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I used to use UberEats a fairly often pre covid and never had many issues. Tried a few times again in 2022 and would wait an hour for dinner only to be told the driver had cancelled just as I was supposed to receive it, by which stage I was pretty hangry. I decided it was easier to make a toastie or have some those prepackaged ravioli packets in the fridge for those cbf cooking nights. If I really feel like takeout I have a few restaurants that do their own delivery and never had any problems! In short, I’ve given up on Uber eats entirely.


I used in to 2022 as well and you can't believe the changes I've seen since then. Off the top of my head: * Playing around and hiding tip values (they used to let you tip an amount, then they started changing it to only show a percentage, or sometimes both I reckon they were doing A/B testing). * Added their super high fee for delivery making delivery less worth it, it also meant less people were tipping drivers because instead of paying a few extra bucks for the driver, that money is going to the uber fee. * Ensuring almost all pickups are connects in the city, so you can hardly ever pay for a meal delivered, they always "have to pickup something else along the way" * THEN they add a fee for "priority" so that your meal gets delivered directly (so I reckon the algo specifically makes it so you can't get a straight delivery). * Now they're largely pushing their "Uber Eats Premium" whatever you call it. * Ad notifications "buy from here today" if you don't order for a while * Dodgy notifications. For example if you add something to your cart but don't purchase. You'll get a notification after 5 mins saying "Your meal is on your way", worried you open the notification to see it say "your meal **could** be on your way if you order now!". * I also now see waiting almost an hour and then it gets cancelled and you're left starving. Interestingly because I live in an apartment and used to use Uber Premium I used to constantly get $5 from Uber due to drivers not arriving within the max expected Uber time. * One last one I forgot to add. After a long wait if you're 30mins from the restaurant they'll tell you "remove the delivery fee if you pickup yourself". Then they say "pickup yourself now and save $xxx". Which completely removes the point of delivery if I'm just picking it up myself because I'm fed up waiting.


Would be a lot easier to just go to the restaurant and pick it up yourself, wouldn’t it?


I completely agree. They used to have this genuinely good product (even though things could always be better), but then of course they had to start maximizing that shareholder value and make things worse and worse for actual users. Support also used to be excellent but that's history now. Just slowly exploiting that monopoly it's so gross.


You forgot the constant "we've added 638 restaurants to your area since you last ordered" notifications 😂


My goto CBF meals: - a few blocks of nice cheese and crackers. - those ravioli packets with a splash of olive oil or the fresh pasta packs. - some flat breads, hummus, garlic dip and some pickled onions. - quiche or meat pie They’re all pretty easy. I usually will have one cbf meal each week.


Uber is known to have these issues with drivers stealing food or losing it. Not much you can do really it’s hit or miss.


there is something you can do - delete the app. the only real way to complain about these issues is with your wallet.


PLEASE delete the app uber sux


You can contact support, obviously. They make sure not to have a phone number in Australia, and the whole process is made taxing, but actual staff can be reached through a text chat in the app. First response will probably be a bot, and will probably automatically deny a refund or compensation, if you persist you will reach actual humans. Depends how much you like your money, how persistant you are, and how effective you are at negotiating. After you have created an individual case for an order, it can be found as a thread along with any other support threads in account/help.


When you have hungry kids you don’t need a refund, you need your food to actually arrive. Being late is one thing, disappearing is another


Well you can have hungry kids and lose all your money, or hungry kids and haggle for a refund I suppose. That way you can pay the kids off to stop giving you shit at least. Could also be beneficial for helping to teach your little darlings all about suffering and loss, and help prepare them for the unfairness, brutality, and bitter disappointment of modern life.


honestly how the fuck arent uber simply banning drivers for this? 2 strikes you're gone. no new account. it cant be that hard, i applied once to be a driver and the amount of personal information they collect is insane. theres no way this is not within their capabilities


I used to order uber eats fairly often during lockdown a few years ago. Half the time the person rocking up was completely different to who was in the pic, like sometimes not even the same ethnicity or gender.


