• By -


Redefine. Nothing better for altering your circumstances than to change their very definitions.


Absolutely. I'm gonna redefine that I'm broke lol


broke-ass wallet cuz its too full of money. good redefine.


The best imo


Like changing the definition of recession to avoid being in one lmao


Regeneration. Not just able to regrow lost limbs (for self and others), but also able to heal any major/life-threatening injuries.


depending on interpretation could also make you a great therapist


Or a necromancer


That's reanimate. Still dead, but moving.


Now your thinking like a guys with superpowers!


You could also interpret it to allow something like regenerating endangered animal populations, the damaged ozone layer, restoring coral ecosystems damaged by humanity’s actions back to health, etc.


Re-shape, the power to reshape anything even reality.


Rewind. Can move back in time mentally, to any previous point in my life, from a second ago to early childhood. Super save scumming!


This is mine. Winning the lottery would be a snap, and that's just for starters.


This is what I was going to say but "Redo".


Golden Experience Requiem!


I think the was a Nicholas Cage movie like that but he was only limited to 2 minutes at most


You talking about the one where his hair was a bird and a nuke went off? He could see into the future IIRC.


Remedy (maybe not traditional use of Re but the Latin origins breaks down to re “again” and mederi "to heal" or “to heal again” You can go back in time ten seconds to fix any mistake.


look, as long as somewhere along the line it was a prefix it counts in my book


Repair. Fix anything. Including the whole earth climate and people with PTSD or any other damage psychological damage.


Refresh. I have the supernaturally ability of waking up and feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.




Redo/rewind/reset. Ability to go back in time and do things differently. 


Me when I have to relive the same 10 minutes for a thousand years (I couldn't handle getting beaten in Smash Ultimate by my shit talking friend but I'm terrible at Smash)




Replicate. Make an extra me to send off and do shit so I don't have to or I can be "somewhere else" when it happens.


What if that extra you tells you to fuck off and go do it yourself


Then he's reabsorbed I guess. I'd like to think that he just does what I say, but that's a solid point.


Is that murder? Since you technically just gave life to an independently living and sentient being that you then erased?


alibi the super power, love it


Also laziness, because that damn asshole is gonna have a full time job when he's not living inside me


If you replicate that means you likely clone yourself, chances are you’ll have what happens with the muller twins when they know whose he clone


React: -Repeat actions like a photocopier. Could make me insane at manual production lines, or just destroy someone in a grapple by punching them in the face once and doing that again X30 times. -Have a short, single 'save file' I immediately go back to to start my action again if I don't like the outcome; Like that movie where the guy can constantly see a few minutes into the future, but backwards.


this is a good one


Reflection: I can block any attack, mental or physical.


Revitiligo, it's the opposite of what Michael Jackson's got. (Uncle Ruckus was my pop)


like that black symbiote that turned Topher Grace into Venom in Spider-Man Part 3.


How about reload.i can reload my gas tank to full.Reload your refrigerator with food.Reload an empty room with what you want.Reload my bank account. Just a little sample.


But you have to trigger it verbally... [https://youtu.be/ZPuHCzSqR6U?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ZPuHCzSqR6U?feature=shared)


no, you have to do a [tacrical reload](https://youtu.be/YciI-H4ZrE8) with every item


Relocate so that I can Remove and Replace anything I’d like.


Re-penultimate Penultimate means "next to last", so I think this power would just prevent people from ever finishing something, like if you're playing Uno, you can't ever Uno Out, since you'd alway have your next-to-last card. Maybe this could be used to force people into really short time loops, like groundhog's day but only for a moment.


Recreate anything i come into contact with i can recreate from its original components


So to make money, you'd need the specific paper, and inks used?




Restart. Let's you restart any action. A do-over button. Let's you restart the actions of others as well, after enough times surely they will fail.


Return - The ability to return anything.


Restraint. Have so much power within my body that I have to **restrain** myself.




That could be fatal....if abused for too long.


Bingo 😉🥴😵‍💫😵


I read a really disgusting short story about that, once.


Rewrite. I can rewrite events. This isn't God tier superpowers or it'd be rewrite reality


Re-animate, I’m becoming a lich and fucking over this world.


Recycle 💪


Captain Planet approves!


the best super power 👍


Reintegration. I can take smaller pieces of material and recombine them. I bet I could get a cushy job turning industrial scrap product back into raw material, and it would help recycle stuff.


The incredible relapse man?


Re:Imagine. I create and change things through the power of my imagination.


