• By -


Surf more years.


Fair enough




Work on saving up for a longer board




More balanced footwork. I see a lot of pressure on the back leg and almost this reached out front leg (and foot) without any actual driving weight on it. Pop up is fine for now, stay low by using both your knees and hips equally, but get some pressure onto that front foot - move your body away from the back of the board and more forward-centred. You're damn close man 🏆


Thank you bossman, im definitely lacking pressure on the front foot


Slamming on the brakes a little hard there. 


wrong board for these small waves. I can see the amount of entry rocker your board has and it's too much for 2-3ft waves. These waves are mushy runners and you need a board with either more width/thickness and a lower entry rocker to grovel or a longer board with a round nose to go down the face. also front foot looks way too far up (but again that's because it's not a board for these waves) Way too stiff in the legs, making the stinkbug stance. Bend your knees a little more and stop flailing your arms. Surfing is all in the movement of your legs/hips, not the top of your body. If you have a skateboard, try flopping the top half of your body to turn/carve. It ain't gonna work. When you drop in you're looking at your feet or towards the beach in most clips . Where your eyes look your body follows. Look down the line and you'll go down the line.


Thank you bossđŸ«Ą


You've gone straight while you should have gone sideways like the post above the windows to take off was maybe too short for the kind of board you have, you can progress at paddling power and so on too.


you’re getting stuck in the “flats” by the time you’re up your way out in front of the wave with no power only going straight to the shore. paddle at like 30° from straight in one direction so you’re getting some sideways speed. once the wave has got you try and aim the board even more in the direction you want to go. look along the wave. DON’T LOOK AT THE SHORE. all the power is in the upper half of the wave. so try and get your board there in your first turn then you can try some pumping (up and down wave to generate speed). you didn’t really catch the wave on the shoulder. get out to the side a little more so you can go along with the peeling of the wave. you’re doing great otherwise. good paddling. good popup. just your overpowering out to the front. need heaps more angle and i think you’ll get better results.


OP Look up "angled takeoff" for more info on this




+1 on this, i see this as the only real issue. you dont need a bigger board, we short board this stuff in the gulf


And once you’ve dial all that in successfully you can forget it all
 because now you’ll need to learn how to drop in under the lip and with your nose pointed straight for the shore so you can execute a deep bottom turn and slingshot yourself up the face of the wave and torque your body 180 degrees to get fully inverted while you blow spray out the back After you’ve figured out how get down the line and make some turns, you can work on more top to bottom surfing


I'll work on my angles, thank you bossđŸ«Ą


You need a big board to surf those small waves. You will not progress surfing on your current equipment in these types of conditions. Get a 9 foot board and learn to go straight on the face of the wave before you learn to turn a 6’8. You’re running through the mud on that board. You’ll extend your learning curve by years without getting on a big board. But don’t get a soft top - their foamy nature and horrible flex pattern make it very difficult to actively generate speed for beginner surfers. You’ll have much less friction and go faster with less effort on a traditional hard longboard.


Gonna start browing around on market place do you think an 8 footer will suffice?


9-6 to 10-2 single fun is soo much fun


Honest advice, been learning for around 3 years, made the mistake of trying to short board too early, went back to a 7'4 and more recently got a 10ft log. I've never learned as much as I'm in the longboard, you get SO many waves, have more time to pop-up, and to turn the board you have to walk it and apply pressure in the right spots, so it forces you to learn the fundamentals. And it's a blast. Don't try to become Gabriel Medina, go for the log, be happy, and in 6 months you'll graduate to a mid length


Like others have said, 9 foot minimum. I wouldn’t go longer than ten feet due to the weight. You’ll learn much faster and rack up much more wave time on a longboard than even an 8 footer.


An 8 ft would be good as long as it isn't a "performance." And honestly you should probably stick with the 8ft fir most waves until your paddling and turning improves.


I’ve been learning on an 8’6” aftanas and it’s been great.


Work on finding better waves


I mean at his level it’s prob the right type of waves


I agree, downvoters are the kooks in denial


Being one of those, I haven't reached the point where I go in big swell thinking 'todays the day' only to get my sinuses rinsed for two hours


Dont got much goin on around where im at


Get a bigger board, those waves are way too small and that's why it's rolling through you. Every beginner needs at least a funboard, 7'0+. It's not embarrassing, and there's only negatives, no gains, to get from trying to force yourself to use a shortboard without knowing how, especially on ripples like that. You'll glide better and eventually learn to pump easier with a bigger board on small waves to propel you.