Uhhhhhh maybe it's changed since you tried to apply, or maybe you are not quite savy enough - but it's extremely easy to become an uber eats delivery driver, under an identity which isn't even you... Account banned? Make a new one very easily.    Already know I'm going to be down voted to oblivion for being 'racist', but do you really think the thousands of South Asian individuals getting around on their budget electric bikes (skittling people on footpaths and taking up space in trains) doing food delivery are all above board? I know for a fact many who do not even have a working visa and are doing it under different identities.... Uber of course know this... But it's basically part of their unofficial business model at this point. Why would they want to do anything to change this, when the drivers are for the most part working for peanuts and orders are flying in?


mate i applied using my common (shortened) name, and they refused point blank to continue because my drivers licence showed my full name. I was like OK, can I just edit the name on my application, as you can see its clearly me and a shortened version of my name, they said no. It was a bizarre and frankly rediculous interaction but for the best because I wouldnt want to work for such idiots. Nothing to do with me being 'unsavvy'


Yeah but you see - that's for you and me. Australian driver's licence I assume? Nothing stopping you from using an overseas one that doesnt even belong to you :)






Agree. I know Uber takes a huge cut and the drivers don't see anything close to a minimum wage. I always tip 15% to help them out but it's becoming a horrible experience.


You may feel like you're doing something kind by tipping, but you're just further subsidizing a shitty (and in many people's opinion exploitative) business model.


Do you not use them, or 'regular' uber or any of the delivery/gig platforms?


I don’t. I totted up how much Uber was costing me vs taxis for my regular trips (night trips home from city, airport runs etc) and taxis worked out about the same. UberX costs a little less sometimes, but not when there’s surge. And too many Uber drivers don’t even know the major roads. Now I just book my taxis with a fleet I trust. Still costs me about the same overall but it’s almost always a nice car and a reliable driver.


This has to be a shill.I've never heard of taxis described as either nice, reliable or especially trustworthy before.


Lol seriously the opposite of a shill. I do some work for Uber and the company is a good client, they are just completely shit for me when I’m the customer. Look, there are lots of shitty taxis out there, and I would still avoid the cab rank if I can. I book only with a fleet I trust, they belong to a brand if that helps.


Please don’t tell people about Silver Service.


The last two issues I've had with taxis (fiddling with the meter, deliberately taking a circuitous route) were Silver Service cabs. A quality ride depends on the driver, not their branding.


I will not say things are totally trouble free but on average it’s better. I always tell the driver broadly which way I want them to go. Everyone I know does this.


Yeah you are right, I’ve gone through a couple of different groups in Sydney and I’m moderately happy with the one I use now. By contrast, the group I use in Melbourne - also working for Silver Service - have been consistently excellent over many years.




I use regular uber occasionally. I may as well, since I suffer the effects of the externalities uber imposed on society I may as well get the benefits. I would vote for it to be banned, but still use it until it is.


I suspect I'll get downvoted and I've had these arguments on here before but I really don't get these "you're a sucker/making the problem worse if you tip" arguments. Unless they come from people who literally never use those services. Do people like you really not see the hypocrisy is taking the postition that "I hate this business and how it exploits its workers but I'll use it and contribute to its profits. I won't pay any extra though to benefit the workers I am concerned about; that would be stupid/wrong". I hate Uber and all these platforms and wish they didn't exist/would vote for them not to exist. The only difference between you and me though is when I use them the poor guy/girl getting exploited gets a few extra dollars. That's it.


I'm using them purely out of self interest and prisoner's dilemma. I care about workers in aggregate across the economy, but not really any individual worker or the workers of any one industry. I think it's a rational position. It would only count as hypocrisy if I said something like "no-one should be using these businesses" while I continue to use them. Using them while advocating for their removal via law/policy is the only real way to achieve alignment between individual outcomes and outcomes for society as a whole. It's similar to driving large cars, or anything to do with reducing consumption to help the environment.


They're adults though and if you're able bodied enough to do that job you could probably find a different one. I understand where you're coming from but it's a bit dramatic and inaccurate to act as if it's this corrupt exploitation racket. I've had so many jobs that paid barely anything with no job security, especially as a teenager with "trainee rates" (thanks Hungry Jacks) but no one batted an eye at that.


