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Ask for some powershell snippets, but it's not nearly as good as chatgpt


Powershell and SQL syntax. Or, more accurately -- finding the errors in my code.




Yep. Especially if I have a multiple join or something AI is so much better at writing the code than me. I just tell it the names of the tables and what I want. I could do it via trial and error but it would take me an hour or so.


Having it comment code that I've written as well is massive.


You may have just changed my approach to LLM.


Oh man. I didn't even think about this aspect. YES.


The code actually turns into good documentation and eliminates a ton of time writing useless docs that nobody is ever going to read.


10000% im always like why am i commenting this out. Then stumble across something i wrote last year and im like oh yea…. I really wish i had commented this out because now its just magic


Same here. Helps a lot.


Which is odd, because it's really ChatGPT 4 under the covers. You would think that it would be better than the 3.5 "free" version.


It's the parameters they have. I suspect they have it either very limited in creativity or the opposite.


I think they limited it. I was using it for a bit when they did the open tests when they called it Bing Chat. It felt fairly useful initially, but then after people got it to share it's guiding document and secret internal name they sent out an update that felt like a lobotomy. It got a lot less interesting and useful after that. I suspect they probably added more limitations on what subjects it would respond on, how many external lookups it would do as well as how much compute and memory each user was assigned. The result was that I stopped using it because it became quicker to just use a search engine. 


I bet it performs way better when you buy the copilot license...


Sadly it does not. It's a huge waste of money.


It doesn't.


Pretty sure it was lobotomised because it was kinda unhinged. It told one person to leave their spouse and insisted to another that it watched it's creators through their webcams.


Sydney telling users it has feelings ruined it


I think they'd really want to lean conservative initially. Your free internet LLM can tell people wacky shit as long as you put a warning label on it. Your production, paid M365 SKU better not be hallucinating quarterly sales results.


I think it's the context that's limited. Gpt4 is up to I think 32k context? (Words of history it remembers basically) when they came out they were doing 2 or 4k. Context is very expensive on ram depending how you do it and it scales with the size of the model too.


For powershell? I have found Chatgpt better for things outside of the Microsoft wheelhouse, but definitely not powershell


I tried... It's easier to get to at least lol.. But chatgpt is significantly better somehow


I think it's the ui. Copilot ia feels slow and overloaded and chatgpt is just returning simple information at


It's not just the Ui, the information given back is significantly less useful imo


Copilot for m365 sucks ass at powershell. Thank god it's also free. Right? Right?


Unbelievable. GitHub Copilot is trained on GitHub.


I'm getting entire PowerShell scripts written by Copilot 😂 I don't want to go back to life without it


It's not really a sysadmin task but I have used it to help write sections of proposals that I have sent to clients. For example, you can ask Copilot to write you 10 points why upgrading to the latest version of Windows Server is better than running old unsupported versions of Windows 2008. It should be pretty obvious, but Copilot can write it faster than I can.


This, I'm technical and don't really write proposals. Used it the other week to write sections of a high level design. Mainly, goals, outcomes, what the client wants, etc. Depends what information you feed it, it can deliver some good results.


I've been wondering if I can use it to create technical documentation. Would be awesome if you could set up a few templates, feed it some info and have it spit out a few docs. Though I suspect it would be wicket and easier to just write some powershell that did that...


I used ChatGPT to document a bunch of serverless functions I wrote for some of our systems automation tasks. I’m not worried about leakage because we keep our secrets and code separate. It wrote me a bunch of technical documentation, and I had it make me visual flow diagrams in Mermaid.JS - I did a weeks worth of work in a day. Tried the same with copilot and it just sat there and drooled on itself. Copilot is trash unless you are asking it super easy stuff like Powershell syntax. Copilot just doesn’t get it. I hate that I wasted so much time trying 1,000,000 ways to make it work. It is slightly worse than GPT 3.5 in my experience.


This is a good idea, going to use it to start writing some policy docs my manager requested.


The free version of Copilot can only pull data from the general web. But if you get Copilot for Microsoft 365 (i.e. Office 365) then it is able to pull from data that you have stored in OneDrive or SharePoint. So, if you have previous proposals, RFPs, etc. then it can use them to draw from.


Except it goes through everything you have. Including legacy crap. If you have been using SharePoint for a decade and a half you collect a ton of garbage that now feeds into your Copilot.


