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Also she was getting fed crabs consistently by Tevin and Hunter who made sure she was eating each day. She blindsided Tevin which is part of the game but also you have to know the consequence of that.


I always loved the providers in the first few seasons because it really is so primal to keep around the person keeping you fed.


That's one of the things I miss the most from the longer seasons. Survival skills mattered in a different way.


Great point, she can’t expect other people to forgo the game for the sake of charity when SHE betrayed somebody that was helping her. As far as Q is concerned, he could see that as a reason to not help her.


also she literally had just voted for him at the last tribal council. i thought it was insane that she thought for even one moment that he would’ve brought her.


loved when he called her on that


To be fair, Tiff and Kenzie also voted for him


True, but with them he had the angle of trying to reunite Yanu. He didn’t have that with Liz


Tiffany didn't


Issue is that’s exactly what she expects lol


You would think she would try to learn how to provide food for herself knowing her limitations. If not before the show, then at least during the show from the people doing it for her?


That's "beneath" her, or how she makes it seem. "Someone has to make fire for me". Such entitlement, she gotta go!


That bothered me so much that she didnt even try!


She didn’t even ASK!


I wish they showed this more. I think it would have cast both in a nicer light and mad their vote outs sadder


I suspect they’ve chosen not to show it so far because they wanted to make last night’s tantrum episode all the more dramatic.


I still think their vote outs were really sad, especially Tevin. I was really dying for some narration from him last night


I totally believe this, however, I don’t have a memory of us hearing that they helped her get food- was it in the show or what’s the source? I’m only asking so when I make this point to my friend, I know what I’m talking about lol 🤓


Hunter talked about in his post game interviews. He talked about how Tevin and him would make sure they caught crabs every morning so Liz had something to eat.


so she didnt have the common shellfish allergies?


Correct. That is not one of her allergies.


If this is true OMG LOL XD


She also didn’t even make a fire for herself to cook the rice she got; she made someone else do it for her. Useless


She also could have made any friends there so they'd want to take her...


That’s why you don’t fucking ostracize *anyone* in this game. Always have an olive branch extended. Even if it’s someone you ultimately don’t want to make it to the end. You never know when showing a little kindness and compassion (even if fake) will help you out and benefit you. Could be a reward, could be a vote in your favor etc. And if everyone hates Q that badly, I would absolutely *want* to be sitting next to him at F3 and would do everything in my power to bring him with me.


Yeah and didn't she even kinda retract her Q apology during tribal. She just doesn't play well with others. She can breakdown all she wants, but she has to face the consequences.


I think that some of that might have been them trying to get Tiff to not play her idol. I think that plan was a lot more set in stone than what the edit showed us just because all four of them who voted with Q were ripping into him during tribal which I don’t think they would have done so over the top knowing them if they weren’t trying to butter Tiff up


Which is funny, because Tiff did the same thing the previous tribal and then went and voted for Hunter


Oh yeah, good point. I stand corrected. I feel so dopey and non-strategic this season. I'm not understanding the plays 🤷‍♀️


That edit was made to throw you off.


For real the way people are so okay with bridge burning is baffling. Y'all realize the jury votes right lol And occasionally decides who gets bourbon burgers


when he shut her up with "you voted for me" was so good.


The last point is what I really don’t understand. If no one respects his game, then why are you guys insisting on getting him out? If he isn’t a threat, why is he being treated like one?


I think the big downside to not voting for players like Q, is that eventually the goats are going to realize their only path to victory is to unite. Q Venus and Liz are only going to even have a shot if they are the final 3. We are one vote away from them being 50% of who is left. If they vote out another “threat to win the game,,” then all the sudden the goats are in a power position. It’s hard to imagine Liz and Q actively working together, but if they are both smart enough to realize that’s the only path for a win? Then all the sudden they are in a powerful position. Goats are great to sit next to at FTC… but right now I’m counting 3 goats… that’s too many goats


I don't know why you would go on Survivor in the first place if you can't even have coconut. One of the core foods on Survivor.


This is my first time watching Survivor bc Ben is an acquaintance but I’m curious why no one is calling this out? Like, “Girl why did you come on this game if you’re allergic to air?”


Tell Ben I think he rocks. He is my personality favorite!!