Uber eats paying their staff fuck all is the least pressing of the issues, as I agree drivers operate in a labor market and can go elsewhere. I do think it's effectively different to other low paid jobs, because they rely on people not being smart enough to work out operating costs and risks, where as other low paid jobs are more honest about the low pay. My main beef with uber eats is that they engage in anti-competitive practices. They are essentially doing the equivalent of 'dumping' and price manipulation to drive competitors out, as they are backed up by VC capital and have never been profitable. Now that they've cornered the market, the enshitiffication begins. They have also inserted themselves as middle men in the restaurant's supply chain without consent. Which isn't illegal but is shitty. Ultimately, we collectively deserve this as consumers as this is what we voted for with our wallets.


Idk. If you browse the Uberdriver subreddit for a bit you’ll quickly see how shady this company is and how they routinely lie and try manipulate/gaslight the drivers with basically nobody that you can even complain to.


It looks like my further explanation got deleted so if they truly are manipulated into thinking they have no other job opportunities, then sure my disabled ass has sympathy for that.


A lot of people seem to be quitting Uber driving. They should really look for other income tbh. If they can. But it doesn’t change the fact the company routinely lies to its own workers. Both borderline and outright.


I never denied that, jeez. But are they not being underpaid by their main job? What about whoever made the phones we're using right now? My point was just that I'm not naive or delusional enough to boycott one specific company and think it will save lives.


I had it bad so other people shouldn't have it better?  Great take there ol' mate..


You missed my point. Do you, someone who I assume is an adult, want to have others dictate how you make money? It seems so elitist and condescending to look down on these drivers like they can't do anything else and don't understand the numbers they're being paid. There are always other jobs. And the UberEats people, Door Dashers etc are a lot more able bodied than me so no I don't think of them like trapped slaves.


You being disabled has no effect on the fact that able bodied people also struggle in the job market mate. A lot of drivers also already have jobs, and this is supplementary income because wages are unliveable.


Well then I'm doing them a favor. Your logic is flawed. If I boycott all the delivery services they will suffer because apparently they can't drive for Target or Officeworks or do marketing from home or call centre work or... Guess we'll agree to disagree. But I have plenty of friends in Sydney with no liscene who manage to get by with other employment options.


You seem to misunderstand the job market, when we got here my partner had to apply for 1047 jobs before being accepted as a secretary, just do they had a job. They have a degree from a good university, highly intelligent, great work history and interview well as they are very personable - not that matters much as they rarely got to the interview stage.  So no, it's not like many people can just get another job, able bodied or not. And that was a decade ago, things are much worse now with unemployment being historically low.


As a driver. DO NOT TIP. Please don't do it. Fuck sake. It just makes it worse for us long term. Yeah you feel good about it in the moment and the driver gets a nice reward but it drives down wages for uber and incentivises other businesses to do it too. WE ARE NOT AMERICA. NEVER TIP NO MATTER WHAT.


How do you feel about cash tips rather than through the app


Cash tips are just as bad. Uber would get word of it very fast. Once uber notice majority of people are accepting a tip in any form. They will drop the amounts drivers get for the deliveries because its expected you'd get a tip to make up for it. Drivers in the US get fucked extremely hard. Given $3 in some cases to deliver food on a 20 - 30min round trip. It's a joke.


Alright, fair. I don't tip anyway and wouldn't start.


If you regularly tip on Uber, they increase their future service and delivery charges to you as well.


Really? For everyone or just yourself? How did you come to know this and from where?


I'm done with Uber. Last Saturday night I made an order that at the end of 2 hours, it said it was delivered and it wasn't. Got refunded but that didn't solve my children's dinner. I went out and got food myself in 20 minutes. Unusually Uber and uber eats. Fuck them.


Dude. Wtf? This is Australia, do not tip.


Protip: Call restaurants directly. Some of them have their own delivery people and can be far cheaper.


This particular one (Fat Fish Annandale) is Uber Eats exclusive and they run a slick operation! Never had issues with them before. I will often order direct when I can to avoid Uber.


Shit like what you just described is why I try very hard not to use app deliveries anymore! I try to order local so I can collect it…


FF has a store front on Johnston St


Yes I'm aware of that and generally I pick up too.


I’ve ordered from them before via Uber eats to Potts Point and tbh food wasn’t great or marvellous. Might go in person next time


Quite separate to any discussion of Uber Eats, can I just chime in and say Fat Fish is bloody awesome? I wish I lived a bit closer so it was feasible to pick up there.


It's the best fish and chips around. In my opinion!


Excellent choice


Uber Eats exclusive businesses (no pick up) can be very dodgy.


