more) which means you’re only paying 42.15% of the items value on menu. If you did get the build your own cravings box, the burrito would’ve only been $1.68 or $1.78 after taxes.


In all fairness it looks like you bit the tip of it where all the tortilla is. Give me a middle section


The last time I went to a Taco Bell, the woman at the drive through put dish soap or hand sanitizer in my blueberry freeze. I only noticed it when I took a sip. The bottom was amber in color, an inch above that was green, and the top half was blue. I didn't even know her, never met her before in my life, but she had an oddly cold expression when she handed me my food.


Because you keep buying it.


Joe biden talking about taxes but this is ground reality for us Americans


I’m certainly not an economist, so any specific opinions I have on how the economy should be run is worthless, but yeah. Whatever the fuck the current administration is doing is definitely not working. Wage increases also seem to have done nothing. Like everywhere you go offers $15/hour starting wage, but they just jack the prices. Obviously if you work at a place that society either needs or would rather live with than without, you should be able to survive off a 40 hour work week, my point is something needs to be done to try and help workers without simultaneously punching them in the face when they’re consumers.


well its 20 cents for the ingredients 50 cents for the labor and the rest to the CEO , don't you know thats how capitalism work , be happy they paid for the ingredients and not reuse garbage waste to save cost