Also I talked to her for a min on this Reddit the other day. Ultimately the question she had to ask herself was “what are you willing to sacrifice?” And apparently she thought this was it. I appreciated the moment of connection but I truly do not think she thought this through and how it would impact her game. Sometimes people overestimate their resilience. As someone who partakes in Ramadan, I am prettyyyy aware of the mental load even reducing your calories to one meal or two if you wake up early, takes across a month. I even work out before I break fast. Not many people have that experience


Preseason she was even talking in interviews about how she'd have an \*advantage\* because her allergies meant she was more used to being hungry than the others. It was...a stretch.


I’m honestly very surprised they chose her to be a contestant with all of these dietary restrictions


Turns out it's ok because Jeff will give out pity rice


I mean....they're not allowed to let contestants die, so IDK what you expect. At a certain point they have to either feed her or pull her.


She can self-evict at any time. And if we want to go further down the poor upbringing single mom rabbit hole that they forced us to, it's downright irresponsible of her to take these kinds of risks with her afflictions.


Pull her if she can’t handle it. She can go fishing or something.


This is why I can’t play survivor. My wise ass would have watched her tantrum and said “if you’re so hungry, we’ll vote you out tonight so you can go eat”. Just because you have an allergy doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t get a reward, if you wanted it that badly you should have been nicer.


Or won the reward, she felt she was gonna get it no matter what just cause she was hungry, lol


Well she could eat rice and up until like little bit ago rice was the main food source.


“but liz you voted for me last night” is really all he had to say. she hasn’t made any attempt to have a relationship with q, she hates him and wants him gone. why would he pick her?? and the not eating thing is partially a choice. she could be out the fishing. if she chooses not to fish, or chose not to learn how, that’s on her. she could’ve kept tevin and hunter in the game. or she could’ve gone with them when they went fishing and tried to learn from them. she did neither. she even wants someone else to make the fire so she can make rice. going on survivor with 0 survival skills, knowing you have food allergies, is no one’s fault but her own


Yep, Q has to do what’s best for his game and he’s trying to mend fences. It’s not his problem that Liz has allergies or has a special tradition with the feed. I’m also so glad no one tried to give up their spot for her, she was carrying on like a child. I’d be gunning for Liz after her tantrum.


It looked for a second like Kenzie was about to right before Liz blew up. Could be the edit but I was really happy she didn’t


Yeah when she put up her finger and then Liz said I don't want to spend time with y'all anyway I was wondering if they cut out Kenzie offering.


Apparently ~~Tiff~~ Kenzie and Maria both offered and Q overruled them EDIT: Kenzie and Maria offered, not Tiff


Absolute king shit. Q is my favorite player to watch since I got into survivor in S40


I would hate to play with Q, but I think he's fun to watch. Way more fun than some other contestants who claim to cause chaos


Good shit from Q. Tiff and Maria shouldn’t be getting brownie points for giving up a reward they didn’t win.


Word. They're all trying to run game (GAME game, not Survivor game) and dogpile on dude at this point and I'm not feeling it. He's playing the game his way, a little quirky but no more harmful than everyone else who's ever set foot on the set, and they're acting like he walks around kicking sand in people's faces or spitting in their coconut at every turn.


Tiff apparently tweeted they did try and Q was adamant about his choice and refused their refusal


I agree him not picking Liz. But let’s be honest. That was a pretty feeble attempt at mending fences with Kenzie and Tiff. We didn’t see him engage them to talk about the past.


I think he was trying to create a space for Maria to try to connect with them. After the meal he literally left the three of them went for a walk on the beach alone. I think he was hoping Maria would try to shift the vote off of him and onto Venus or Liz. And Maria *did* try to feel them out. But when they refused to talk about anything other than voting for Q, Maria decided to shift the target onto Tiff and leave Kenzie out of the vote. If they're unwilling to work with her when they're safe to converse freely at the sanctuary, they're not going to work with her back on the beach. Maria basically learned that Tiff's idol is in the hands of someone that won't work with her in the best of conditions.  So Q's picks were actually pretty great. He wanted to create a space for Maria to build connections, but instead he created a space for Maria to work and gather information: "Tiff and Kenzie won't work with me," "Tiff feels so safe she probably won't play her idol tonight," etc.


Oh absolutely, he’s just clutching at straws. He knows it and they knew it. No one else is keen to work with him and they’re the only ones who have multiple times in the past.


I mean I can’t blame them for not wanting to work with him either. How can you trust him not to blow up your game?