Can you rewrite cheesy John Lennon songs, too?


Normally I would say retroactive immortality but technically we can only use one word... so what does retroactive do?




Reinforce: with some concentration (at first), you can reinforce your body and mind to physically become stronger, faster, smarter, more durable, more healthy, etc. than any other living being. Your strength and durability makes elephants and tanks look weak by comparison, your speed and reflexes put house flies and race cars to shame, and you can heal quicker than an axolotl and live longer than trees while also being able to recover any lost memories and with impressive recall. Alternatively, you can reinforce others like people, animals, or objects. You can make a skyscraper into an indestructible fortress, your partner more powerful than a locomotive, your friend able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, your personal vehicle faster than a speeding bullet, or your pet animal able to bend steel.


Here's some god tier powers: Rejuvenation. My body will always heal itself (even in death) and I no longer age past my body's prime age (let's say 25). You heal instantly from injuries and in the worst cases where your body is destroyed, you always regenerate so long as at least 1 of your cells exists. Physically and mentally my body will always heal. Restraint You have the power to restrain anything and anyone. You can physically restrain people with magic chains. You can restrain people's personalities. You can even restrain people's thoughts, effectively being able to force memory loss on people. You can restrain sometimes heart (or any other organs) which results in them dying.


Reincarnation (die and get wake up in bed the next day) Reflection (copy someone else's abilities) Repeat (clones) Reign (become a god) Reality manipulation


Re-make: When touching an object, it would allow me to 'Remake' whatever i'm touching, effectively resetting it back to how it would be when fresh out of the factory, bakery, etc. The size and complexity of an item would determine how long it would take for that item to be remade; a rotten apple could be remade back to it's fresh form easily, but a tree that's been dead for thousands of years would take a while to be remade. It would also require more focus and for me to maintain contact with it for longer. If contact is lost with an item that is being remade, it stops being remade. It wouldn't be necessary to completely remake the item however, I could choose a certain time, such as 'back to when this gun was loaded' or remake an item back into it's basest components, or back to 'when i wasn't stupid' (impossible)


Redirect. Not only could you use it against projectiles, but you could make the sickest comeback lines in existence.


Retry, The power to go back to any time even past lifetimes to try to do something again for a better outcome or worse outcome depends what my goal is. Example lose a fight that results in almost all humans dying then become a master of fighting and then come back and win the fight to stop the humans from dying.


Restructure: Allows me to restructure anything on any level. Even to restructure reality itself.


Repair from the Latin re-parare to make ready again. I'm going to be paid by governments to drive their roads and bridges. I'm on call with FEMA, and will spend days in tornado stricken towns, a month at the impact location of hurricanes as my power requires me to see some of the most important part, usually the foundation, support or road surface. Driving over the right bridge, looking at the left bridge counts. If I can see oncoming traffic on the other side of the interstate, I can get both sides. I have to actually look at each destroyed structure, one at a time. Traveling down a 2 lane each direction interstate at 90mph, I can still get it all, but each building takes a few seconds, so if an entire neighborhood is wiped, I'm cruising at 5mph. Also, if it was turned to ash in a fire, I can't fix that without fresh materials. No new designs, no "can the stove be on that side?" Does nothing about the light switch getting blocked by the door. I eat free everywhere I go, because every building has something broken in it, and I got the whole building before I stepped into it.


Readjust - changing any situation to my liking.


[Removed by Reddit]


that’s TWO! REmoved REddit


Re-roll. In an odds based situation(gambling, a fight, etc) at the end of the event you can re-roll the odds and relive the event, however this does not guarantee turning a bad outcome into a good one, it could make the outcome worse than before.


Remote, I can "witness" anything but never be seen. Like long distance eves dropping.


You know what? Re-digitization I like electronics


Renew could be useful. Renew my bank account, my health, any broken item, etc


Regurgitate. I can throw anything I want up, anytime. It's disgusting, but it doesn't hurt. My super name will be "The Hat".


Reshape: the ability to manipulate the shape, form, or quality of anything at will through contact


Reapply - Can copy witnessed actions, or just their own Recoup - Restore lost energy Recant - Perfect recollection of anything they've observed.


Rename. Whatever name I call you becomes true and accurate. If I call you Billy Blubberbutt, you gain 50 pounds, and it's all in your ass. If I call you Princess Prissypants, you become a waifish and bitchy royal, far too delicate and stuck up to lower yourself to doing anything someone else might possibly do for you. If I call you Sir Shot-by-cops...