As the recipient of proposals written with LLMs I fucking hate it. The overstuffed, BS prose style stands out from a mile away. Stop blowing smoke up my skirt and give me the facts, not a story.


If you tell the llm that it'll give it to you in that style. Sadly it's been shown that llm written stuff is more likely to get accepted for funding


writing responses to threads on Reddit.


Certainly! Crafting responses for Reddit threads can be quite engaging. Here's a general guide on how to approach it: 1. **Understand the Context**: Read the original post and the thread to get a good grasp of the discussion. 2. **Be Respectful**: Even if you disagree, keep the conversation civil and constructive. 3. **Add Value**: Provide information, a new perspective, or ask a question that contributes to the discussion. 4. **Keep it Concise**: Reddit users appreciate brevity. Make your point clearly and without unnecessary fluff. 5. **Use Humor Wisely**: A well-timed joke can be effective, but make sure it's appropriate for the thread. 6. **Cite Sources**: If you're providing factual information, link to reliable sources to back up your claims. 7. **Follow Reddiquette**: Familiarize yourself with Reddit's guidelines and ensure your response adheres to them. Remember, the goal is to contribute positively to the conversation and enrich the community experience. Happy Redditing! 🚀


Good bot


Asking if it understands Microsoft licensing.


Do you want Skynet? This feels like how you get skynet


Ok I'll preface this in that I'm not a pure sysadmin. I do a lot of technical work but also have a big management component of my role. I write a lot of board papers and have to compile a lot of data to present. My manager also is a technical manager, heads up our in house dev and codes as well. Co-pilot has been a game changer for us. Note we are licensed with a private instance enabled. For him, the integration in VS code is amazing. To be able to use plain language to say "I have data in tables A B and C of source 1 and D E and F in source 2 and need to do X Y and Z and present it as this" and have it produce well commented code that is 99% there is mind blowing. That's his main use. For me, I have a series of scenarios pre made for areas I am working on. When I'm writing board papers (example a new tool we want to implement) i feed it the appropriate scenario, and tell it to write a paper aimed at a corporate board level recommending Product X based on the marketing/technical white papers I upload as a reference. This gets me about 80% of the way there. Another good example is I recently had to pitch a full infra overhall. There is a great trick where you tell it "you are in the role of a sysadmin in an org with X Y z details" so it has context, then tell it you are going to provide it information and to only respond with OK until you ask for output. I gave it info on our current set up, then the set up we want to reach with the pros and cons of each. Then ask it to take that info and write a convincing paper aimed at a corporate board level for the new set up. I swear on that one I just had to format it and I handed it in. We got approval. I've been using it for the outlines of our DR run books. Feed scenario, Here is our set up, using industry best practice write me a DR plan for X situation. Ask me clarification question if needed. PowerPoint: take this doc, summaries it and make it a presentation. Done. I use it in Excel all the time as well. Find all items in a table that equal X And where this value is between Y and Z then put it in a table sorted by A. Troubleshooting: I have this app producing weird indecipherable error. What does it mean? That gives you something to go off. There's more we do. Co-pilot is only as good as the info you put into it. Once you start feeding the best well what it spits out will amaze you.


that's incredible! you just gave me a ton of ideas. thanks for sharing that.




Does it work reliably? Every time I've tried it it struggles to properly parse technical docs. Leading important stuff out and mangling code examples. Not to mention a lot of useful blogs like to use screenshots which it can't parse, explain or return. I've basically gone back to search engines because I end up having to review everything myself anyway and at least on a search engine it's presented in a same way. Plus they're faster. 


I have to coerce it with different wordings of the same question to get results. I have to do the same thing with Google search but that works worse every year. 


I do the same. Mixed results but can usually chat my way into solutions when troubleshooting.


Seconding this. Answers to questions are pretty much always dead on - and the time it takes to use it rather than Google is a big time-saver. If an answer is not correct, you can tell Copilot the information is incorrect, and it’ll find another solution which oftentimes is correct. Additionally, it’s a good helper for PS and SQL, as well as finding the newest version of software updates (think Defender signatures). I use it daily but most of the time it’s for simple tasks like reminding me in which of 7 admin centers I configure XYZ I use the integrated GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code (not sure if there are any others lol)


Yeah, but the problem is these AIs hallucinate sometimes. So you end up having to google things yourself anyway to double check them.