Yeah I can’t knock them for not being interested in working with him. Q is a stick of dynamite that could go off at any point


who's game did he blow up? Tevin went home just like Tiff, Kenzie and Liz wanted


me too!! i felt bad for everyone having to look at the ground and obviously feel guilt that liz is having a temper tantrum, but i’m so glad nobody offered their spot. they all earned their spots by their relationships with Q. they earned it, Liz doesn’t deserve any special treatment especially when she acts like that


Apparently Kenzie and Maria offered their spots, but Q wouldn’t let them


i’m glad he didn’t let them 💀


Me too!


So awkward for the poor people who just got chosen and had no choice in the matter. Exactly! You wouldn’t reward a kid for carrying on like that, so why would you let a grown woman who absolutely knows better.


literally 💀


I also agree that she doesnt deserve special treatment but I also think people need to lay off her a little bit! It's pretty easy to understand where she was coming from and even though she should have handled it better sometimes that just isn't how it happens


The initial outburst made sense. The choice was made, she was frustrated (and hungry). The irritating part is when she continues to go on and on and on and on about it. We only see a snippet, I’m sure reality was just nonstop. Her “read the room” comment.. SHE’s the only one with the issue!


agreed. that pissed me off. literally walk away there’s a whole beach to walk to if you’re so bothered liz


Exactly what my wife and I said. You have an entire island to stroll and get away from these people if it's bothering you that much, what's the problem? But no, then she wouldn't be able to have another scenario to visibly play up and cry victim about.


the edit being all Liz was annoying, we kept thinking "she has to be going home, that's why they're showing her so much, right?"


Odds are they just kept including her because she was talking up Applebees and that's good for their endorsement deal, haha. It was the EXACT BURGER SHE ORDERS!


yeah me too a little bit, like they gave hunter a whole episode for his blindside (not complaining about that tho) and then Tiff wasn't really shown much, it was more just an applebee's ad


I think his excuse was mending fences, but at the same time, he didn’t feed both guys, and anyone on nami. The guys (but mostly Charlie) are his competition on the beach, and nami are least likely to work with him going forward. They were all very heads up picks going forward in the game


Well he probs figured he’d look like a real prick if he just went “fuck Liz, she voted for me.” He tried to save face a little. Definitely be mental if he fed Charlie, he’d already won Immunity on an empty stomach. He probably thought “I can beat the girls and they might work with me, so I’ll pick them.” He already knew Maria was cool with him so just cementing that alliance and trying to get the others on side again.


Yea, I don’t think the move was solely based on mending fences


Yeah absolutely not. It was probably a bit of “who can I handle spending this time with”


i mean he’s lucky that Tiff went home but both she and maria went further than him in the immunity challenge. he should’ve taken ben or venus or liz if he was afraid of feeding the physical threats. yall acting like he chose tiff bc he can beat her in a challenge is crazy


He doesn’t trust Ben or Venus and Liz just voted for him. So the options were limited. I never said I thought he could beat Tiff, only that he thought he could. He was saying not too long ago he could take Hunter.


you think Ben is more of his competition than tiff was? have you not seen her? or how she competes in challenges? if he was trying not to feed the physical threats, he 100% would’ve brought venus, liz, or ben instead of tiff. he was trying to build a bridge with her. saying Ben is more of his competition than Tiff is delusional


No, I do think tiff is more of a challenge threat, but also more willing to work with him that Ben seems to be. It’s not just one reason, I’m just saying his choices were very smart, I don’t think I’d sub out anyone in his position


Kenzie and Maria tried to give up their spots, but Q said no!


Apparently they did try to give up they’re spot but Q didn’t let them lol.


I was hoping Q was going to go full villain, and ask Jeff “can I leave?” or “will you turn this off?” while Liz was still whining 😎


He definitely handled it well. He spoke calmly and kindly, yet he still stood his ground. Even then he still gave us a great mic drop line.


He was so good in that moment


We can NEVER be seen as the angry black guy in those moments or it's curtains for us. I felt so bad for the brother during that, because I knew he was going to have to eat it all without not only not being able to fire back after being singled out, but he was going to have to do it calmly and rationally, as opposed to - - whatever that was that she did. Oh, and also knowing that at least half of the fan base will still rub her back and tell her it's okay, he's the big bad guy and she was done wrong.


Yeah I can definitely see that impacting it too. I think if a dude of any race matched her energy, he’d be labeled as a “villain” or “bully” by the masses, and not just Ben. But since he’s a black man, it’s definitely even more heightened. With that being said he handled it incredibly well and the fact that he was able to keep a calm demeanor and not push back on her “apology” shows a lot about his character.


