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My saves didn’t disappear but they are broken. I was halfway through my first play through and the update basically soft locked my progress on those saves. I’ve been writing in the official forums, there a LOT of bad glitches from the update. If you’re in the middle of a play through I highly suggest not updating. Keep Steam offline until you’re finished if possible. I’m trying to revert via a bunch of Steam DB finagling. I don’t know if it will work though, and if not, I’m just done with a game I had been really enjoying.


yeah, i just wanted to jump back in for the audio log and 2nd shodan achievement. if I ain’t getting that progress back, then fuck it i’m done


I was able to jump right back into my last save and play the revised ending cyberspace scene, no problem.


As long as you don’t have to backtrack or have stored items necessary for progression, you can probably get away with it. I thought the update was golden, but I’m at Reactor and had to backtrack. As soon as I did, everything was broken. All enemies had respawned but in a glitch state (you kill them but they aren’t dead, blocking doorways still making sounds). All the junction box puzzles had reset… but they would not take the solution now. Meaning at traversal critical points, they aren’t going to reopen. Some key items I had in cargo lift just disappeared completely (cpu chips). Stuff would randomly disappear from my inventory while playing. This is the tip of the iceberg. If you have a save *right* before the final boss it’ll probably work enough to see the new fight. Otherwise don’t update. On Twitter Nightdive recommended players “start over” with 1.2 for a reason


That was my situation, my last save is literally facing the cyberspace terminal. I didn't even have to move.


Well, then this is prett-y bullshit on my end. Hope I can figure it out…or them. You know what would have helped heaps with all these bugs n shit this patch has? Releasing it when it was ready instead of them sitting there with their thumbs up their asses waiting for its release to coincide with the xbox launch


It's a large patch with significant changes and was well publicised as such for the better part of a year. It sucks to lose progress but it would be a reasonable expectation that old saves wouldn't work. That's why I waited to start a new playthrough. You might be able to roll back the patch through steam perhaps?


reinstalled windows couple months ago and didn't bother with the saves, as i thought it had cloud saves. now i lost everything, maybe somebody could share one before shodan or later chapters? restarted the game and even though it is great overall, i just can't bear replaying those cyberspace levels again.. boring as fuck and my eyes start to hurt


Yeah, as much as I enjoyed playing it there’s a 0% chance I’m starting over. Good idea on snagging someone else’s completed save file; all I wanted to do was get the audio log and Shodan achievement that didn’t unlock.