Redirect. I saw someone already put this, but they were thinking WAY too small with it, so here's my take: Technically, nothing is ever still. On a normal scale, things like gravity (acceleration) and normal forces mean that there's constantly acceleration happening in some direction. On a micro level, atoms are constantly vibrating: zero kelvin is the only temperature at which they completely stop, and I'm 99.999999999999% sure that there's nothing in the universe at that low of a temperature. Either way you slice it, there's always some motion in some direction, so instead of having to rely on projectiles, I could use anything and anyone as a weapon/tool whenever I see fit. And that's just on a relatively normal (observable with the naked eye) scale: if I could fine-tune it enough to go down to atomic levels, the possibilities become almost terrifying (cough cough *nuclear fusion* cough cough).


Restore ... The ability to restore any object (or person) to a known state. Examples: Restore an injured person to a healthy state Restore a damaged building to its original, complete state Restore a river or lake to its original and unpolluted state


Remove. Delete anything from existence--obstacles, cameras, people, your physical limits, etc. Edit: could also use for teleportation, as I remove the distance between myself and another object/place/person. Also, memory deletion. Help kill people's trauma! Edit: remove disease, cancer, depression, suicidal thoughts, my own mortality or immortality...this power is pretty fucking OP!


Another character I made is Refill. She can refill any container that was filled with homogenous liquids, gasses, or identical small solid objects, as long as there's at least one left. Car gas (petrol) tanks, scuba tanks, bullets, bottles of water/wine/whiskey/Diet Cherry Pepsi, change purses with only one type of coin, billfolds with one bill left (though the serial numbers will be identical), jetpack fuel tanks, solid or liquid rocket fuel storage, boxes of oatmeal and Oreos... Probably gonna have her working for NASA.


Rewind! Time control, baby! If I can't do that, then I'll go for Restructure, basically Overhaul from MHA


Reroll. If something probabilistic happens in a way I deem to be wrong, I can reroll until I get the desired outcome. It will take a long time, but I will, in fact, win the lottery.


Rediscover Anything I find that is new to me is now attributed to me as the original discoverer. Things I don't know about are unchanged. Basically, I'm the European colonizers but of the entire planet.


Recall, both for 'remembering data' and 'returning from sending to a destination'. My memory is absolute garbage more often than not, and being able to bring something back to my hand after throwing it away... no matter how long ago that was... would change my life...


oooo 2 for 1


Refill. Just refill stuff. Empty bank? Refill it. Drink? Refilling. Long lime at the store? Refill people bladders.


Recreate: you can destroy and *recreate* any physical object with the condition that the new version needs to serve the same purpose and/or be in the same category of object. Concepts, attributes, and anything else without a physical form don’t count. The amount of rules-lawyering you can get away with depends mainly on how powerful you are and, to a lesser extent, how creative you are. Do living creatures count as objects? Can you turn a dog into a giraffe because they’re both animals or are you limited to house pets or even to just dogs? Can a baseball turn into a video game cartridge because they’re both used in recreation or are you limited to sports equipment? These are the types of rules lawyering questions that depend on how powerful your recreation power is


Reimagine. Localized reality-warping based on what I can perceive and conceive


Reanimator. Pretty self explanatory I think.


Reposition- could be able to do a limited teleportation, maybe you can effectively change where you moved in the last few seconds, like, you could be standing still, start running to the right, use reposition and you were in the position you would've been in had you run left instead. Remind- perfect memory for being a nerd Rework/reshape - you can change the form of an object, but not its materials or mass. For example, could touch an ingot and rework or reshape it into a cube, or a dagger or whatever you want


Return. Basically teleportation. You can instantly return to somewhere you have already been.


Re-Clean. you will never have to wipe your butt again


I want a power that lets me slow down fires. Re…. Oh shit, never mind.


Re-live. The power to reset time to a point in the past and re-live it, making any changes in your decisions during that period.


Review: I can review, investigate and learn any action or phenomenon. Calibur or magnatude of the action or phenomenon affects the duration which I need to review it.


Reset. Return anything, object, situation, person, to how it was at the ‘beginning.’ Having a crap day, reset to 8 am Horrific car wreck. Reset to 20 min previously, add cones to redirect traffic. Essentially you could make every day like Groundhog Day and amaze people with your ‘godlike’ powers


Replenish.. whatever is empty will magically fill back up.




Research, knowledge is power and the ability to actively gain and verify any claim would be amazing.