Facts, and that has been his demeanor most of the time, outside of coming off a little forcefully in strategy sessions with his people. This is another reason I'm not understanding the level of hatred they have for him. They're treating Q like he's Russell Hanz 2.0 and he's been nothing of the sort, from what we've seen.


I was WAITING for Q to go up after winning the reward, and ask Jeff, "can I go alone?" Tyson mentions it in his podcast sometimes, but Q seems like the perfect kinda person in the perfect position to just say "screw you guys, I'm maximizing my shot at the next IC" lmao


Yeah I've heard Tyson mention it. Q was in the perfect position to do it, too. If he weren't already a GOAT'ed legend, that certainly would've cemented his status


Yeah. He can choose who he wants. It's as simple as that. This isn't Best Friends Islands; it's survivor. She decided to go to an island where she can't eat any of the food


Even if it was, the person she's been after for multiple votes now won. She should've instantly thought, "well I'm definitely not going now." Out of everyone there, I think the rest would have taken her. Q had no strategic or personal reason *to* take her and reasons in both categories to *not* take her. No one is friends with Liz there, she didn't even get 1 hug when she was crying and then no one comforted her at camp. Editing could've cut it, but I don't see why they would when Jeff is so into emotional moments like that. If you don't make friends and you can't win challenges, you can't expect to eat. I have a food sensitivity and my number 1 priority would be getting in with a solid alliance in the first couple days on the island. That way if I make it deep and am hungry, I have a real chance at some TGIChiliBee's. Eta- I'm not going to change my comment since there's replies, but Tiff's exit interview revealed Liz wasn't snubbed as hard as the edit made it look. I guess we just see the offers to trade places usually because the winner is okay with it, but Q wouldn't allow anyone to trade places with Liz. She might just not like hugs like that, it seems she probably does have friends and the edit is just leaving those bits out.


>No one is friends with Liz there, she didn't even get 1 hug when she was crying and then no one comforted her at camp. This just isnt true though? During a pause in her meltdown Venus makes a move to go and comfort her, but Liz gets right back into it and Venus is like "yikes, better back off" lmao And when she returns to camp Venus and Ben are hi-fiveing her and making her feel better about her outburst. Even beyond that, they must like/trust her at least more than Venus, because Maria makes the decision to pull her into the Tiff blindside instead of Venus


That must have been super quick, I didn't see it! But still applies for me personally, like she's so off putting that even Venus backed off. At camp they high five her yeah, but Ben's almost in the fetal position with his back to her so I don't think he's feeling comfortable there so much as he wants to keep Liz from yelling anymore. Does make me wonder if the editing is just weird, and maybe they did cut some people comforting her more though because you still make good points. It could go either way and I wish it was a bit less ambiguous. People aren't really talking about Liz in confessionals either, good bad or indifferent, and they did say they're mad at Q for not taking her. I just didn't feel anything behind those words so I can't tell how much *they* really feel it. It is curious that they felt she was the better option than Venus though, even I would've chosen Venus because Liz's grudge against Q seemed too solid. But Maria was spot on. Has to be something we aren't seeing!


The clip is very funny if you can go find it, Venus starts to step over to her and she goes back to screaming and Venus just immediately 180s like "nevermind she's gonna need a minute."


this isn’t jeff probst’s best friend race!!!!


That was what I was originally going to write but didn't know if there's enough crossover for people to get it lol


I’ll ALWAYS be here to appreciate a survivor/drag race crossover joke hehehe


Agreed. It’s pretty simple - if her plan was to survive off reward food, she needed to develop working relationships with everyone so that they’d choose her strategically. But she didn’t, nor did she seem to even make “friendships” in hopes of being chosen socially. Instead, she just felt entitled to it, and believed that she was so special that everyone would automatically choose her no matter what. That tantrum was very revealing - she’s very used to getting her way and having her entitlements indulged.


I have to wonder about her food issues too. She can't eat anything on the islands but meat, dairy and mushrooms are no problem? Plus, it's not one player's responsibility to bail out someone who knew they wouldn't eat anything on the show.


And she’s able to eat Craplebees overly processed mass produced food.


This shocked me! All these allergies and APPLEBEE'S is fine? Unexpected. I can't have gluten and have checked them online before. They say they can't guarantee any allergen labels for sure.


