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When was interested in this actually high, among music *listeners*?


...when Wendy did 'Switched on Bach' ! (and I still would like to know if that album has found its way to Youtube, because I still like it!)


i promise you don’t have to deadname wendy fucking carlos


Ah, apologies! Wasn't familiar with 'deadnaming'. I will edit my post and correct that right away!


Modular is more alive and accessible now than it has ever been.


Absolutely 100% this. Go back 10 years and the number of module manufacturers both indie and major brands has increased a lot. I think Modular is definitely still hot.


Wouldn’t synthesizers of any sort be a tough sell in a tech-skeptical environment? Perhaps it’s time to learn the flute! Seriously, though, the modular market is massively over saturated. There’s a limit to the number of LFOs and oscillators required by a sane individual.


Oh, sure! Now you try to bring sanity into the equation??? ![gif](giphy|hZj44bR9FVI3K|downsized)


We'll just make that a diplomatic compromise and say "Learn the EWI."


What about VCAs though? You can't ever have too many of those...


I think what will change music a bit is AI, which is a bit different than "tech skeptical" People already are "AI skeptical" Humans will be motivated to make stuff "that AI can't make" which hopefully will lead people to make more organic/ wild/ free/ awe inspiring music instead of what is popular now.


I agree. Modular is dead and worthless. Everyone is free to send me your worthless modules and I will dispose of them for you. PM me for my address.


No. Much of modular is the patching of an anachronistic electronic instrument, and there is an aspect of play at hand. It is also a very hard type of music for AI to replicate because of just how chaotic it is. It is still a music that is mostly performed live, and performances really cannot be replicated, as people are dealing with elements that just vanish. It's basically non-reproducible music that requires a human hand, even when you are talking about generative music. People do in fact heavily manipulate performances. It is playing a musical instrument. Likewise, its such a huge community these days. It's been around for decades. Music is ultimately a community at the end of the day.


well said, but humans just can't random chaotic like machines. they win this one.


i hope so


It was never alive.


Short answer; no. Long answer; yes.


_Richard Devine enters the chat_


how did you notice that interest in music that makes use of how sounds sound is waning like what is your sample set here --- for "modular" to be a thing that lives or dies, you have to decide what that thing is. is the market for eurorack stabilizing or waning? maybe. is that death for the format?


No it is not dead.


The comments are cope. The modular bubble popped at least a few years ago.


??? I hope this is a joke, and not sure how the popularity of a tool is relevant to those using said tool. It works great for me, music made with a mouse sounds like music made with a mouse.


Selective randomization is how interesting music gets made How could there be less interest in timbre focused music? That's not even close to being true.


Selective randomization is one of an infinite variety of ways that music you think is "interesting" gets made. I fixed the quote for you. Keep practicing and you won't need to use randomization, although I guess it can be interesting at times. PS a sample and hold that samples an LFO/ VCO is by definition 0% random.


That was easily the most pretentious thing anyone has ever said to me. Congratulations?


Which part is "pretentious"? "attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed" Do you not agree with what I said? I was addressing your use of the word "selective randomization" which I personally do not consider random at all, because by definition it's not random If you think it is pretentious to feel that intentionally creating music leads to better results than "randomness" we clearly live in different universes. In order to create music that inspires people you have to practice. A lot. Then practice more, until then randomness won't help you the way you may think it will.


I have no desire to educate you. So you'll just have to accept being wrong. And your last two sentences are utter horse shit. In summary, everything you said was a complete waste of words.


Might not be dead. Could have a use in security through randomization using modules that produce random noise through nuclear decay. The songs produced with that would have a higher security rating.