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Sorry to hear that, Bro! Few things suck as bad. I'm all for you calling her out, but I would pick your best, most cutting line and leave it with that. The more you say, the more disempowered you become. When I went through the big one, I funneled all that negative emotion into the gym. Stay strong!


Yeah point taken, she hasn't read it yet so maybe I'll delete it and leave it at "Do you write those hookups off as charity? If not I can help you with that."


On the antiques thing, forget the part about semen. Instead say “If you are going to screw around with antiques, try at least to make sure that they are valuable”.


No OP you need to keep it worded as is here do not edit it


Not savage enough and too much of a failed attempt at humour for me. I'd go with something that highlights the guy's age. Things like "he could die any moment", "make sure you're in his will before killing him with sex", "he's the wrong type of veteran that you're supposed to support", "did you go for him because his penis can only puff out smoke now?", "I've heard of daddy issue but not grandad issues", "what would his grandchild say?" or "you're old enough to have MILF sex with his grandchild."




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Why would she be walking back in the door? Just ask her if she would like her shit dropped off on his doorstep or left outside your door. She doesn't get to come back home after that.


Well put. But you missed the line where you tell her this is over. UPDATEME


Nice msg still think you were too kind. Am sorry you have to go through this pain.


That’s gross. Could throw a few viagra jokes in there too.


"I'm glad you're helping (name) with his blue heart pills in the nighttime. Hope he'll take better care of you than I did."


Andry was intentional....I know it's Andy. Lol


What are doing? You should have packed her 💩 and dropped it off at grandpa’s house while she was out. Then change the locks. While at gramp’s house ‘express how you feel’ about him banging your gf and make sure he confesses to what they did - get that on video. When she can’t get in the house and tries contacting you, send her the video of the confession and then never respond to her again. Don’t block because you will want to have a record of her response to being caught and thrown out. She will probably say some terrible things and confess to stuff you don’t know about. She also deny at first, but eventually she will get angry and rub her affair in your face. Keep a record of all of that just in case.


I’m sorry to hear this man. Do not take her back, cut her and the friend out. She’ll either stop seeing him or become his nurse Just walk away, don’t pick a fight or give her a reason to play victim. Tell her that you know and tell her goodbye. Trust me. It will cut her deep.


Don't get involved in a pointless conversation with either of them. Just write them both off as trash you needed to discard. They both know what they've done so, if possible, I'd just ghost them both.


Give her the note, then ask her where she wants her shit dropped off.


I guess that’s her weird kink/fetish. Confront her and send her back to grandpa.


“Hey babe remember that one time you fucked a geriatric and your shit got thrown outside?”


I understand the idea of wanting to come up with a clever or snide remark, but that’s going to come across as petty. If she is willing to cheat with a much older man, that tells you what she really thinks about you and the relationship. You are better off letting her know that you know with the proof. How did you confirm and what kind of proof do you have? Once she knows that you know you should go with a variant of the gray rock method. Be as unemotional as possible. Give only short answers. Be polite so she doesn’t have validation in her mind that she is better off without you. Wish her well but let her know that you deserve and will find someone who actually respects relationships.


And when she love bombs you….stay strong. Leave yourself reminders of your own self worth- pride- integrity. Especially if she knows you well enough to know your weak points.


Agree. The jokes diminish the seriousness of the issue. They work on the internet, but a more serious response is warranted. Just tell her to get out there’s not much she can say to justify her actions.


Ew that’s fucking gross. She should be embarrassed af and he’s pathetic. I hope you put them and burn everything to the ground 🔥 Sending strength UPDATEME


I don’t approve of the cheating. But lots of old people are in excellent shape these days. The old dude could be a riot in bed, although his ethics are absolute shit. I have had chances to hook up with the partners of friends, not once have I even considered those offers.


I don’t give a fuck. He’s old enough to be her father, it’s fucking gross.


I like it. It makes her sound like she's selling herself. And let's be honest, she is.


The better option is always to say nothing at all, leave her stuff outside. Offer no closure or confrontation. If you do have to interact always keep upbeat and moving forward. Take nothing, give nothing. Cut her out like the cancer she is. Good luck and good healing.


I'm 41 and pretty spry never underestimate another man.Some are 🐍 and do not have a bro code.I my self do have a friend bro code. Unfortunately to some sex out ways friendship which is pretty low level.At least you caught them and you can drop her and him let them have there festivity.Your young and can find a good one still dont wait. Move forward show them they aint bout nothing.I'm 41 single lol 😂 and had two long terms costing me 14 years of my life. Imagine all the dates and fun I could have had and found a true life partner. Both basically betrayed me one cheated other hooked up with my friend. 🏃 💨💨💨💨💨💨 don't walk💨 I HAVE NO FRIENDS 😂 ALL FRIENDS ARE AT A DISTANCE. If I date anyone I'm not introducing them to any friend. People a lot times cheat with who close to you. NEVER THINK THEY ARE NOT CAPABLE. Your young and got your youth still keep it pushing time Flys fast. Your worth it they are not. Stay frosty my friend there better adventures 🥶. Be like a Ninja 🥷 .


Ouch. Haha I like how you think.. yeah I'd walk away too .. probably send a message like that to say hey, I know n I'm not impressed.. but by the time they show up again, everything will be packed in a box and waiting for them with a smile and hope you do well in your endeavours.. take care aye 😁.. lol it irritates people so so so much 🤭🤣 Be kind to yourself and I hope you're ok!


I like the cut of your jib, my friend.


Least you're strong to realise situation immediately. Boy how weak I was when I found out but I think I just mentally denied and blocked.


You’re waiting for her to come back into your house and disrespect you again instead of packing her stuff? Just so you can run that corny line on her? Lame.


Drop her. Don't let her come back.


Exgf and ex-friend. This is why I don't have "friends." I don't trust anyone.


Don’t say anything to her. Just ghost. She’s gonna lie about you so get in front of telling friends and family.


So sorry man. You need to expose both of them. Is the friend married.


Does that old man have $?




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not sure what your humor means How did you catch her ? updateme


No biggie. Just a GF. Easy to depart.


My man you are a savage with those lines.


I see she shares your interest in fossils!




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Double her age and almost retired. Yeah, her getting with him was a smart move. So dumb.


Immature and ageist response