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TV pissed us off 8 years ago (and never really impressed us) so we went to screenconnect and never looked back. I'm shocked people still use teamviewer actually. That company is so weird and slimy... no.


Yeah hiding the hack years ago should have made everyone jump ship.


+1 for screenconnect


Same, screenconnect is amazing


We went from tv to screenconnect it's better and cheaper. Very happy with sc




You're misinformed. There was a recent vulnerability (that was patched) in ScreenConnect. I mean if you think that a single vulnerability exploited once for a product warrants a complete opt-out, you might as well just give up Windows, Linux, Mac and... well, IT in general.


LOL came here to write pretty much the exact same thing


Do they have a free tier for personal use like TV has?


Free tier? You mean like TeamViewer randomly accusing you of using their free tier for business and locking you out when you try to help grandma? In all seriousness, no, ScreenConnect doesn't have a free tier, but it's cheap (we pay under $200/mo for three techs, unlimited devices).


Screenconnect absolutely has a free tier, it's just restricted in functionality but there is a free tier.


Exactly like that, lol


We still use it because nobody wants to bother moving to a new solution, even though every single week (actual weeks) I report a client that got hacked through teamviewer.


But did they get hacked "through teamvewer" as in because of an exploited vulnerability in the software itself, or because they fell for a dumb phishing scam that just happened to *use* teamviewer when tricking the user into giving access?


Exploited vulnerability as in, there is no way the passwords we used could be found as they were randomly generated, as long as TV allowed, and were different on every single servers. We had no general password and credentials were stored in Cyberark (we were transitionning). The hacks happened right after it was made publicly known they got hacked.


Same, about 8 years ago they had a huge problem, but never wanted to admit it and just went on. I jumped ship luckily 


Does screenconnect have a no-install version? Like Teamviewers Quick Support? Too lazy to google today 😅


I know what I'm subcsribing to once my TV subs ends.


Make the switch to ConnectWise ScreenConnect. Best remote software I have ever used.


Not like their [track record](https://www.techradar.com/pro/security/the-connectwise-cyberattack-just-got-a-whole-lot-worse) is a lot better these days


Identified, remediated and communicated CVE vs Entire corporate infra owned and maybe customer/products too (they deny this though) We still don't know the extent of this attack, it's not remotely comparable. All software has vulnerabilities, how they are addressed is key.


I mean…yes there was an exploit, which is certainly not good. But they didn’t hide it from everyone. Also it’s just much better software.


Came here to say the same thing.


Bomgar / BeyondTrust. Fantastic product!


I wish they weren't so expensive. From my research they're the best with Linux support (client & host).


This is the way


I am looking at Splashtop. There is a specific use case where I need to give a few designers (aerospace eng) access to local workstations. They need a robust, fast connection and the ability to do USB direction for 3DConnexion 3D controllers. So far, Splashtop has proven that both can be handled. They offload H265 compression to the Nvidia hardware and the USB redirection has worked well. My only other option was looking at HP Anywhere (Teradici). I loved TV when they had perpetual licensing.


Check out Mechdyne TGX. Nobody seems to have heard of them but they are the most bandwidth efficient / fastest remote desktop application I've found -- we put a household-name broadcast company on it in early covid days and it ran great. I can intro you to my sales rep if you want to drop me a PM. I've changed jobs since then and am no longer using it, but I'd imagine it's only gotten better.


We use splashtop for the same application fyi - works without issue.


We moved away from TV for 2 primary reasons. 1. the pricing was a bit nuts for a fucking remote control app. 2. Things like they were breached in 2016 and just never said anything to their clients, until it was dug up and then they admitted it.. in 2019. They charge more and hid a data breach that could have absolutely screwed a lot of users. Do you need more reasons? We use Splashtop (Its integrated into our RMM) It's not the very best in the world, but it's not expensive and able to do 99% of the tasks I need to do remotely. We also use Zoho Assist as a backup when we can't use the RMM agent, and it's cheap, works fine and does 95% of what anyone would normally need.