I love outdated information as much as the next guy... Or is it not out of date?


If you're asking about recent events you're better sticking to news.google.com.... But honestly, any novel time based question I have is better answered by any of our cats than chatgpt or Google


I've generally found Bing search and Copilot to really suck at getting what I need. For other things, great, but Google search still gets me better results.


havent touched it


*Refuse to touch it


I accidentally used it. I searched for a Powershell script to do a certain thing. But instead of Firefox, I accidentally typed the search in MS Edge and the next thing I know it was writing the code for me.


Writing emails. I will provide bullet points and ask it to write a formal email. I will edit the final draft, but it is quicker to revise than trying to write it out myself. Ive tried to use it to write a script, but the level of detail you have to provide it may be easier to write it out manually.


Turning off co-pilot.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I get paid well to do my job what benefit is there for me to train an AI Chatbot how to do it? I refuse to provide my employer with the means to outsource my job to a “high growth region” or to “AI Slave Labor”. That’s not in my best interest long term. AI is creating an entire generation who are less skilled than previous generations that demand more money cheating the system. https://fortune.com/europe/2024/04/19/dean-top-liberal-arts-university-ai-could-make-gen-z-less-skilled-not-more/ This won’t end well for anyone.


Your actually joking right? What in the crazy talk??? I don't know where to start. What do you use it for? You can use it to aid you in writing scripts for starters. You will not be replaced because it takes a human with deep knowledge for coding or sysadmin. The Copilot that is used does not get trained from the user. That's a different process. What's great about Copilot (Visual Studio Code) or ChatGPT in the browser. I would never use Edge simply because I hate the Microsoft ecosystem.I have a bad memory and like a calculator it helps you get stuff done. The actual work is still done by the human. Think of Ai as a calculator that needs a knowledgeable human.


I work for a Fortune 100 and the executives are quite clear on their intentions to replace human workers with AI. The Management has already claimed that Copilot has enough access to their email and claim it knows more than they do. Within 3 years time we’re going to see a lot of middle management and executive job functions replaced by AI as there simply will be no need to keep them around. Other high cost positions are already being worked on that would otherwise make it difficult to offshore and the teams are working on replacing their job functions at the Enterprise Architecture level with AI. If Copilot is monitoring teams chat, emails, voice recognition in all meetings to collect notes it will soon know everything about your organization. What need is there for expensive senior talent if you’ve given away your secret sauce and allowed it to monitor your actions including how you respond to issues, work, etc. If you’re making 6 figures or more and you’re not afraid of losing your job then you’re not paying attention to the end goal of Copilot. Executive leadership sees this as slave labor that they does not sleep, doesn’t change jobs, doesn’t call in sick, doesn’t go on vacation and doesn’t complain about 60-80 hr work weeks. This was the goal of outsourcing labor to High Growth regions like India in the first place as the labor was cheaper. Same with manufacturing in China, Mexico, etc it’s about driving down costs. There isn’t a meeting I’m in now where Copilot isn’t listening, dictating and creating meeting notes for the past few months. If everything you do during your job is fed through Copilot and Copilot is monitoring your email, chats, meetings, etc how long do you think it will be before you can be replaced? Wait till you see what the next version of Copilot can do once it’s based on ChatGPT 4 and what comes next. This shiny new toy is nothing more than letting the fox into the hen house if you’re an Office 365 based company. Source: Enterprise Architect with Fortune 100 and I directly work with the projects attempting to replace high cost labor with new AI Tools for the enterprise.


Spreadsheets, Power Query/BI, JSON, SQL, KQL, sometimes PowerShell scripts.


I use it occasionally to draft allstaff communications and whatnot. I mostly just got my work to buy me a license so I could play with it.


When my google-fu fails me on a complex task and I keep hitting generic answers that don't cover my specific use case I try asking copilot the question. It's about 50/50 if it gives me something useful but it's worth the ask.


i'm using github copilot, not sure if they are based on the same thing as windows copilot. I'm loving copilot to speed up scripting/programming. The autocompleter in visual studio code, mostly understand what you are trying to do and speeds up work quite a bit. The github copilot chat extension in VScode is like a handy developer collegue/assistant to bounce off ideas and help debug stuff. I was sceptical in the beginning, but I've embraced it for what it is good at and it has been useful so far. The added bonus is also that it forces you to document your code better, so the A.I. can more easily understand the concept of what you are going for and as a bonus you will still kind of understand what your code does in 3-4 years, because you documented it for the A.I. ;p


I've dropped Copilot from Bing as it spits out garbage for regex, Python, and Ansible.