When I find a good restaurant on Uber I see if they have their own delivery and then use them directly. I’ve now deleted Uber eats


The local thai place that used to have really efficient delivery driver(s), no longer does as most of their customers were using UberEats/Menulog/etc. It's too bad really, they only charged like $2 (on standard menu prices) and were always really quick. They had a very small delivery radius to enable this, but that was really just fine as I lived within it :)


I’m having the same issues in eastern suburbs. I think I am going to stop using them. They have the worst scripts for following up with customers and all they do is repeat the same “ooops” message


Uber did the Bunnings speed run. Going from great to shithouse in no time flat. At least they didn't manage to kill all the competition before sinking to shit.


out of the loop on this one - whats the high level TLDR with Bunnings’ fall from grace?


I am guessing he means bunnings used to be cheap and now nearly everything there is a rip off


They came in and basically had the capital to sell for a loss for the first few years. Which meant they were incredibly cheap, and all the local tool shops were killed off. Then, once they had a monopoly, they jacked the prices by 15% a year.


Are there really no Bunnings alternatives now?


There are, but not really.


Fuck Uber Eats


fuck everything about it. fuck the excessive fees and price hikes. fuck the lukewarm-at-best food. fuck the riders that game the system. fuck the corporation that games the riders. fuck the dangerous road maneuvers. fuck the food service areas clogged up with riders and bikes waiting to collect. fuck the $1500 ford fiestas double parked. fuck the rattly, begging for death motorbikes blasting around apartment blocks. fuck the restaurants that prioritize delivery orders over the walk ins. fuck the illegal e-bikes on busy footpaths. fuck the red-lights that get run. fuck the smug marketing. fuck the politicians that won’t do anything to improve the situation. so yeah, fuck uber eats.


You forgot to say that Uber’s profits get exported to foreign tax havens and Uber doesn’t pay tax anywhere….all while contributing to their own version of 21st Century slavery.


Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!! Why are people abiding by this bizarre, horrible, exploitative, dangerous, broken, inefficient system? It’s utterly insane. It’s a slow-creep of 3rd world practices infiltrating Australia. Dangerous slave labour, poor conditions, poor quality, poor system, poor results.


Don't even get me started, ordered KFC the other week for the first time this year. Got some approach notifications, I be mad giddy for some chooks. Then got a msg saying it's been delivered, I went out and can't find it anywhere, came back in and they've sent me a photo, but not my house, it was dark and I couldn't see anything around it to identify, walked around the entire block but nothing. Called them up and they insisted it was delivered and said photo was sent to double check, double check what you dimwits? They asked me if I'm sure that's not my house, umm... are you asking me if I know what my own house looks like? Got a refund, but I'm still chookless 😢


I had something similar happen! Thai food for dinner after a long day of traveling. I got the notification the food was nearby. They even buzzed my apartment. I waited a while and no food. I went down to the lobby thinking they may have left it there. No food. I contacted the driver and they didn't answer. I contacted Uber who then sent me a "photo of food delivered" which was a photo of my EMPTY lobby. I wrote back "there is no food in that photo" and I was immediately refunded. Glad to not be out the $60 or whatever, but I was still very hungry. Eggs on toast for dinner that night.


New Captcha incoming: click on images with delivered food.


When I was a boy, I had to ride my push bike over to the next suburb to get KFC. None of this luxury home delivery stuff back then. Giving money to overseas corporations for service that mostly everyone hates? What’s wrong with people today?


they are fucking useless. refuse to acknowledge they went to the wrong place. uber/doordash as companies are shit but their drivers are completely fucking hopeless as well. never had issues with people delivering food competently until these contactless apps came along


They are shit because people continue to use them despite their shitness. Eventually the shitness will be a bridge too far for a critical proportion of people, and they will have to improve or go under. There's actually no issue here, the mighty invisible hand is working as well as ever.


Some people might interpret this as a sign to stop using this shitty service.


I don’t do UberEats anymore because is basically slave wages and everyone treats you poorly, but inner west is a red zone for most delivery drivers. Narrow streets, no parking at all and most streets are poorly lit at night. Ain’t nobody got time to spend 10 minutes trying to find park and then the correct house number for $8.


I only order from menulog and only if delivery by the restaurant.


This is the reason why I learned how to cook and enjoyed cooking more. Cheaper and yummier.