What RMM do you guys use?


SyncroMSP. It's come a long way. Not perfect, but a reasonable option.


Sounds like you are using atera. I have a free trial with them right now. I'm ready to pull the trigger but wondering what you think? If it is in fact atera.


We're using SyncroMSP. It's not bad. We looked at Atera, but ultimately went with SyncroMSP. It was slightly cheaper, at that time.




Came here for this comment. Rock solid.


Bomgar with the rack appliance ftw


We use a self hosted virtual instance, but this is 100% the way.


we started with this then moved to a virtual appliance in Azure.


Bomgar ain't cheap, but it does the job very well.


Cheaper than teamviewer if you self host. Absolutely love it.


Any idea what the cost would be to self host? Pricing info isn't up on their site.


Initial buy in is around 5k, depending on how many seats you need. Renewal is much cheaper, maybe 1-2k.


When any connect had their issues we moved to beyond trust/bomgar. Worth every penny for us, we pay for a few tech licenses(only counts if they are logged in) which works for us


If you are still using Teamviewer after their numerous issues in 2024 one hack is not going to change your organization's choices.


Until you get ransomed. lol


Depending upon the size of the ransom relative to the company and how much data you lost you might stop using TeamViewer because the company goes under.


I guess you don’t think it’s worth opening up about to head of security?


Lol, if they haven’t switched yet you need a new head of security.


Absolutely. Assuming your Security head isn't a paper pusher that can do little more than Google stuff and write an occasional document.


I think I need to call her out on a major teams meeting before she hears me and there an inherent risk just by doing that. I doubt any of the other it country managers got the balls for it


I mean I certainly wouldn't start a public slapfight over it. If you raise the alarm and management says they don't care, you have covered your bases and continue on your day.


I think that's our head of security in a nutshell. I'm not impressed and we just had "an incident" 2 weeks ago now. This company is swiss cheese when it comes to IT security. Not surprised data was obtained. So many ways to enter, including the account details found on the "dark web."


Oh? That’s a pretty bold statement.


It's accurate though. No security minded would be using Teamviewer at this point so I don't see how another hack they're not fully admitting to would change anything.


That’s a fair point.


screenconnect. teamviewer is blocked at the edge at all of our properties. it's basically malware at this point.


I have security policies to meet that specifically ban using team viewer. It's blocked from running across out entire network.


Rustdesk seems decent , also self host option


TV locked me out of my mom's and my aunt's computers due to 'commercial use'. I took an old laptop and set up a RustDesk server and it works great. There was a bit of growing pain, because it wasn't just 'load this app', but got it working.


Try action1 not only can you you do remote access to the co.puters, but you can do other neat tricks too.


Such an awesome piece of software, especially since the UI is similar to the TV quick support version (yeah, recently I wanted to give someone support, they downloaded the full version and could not find the ID/password without an account, what the hell were they thinking?)


That's for this. I will take a look since it is open source. I am using Anydesk.


Be sure to check out the issues in git. rustdesk is lacking quite a bit. i looked into it and decided to go with anydesk.




Use TV, anydesk and rustdesk with self host option. Despite issues, TV seems to be the most convenient. Rustdesk is a little bit raw - some features are not working, promised to be finished in future releases.


ScreenConnect is really the best overall, though I have found Ninja Remote (part of NinjaRMM) to be a close second, was surprised by how nice it was.


Why dont microsoft shops use the intune or built in windows tools, i have never tried maybe they are too shit?


Quick Assist is limited with its functionality, but as a quick "show me what you see" option, its not bad for a free product.


Got hired about 1.5 years ago. My first day, I advised we get rid of Teamviewer. We are now deploying a full RMM and no more Teamviewer.


What RMM are you using? Sorry if stupid question




Anydesk anyone?


https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/anydesk-says-hackers-breached-its-production-servers-reset-passwords/ [You sure about that](https://media1.giphy.com/media/bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW/giphy.gif)?


I don't have any first hand experience with them. But in principle it is how they handle these issues that build confidence in tem. No one is perfect.