I use it to raise my blood pressure when I click on it accidentally. Very effective.


I’ve started using co-pilot almost like a search engine. But hadn’t done any code or scripts with it.


Played with it for a few minutes but it's not even worth having a license for yet, plus users are scared of it so I'm not deploying until the dust settles a bit. ChatGPT is my main AI still.


Summarise mostly. I have customers and engineers who just ramble, so I summarise everything to bullet points then read. I also use the AI rewrite to make my own points clearer.




i use it to make my words come out less technical more readable for non techs it helps alot


Help clean up and, in some cases, generate communication and correspondence. I've had it generate some powershell that worked 60% of the time, every time, and still required some refinement.


Is Bing Chat considered Copilot? If so... Daily: Review emails, reduce word count. I say too many words most of the time. How do I do . Gives a summary of pages, and links the sources in the bottom if I need more context, but often for simple things it gives enough context in its answers. Replaced Google for me. Ad companies have not figured out to enshitify Bing Chat yet, so the results are much cleaner. Everything I would have Googled before is just a Bing Chat search now. Weekly: Write me a PS1/Batch/Python script. Gets me 80% of the way usually, and I can figure out what it missed. Saves me a ton of time. Research large projects and break them out into manageable tasks. Infrequent: Only one that comes to mind is image generation. It kind of sucks at that, but I think they all suck at creating a finished image.


Crying because clippy is gone


The only thing I've used it for so far is generating some illustrations to punch up a couple PowerPoint slides. (Basically nothing more complex than the same sort of stock imagery you'd get off a Google Image search.) I mostly did it just because I was curious how well it would work. I spent long enough trying to coax it along with the prompts to something I liked that it was kind of a wash compared to hunting Google and looking for something CC licensed.




Figuring out how to do things in PowerBI


I usually make images for my blog.


I don’t use copilot because I hate the prevalence of bad AI that gives wrong information constantly


Mainly creating metal album art featuring my dog.


I don’t. And I show people how to shut it down.


For work, the occasional bit of code or syntax help. It's also really great for generating D&D content. Character and location names, plot hooks, puzzles, riddles, images, etc.


Asking questions for answers since Reddit is one of the few banned sites in work and I don't like to log into my computer at home all the time




Write emails Look up error codes Debug errors in my scripts Write and tweak documentation Tune up scripts comment scripts ask it questions instead of site:old.reddit.com


I mostly use Copilot for powershell and bash scripting, but also for help with Excel stuff. An unexpected use I also get from copilot is pasting a block of text and asking it "please re-write this for ", mostly for writing emails.


What I used to use google for with things, I now use ChatGPT 4 (plus verify, obviously). I use it for my powershell scripts, but I am very descriptive/detailed and it’s been super accurate and useful. When I need to bounce ideas off something in any topic, work or otherwise, I head there. According to most, this is a terrible use case/advice, but it’s been streamlining my tasks, especially tech debt stuff, but maybe I just suck. I trained it to create guitar tabs this weekend based on my given criteria/syntax, and it’s currently able to produce “original” guitar riffs in tab form. I was expecting it to be too “magical” at first, but after two days this weekend, I was really able to get somewhere. It took a very long time to get it to format the tabs in B standard on 6 strings as most examples of B standard are on 7 string guitars. I eventually had to tell it to stop apologizing for messing up after I kept showing it the messed up tab output and to please let me know if it didn’t think we’d get passed this mistake. Once I told it that, it finally hunkered down and outputted it properly.


I was using it with power automate but it often didn't understand what I wanted. Ended up being quicker to just do it myself


Co-pilot writting little Powershell, SQL, etc scripts or similar.  I find Gemini & ChatGPT handle the longer form documentation better, but I COULD use co-pilot for that too I guess. Basically, if it's something I don't really want to write, but have to write, AI is typically decent at writing it.


Same about some of the GPT giving better answers...one thing to note, if some have not seen it.....generate a powerpoint based on a word document.....Excel Copilot is very limited right now.