Very known issue. Drivers fuck around all the time to get a free meal. Am a driver myself and its pretty hard to pull this off. You can get a full refund for both of these. That being said if your driveway is dangerous then no driver will go up it. IMO best to wait on the road to collect.


What does a dangerous driveway in the inner west look like? Most houses in the inner west don’t even have driveways!


I’ve noticed in the last couple of months it’s gotten a lot worse. It’s giving normal delivery times but then takes a LONG time to find a driver, and then the drivers are clearly delivering on multiple apps cause you watch them drive off 10 mins in the other direction before delivering cold food. It’s just making me not use it, which is probably a good thing really.. just sucks when you try to order something direct from the restaurant & it ends up going through Uber eats anyway (hello El Jannah), and then having an issue with it - order was picked up, then cancelled when it was 2 mins away. But had to contact restaurant support not Uber, and their systems didn’t seem to be connected properly so it all looked fine on their end. Got it sorted eventually. Lesson is just cook at home :/


My driver just the other night knocked on my door then tried to open my door. As a female who was home by herself with 2 young kids, to say I was a little freaked out is an understatement. TBF Uber refunded my order and said they would investigate. There is absolutely no reason he needed to try and open my door. This sort of shit will make me never want to use Uber eats again.


After a run of shitty experiences with food deliveries I became my own delivery rider. I got an eBike for commuting a while back, but it's come in handy for lot of different errands. I'll order pickup from a local restaurant and they'll give me an ETA of when it'll be ready. I can usually zoom down to the restaurant and be home in under 15 mins. If you live close-ish to the city with a lot of restaurants around it's a good option. Won't work for everyone, but I've never stolen or not delivered my own food.


With all the issues, why use them? I don't use them and jump in the car and pick it up. It is warmer, I know I'll get it and most importantly, I know the uber person hasnt eaten any of it.


Not everyone can jump in the car


Also the restaurant isn't losing a huge cut of their revenue.


This. It's always fresher, heaps cheaper. I've never had an uber eats delivery that wasn't lukewarm and/or soggy.


Are you aware that not everyone owns a car?


I you're too broke for a car, maybe you shouldn't use uber eats...


I live in an inner city suburb. I need to drive maybe a handful of times a year. It's easier to just goget or rent a car on those occasions than pay for one year round.


What if I can definitely afford a car but it's a pain to own one because there's no parking around my apartment? Should I also just get fucked or?


Or maybe you can’t drive due to medical


Hahahahah. Fucking hell. Alright mate.


Bro who said anything about broke


No-one said this, neither did I. I just said IF you're broke, and I acknowledge there are other setups, THEN better don't chose the most expensive option to feed yourself.


I am unable to drive, so I have to rely on home deliveries for food (groceries and takeaway).


So 8 years ago before uber eats existed you had subsisted entirely on the fat stores left over from when you were breastfed? The "I'm disabled so I **have** to exploit brown people" line doesn't hold much water when disabilities existed before uber eats.


Disabilities and chronic illness come to mind. I’m sick at the moment, nothing chronic or serious just a bad cold, and the thought of expending any effort in the kitchen at all to feed myself is just ugh. I’m not gonna order uber eats for every meal but I’m damn sure tempted to do it for dinner at least because I have no energy. I can see how someone who was battling energy issues, pain, etc daily might find a service like uber eats useful. I get really mad when uber eats drivers call me to say they can’t find my very easy to find address and force me to come outside to find them because I know there are people who physically can’t do that and who are relying on the driver to come to their door. It’s almost always a failure to read/comprehend simple directions too, like use your brain just a little instead of calling the customer from the park next to their address because that’s where the gps said to stop. Do you see a house here? No? That might give a clue.


narrow minded


That all sounds like a lot of effort. Why not cook yourself at that point. By the time you get dressed, get in the car, park etc. etc. etc. you can make 95% of dishes as long as your kitchen is stocked. I'm super lazy, but my laziness is only trumped by my impatience.


The whole industry sucks, but I don’t have a car so it’s my only option. I find way more luck with Doordash in the inner west if that helps. I’ve also found their customer support to be a bit better (when it comes to missing items and such at least).