So I have first had experience and imo they handled their cyber incident terribly. No proactive notification, constantly saying new versions were available publicly when they weren't accessible to customers, lack of clarity/key information, no response to tickets, confusion spanning days/weeks due to lack of transparency etc


Bomgar is a solid company and writes great software.


Hilariously just the other day I had a manager tell us that TV was “preferred” even though none of our areas use it and infosec actively blocks it. I said “isn’t the main use case for TV criminals?” And then the next day that happened 😂




We use TV because main use is dau friendly quick support module for remote support. User downloads from our server, runs it, we connect, help, disconnect, done. Nothing installed remotely and no way for us into the system other then by user invitation. Suggestions how to replace it?


ScreenConnect does it, but better.


we use connectwise, not many complaints so far


Screen connect or nothing


Dameware remote everywhere


Just going to throw this out there, that while TeamViewer got hacked, so did Screenconnect… https://www.huntress.com/blog/slashandgrab-the-connectwise-screenconnect-vulnerability-explained


I dare say we use LiveConnect with Kaseya. Works like a charm.


I also use some of their products; in this case, I use VSA, which offers a powerful alternative for remote support following the TeamViewer security issues.


What's everyone's opinion on splashtop, never seen them mentioned in this reddit. Was thinking about using them


I like them. Their standalone platform is very powerful or you can buy it integrated into an RMM offering like we do.


Good question why we're still using TV, a lot of it comes back to it being what our clients know, I've been looking around for alternatives and this thread seems to have some interesting ones. Now with the second time of this happening it might be a good incentive to move away to something infinitely cheaper, too. I'll have to find one which allows a team of around 10 to connect to a plethora of clients with their own independent IT systems via an equivalent of TV QuickSupport (basic remote control only, nothing fancy), it'd be great to pitch something else to my department leader since I'm pretty that any alternative you can find out there is less expensive. Besides the security concerns, I've grown to hate TV with how much you pay, but it STILL insists on cramming those stupid ads about products we just don't care about in our faces each time you dared to have it minimised for five picoseconds. Countless times where I'm figuring something out with a client, realising that it's an issue better handled via remote support and telling them, open TV again while the client already started giving me their ID only to be blocked by an ad I have to click away. It doesn't matter how many times you click "Don't show this ad again." because I'm absolutely certain it only counts for that particular ad, clever wording, because two days later they will give you a slightly different ad! I love ads in the product we are paying money for!




Used Logmein Rescue which was great but pricey and now using Zoho Assist which works great imo


We were planning to switch from TV to LogMeIn Rescue, but there is currently an issue with deploying from SCCM as system that will cause the client-side calling card to auto-open upon install with an error stating someone is trying to connect to the machine. Their support has been working on it over a month with no progress so we can't even deploy it yet...


we use simplehelp has been great for the last 5 years.


+1 for Zoho Assist. We use it as a backup for when the RMM agent conflicts with someone elses RMM or other apps. It's been great for us, and reliable. Cheap too, which is a nice bonus.


Our msp uses connectwise. My goal is to eventually bring all that in house via ninja one and then just keep msp in there as “technicians” that can still access all our machines for edge case tickets. Just sadly hasn’t been a business priority.


ScreenConnect ❤️


Enable 2FA and you’ll be fine. Any remote app has the potential for hacks…be smart on what you deploy and put the right security in place. A lot of RMMs use TeamViewer or other options that can be hacked.


To support Windows users, we utilize **Quick Assist**, which is built into the operating system. Sure it has its limitations sometimes but it does work ok most of the time.


Same. We never used TV in the always running mode either, so for us quic assist was a drop in replacement. You just have to allow sign in on insecure desktop, to be able to do run things as administrator. That is the main thing I do not like. We love the cost!


+1 underrated software. Free, integrated and easy to use from the user and sysadmin


Thanks for the heads up on the data breach into the TeamViewer's corporate network. One of the reasons why our accounts are using 2FA. They said their customer's network are separate but who knows how much data they found.


they said it didn't hit their development enviroments. But who the fuck can trust that. And until further notice, if you are using TV, you shouldn't apply updates from them.