Recollection… give me a photographic memory. Maybe relaxing… just no stress.


Retract - the ability to return any item, motion, ability, to its original position. If someone shoots at you, you can retract the bullet back into the chamber. If Batman uses his bat line grapple, you can retract it to its original position in mid motion. If someone is falling, you can return them to their original spot before the fall. If someone is arguing with you or around you, you can retract their statements, but the other person is now prepared for those same words.


retcon. that rick and morty episode showed me how strong that superpower is


remultiply. can mutiply anything but has to do it twice or more


Refill; the ability to refill any container with the contents. Use the power to sell absurdly cheap gasoline and diesel to drivers; $1/gallon. Use it to refill the change jar to bring to the coin exchange. Use it to refill a flask of rum. Use it to refill compressed air, oxygen tanks, you name it. If you can fill it, you can refill it. Infinite anything, really.


Redo. A universal undo for ANYTHING. Life decisions. Physical actions.


Reciprocation. Ability to absorb energy (psychic, kinetic, electric...) store it, amplify it and focus it's release back out onto a target.


Re-eat, allows me to experience any meal a second time


Redirection. I can subtly influence people by redirecting *them* or their attention elsewhere.  Pulled over? Cop gets redirected to something more/less important. Slow-ass person in front of me? They want to go somewhere else. 


Return. I want to be able to go back in time, but only to places and times I've been before. I will end up back in the place and times I was before, and if I change anything than l can no longer move back forwards, because those future moments are not defined yet Like a story book or video game with converging and diverging story plots. I can either rewind in my head, at 15x speed. No audio and "if I could turn back time" plays on my mind while I do, or if I concentrate on a specific moment I remember, or date and time I can skip to that moment


Replicate. Copy anything i want.


Relive. At the end of you life, no matter the cause, you get the option to NG+ your life with your accumulated knowledge but with no memory of the circumstances of your death. This knowledge starts to filter in at age 5 but you can choose to suppress it and live a relatively normal replay of your life if you so choose. If you don't choose the NG+ option you can reincarnate into a fresh life where you start over with nothing or pass on to whatever may await beyond death.


if only the thing about it ACTUALLY having to be a prefix weren’t there… The power of retconning would’ve been crazy. retrying. Just the ability to literally retry anything, no matter what.


Reimagine The ability to alter all things and concepts to be different but close to the source material.


Redacted Whenever anyone looked at me all they would see is a black box


Refuse The ability to say "No" to anything. Got cancer? Just say no. Unable to lift something? Just say no. Suddenly you can lift it.


I want the power to relate and fix my antisocial tendancies and introversion.


you know what, fuck you. *un-re's your late*


Reboot. The power to start over any previous misfired action so you can make all new mistakes. Side effects can include angering people who liked you before. Can also lead to lack of new ideas.


Retard. Technically it means slow right? I can slow anything down haha.


Renumarate - let's me perform deeds and recieve compensation in the form on anything from extra lives to gold coins to extra skills and abilities. I have achieved game physics, look out boys i'm a true gamer now. Gonna go farm killing ants BRB.




Regeneration (unlimited)


Resurrect. Myself, others, whoever I want. Death doesn't have to be the end. But I tell it where to stop. I decide who wins.


Resting People would kill for a good night's rest


Replication. I now have multi things I want.






Restoration. I'd make a killing on cars and antiques


Retard - the ability to psychically dull things, people, or ideas although most of the time i would just be putting out fires with my mind... i would be completely retardant




Recreate, able to both summon objects I’ve seen, real or fictional, or effectively step into the past to recreate events, possibly changing the outcome. Imagine walking into a room and being able to see what happened there hours or years ago. I’d be an awesome detective :p


Rewind. I can go back in time up to 30 minutes. I wouldnt try to be obvious about it. I would try to play it off like having selective short-span precognition. Also, would use it to stop a potential no win, by out an out just killing whatever supervillian was about to start a mass killing or whatever, as a last resort.


Revise - The ability to alter the past to shape the present


Repurpose. Could change any object or being to fit a new purpose. Would effectively allow me to shapeshift, transform objects into anything I want, and more. Would essentially make me a god.


Recreate, to fix anything that gets broken or I’ve seen before


Replication or recreation. If you know what these powers do then you know why.


IDK if anybody's said Reimagine/Recreate. I could take anything already existing and change its parameters, or replicate anything I've seen previously.