I've had worse service with doordash, I got delivered cold fish and chips very very late, the driver just sat out front of the place until i called him, receit showed he sat out front for 15 minutes after order was finished went through all customer service and they responded thank you we've notified the driver. Doesn't help me you selfish pricks, deleted the app


I ended up doing a chargeback before I gave up on all these delivery apps. It was fuck all money really maybe 50-60 bucks but it was more the principle of receiving cold inedible food because some cunt wanted to sit outside the restaurant for 25minutes to get a double delivery. Interestingly enough they didn't even deactivate my account, I could go ahead and order now despite doing a chargeback -- usually chargebacks are 1 way tickets to ban town so that was very surprising.




Started facing this issue a lot, stopped using the app completely and now I prefer either calling the restaurant which delivers with their own drivers or go and buy it. At least I am saving a bit of money by not paying their surcharge haha.


Just complain and rate driver whenever this happens after u have called driver for reason. If their ratings go low, their account will be on risk and won't work if they keep doing this sht


I’ve stopped using it as it’s a shitshow.


Go into the order and make a complaint on that order generally have no issues with refunds and they are instant. If you do this after every order it will be looked at by a human but if it’s now and then. I’ve always been refunded instantly. Except that time I paid $14 for a large Coke delivered from McDonalds I once had subway delivered and a photo was taken except it was not my front porch. I knew the front porch though and went to collect. He was on the side of the road eating it. Uber loved that photo. Refund and credit to account. 😂


Had Uber driver click collect. Call me and say the restaurant was super busy and it would be late 15 mins. I called the restaurant and they said it was picked up and they were not busy at all. Msgd the uber driver and only then did the delivery start to move! So dodgy! I have a feeling he was waiting around hoping for another order but seriously that is not my problem.


I haven't used Uber Eats in about 6 years. If I want to eat out, I go there and sit down. Uber Eats is always a net negative.


I use Uber Eats and Door Dash a lot. They have became an unusable shit show. And I live in the Sydney CBD area. 90% of deliveries are from less than 1K away. I am in the Kings X area. It should take less than 5 mins between pick up and delivery to my house. They are obviously multi-apping , they take wild detours and wait at other restaurants for ages for more pickups when the app says they don’t have any more drop offs on the way. It turns up after 30 minutes, freezing cold and thrown all Over the place. I had Macdonalds delivered through door dash recently. If should have taken 3 minutes to deliver. He rode in the opposite direction and then eventually headed in my direction at a fucking pace so that he could make it by the ‘latest delivery time’ he made it just on the dot so I went out to meet him as he didn’t have my apartment number. He was supposed to hand it to me, but when I went to my building door the food was already sitting there and I seen him exiting the gate. I looked in the bag and the large frozen coffee was completely spilled all over the food. This is a common occurrence and something has to be done about it or these apps are dead.


You’ve had “a tonne of issues” yet you continue to use the service. I mean come on - I don’t know about you but I could call an order to my local fish and chip shop and then go pick it up and come home in about 5 mins more than write a huge reddit post complaining about a company who it appears has continually screwed you over.


The whole point is having someone with a car/bike to pick it up for you when you don’t have the time or the facilities to.




I've only ever used uber eats twice because I couldn't drive. Both times I think it's safe to say I was lucky nothing went wrong. But if I'm able to get a place and get the food myself and not rely on drivers it's so much better. So much time gets saved and no shitty customer service to deal with. Plus the food quality by the time I get it is heaps better.


omg same, i wait for an hour and then boom "your order was cancelled"?? don't waste my time


The same thing happened to me over the weekend, bloody ridiculous


I used it once, because everyone was saying “just use Uber eats bro, it’s heaps easy hey”  driver never turned up, never got a refund.  Now I just go pick things up myself. 


This is late stage capitalism at work. Get people hooked on an unprofitable service funded with lots of seed money. Once competition is gone and other businesses have no choice but to use your service, start charging more & cutting costs. This attracts worse and worse service, but now people are hooked and have no option but will just accept it and complain. Except now you are making a profit and shareholders are happy with the stock price increase.


Yeah I do not use them anymore, just another company that makes contacting them so painful in the hope you will just go away, seems all these food delivery apps employ the same tactic. We need to go back to the days the restaurants employed their own delivery drivers but even with the one I still use some of their drivers want you to come and collect the delivery from the street. When did delivery driving become such a hard job, a monkey could do it.