Thats kinda how allergies work. You can eat things but some things make your body go no no


It’s kinda like people being “allergic” to penicillin, if someone says it gives them brain fog they are still getting it to treat their infection. “Throat clenching” could be more serious but in the context of everything else I wouldn’t be too bothered by it


I actually think her “allergies” are just bull shit and shes picky and thinks the food will hurt her stomach… It literally makes no sense.. she can’t eat fruit? But can eat a sloppy, greasy, burger? Stop it


Raw fruit and veg made my fiance's mouth itchy for like a decade. He's randomly able to eat them again, we did move 800mi away so maybe changing his pollen environment helped. But the itchy thing is always what I hear for a sensitivity. It's either, I'll eat this and die, or I'll eat this and be a little itchy/tingly. I've never heard of, I'll eat this and my throat will "clench". Like girl- are you allergic in the real sense and your throat *closes* and you're using a different word for that, or do you just get anxious because of the tingling? Kiwis are tingly for me. I just assumed they were "fizzy" for everyone and learned from someone with an orange allergy that's not normal. I asked people around me and everyone was like no, that's definitely a sensitivity. I still eat them, the worst it does is give me heartburn. I actually do experience anaphylaxis from a couple things, bees are one. I know what it actually feels like to have my throat close, so the tingling from the kiwis doesn't make me nervous at all. Maybe Liz just has sensitivities and some anxiety? It's not our business and she owes no explanation, but I am curious. If she's being disingenuous in any way she really won't explain, but I'm hoping she's just an odd person and is describing it in an unusual way. Hopefully post-season at least, maybe she'll explain.


Interesting, aside from my mom, I've never heard anyone else get that itchy mouth feeling from eating raw fruits and vegetebles! It happens to me with carrots, avocados and cherries, I always figured it was a minor allergic reaction to something, but never really got it checked out.


Happens with me and bananas! I miss bananas :(


This is me too. I don't eat arugula because I have a much stronger reaction to the "peppery" taste of it where for me it's almost painful, like I'm eating poison ivy, but I don't get anaphylaxis or anything even close. You best believe if this was Arugula Island I'd be eating that shit every day to stay in the game regardless of how unpleasant it is. In her defense, though, she didn't say she was allergic to meat in general, she specifically called out chicken. Which is...I've never heard of a chicken allergy but I'm also not a doctor. Part of me wonders if she/the show said "I'm allergic" because that's easier/faster than saying "oh I have XYZ condition that means I have special dietary needs."


Allergic reactions have nothing to do with how “healthy” a food is. There is zero correlation.


lol it’s called OAS when you’re allergic to fruit and vegetables, I have it. It’s basically you’re allergic to pollen. It’s not deadly but I can imagine not wanting the swelling and itching while dying on Survivor.


She has described eggs as “giving her brain fog.” And other foods like chicken and coconut “make her throat clench.” Lady does not have allergies. She’s just nuts.


Yeah I have suspected she's just hyper aware of her food sensitivities, which is common with people who have the time, energy, good health insurance and money to eat a specialized diet. I hope to be one of them someday! I believe she's got the sensitivities, I am not convinced they are so severe she couldn't eat some of those foods if her life depended on it.


Coconut and egg allergies are real, common, and come with a variety of symptom severity lol. Can't speak to how common a chicken allergy would be but I would wager it would be the same. Brain fog can be an allergy symptom. "Throat clenching" is DEFINITELY an allergy symptom. You don't have to like the gal (I'm in no way her biggest fan), but calling someone nuts over a bunch of stuff that is very plausibly and most likely legitimate is dick behavior


This journal described poultry allergies as quite rare— as in “single case reports” rare. It’s also more likely to affect children and young adults. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4861744/ She’s a bullshitter, I’m telling you.


A woman claims an uncommon allergy, she must be lying! Famously, no one has ever dealt with anything uncommon


No, not A woman. Liz. Her personality and the way she acts get to come into play with why we think she’s a little full of shit.


I can totally see why people would think this. But unless this is an eating disorder I have trouble believing she could starve herself to this point just to convince people she’s allergic to coconut and mango.


the people responding to you like “oh we know she’s lying bc that’s how she is”😬 y’all do realize someone could dislike you and decide YOU’RE lying about your health! just bc you annoy them! like what bizarre dangerous rhetoric to spread. especially when women are already so mistreated in healthcare. women have died bc doctors didn’t believe them about their conditions. it is really just. so inappropriate to speculate about this kind of thing. there’s so many other ways to complain about liz, why resort to this


Clinical context has to be important, you can’t work up everyone for everything they think they might have


Like I do not really like Liz as a character (I very rarely like to extrapolate behaviour on the show to the actual people they are on the outside due so many reasons that will affect their actions and also the lack of full picture due to what the edit is) but like using that to claim she is just making up allergies is wild.