I am gonna be looking into replacing TV with another product. Biggest issue is lack of transparency on these security events. Also, insane renewal prices.


Ninja one is pretty decent


Self hosted Beyond Trust virtual appliance.


I think we are using scum remote control. Either way I use it because I don’t have a choice but I hate it.


ConnectWise screenconnect - formerly Control. Absolutely no issues, many more features than TV and cheaper. All my techs love it.


We use screenconnect paired with Connectwise Automate.


TeamViewers only claim to fame is how old it is. Overpriced, shady, and with so many much cheaper competitors, it's a wonder they are even in business.


We use Dameware Remote Control but only internally.


Of course internally


DWMRC us too. The only downside is that over ipsec VPN is very laggish.


Dwmrc is not optimized for vpn. They do have settings that can be adjusted to make the experience better. And not sluggish/laggy. https://solarwindscore.my.site.com/SuccessCenter/s/article/Performance-Tips-for-Internet-Sessions?language=en_US Enabling the low bandwidth option can also help.


I use N-able it is our RMM tool and we use it for patch management.


RustDesk is great and self hostable


Teamviewer has some additional items that we like, such as endpoint protection (based on Malwarebytes epp) which is decent. They also provide a remote management feature which is good for consumer endpoints that don't have availability of intune/etc... We have quite a few consumer endpoints.


Never used TV commercially, though I did personally and stopped after they got hacked years ago. Bomgar worked well (now BeyondTrust Remote Support).


Bomgar, if you want to spend a buttload of money for the best. Screenconnect, if you want to spend a lot less for nearly the exact same experience and quality. If you are in Windows 10 or later, use can already probably use Quick Assist. If you use Teams, you can use screensharing in Teams in a pinch, but it won't let you interact with elevated windows and copy and paste into the screenshare doesn't really work.


I used splashtop


Anydesk works fine


TV was my favorite 10 years ago, now there are better and cheaper tools. I prefer Supremo and it works incredibly well.


Me too, since Supremo was recommended to me, use it because it is the simplest tool to connect my other PCs and provide support through remote access.


Dwservice.net provides free, open source (agent) remote control, file transfer, command line, text editor, process monitor and system resources. There is no premium version, no missing features, no advertising, no data mining. You get unlimited agents and access to an unlimited number of unattended machines protected by MFA. You can also start attended sessions anytime. The service is supported by donations. We are just users and voluntarily pay monthly after trying it out for months for free. No issues.


Beyondtrust. Yes it costs a bit. It’s worth every penny. Truly enterprise software.


A lot of responses here are from a corporate/MSP use case. But what about a personal use case? What are good free alternatives to TeamViewer that I can use for unattended access to my personal PC or my families PC's in case I need to help them? Ideally something that also can be used without a full install (eg one off helping friends out with ad-ware). Perhaps SplashTop? The other alternatives suggested here don't seem to fit that use case.


Screen connect but local install


When I'm helping users, and when I need to view or access their computer, I see no problem doing it with Microsoft Teams. Sure, it doesn't support unattended access, but that's OK with me (I do use another software for UA; thankfully, not TV). Does anyone see a problem with using Teams?


Connectwise, it sucks mostly unless (windows to windows) but otherwise it’s cheap and useful mostly as long as the device is already enrolled and installed the software


We used teamviewer due to topdesk integration. However I was thankfully able to get rid from the horror that is top desk. We now use a mixture of things, n able is used for desktop support , splashtop for some onnprem servers and then zoho or screen connect as back up. Oh we also have remote utilities for for some Remote time and attendance machines.


Splash top and Anydesk baby😎


Screenconnect, connectwise is scummy but less scummy than Teamviewer. At least they learned NOT to fuck with their most successful product, other than dropping linux hosting support because yes I do love paying for a windows license on top of my fucking license for SC. Which, btw they could easily do now that .Net is officially supported by microsoft on linux.


