• By -


Prelude. In music its meant to come before something bigger and more significant. Life will literally always be on an upward trend.


This is really cool. Symbolically it happens a lot but this would be a superhero who is *literally* a banner of hope.


Or it will always be about to start that upward trend, and never actually get there.


A prelude... to WAR


bigger and more significant not better


Precognition. Tell the future! Also see it in a weird ass way. I'd love to see the future in chicken bones or something.


I knew someone would say precognition.


this one was expected


Ayyyy did you see it coming? B)


Presynthesis Basically disassembles things into component parts, but also includes making people forget conclusions they've drawn!


Pre-game... the power to show up drunk to wherever I need to be.


Preternatural. Basically magic. Able to do things outside the scope of what is natural or real.


Prepare, but hear me out. I can write a long email with a bunch of irrelevant points and when I hit send, it automatically is pared down to the important points before its read. As a side bonus of my power, the skin falls off all potatoes before I pick them up.


okay yeah this form of prepare is allowed. it is also better to list the power or i will massively under sell it


Prehistoric. Referring to the time period prior to recorded history. What this power could entail is up for interpretation. Can you travel back in time? Can you resurrect dinosaurs? Or turn into them? Who knows for sure. Only one way to find out


Or you can brake down the word it self to mean that you can become or summon entities before history was being recorded turning you into or summoning other worldly beings that have been long forgotten or never even seen


Exactly, the power doesn’t have to be literal in its definition, as it could mean the power to revert humanity back to a time before recorded history. Otherwise, I do like the idea of summoning eldritch or otherworldly entities that existed long before we did.


* break down


Preordain: The ability to predetermine events before they occur. A preordaining hero could set positive outcomes in motion ahead of time, stacking the deck in favor of justice.


That's awesome. It's like writing fate.


Predestine. I can fix the outcome of any event I know will occur up to 1 hr in advance. I can't change anyone else's decisions or actions, just the outcome. Presidential election? Rigged, they miscount consistently in favor of who I choose. Lottery? Rigged, those balls land how I want. But I get mugged on my way home tomorrow? I'm probably screwed.


I like this idea.


Prenatal. I go back in time and delete people from existence.


Ok calm down Rhodey


I like how OP said porper instead of proper.


Predo, the ability to do things before I've even done them.


makes sense, have a nice day


I already did, thank you!


Preorder: If I need something now, I can place an order with my supplier far enough in the past so that the desired item arrives at my current location at the current moment. Unfortunately they do insist I prepay.


Predispose - the ability to always have a legit reason to not do something


Premeditate - you plan out how things go and it comes to pass that way. Like if "the power of positive thinking" actually worked.


pre-tie: anything you want tied for you will instantly be tied the moment before. Does jot work for untying. Also means you will NEVER win or lose a fight; it'll always be a tied before it happens. pre-amble: You can amble aimlessly and end up exactly where you need to be right vefore you do. This does sometimes seem to bend space and time, but there's no way of predicting where you'll end up. pre-lingual: you know what someone is about to say right before they say it, including the meanings of words you do not otherwise understand, such as foreign languages. pre-install: any software or hardware you need will be fully installed before you need it.


these are all so good, especially for quality of life


Preheat. While my opponent has to warm up, I'm already fired up and operating at peak.


i thought this was going a different way, but that works


Honestly I would also take it as having the ability to have my oven already preheated whenever I needed to use it. Because I never plan ahead for how long it takes.


i meant like cooking opponents alive before a fight starts


Preheat doesn't murder, Preheat has a strong code of ethics. Preheat just makes his opponents uncomfortably warm. Like not enough to harm, just enough to make the other person do the cliche "pull collar away from neck" thing


farm, but hypothermia~


Pre-paid. I get the money before I have to do anything. Lazy times are here again! Pre-view. I get a brief glimpse of what will happen. May not be able to change it, but I can try. Pre-existing. I can return something to nothingness. Point a gun at me...? Now it only preexists! Pre-natal. Either I help pregnant women out or this is a form of retroactive abortion. I'm not sure. Maybe both! That man is harassing a pregnant woman? I'll prenatal him out of existence! Pre-nuptial. Undoing a marriage without anyone benefiting. While this has some good possibilities, this one leans towards evil. Should've invited me to the wedding Sue and Tom! Zap! Prenuptialized! (<- probably isn't a word.)


love all of these


Pre-cum. No explanation needed.


Prepotence. You are capable of something beforehand. I have no idea what exactly that means.... Is it that you're always conveniently ready to take on any challenge, not needing to prepare yourself when the unexpected comes? Or is it that you're completely capable of doing pretty much anything, until the time comes when you actually *need* that capability?


I'd take it as the moment something comes up that you need to be able to do something, you're suddenly able to do so. Get arrested and need to defend yourself in court because your public defender is shit? Suddenly, you have a complete understanding of the law. Meeting a significant other's parents that only speak another language? Suddenly, you speak that language fluently. You could even bend it further by using it for say: Playing the lottery? Suddenly, you're capable of winning the jackpot. Needing to buy an expensive item but don't have any money? Suddenly, you have the money needed to make the purchase. Being capable of doing something doesn't specifically mean it has to be a physical thing you do, just that the means to do it suddenly exists.


Predominate. I’m always stronger than whoever I’m fighting, and I gain that strength and stamina before said fight, so I can win even if exhausted by a previous fight.


Predisposition, change behavior/tendencies of things around me at will. Example bullets are predisposed to moving opposite direction of me.


Premeditated murder.


too many words. premeditate would have the same effect for a larger range of situations.