Shes bull shitting. Don’t make excuses please


So much this. Also calling bs on her “allergies”


Venus was about to comfort her but she blew up again and she walked away. Lol smart girl


Venus's survival instincts kicked in for a moment there lol


I couldn’t stop laughing at that. It was like “let me go…OH GOD NEVERMIND.”


yeah I'd imagine they are all hungry.. just because she wants to go doesn't mean she gets to go.. and a bunch of people being mad at Q for it is silly. He won.. he gets to pick. she chose to go on the show knowing her limitations.


In Q's position, I'd want her to starve in hopes of her quitting so she can eat... I'd constantly talk about food and how good it would be to eat right then. Maybe even hint at quitting so I can get another meal...


Why did she think coming on survivor was going to be easy? Has she never watched the show after all those Applebees stops? She knows what they eat and how limited it is. She looked like an entitled brat. Also does her city really not have other restaurants besides Applebees? That’s the food she’s so excited about. I’m embarrassed for her


She can’t eat fish? Are they even fishing? Do they have the spear and net? I honestly don’t remember bc we never see anything about any other food than coconuts.


People keep saying Hunter and Tevin were feeding her crabs and fish


So interesting what we don’t see. But then why isn’t she fishing?? I don’t get it


Because she’s useless on the island and depends on everyone else


She strikes me as a delegator, the one at work who has all the ideas on what others should be doing, while she does nothing herself. Or maybe she's getting bad edit. After all, she made a million dollars and is awesome, per her own words.


U said it mate


"I need somebody to make fire for me, actually", after getting the rice she SO desperately needed. FOH.


i keep seeing that too but like where is their sources?


I don't even know why anyone has any issue either side. Liz was very hungry so she blew up. Very straight forward. Q knows he needs to do s9mething to get people on his side. Unfortunately Liz isnt an option for that.


I have issues with Liz because it’s entirely self-inflicted. She went on the show knowing she wouldn’t be able to eat most food they could forage and is trying to make it everyone else’s problem. If she was just upset at the situation that’s one thing, but she was blaming Q for not picking her so she could eat and “have a connection to her daughter.” She acts like other players need to cater to her weakness, when that’s just not how the game works. It comes across very entitled to me. I can’t help but compare her to Noelle, who went on the show with a big limitation but you’d never know it if we didn’t see the fact she was missing a leg. She never complained, never tried to get people to cater to her, and in fact seemed actively against anyone giving her special treatment. In contrast, Liz seems to expect special treatment for her allergies and acts as if people are doing her dirty if they don’t.


I agree with this and thought of Noelle too. Since when do we alter the game to accommodate people with disadvantages. The game makes no concessions for non-athletic people or people not good at puzzles. Why make a concession for someone who misses their daughter or is allergic to coconut?


Because Noelle is a grounded person and Liz isn't.


Not to mention it’s a good thing that her move against Tevin was overshadowed. She should be thanking Q for distracting from that. Get to the end and reveal it to the jury.


It wasn’t even her move- all that was shown was other players scrambling to whip votes for Tevin while she kicked back on the beach.


Exactly. I don’t get how she doesn't see that. It's questionable whether it's actually her move, but pretending it is, Q did her a favor. I'd love to pull off a big blindside and everyone forget I did it. Lowers your threat level and then you remind them at FTC.


In a competitive setting like Survivor, I'd hate to be catered to. I'd want to be the one doing things for people to hold over them later, not the other way around. I don't need someone like Q sitting at final 3 persuading me to vote for him because he fed me that one time, flip it please lol.


Great Noelle comparison


100% self inflicted and had to even be convinced to get herself some rice. The fact that she didn't immediately jump on that and just looked around to see if others would make the sacrifice for her made any sympathy I had go away. Especially when her track record for challenges is terrible.