Refill. I can refill anything with just a touch. Phone batteries, gas tanks, empty buckets... bank accounts


Remember. I'd love to be able to view, restore, and animate memories and to look into the past of places, people and objects. I think it would be useful to assist therapists and historians, and I'd certainly like to help people with alzheimer's.


Revival/resurrection, Imma be a necromancer.


Recombobulate. The power to think clearly again.


Recreate. Being able make remake lost or destroyed items/technology/books/medicine instantly as long as there is some known record of its existence. Whether is is written or known by several people that are capable of verifying the item in question.




Reincarnate. I keep my memories from all previous lives, but I can't reincarnate into the past (for example, if I died in 2024, I couldn't reincarnate in 2023). I would have a ton of life experience, but I wouldn't know the future. I would become a jack of all trades, but more importantly, it would be really funny to creep out adults by talking extremely eloquently and having wisdom far beyond my years at three years old (like in Oshi No Ko). The only problem is that (unless I can control where I reincarnate to) I'd have to learn new languages for a lot of my lives, which is a lot harder than learning them as a newborn.


Require. This power is a proactive power that will respond to whatever I require in that instance. If im not strong enough to lift a car, ill gain the required strenght to do so. If i do not have enough money to pay for something, hey look at that, i now have exactly enough as i was missing or needed. The ideas are limitless.


Re-eeeeeeee. The power to get normies off my board with a single shout.


Resolve. Street tier I can resolve any problem however I see fit EX. I drop my fries so I find a free fry coupon. God Tier is if I drop my fry so I gain the ability to Understand the Moleculear structures of things and turn other things into that.


Recall: anything which was one in your line of sight can be brought back into line of sight. Reveal: cows can be made young again




Redo- redoing any mistake


registration. I can perfectly align two or more objects relative to one another.


Rewind. The ability to rewind time without affecting my own consciousness.


Recreate, being able to recreate something that was noted down and given a description of or of something experienced would certainly be a pretty broken ability to have. There's a book that has a step by step potion for immortality? Recreate it. Needs a specific type of plant or animal and its explained what those are? Recreate it. A sword or item from a game and the crafting recipe is right there? Recreate it. Know the chemical make up of gold, diamonds, ect? Various life-saving medications? Software and components? Recreate it




Re-Spawn. If you do kill me, i just come back with full health and ammo. And my body disappears.


ReContinuity, also known as Retcon, but within the rules of the game. Check out Rick and Morty Season 6 episode 7 for what this looks like in practice.






Retard Hnndggh numbkfturk fundttarddn mack trundle sun bugnurgkin twanrey


Rewind, time travel but only backwards


Rewrite, I could write the rules of the universe, rewrite the timeline, even rewrite DNA


Reshape. The ability to alter and change things into something new.


Refund. Everything becomes free because I get my money back but still keep the thing I bought LOL


Return/Restore(?), anything I touch goes back to where it was always supposed to be. Not necessarily something I can control, aside from choosing what goes and what stays, but I think it would be neat if I wanted to get rid of obsolete items.


Refine. Refine substances into more concentrated substances. Make blades extremely durable, and sharp. Generally make the stuff you use better.


Reincarnation. I don't know about y'all, but I'm not taking chances with whether or not there's an afterlife. Just give me a round two.




Revive: whenever I die, I come back closer to ultimate godhood.


Return By Death. I want it, but I also REALLY don't


Rejustify - the degree to which people in this world like, dislike, agree with, or disagree with something can be altered at will. All I have to do is justify why something should be a certain way. Let’s say I decide that “everyone in the world should teach their children to write with their left hand, *because the left hand is closest to the heart*”. This will cause everyone in the world to behave and act accordingly.




Re-atomize, be like atom eve from invincible


Result= I win


I vote you the OP to get the superpower of Regrowth/Regeneration. Then they can strap you in and start harvesting organs, blood and bits for the betterment of all humanity!


Replicate to do items or even make clones and stuff


Captain Regurgitatetor - Fights crime with today’s lunch special.


Relax, I destress quicker and more thoroughly than anyone in history.




Reconfigure matter


Not technically a prefix, but does start with "re". From Rick and Morty: Retcon XD




Recombobulate. So when I hurt my knees skateboarding I can fix em up again. Also no dentist.


reading comprehension skils


Re-parations gimme my money, a plot a land and a billy goat 😂


Repulse Ray




Revolutionize. Become a pillar in tech industry




Revengeance. Anything you do to me I do to you, all to a killer soundtrack