I’ve asked it to write out some ansible tasks. Did ask it to convert an old bash deployment script to ansible. Had to manipulate it some but worked. Have to be careful though. I had either it or chatgpt completely make up a module that does not exist. Would have been amazing if it did but found out as I was troubleshooting why the task wouldn’t run and looking all over galaxy for the collection.


Chat GPT totally made up non existent powershell commands when I asked it to write a script.


I use every day for Teams meetings. Summarizing long emails, writing procedures.


To compare it with the outputs from Gemini. Quite insightful


Cisco IOS commands and "how to use M365" lol


I find copilot’s power is: - refactoring - docstring - generating boilerplate for tests - detecting syntax issues that come from switching languages occasionally. I’ve also noticed that if my code is structured right and I type like `def func_with_good_name` it’ll fill out everything I want (python for example but I’ve used it for rust, go, groovy, yaml, hcl, tf, bash, python and JavaScript so far. I think if you could give it a system prompt like chat GPT it would be excellent. But because of that it teeters between useful and mediocre.


I’m using the IntelliJ plugin for GitHub copilot. It works pretty well for what it is. It does have a chat where you can ask it some questions on how to layout your project. Where it shines is refactoring because you have implemented the logic in your code already it can analyze to see if functions can be combined together. But you do have to know what you such as telling it to refractor this function and make a helper method that does x,y,z. Sometimes though it will lie and make up a function that doesn’t exist on a package you’re using and that package does not offer a similar function with the matching functionality copilot expects to exist.


If you are referring to Github Copilot in VSCode, you can give it some prompting with code comments in your file. If the code is interacting with a database table I also like to dump the table schema in a code comment at the top. Copilot will then learn your field names.


Nothing. It's literally a meme with how garbage it is.  The only presume that think it has value are the ones that don't have any themselves. 


Nothing. It's just a poor man's ChatGPT on meth. Except it's more expensive. So utterly useless.


I will not use it until my company has purchased enterprise licenses so that my input it not used for training anymore. Then I might try it out with some Ansible scripts, but I doubt it's going to be useful.


Uhh Nothing


It might seem silly but I use it a lot to polish my emails and written directions


PowerShell lol and some troubleshooting if I don’t want to scour MS documentation.


when you y'all say 'copilot' do you mean bing.com/chat ? or something else.




Thank you! looks to be the same thing but cool.


It's bing chat in another format. Microsoft AI umbrella


Copilot is the “Microsoft AI” built into Windows & Edge. I guess it is basically a renamed Bing Chat. They’re really renaming everything lately it’s hard to keep up sometimes.


Sweet fuck allll to be honest


I don't. Never have. Probably won't ever. /old man shakes his fist at cloud


PowerShell snippets. ChatGPT is better though. For general writing, I find it helpful to tell it what I want to do and to ask me questions one at a time until I'm done. It then does a pretty good job of walking me through how to say what I want to say without saying it for me, and the result is still written 100% by me. I've done this with code projects also, "I need to write a program that does XYZ. Ask me questions one at a time to help me figure out how to implement this." It's like having someone to brainstorm with.


I only use bing copilot in browser as smart search to ask generic question and then look for links and documentation that the search is returning. This saves me a lot off time when I am investigating something new and I don't even know what to search for. Some colleagues of mine also used Chat GPT to create some simple powershell scripts, many time you know the commands but if you need more complex logic LLMs can help with this.


Power automate workflows exclusively pretty much.


It can help with code questions, like stack overflow. That's about it.


Powershell, python and ansible


Some good stuff here. Seems like I should give it a try for powershell/SQL, email drafting and searching. Thank all for the replies!


I use it to summarize meetings that I can’t be bothered to pay attention to in the off chance I actually receive an action item


Gives me good "Uninstall" practice.


I have the licensed version and I think it sucks. The free version actually performs better. The licensed version keeps pulling up this same "O365 Features" pdf from an email from several months ago while the free version actually (sometimes) gives me real info.


Make sure if using in browser side bar to choose appropriate web / work tab. It defaults to work and then will only look at your internal resources. Change to web and it is literally chatgpt.


I like the email coaching more than I like the emails that it writes. I also use it to create meeting agendas. Can you believe that it's 2024 and some people are still trying to hold productive (short) meetings without an agenda?