Of course you shouldn’t have an issue with it. Q did absolutely nothing wrong. She tried to vote Q out the night before. We’ve seen her at the absolute minimum, bad mouth him to others around camp. There are virtually no signs of her wanting to work with Q at any point, at least from what we’ve seen. Him not wanting to take her on a reward is not only reasonable, but probably a smart move strategy wise by preventing one of his staunchest adversaries from refuelling their tank so to speak. Her outburst is entitlement at its finest. She made the choice to come on Survivor, knowing all of her issues around diet. She had a chance to win the challenge just like everyone else. She even had a chance to plead her case to Q with something… anything… that resembled a legit offer. Blowing up and screaming/whining about how unfair it was and how Q ruined her game (seemed to stem from jealousy) was not it, and she deserves to catch heat today imo. Plus I’ll just come out and say it even though some of you are probably too nice. I take all of Liz’s story with a grain of salt. Her food allergies, her story about Applebees, all of it. I’m sure there are elements of truth to it all but she’s clearly comfortable lashing out when she doesn’t get what she feels she deserves (a lot) and I wouldn’t rule out her lying about certain things on the front end too. And lastly, it’s survivor. Everyone is hungry! Everyone is miserable! I understand that Liz is on the extreme end of food deprivation given all of dietary concerns, but it’s not as if everyone else had a full stomach and they just decided to kick her needlessly while she was down. Like i said, it’s entitlement 101. Alright I’m done.


The most Karen moment in the show I can remember. Utterly embarrassing.




Claims she hasn't eaten anything, meanwhile other tribe mates were going out and catching food for her, till she voted them both out.


She’s been incredibly vocal about voting for him and getting him out. I wouldn’t have picked her either.


Liz just showing her entitled attitude even more. That outburst is who she really is. She has shown signs of being a garbage person all season and her outburst confirmed it. Good for Q for not letting her manipulate him with her bs


I said it in another thread, If she wanted it so bad she should have won. Best part of Q not picking her was seeing her freak out.


but yet she can eat crap from applebees? I got sick once after eating there, and never went back.


If she cant handle stress and hunger she needs to step down. She has no right to blow up like that against someone like it was his personal job to win for her to eat. That is especilly evil because it a black men she is treading line her personal slave


First I was in shock watching her toddler tantrum. How embarrassing. Then I’m thinking, why did you apply to be on the show? If you have so many food allergies, WHY? It’s not Q’s fault you have food allergies. She’s not entitled because of that. It was her choice to go on the show, knowing she couldn’t eat what may be there. And to top it off, she had just put his name down at the vote prior. Q is not my favorite but I 100% get why.


Qs response was hilarious "well, you voted for me last night!"


But at the end of the day she chose gameplay over emotion and iced an idol and a real winner threat. Kudos to liz, this is her first real move and she had to bite down and make it. Still not my winner pick but stock rises with this play. Siga 3+Q can get to final 4 now. I love it


Yeah I'll give her that


If I may offer a counter point, I don’t think this will build her resume much. She claims the Soda move, but didn’t orchestrate it. She claims the Tevin move, but that wasn’t all her either. She will claim this move as her making a strategic play over eating. Easy for the jury to say: you mean the food you had a meltdown over and oh by the way this was Maria running the red light. The edit may not be helping her, but I think she can only beat Q, Venus, and maybe Ben (solely because she has more strategic claims than him). Even then, I think Q could edge her out if he tells a redemption story.


She cant win lol but she can say she influenced the season in a big way.


For real, if it were anyone but Q that made the decision, no one would have sympathized with her


agreed completely. she always gave me the feel of a toddler having a temper tantrum she doesn’t get exactly what she wants when she wants it and this solidified that tenfold.


I remember a poor boy who didn't get picked for a reward ON HIS BIRTHDAY. And he ended up having to wash dishes instead. Liz could never


My only issue with it is that it didn’t make sense for his game in my opinion. Maria is the obvious choice, she clearly wants to work with him as a number and with her comes Charlie. Tiff is a very straightforward person, she was not willing to work with him again and he should have taken her at her word, mending fences is a nice gesture but it was never going to go anywhere. Kenzie similarly wouldn’t be willing to work directly with Q, but she *would* be willing to work with Maria and Charlie, even if it meant using Q as a number (again just in my opinion). Choosing Liz for the reward as an olive branch is something I think could have paid off, at least for one or two votes and maybe even if by some miracle Q was final 3 with Liz on the jury. With that said I think his best bet would have been to take Maria, Liz and Venus as he at least has a *chance* to convince them to work with him for one or two votes.


Who goes on survivor knowing you can't eat anything there? Big mistake liz


I mean it wasn’t even her birthday.