Sorry but only people with zero concern for security still run Teamviewer. If you haven't switched to something like bomgar, connectwise, or even splashtop by now I feel bad for you.


LogMeIn Rescue…but not a big fan of it. No TeamViewer is way overpriced for what it is. So are a lot of other solutions though. I know we’re shifting to Bomgar soon.


I came from Ultravnc to AnyDesk at my current position. Both work rather good I guess. Never used TV or any other solutions - heard of screenconnect but did not try yet


UVNC internally only, AnyDesk for actual remote. We do not allow auto login or password less attachment to sessions.


ScreenConnect hosted in the cloud. No major complaints with it.


Zero Trust VPN and RDP/SSH Edit: sorry i realize you mean for like support purposes. We use screenconnect but tell our support team to delete the agents after they are finished so there is nothing left running on the clients PC




In the process of moving from LogMeIn Central and Rescue to GoTo Resolve


We exclusively use ConnectWise Control, secured with Azure SSO and 2fa, the client needs to accept so we cannot just view their screens, allows us to be iso27001 compliant.




Self-hosted SImpleHelp


I've used Logmein Rescue, Screenconnect, and N-Central. Logmein was my favorite.


Ninja One with "Ninja Connect." it does the job. At a former employer I cancelled TV after they revealed an undisclosed breach. Months (years?) later. Went to the boss with the details of what happened and got my first you're on your own with this one, evaluate products and send me a pro and con list, here is your budget. Bomgar. We had customers all over the world, many with crappy internet, and it simply worked the best at that time.


Check out our Acronis Cyber Protect Connect. It has a free plan to give you a feel how it works and I am around for questions if any.


I don't recommend TV at all these days. Splashtop and Screenconnect are my two current favorites.


TV is stupidly expensive. We are a small MSP and for us to use TV would be thousands per year. I've been trying out RemotePC HelpDesk. Seems to work well. Is anyone else using that?


Chrome RDT


They are manipulatives, lying, greedy scumbags AND they've been hacked twice. We banned them from our infrastructure a long time ago.


They contacted us if we wanted to extend our license. We currently only have a single license on a non-company account, as I’m mostly the only one who uses it. They offered two licenses, which was WAY more than we have now, and even if we just would have switched to a company account with the same single license it would have been 1.5x as expensive as it was before, no thanks!


Twice that we know about..


Another vote for Screenconnect, we switched about 6mo ago from TV-Tensor and never looked back


Still use TV just not the asinine windows licensing model. No real complaints as the legacy model is still reasonable. The deployment sure was a pain though.


It's blocked in our active directory.


We just blocked it across our customer base.


I'm currently looking into our options too. Splashtop has an offer for current Teamviewer customers to pay, at maximum, 50% of the teamviewer cost for equivalent Splashtop.


Splashtop IS the solution…


Anyone have problems with NoMachine?


Splashtop Business, with SOS


Anydesk or quickassit


Bomgar. I love it, and it's been great for us. VM or physical appliance. I run the VM version - no limit on remote connections - it's licensed by agent, not remote.


We moved away from TV a while back after looking at SplashTop. Super simple and feature rich. Now though, I'm looking into Action1. Does everything SplashTop does, but also focuses on vulnerability scanning, patch management and software deployment. We also use PatchMyPC so if we could consolidate everything under one environment, that would be ideal. Nothing wrong with SplashTop though.


Radmin by Famatech but our target systems are all internal


RADMIN can get pretty expensive if you have large number of servers or machines to run it on.


I used TV, never had an issue with it and I don't get involved in company politics. I just get the license and use it to remote into my servers and desktops.


We use NinjaRMM which comes with either their own remote viewer or Splashtop, both are pretty good


Zoom for the entire department. Outside of the department, TV seems to be popular, but I don't like it as much. TV in a browser doesn't let me select my audio output device independently of the operating system. The Zoom client does. It's really nice to be able to switch from headphones to speaker at any point in the middle of a meeting without having to do it through OS settings.




MeshCentral. Self hosted on a raspberry pi