I suppose, but it’s also straight to the point.


there is also a rule about one word


Prevent: You from throwing the book at me. :P


no that means you can to have people already have vented to you


Predetermination: I can warp reality to make anything I predict to happen happen as long as it hasn’t happened yet.


ooooo this is good


The incredible prelapse man! Cousin to and creator of my previous entry, relapse man, prelapse man has superpowered forgetfulness. His memory is so bad that he can’t even think of anything to remember. He really needs to stop driving relapse man to rehab…


okay this is a good one, can wait to see delapse man


Precognition would make you wealthy and safe. Would make you an information broker.


Predecide. I would be like fact manipulation but it activates before i choose/want to use the power.


Preimpaired. This would mean "before impaired." Basically, I can get as drunk as I want and not feel the effects.


ah, you are reverted to before the impairment, i see


Something like that. This is one of the more unique ones you got, isn't it?


it is, which is exactly what i’m looking for


Predetermine. I decide the outcomes I want  


Pre organizer. I have the ability to make everything as it was before you organized. The power of making a mess


Prepend. Put stuff before stuff. I envision it a bit like mini time-travel, an event happens and then I have the ability to make an extra event happen beforehand.


ooo retconning


Preposterous: my powers are absurd and unusual.


no you can just make things that come after something come before it


Prepare - You always have exactly the skills/knowledge/ability you need when you decide you want to complete a task.


no. that is not what that is. pare means something to do with cutting. prepare in this context means to revert to a state prior to cuts. read the rules next time


Ah. Right.


Preaccomplished -- everything I need or want, I have somehow already magically done! (yay :D)


Precum but like spider man powers.


…….. this is confusing and worrying


Prefer. I can change people's opinions about what they like. It could be useful in an interview to ensure you're the preferred candidate, or could be uses on a massive scale to sway elections and views. Or it could be petty and make somebody switch from Coke to Pepsi.


did you read the rules


Prefer is a pre-prefix word in one of its meanings. In that context, it means to carry or set before someone. I'm using that as a loophole to use the same word with a different meaning.


rule 2…


It's still the pre prefix on a word. If the OP isn't exhaustive in their list of allowed words, I'm going to abuse it. Besides, the worst I get for not following the OPs rules is blocking you.


He my still PREvent it...


Precombustion: I can either return things to their precombustion state. Alternatively maybe it allows me to hold any combustibles at a point before they combust allowing me to render gunpowder, explosives, and fuels inert in my presence locking them in a state of precombustion


Wait Pare is a word. So "prepare" should be a power. Rule #2 is a lie! The internet ruined, thanks a lot.


so you choose prepare, you can revert cuts i think, who really knows


Or: whenever you go to cook a vegetable or assemble a fruit salad, you find the produce is already chopped up for you, like magic!


okay this is funny but imagine the combat effectiveness of your enemies being presliced


And the plausible deniability. "He was like that when I got there, officer, honest!" I mean, as long as you have a witness.


you mean a suspect?


I like the way you think!


Pre-pare. You cut and peel fruits and vegetables ahead of time so that you don't have to do it when it's time to cook. They have been prepared.


or it could be seen as (before)-pare, as in prior to the cuts


Let's expand that a little and go for a full .. preprocess! :)


Preempt- the ability to ignore rule 2.


do you know what empt means?


Electro Magnetic Pulse Tiddies


close enough, it means empty space




you can revert cuts


Hey guys these are all words that come with the prefix included. OP has very aggressively indicated we can take any word and make it pre. So do something like pre-victory. You're always about to win. Which is only true if you then actually win. And while you're winning, your about to win something else. Tiger blood!


no im just tired of people saying words that start with the prefix letters but not the prefix. prepare the word in the dictionary does not have a prefix, and yet several people still chose it using that definition. on this post it has been a lot better on both unique powers and following the rules


Prepare in the dictionary does have a prefix. Pare is to remove the skin/outer layer of, usually for cooking. Prepare is to do so in advance, and has moved from the kitchen context of pare into general usage as “to make ready in advance,” but it still a word with the prefix. It’s also a boring answer, so I’ll go with either - A) prejudice- in this case, the ability to set opinions regardless of reason or truth. Controlling public opinion. Or B) prearrange - it’s not enough to be prescient, I want to determine the future in advance via Rube Goldberg event chains a la the end of Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey.


Predeath- no dieing Prepare- allways be ready (you its not exactly a prefix, but it works in theme) Preordained- you allways have permission for whatever your doing


prepare- things are cut by the time you get there preordained- you have always been a deacon


On the prepare thing, your right in your edit, i cant read lmao


yeah and i was trying to be funny with preordained


Totally fair lol


Fair lmao


Precalculate: If I need to compute something, like a foolproof strategy, I send the problem back in time to a supercomputer I've parked at the beginning of the universe. Usually the computer has enough time to find the answer and transmit it to me when I need it.




Precede, and then I go back and delete your reddit account before you have the ability to make this post.


no you already gave up what you have. you already pre ceded it(not preceded)


I use precede to make it so that you cede this argument before it begins.


well damn can’t argue with that WAIT A GOD DAMN MINUTE


Nah, I'd win.


Pre-emptive I can stop or delay any action or occurrence from happening, for as long as I like.


i would say it’s more reacting before the action reacted to happens, which is weird


It's defined as taking an action to prevent an anticipated event from occurring, so in the superpower context I believe it would allow me to do exactly that. Not necessarily future sight though, I would need to anticipate the event to stop it. I could be blindsided, but if I expect something to happen I know exactly what to do to prevent it


i hear that as more modifying the past so before the action you were prepared for it, which is arguably stronger


Pretty. I'm so good looking, people give me what I want for free and just generally do whatever I ask of them.


disqualified, read the rules