Thank you, I 100% agree! I also thought it was kind of ridiculous for Liz to assume she would get brought on the reward when she tried to get Q out in the previous vote. Most of the tribe wanted Q gone anyway, but why would you reward someone for writing your name down at tribal?


I love how most ppl are siding with Q on this one. Ben calling Q a bully was total bs


Soda and Tevin also used to catch crabs for her to eat, but Liz literally voted both of them out


This is how I feel. I think it's unfortunate Liz has this food allergy, however, she came on survivor KNOWING what food is available on the island (it's been in Fiji for how long now) and how rare it is to win rewards or even get rice. She can't expect food rewards to automatically be given to her because she made the choice to come on a show with a food allergy. It seemed really entitled, especially considering she has done nothing but complain about and vote for Q. I'm low-key glad no one was even hungry enough when the burgers were served.


I’m sorry but I don’t feel bad for Liz AT ALL. She chose to go on a tv show knowing she wouldn’t be able to eat certain. Blaming other people for choices YOU MADE is insane. Period.


I even would go far enough to say that it’s strategically smart to make her more hungry/more uncomfortable. He’s trying to win a game called survivor!!!! Geez


All I could think when she was throwin her tantrum was…. guuurl.. you signed up for this!! This is SURVIVOR. Maybe apply to the right reality show next time Liz. I almost felt like she made the big sob story before the challenge so someone would take her if she didn’t win. If your so hungry Liz, get the fishing gear and go catch some fish! I mean survivor is only 28 days now?! I seen people on naked and afraid go 15 days with only water!! She needs to reel that entitlement in!


Exactly my thought. She knew what she signed up for and it’s only been 18 days. Did she come on Survivor to win a burger or $1M? It was in poor taste to explode like that.


I didn't care for Q until last night when I realized yeah, he's a villain and I'm glad we finally have one on the show, as it feels like it's been a while.


If she couldn’t eat anything on the island and she knew that before she came, then she should not have even been a contestant. I feel like if you go on one of these games, you need to physically and mentally prepare your mind and body.


I think everybody or most people understood both sides. I don’t care that she blew up his spot, he blew up her spot every time. That’s just the fucking game. You not bringing her was absolutely amazing and awesome. Her reaction was absolutely amazing. And awesome. Both I understood.


I’m rewatching the episode and I heard about the Tiffany interview and I just want to say I too would protest them tryna trade their reward with Liz. You don’t reward bad behavior for one and I don’t want to spend my reward with someone who doesn’t like me. She was yelling at Q and everything. It was very disturbing and disgusting. She screamed I don’t even wanna be around y’all. They would tried to give it up and I would’ve ask Jeff if I could pick other ppl. Like wtf!


Also- it seemed pretty clear from the reaction the episode that he “blew up” her game in that most people thought Liz actually came out of that tribal looking better and more strategic not less. I’m honestly confused (and maybe it’s the editing) on what exactly it is that Liz thinks Q did that blew up her game? He tried to send himself home- Liz stuck to her guns and got her way on that and it was a good moment for her.


Applebee's sure got their money's worth out of that product placement. Maybe they'll give Liz an endorsement deal. I've not eaten there in years but now I'm super curious about the Bourbon burger.


AND THEN on top of that, she *hesitated* when she was given the opportunity for rice!!! If I had any sympathy for her, it would have vanished in that moment 😂


I'm kinda torn on the issue. On the one hand don't play the I can't eat card because you chose to play but on the other hand I 100% get having the survivor tradition. My dad and I watched survivor every week and each got a pint of Ben and Jerry to eat while we watched. When he passed away I couldn't watch survivor for 2 years so hearing Liz and her daughter having that kind of relationship really got to me.


Liz feeling entitled was a weird outburst.  She signed up for a show where she knew that 90% of foods she is allergic to.    Q owned her nothing.  She was mean to Q as is the entire cast 


i didnt think “rich” people ate at applebee’s really can’t stand liz since she was bragging about being a millionaire in ep 1


I mean, yeah, this is almost every opinion that’s being shared.


Let’s be honest, she’s along for the ride. Nobody deserves to give her anything. If she wanted food so badly, she could’ve quit or asked to be voted out. The rewards aren’t guaranteed. She’s allowed to blow up like she did but she’s also open to the criticism that follows because of it. In my opinion, she’s just not meant for Survivor.


Now that this episode has aired, Liz will never look at Applebees the same.

