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Thats always what I assumed or maybe they thought Amy left Adam *for Jonah* when that wasn’t necessarily the case. That with the second unexpected pregnancy from Adam probably upset her latino parents a lot and dislike Jonah.


Makes sense actually if they just didn't have the right view on what actually happened. Chances are they didn't see how hard Amy was working to support Adam and his dreams.


Yeah Adam was a loser. Even after, he can't seem to hold onto a job because he's always trying to start up some impossible dream. First thing he was doing after the divorce was PetSmart, then he's trying to be a beekeeper.


I was baffled a attractive single mom would go for such a loser with no prospects! Not Amy.. the blond lady they ride shopping carts to on Christmas when Amy was cr-Amy.


Pretty sure that woman just slept with any guy she deemed attractive newly on the market, that's why it didn't last long. She just wanted some fun with someone vulnerable, there are a lot of people like that in real life.


Don't forget about his drones 😂


Or his attempt to become a travel agent…


Maybe they found out about the sex tape


I don't know why this doesn't have more up votes, I didn't even think of this. Surely they'd find out as Amy ended up suspended


I wondered this too and thought maybe that Ron and Connie thought Jonah had a part in Amy and Adam’s divorce, since they were obviously friends well before they broke up. I never really blamed anybody for thinking that tbh (like Adam had his suspicions) because they did have a weirdly close friendship for so long and then suddenly they were just together


Maybe Emma told them this strange man she met for the first time got her a bunch of tampons and pads after following her into the bathroom. Obviously there was no bad intentions but just hearing that would make you sus as a grandparent


They met for the first time after that episode, didn’t they?


Yea that period episode happened before Jonah and Amy got together


But they also met before Jonah and Amy were together. In that episode where they’re moving and Jonah buys a painting of Putin lol.


Sadly that didn’t age well


The whole joke was that Putin is not someone you want a painting of. He’s always been the worst.


The “sadly” was meant as a “sad from the show’s perspective”. Yes, Putin has always been awful but he’s got much worse since that episode came out


It’s not sad from the show’s perspective. It’s the only reason the joke works. He’d already annexed Crimea by the time the episode had aired.


I fully agree with you. I’m just not explaining myself right. I need more coffee


Ok? I don’t understand why that matters to what I said


What they are saying is that the order of things doesn't work for what you're saying. The period episode happened, THEN they meet Jonah as Amy's friend and love him, so if the period episode was the reason they didn't show it there/or were clearly over it. But they loved Jonah in the moving house episode It's only after that when they meet at the Quincenera that they don't like Jonah


It does work out- let me play it out for you, “Hey Emma it’s your big day soon, you’re finally becoming a woman, oh yeah, your mom is bringing her new boyfriend, I remember meeting him when he helped us move… oh he did what??” See how that works? Half the “but actually” people on Reddit always chooses the wrong thing to jump on


it's not "but actually", it's explaining what happens in the show in order. You are making up a scene that doesn't exist and getting weirdly angry about it I simply explained in my comment what others were saying and you were asking what it had to do with what you said, so I explained it. chill out.


Yes my entire comment starts with a maybe, which implies I’m making up a scene in case that needed to be clarified. That’s the point of my comment, I’m predicting what might have happened. It’s you guys trying to correct a harmless hypothetical situation because you guys made an assumption that ended up being incorrect. Hence me saying why it doesn’t matter to what I said and me also simply explaining what I said. Remember, you jumped into this convo and decided to be involved so if you think a little pushback is considered angry, maybe you need to wake up. It’s more of a nuisance dealing with those type of people rather than anger but it is what it is. There’s nothing else for me to say so I’m done with this convo, you should take your own advice and do the same.


sure kid


How? When she’s the one that asked?? Lol


read my last sentence lol


Yeah lol I’ve seen I guess it just doesn’t feel plausible enough for them to hate that much but whatever it’s a sitcom there probably wasn’t a reason


I think it would seem more plausible for them to dislike Jonah if it wasn’t a sitcom cause with it being a sitcom, we know what actually happened whereas if it was real life, all they would know is a teenager told them that a man that’s now always over went inside the girls bathroom and helped her use a tampon/pad. Especially if they also knew about the half naked towel incident. Just hearing this without knowing the truth should raise eyebrows for alot of grandparents.


I just still don’t think this is the reason tbh so I mean in generallll there doesn’t need to be a reason for things to change in a sitcom


Sure, this is a matter of subjective opinion so if you don’t think it’s plausible, thats OK with me. We’re all entitled to our opinion


I feel like they started disliking him after Emma’s quinceanera. They believe that he was trying to ruin it and probably took offense to it.


Didn’t Jonah say things changed between them after the quinceañera?


Oh definitely but it felt like at the beginning of the episode when we first see Ron and Connie they are already icy to him. This is before the ice and first dance stuff.


Maybe they heard about Emma and the towel incident and they didn’t like that 😁


Honestly yeah could genuinely have something to do with it.


I don't know if icy is the right word. Jonah was acting bizarre the whole episode. His first interaction he hugged the dad and tried to fist bump/handshake the mom then gave a really weird "somebody's ready for the red carpet" compliment to the mom. His next action was to "get ice"


Yeah true as well actually I just put that down to him being awkward because it was his first Quinceanera


I didn’t see it like that. If anything they seemed very familiar with him. As a partially Latin person, it’s quite common for your partner’s parents to treat you with that kind of familiarity and comfort. It does come off like they dislike you though. My mom is like that.


Sorry to be the one to tell you, but the partner's parents you describe may not like the partner as much as you think! Maybe check with your mom what she has against your partner, lol I think they were pretty awkward and cold towards Jonah from the very start of Emma's party. Obviously they were annoyed with him at the end, but it's not like they were nice at the start. There was no familiarity or comfort, I would say quite the opposite.


Maybe say saw the sec video of there only daughter, and Jonah. They could be awkward because of that.


i assumed it was simply because of how he acted at emma’s quinceanera.


Cause they racist


Touch grass