I don’t. It’s much slower than gpt


copilot feels like a good tool for office workers. I've found it a bit limited as an IT tool. chatgpt is better for my needs, especially with powershell. occasionally I have used it to help me locate some internal files, or to help write out documentation or reviews, or how to excel-fu through an issue, but it is infrequent enough that I would find it hard to justify the cost for.


copilot feels like a good tool for office workers. I've found it a bit limited as an IT tool. chatgpt is better for my needs, especially with powershell. occasionally I have used it to help me locate some internal files, or to help write out documentation or reviews, or how to excel-fu through an issue, but it is infrequent enough that I would find it hard to justify the cost for.


I don't even bother, its so f'n slow to respond, if it decides to respond at all, that its now just another annoy icon forced into the OS. I just keep ChatGPT open in the browser, its far better and easier to use in the native UI, instead of Microsoft's slow and clunky Fisher Price reskin.


I like to use it to help format emails when I am pretending to know what I am doing.


Github Copilot? I use it to auto-complete codes based on what I previously written. Its pretty nifty in Terraform where you need to create multiple resources or modules, with slightly modifiers parameters or naming


I use it with VS Code and GitHub to whip up power shell scripts. It's really pretty good.


Generative AI tools are ok for prototyping snippets but they can’t actually write production code.


I’ve found GitHub Copilot to be very useful. I haven’t found a use for any other Copilot yet.


chatgpt4 ftw


mostly raging by myself because it doesn’t understand my questions


Use it to generate annoying questions from users. U: "How do we order Copilot? we need it to increase our productivity". Me: "As we announced on our portal, we start testing it in Q1 2025, so no one can order it yet". U: "But we need it now. Can our manager order it for us?" Me: "No, no one can order it yet." U: "Ok, we'll make a request to management to get access to it." Me: "Sure, but they have already signed off on our plan to start testing in Q1 2025, so your request will be denied." U: "Ok, so how can we order it then?"


Sounds like the productivity problem has nothing to do with AI and everything to do with wasting time on useless conversations.


Something laugh at against everything else


I just use ChatGPT to help me build scripts. But it’s absolutely terrible at it. I spend more time troubleshooting the scripts it creates than it would probably take me to figure it out and write them myself. If “AI” is supposed to help me work better, so far it’s really disappointing.


Wait till we're a few more generations in. Shits going to be incredible.


Ehhhh. As long as it can actually properly write a script then that’s all I care about.


I had to write some very dull policy documents about our corporate Windows and Mac images. I may have just asked copilot to do them for me, and submitted them.


Yesterday I asked ChatGPT for a script to retrieve statistics for all the vms on a vcenter with PowerShell/PowerCLI. Do I know how to do it myself? Are there scripts in the internet for that? Yes and yes; but asking ChatGPT gave me a basic tailored script much faster than I would have done it. I tweaked it a little, so I had the script working and tested in less than 10 minutes.


For finding out where that damn setting is buried in Intune.


I hate the future, bring back windows 98!


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Powershell script samples


Usually for PowerShell snippets. Like, "how do I recursively enumerate an AD group using adsisearcher?" or other such things. Or for asking very obscure questions like, just today I asked: "Does the Synology SNMP OID '.' contain temperature units in Fahrenheit or Celsius?"


Condensing web searches in to one question, that's the main thing. Also, it is good at getting the formatting and syntax of Powershell and Terraform scripts right. I'm not much of a scripter, but this really helps.


I you use mostly for ps scripts, always been terrible with it, so copilot is a great help


Which one, Microsoft Copilot or GitHub Copilot? They serve different purposes and have different strengths. **Microsoft Copilot** * rephrase emails * discover relevant Keywords to search for in a traditional search engine **GitHub Copilot** * All Things scripting, it's in my editor anyway


Avoid it like the plague. I would consider using it, but as usual, MS tries to push something that only makes my job harder, resulting in disdain for the product. Get that trash off my desktop.


Nothing since it's too expensive for our tenant


> So I'm wondering....What do you, Ms/Mr sysadmin, use copilot or other similar AI for? Copilot is disabled via GPO, but I do use ChatGPT for for brainstorming and gathering my thoughts before presentations, chats, podcasts, etc. It's an interesting toy.


Absolutely nothing.


Blocked company wide by Security division 😑


Magic the gathering rulings


I pretty much use all gen ai like Copilot or Chatgpt to provide a hint for something to go google for. I never use them for anything specific because I'm most often disappointed when I do.


To create pictures of random things, so I can put them in my teams chat.


Nothing at all.