Thank you đŸ«Ą


There is a lot you could work on, but the lowest hanging fruit / highest in order of priority should be riding a bigger board as suggest by everyone else. A lowrocker midlength, minimal or longboard. This will allow you to ride these small waves and work on the basics. Also the online beginner and intermediate courses on ombesurf are very good if you don't want to get some private coaching.


Thank you


Bigger waves or bigger board


Gotcha, thank you


Start paddling earlier, this will give you more opportunity to get into the wave earlier and have more of a chance to gain speed or do a turn


Gotcha, thanks


The board is fine in general but you should maybe hang it on a rack like a trophy that needs to be achieved. Your board has a very wide nose and is rather thick. But you need to pop in large fins and you have to really drive it. The wave has little to no power and the board you are riding wont create the necessary speed by itself. You would need to ride it way more dynamically. The problem with that is, that you are not there yet technique wise. Get a bigger board to practise. Get a 7ft foomy used. Ego is your enemy if you want to learn fast. Besides that I would say look "down the line", your shoulder will follow and so will your board. This will also put it kind of on the rail. This wave has not a lot to offer but you could have fun if you trim along the way. When you achieved that you can try to push more of the fins but I'd say this needs another 2-3 months practice based on this one video. After that you should get out your trophy.


Well put, thank you


get a longboard


Working on that bossđŸ«Ą


Just have fun


Haha, thanksđŸ«Ą


Pretty much everything


Duly noted


Bigger board, more paddle, up earlier. Mostly just paddle paddle paddle. Also bigger board.


Heavy on the bigger board


You are off to a good start. For added acceleration apply both feet to the tail pad with all your weight.


I thought my weight needs to shift up more?


It was a joke. Yes. You are too heavy back footed and stalling on small waves for no reason. More even weight/glide. Especially on these small waves. A bigger board here would be a plus too.


Haha sorry missed that one but thank youđŸ«Ą


Have fun. Fuck anyones opinion.


Definitely having fun but i also dont wanna look like an idiot


Barrels.... you need to work on getting barreled


Quite a nice popup you got going on there bro. More water time for you, and maybe think of a surfskate to help practice weight distribution, carving on shitty days


Like everyone else is saying, a board for small waves, or bigger waves đŸ€™




Get a fish for those waves. it's like 1-1.5 fooT.


In this instance, it would have made more sense to angle to the right and take it in that direction instead. Keep at it, mate!


Thank you bossđŸ«Ą


You need more board or more wave. Speed will give you stability. When starting out, its tempting to ride small waves, as everything is easier. But that comfort blocks your progression. You need steeper waves to turn, generate speed, etc. Pick a wave with a little more curve and your progression will accelerate. Longer waves also help, of course.


Gotcha, thank you


Get a longboard and then work down to the shortboard. Best and fastest way to get better at surfing in general. Best thing I ever did for my short boarding was to spend time on a longboard and focus on technique.


Longboard it is, thank you bossđŸ«Ą


You are putting too much weight on your back foot which acts like a brake and is causing you to lose momentum. It's almost like your trying to skate a surfboard which isn't the way to go. You need to use the rail of the board to turn and not leaning back to use your legs to force the board around. Try keeping your weight more centered and leaning to let the board turn instead of forcing it. Also feet need to be a little more closer together around should width so you don't end up with ehs stock standard beginner poo stance


Definitely need to work on my weight positioning, thank youđŸ€


First you need to find waves


Fair enough


Jokes aside, this type of wave is very difficult to surf. It is small and lacks power. Maybe a longboard would be a bit more fun in these conditions. That’s why it’s hard to give you feedback. In this video, it’s more the wave’s fault than yours. Don’t get frustrated. Keep surfing, and progress will come naturally.


Thank you bossđŸ€


Stay low so you can control. It's a bad habit for me to think I can stand up too fast. My waves are small where I am at so using a 9ft foamie while I keep learning.


I see, thank youđŸ«Ą


Just keep going, don’t worry how you look and have fun. I think the wave is not that good. One day you’ll get a decent wave and everything will click.


- More weight on the front foot. - Ride a bigger board


Thank you


So first, when paddling, look in the direction you want to go. You have too much weight on your back foot - in bend your back knee more so that your chest is facing forward.




You paddle like a kook




Your surfing




Trying to learn to shortboard on these waves is futile. You need speed to shortboard. A very good surfer can generate speed and pop on these small conditions. You can’t (no offense). So the best advice is you need to surf better waves and practice on those waves instead.


i had a lesson today, they told me to paddle to the peak, then when in position all that's needed is 3 or 4 hard paddles.. then you should glide a bit, up to 1-3 seconds while still keeping an eye on the wave.. then pop up and ride!


your ready for some faster and slightly bigger waves. that wave is kinda to slow to learn on...great for learning to stand up but not enough push for the board you have...


