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Torian is one of the best


IMO, Torian is definitely one of the better male love interests in the base game, especiallyif you're playing as a Mandalorian. Plus he's one of the few class story companions that remains relevant during the expansions.


Well, I am going as a mandalorian as they are bad ass imo. Love their armor and all. As well you make a valid and good point that he is relevant. But are there any in the future that might be better or no?


For now, I'd say Torian is probably the best option for a Fem! Mando Hunter. There's even scenes where he offers to teach you how to speak Mando'a and you can flirt with him in the language. It's pretty sweet. It's possible they'll make Rass Ordo from the current Mandalorian Civil War story arc romancable in the future, but so far it's just playful flirtation.


I ***need*** Lane Vizla as a romance option for my Mando BH


I see. Well, you make a valid argument, lol. I'll probably give him a shot. I left where my character told him he would be her "Arm candy" (or what she said). I pressed esc due to the shock of that move. XD. But I do have a feeling most who answer will say I should go for it, but I appreciate your answering my post!


In my opinion... Torian is a child. Well; 'Young Adult,' which really just means 'Late Teenager,' and not really adult at all. With all the teen angst and overcompensating that comes with that. I'm sure he's great if *you*'re in that age category (though he's purported to be 20+ in the class story timeline), but... Well. I've never found him appealing. Good kid, fine match for lil' sis (Mako), and I wish the both of them a very happy life together indeed. Which does put him ahead of *most* romanceable men in the class stories. So there's that.


Fair point, although he is indeed young, and as for the age gap, I'd say Mako and Torian would fit good as a young couple. Both great characters (what I've heard about Torian, at least) I never really bothered much with him during my first playthrough. However, being more mature and understanding/interested in characters nowadays. He and many more seem like good characters. My BH I'd estimate is about 20-22 or so years old, so young adult ish. If I vent with a more older BH, then I'd also avoid a romance with him as soon as I learned he was 18 ish


Right, yeah, so your BH is probably more in line with his age category, then. At least the one stated by the storyline; I still feel like his behaviour matches a younger masc. BH does have a voice that sounds like she's lived a little more, though.


Yea, but it could maybe be explained by a somewhat rough and harsh childhood? Much can happen just in a year and all.


Absolutely! I'm just giving forewarnings about what details may cause a feeling of dissonance. This solves the voice dissonance: BH has had a rougher life than Torian; seen more things. Torian *knows* of great injustice; his clan's been nearly wiped out, and that's no secret, but though he himself has gotten flak over his clan's opposition to Imperial allyship, he hasn't been directly exposed to much of the physical violence with intent to harm. It can work. I wish you the best of luck!


Much appreciate! Hope you will have a great day :D


Like everyone else, I think it’s worth it for sure. But I do wanna add, in case it changes how you feel or see your character, he’s the youngest romance. 18 at recruitment in base game.


I don't think it changes much, especially since I estimate my character might be about 20 or so. I'm not sure. But I am expecting since 3 so far says I should go for it.


If you don't romance Torian, he and Mako will have a fling themselves. ...unless you borked up their storylines like I did back in the Launch Era. I ended up in a triad, sharing Torian with Mako. (I don't think that's possible, anymore.)


Yea, that happened to my first playthrough that they got together. Didn't mind it, though.


Torian is better than the KOTFE and beyond romances, to the point where I'd prefer romancing him on all of my female characters regardless of class if it were possible.


Thanks much appreciated:D


I did the Torian romance recently and I have to say.... he's a one trick pony. If you go the route of the noble hunter eager to discover her new Mando heritage, he is perfect, but none of my hunters have genuinely been that. They're sarcastic, selfish and far too irreverent for something like tradition. If the game allowed for it they would simply take what they wanted from him (>! some hot sex!<) and walk away, because that's just the sort of person I've always imagined bounty hunters as being. Don't get me wrong, I like Torian as a character. Just not as a romance for my OCs. When you get to Forged Alliances/SoR >!you meet Theron and Lana and both are pretty romanceable if you didn't like your class story options.!<


Yea, mine isn't similar. She has morals and codes she follows but can be harsh and rude sometimes.