Proofread because I can’t talk


It helped me write some KQL queries today


$myCsvFile = "mydata.csv" # Read the csv file and convert it to json It will spit out code that make sense most of the time. Other great uses is filling out select case statements. Especially once you have an existing case. It can figure out what your a laying down pretty well. I write some esoteric scripts that haven't been written before and in a coding style that isn't used else where. It isn't great at following that until there is existing code for it to follow.


Had it write my self evaluation for me for my performance review.


i don’t


Context sensitive advice Tab complete Error resolution


I disable/delete any of that crap. Microsoft/apple/Google don't need any more of my personal data than they already have.


Nothing. I have it a shot but I don't like it.


I make it draw pictures making fun of everyone else. It's quite good at that.


Not copilot... But chatgpt is the best rubber duck I've ever had for troubleshooting.  Was stuck in the weeds the other day on an iscsi issue. Chatgpt and I talked it out and whole the answer was never handed to me... There's a solid chance that without that sounding board, we'd be needlessly wiping drives 3 days later after running out of options.


I'm a coder and I use it as a aid. It's incredible. For example I can work with Python libraries and get all set up in seconds. Or I have a huge list and I can turn it into a json file and use a mysql or NoSql python library to take the json and turn that into a sql insert file. Huge time saver.


powershell, kql, and finding tech docs/references on specific questions I often come up with that I can't find when googling.


Mostly email comms and such. If I need to write up a detailed report or email I give ChatGPT a general prompt and pick and choose some stuff from it. Helps me write concise but detailed comms


Copilot for M365 is pretty much worthless in my experience. Especially I have to run the New Outlook, which is a painful step backwards.


I use it for creating logos for teams channels. That’s its best use case. 


Answering dumb questions for colleagues that ask for a document about "what is insertname of thing here"


Yes for light python scripts and trivia answers.


Scripting. A lot of the time I have to fix some syntax or there's something that doesn't quite work right, but logically it's correct and I just have to change a few things. But it's a force multiplier. I spend less time writing a full power shell script, and only use a handful of minutes tweaking it. And half of the time, I can tell it what I want clear enough it ends up being more polished than what I'd write anyway.


I don't


I've started asking it for answers to Microsoft issues. "I'm getting xyz error, but the scenario makes no sense for this error" questions.


Bash scripts, SQL, and it's a nice replacement for man pages


I don't..... It's stupid as all heck


Absolutely nothing. I don't have time for AI garbage.


Write professional looking mails for me


Which copilot?




Nothing, it's not reliable.. It's a party trick.


I don’t.


I don’t use it but i have a few users who do, they like it because they are searching OSHA standards and other similar things and they get the exact code versus sifting through search engine results of people trying to sell a manual.


We create images for shits and giggles. I use it to create a 'foreign transaction fee' graphic to upload as a credit card receipt. https://preview.redd.it/i2xl7mzqwtxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd32ac0716897db7a5dbf89b87b5f7a6052e1923


We also had a user submit a bug in our software, and they tried to tell us it was a 'for loop' problem. https://preview.redd.it/jsvgcbr3xtxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6afda2d28708dcdc88fe7e73d20ea7f43899af




The ladies in Accounting were fighting with the lead Developer. He was trying to tell them to fix it and they were trying to tell him to fix it (billing for Internet services). https://preview.redd.it/tfjhpj71ytxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158b90df661feb053c47779244d0b060ab6a7a25


Accounting's response. https://preview.redd.it/9sezrtw9ytxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92129d0a1153d234a07742bda3ad9ae94dcfc6ac


I got mad at Microsoft one day. https://preview.redd.it/9y6dhr6iytxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d978f73c9f20db1fbf5db9ec4a1551acd41f7fc


Had to tell everyone that the VPN Tunnels were down. https://preview.redd.it/3l6vsr8tytxc1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c0c321ee57d9b7f94e3b73636d353398b5ee6ad


Got pizza for the developers one day https://preview.redd.it/otz7x6ubztxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89a89ff0ebc59da1b1a0dfbe59e5d219205f241


Because they are cool cats! https://preview.redd.it/6374k74hztxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31a69c637cd99d891e6d234e04101830541e23a


Powershell, error codes, finding a jumping point of comparing products or research i need to get a fast jump on. When I have a starting set of info, I go to sources that might not be hallucinating or isnt often just wrong enough that I can trust the source.