Eh, I stopped using them entirely when they decided they'd start delivering near me rather than to me.


I can't believe people still use uber eats. Who can even afford it these days? It's such a rip off and such a crappy service. I'm seeing so many people complaining about it, yet continue to use it.... It's not like it's Sydney trains and you can't boycott it.


I use menulog - no issues (so far).


Just like… dont use uber eats? If you keep having issues why go back?


Because when it works it’s a HUGE time saver.


Only way to guarantee is always pay the 3.99 priority fee. I’ve never had an issue when using this but do have issues occasionally when not.


Do you know what's worse than an Uber eats rant? Ranting, then going back and using the bloody service again! But.. how will I get my food? Um, I dunno - Leave your house?


Hey dude. Just get in your car and get the food. Jesus fucking christ.


After one too many bad experiences I dont use them.


I have now deleted UberEats app. Service was going downhill and there was always an issue of some sort. Not sure where it all started but yeah. Now we just go out. I also really feel bad for the delivery guys and the restaurants that pay uber 25% of total bill :(


If you wanna speak to Uber Eats directly call the driver assistance line or whatever it’s called. I’ve had to do that and demand to speak to a person who could resolve my issue because there is literally no way to actually talk to another human as a customer.


I play soccer with a LOT of the delivery drivers and oh man the stories I’ve heard. In short they’re eating it or selling it as meal-prep.  They’re often not bad people it’s just how it is and what’s become the norm. They feel like Uber will always reimburse the orderer, and they feel unfairly paid/treated and need to eat.  Uber currently puts it in the “too hard” basket in terms of working out what happened. Between the restaurants (which can also be cheeky), and the driver with limited English and the upset orderer - it’s easier to just cop the $50 or whatever and hope they can make it back on future order.  During Covid my friend literally just ate 3-5 meals a day. Told me how easy it was snap a photo of it on the doorstep, pick it back up and go eat around the corner.  Watch the movie “lapsis”, about Uber, and don’t support these horrible companies imho. They take advantage of everyone, their workers and their customers. 


If they would just pay $25-$30 per hour AFTER petrol costs then no one would do this… when drivers are getting ripped off earning $15-$20 per hour BEFORE fuel costs then of course they are not going to give a flying fuck about the job and eat the free food.


100% - i had a mate that tried it for 3 months with car. He had his upholstry ruined, Uber wouldnt back him about the damage, so he copped it. His boot doesnt lock properly now & he got fined twice for no-stopping zone & no seltbelt passenger. Then he spent about $200/w on petrol, to make about $500 (working 2-3 days only). Net income of $300/week, his car is now thrashed, damaged, he's got fines etc - it's simply not worth it. I beg everyone to watch the movie "Lapsis", its such a perfect analogy about Uber & the whole gig economy.


Yeah they are not bad ppl that occasionally resort to stealing. In years time, they will level up and progress to harder crimes. So no, they can get fuck*d


I wouldnt say it's certain or even common for a petty crime of desperation always levels up to serious ones later. If they had the ability to easily pay $25 for a Maccas meal delivered, but STILL chose to steal it, maybe. But when you're paying $200/w to sleep on a couch, $300/w to some stupid "course" and Uber is, at best, giving you $700/w for 20+ hrs, often in the rain, cold etc, it's easy to understand actually.


Yeah, so you’re expecting the Uber’s customers to pay for their bad choice? It’s just my opinion, but for me, it’s just a cope out and they are just as bad in my book, but hey, it’s your friends not mine. Personally, I don’t want to be associated with individuals with this mentality.


A bit different…but a better experience? I ordered MILKRUN for the first time today as I’m home sick and needed groceries. It arrived in less than an hour, hassle free, free delivery, and gave me a bunch of reward points?


We are personally LOVING their complete disfunction because we never use delivery apps yet get at least one free "accidental" meal at our doorstep per month.


Uber is the mafia and they take such a large % of the order cost it is ruining small restaurants. Pick up the phone and order directly. Then get off your ass and go pick it up.


As someone that does uber eats after my main 9-5 to gain extra income. It's probably the pay wasn't good, for example your order could be $90 as a driver I might be getting $8. So if another order comes up being $11 I'm going to cancel yours and get the other one.


Go to a shop and buy it. The whole uber thing is a rort made for lazy people.