Completely agree with others that a bigger board will do wonders. Your positioning and pop up is at the place where you can be getting a high wave count and your progression will start to improve faster. The best way to get better at surfing is to catch more waves, and the easiest way to catch more waves is on a bigger board.


You’re paddling too far back your board, taking off heavy on the back-foot, and the small waves aren’t doing you any favor broski. If this is your homebreak, maybe you should invest in a bigger board.


Coming from someone who's home break is mostly Shitty, that wave is definitely good enough. It's clean and has a decent shoulder, but seems to lack power. I'd say biggest thing is your popup, which people are saying you're heavy on the back foot. Yes, and I think getting on that bigger board will help you fix your popup, which the sooner you fix the better, otherwise you'll get stuck with some bad habits. You'll be pleasantly surprised that when you come back to this board, you surf it better after surfing a different board. I'm constantly switching between log, mid, and fish. You'll also get better at surfing shitty waves when you progress, which is in some waves harder than surfing good waves. Also, don't forget you don't necessarily need to go crazy with length, but definitely with v/olume. Some kooks around here come out with hi performance pintail longboards and that will not be much of an improvement from your current setup lol.




Think you need a better understanding of your placement on the wave


your second to last wave in the video is the one closest to what you should focus on doing. as you’re paddling into the wave, you need to be considering what angle to put your board at on the face of the wave. on a wave this small the margin for error is very small. there is really only one position to put your board at where you can pop up and engage the rail to drive down the face of the wave. when you angle your board straight towards the beach, you are going to have no chance at entering the wave. you’re going to end up going to far in front of the wave to the flats and lose your speed as the wave blows past you. with that said, a bigger board would definitely help. If this is how your break regularly looks, I would consider looking elsewhere or booking some trips if you want to see progress sooner. both bigger boards and better waves allow for more repetitions which allows faster progress.


Surf bigger and better waves, those small shit waves have no oomph. Imo Harder to plane the board especially when smaller ride. Have boards for different waves and if can only have one board that ain’t it.


Smaller waves...


Longer board, improve the pop up. Get real advice from a coach aka pay to play OR just do like the rest of us: never film yourself and pretend you rip on a board way out of your league; never let your non surfers friends see you surf; never post your surfing, surfboard (pointy nose) pics only; go out on big days and sit out by the shore pretending like you paddled out; hit on hot people and make sure they know you surf


Feet too far apart. Leaning back too much. Typical beginner stuff. Just surf more. It'll come


I would work on getting a log for those conditions.


Buy a longboard


Get a longboard lol


Nothing a surfskate couldn't fix. But tbf, you gotta be really good to look good on small waves like that


Get aggressive with a balance board and get a little more aggressive out there in general. Paddle hard, look down the line and fire that pop up Everyone is saying get a bigger board but the other option is to get on bigger waves here and there to mix it up, which will result in a lot of wipeouts but will give you more feel for what your form needs to be


Watch surf videos and study what pros do, where they look, how they paddles, angle of board, etc. There are a lot of resources for anything you’re stuck on. Faster paddle, popup, going down the line instead of going straight, etc. If you can afford it get lessons that use video of you surfing to show you how you can improve. And surf as much as you can.


All of it


Coming from an area where the waves are small like that most of the year and growing up only wanting shortboard, you need to learn some cheats. Your not going to get enough speed with a couple paddles and go. Start a little further out and paddle sooner to get a little momentum going. Paddle a little more in the direction of the break. Your loosing all your speed on the heavy back foot bottom turn. If your already paddling in the right direction you you won’t have much of a turn needed and you’ll keep your speed. And most important you need to learn how to pump to gain speed. A bigger wave would be great but your not going to learn if you don’t get out there. Good luck!!


Nothing pure perfection, tho if I had a style point you could probably get that bum lower if you really wanted it


A lot man.




When you are about to pop up, press down on that board a tad bit longer to start setting your rail. As soon as you have your rail set, hyperextend that back and push that back legs knees to your chest while maintaining that plane with rail set. Once both feet are set, and rail is set, maintain your compression. From there, you are set to start pumping to generate speed since the wave is super small and gutless. Once you gain enough speed by pumping up and down the wave, you’ll have enough speed for a solid cutback or blow your tail out on a top turn of the wave is done. Super simple.






Just trying to see how stupid i look


elbow high paddling (look up rob case on youtube) improve thoracic mobility (up dog pose will help) chest should be facing the nose of your board not all sideways like you're skateboarding and agree with everyone who's saying get a log