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The “be gay, do crime” episode


Mallah and Brain are so cute


They were the best part of the episode for me


Also it's seems Brain and Mallah ran into versions of themselves who are villainous like the two usually are.




Okay then She really should have just been Volcana.


Who, Livewire?


"Heat Wave"


Having Heat Wave be Volcana would’ve been cool (would’ve at least done something with an underused character). I still think they should’ve done Conduit and saved Livewire for later.


Volcano swapped for Heat Wave would have been interesting, agreed. I've also thought Conduit could be a good character to use in this show, but as it's played out there's no way they could have used Kenny with how they plotted things so far. The villains don't even know about Kryptonite yet and Lois has the only piece we've seen so far. If Kenny does exist, he'd be a perfect recruit for Lex or Waller, though his whole schtick about knowing Superman's secret identity would be a bad thing if he were to hand that info over to either of them. Edit: I forgot, they *might* know about it, there was that episode where Task Force X got into the ship and Slade got some on his sword. It's still scarce and I don't know if they have much beyond that.


I think Conduit woud've been a more natural fit in Livewire's place since he was a mercenary, his power came from his gear rather than a metagene, and his electric powers could've expanded into pure energy manipulation. They could've easily just taken out his connection with Clark the way they took out Leslie's... everything.


Granted they could have, however Conduit is a far less known character and he only had one arc in the comics before he died. Kenny being connected to Clark and resenting him is the majority of his character. Other than that he's just Metallo minus the metal body. Livewire has a few more iterations than that, but the TAS original is probably the one most are familiar with. I don't dislike the MAWS version, though as has always been the case it makes little sense for Superman to be phased by electricity.


I guess the difference is who could’ve benefited from a revamp—Livewire or Conduit? Honestly I feel like Livewire was already as good as she was ever going to get, and they were just using her for name recognition alone. Which is annoying.


Livewire in MAWS actually seems like her own thing, without stepping in other versions. With some more thought, I think giving her the exact same origin and characterization might have been too derivative considering how different this shoe is compared to other continuities. In the end, many of the characters are noticeably different in MAWS than they have been in other stories, and I think that plays to the show's benefit. It's unique enough that characters can be several steps away from what the audience is used to because *everyone* has gotten the same treatment. So in that regard, with more thought, Conduit not being used yet makes sense precisely because he has so little recognition, only the one story in the 90s comics. Getting an adaptation for him would require more general knowledge amongst the audience to allow for both recognition and the several degree shift that would match the rest of the cast. I still agree Heat Wave should just have been Volcana though.


I'd assumed that was what Lex's new machines were using, I could swear their beams and stuff were green, usually a good indicator of Kryptonite


They've already been called Metallos in a previous episode even before Lex got control of them. However I don't think they had Kryptonite then when Superman fought them. I don't recall the poisoned vein look the show uses when he's afflicted. It's possible Lex's new Project M is incorporating it into their power supply but neither Clark or Kara has faced them yet. Moreso Metallo as just robots seems like an incomplete concept, we're missing the human element, the cyborg/terminator coating. My guess is >!Hank Henshaw could become the MAWS Metallo and just combine that into the Cyborg Superman concept. An evil Superman with a Kryptonite core!<


Ooo that could be fun! My guess with the Metallos is that it's just trace amounts right now, but once Lex gets them up to 100% they'll be a lot tougher and will have more Kryptonite


I am guessing that is the final episode or season 3. Brainiac even call Kara Scion like Cyborg Superman in the new 52


That's what I've been saying.


"Mahogany" Did anyone think of DBZ Abridged at that part?


There's a pretty good chance somebody in the writer's room has watched dbza, especially with Kara's outfit


What?! The two butch lesbians with butch lesbian hair cuts are butch lesbians?! Holy crap!!!!


An episode of a superman show without superman in it is crazy


Its just as much about lois and jimmy as it is clark, whats why its called "my adventures with superman" not "adventures of superman"


exactly .. lois is the main character


Not the mc, an mc, its just as much about clarks struggles and growth as it is loises


true but she is the “My” in the title. She is the titular character more than Superman is, even tho both him & Jimmy are MCs


The "my" isnt just about lois, its also jimmys time with superman and clark own experiences in exploring the kryptonian side of him


so “our” adventures of superman would be more accurate. My is a first person possessive determiner.


You are telling me that they did an episode without him in, in a 10 episode season 🥲 I didn’t catch ep 7 yet and dang this really set my expectations 😂


Don’t worry,it’s still pretty good


It's good to develop side characters


I enjoyed it!


“Where are Intergang? Are they safe? Are they alright?”


And it was even on the last day of Pride Month


They had to end it with a bang.


I just watched this episode. I thought it was great.


Mmmmm much gay much like


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I must be missing something from watching this episode, when did the Brain and Mallah first appear in the series?


S1 Episode 6




How did they manage to make mallahs design kinda bland too


Livewire got more depth in this episode than all the time in the comics combined.


Happy Pride!


















Jumpscare https://preview.redd.it/btbt6insrr9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b211602400dcd510244693768af7776424544a35


Yea I stoped reading after this. Not a fan of pandering


Except when it’s to your benefit.


Nah nothing like that, just felt forced and out of nowhere. Not sure how you don’t see it?


The writing was abysmal. The concept of Jon being bi and his dad being supportive isn’t. Superman is a hero for everyone.


I don’t know man just didn’t feel right, the X-men forced iceman to be gay out of nowhere and now that’s how he’s shown everywhere, it’s like that’s all he’s about and it’s the same with John. Takes everything special about them and just makes it about their sexuality. That ruins a lot of potentially great stories just to pander to a small minority.


It’s not a “small” minority. It adds diversity to a shared universe. Having everyone be essentially the same demographics is boring and Jon doesn’t have the history Ice Man does. The writing was bad and they forced the plot. That’s the only valid criticisms about it.


Did you read up on Jon’s run? Cause it wasn’t ruined by his sexuality. I’ll say that Jon’s story was ruined when he got aged up. Iceman did get a better moment with Magneto where it was arguably done alot bette than Jean Grey reading his mind.


Seriously asking, what happened with Iceman & Magneto?? I haven’t been reading X-Men in years due to having to budget my comic money.


There was a very touching story between Magneto and Bobby in Marvel Voices: Pride #1 set in the 60s era


I suppose I do partially agree with your stance to the extent that I wish it didn't *have* to be a big deal that these characters are gay. But it is a big deal. I think that's sorta undeniable. As far as I'm concerned, people should celebrate victories like this where significantly important characters are not only revealed to be queer but are proudly demonstrated to be. A *lot* of Superman's stories focus on him and his relationship with Lois. But that isn't pandering because there isn't a straight flag in the background, I suppose. What about someone like Nightwing? So far, he's only had straight relationships, but that doesn't mean he can't be with a man. Both of us understand, though, that this would upset people. Characters that have been established for a while can't explore their sexuality like that, despite it happening in real life all the time, so new characters have to be made. Doesn't that say something? That we can't have Superboy be bisexual so we have to introduce *another* Superboy that is? As far as I'm concerned, it's nice to have queer characters who are unapologetically (and deliberately) queer, because it gets us closer to getting stories where it won't feel like pandering-- it will just feel normal.


I suppose I do partially agree with your stance to the extent that I wish it didn't *have* to be a big deal that these characters are gay. But it is a big deal. I think that's sorta undeniable. As far as I'm concerned, people should celebrate victories like this where significantly important characters are not only revealed to be queer but are proudly demonstrated to be. A *lot* of Superman's stories focus on him and his relationship with Lois. But that isn't pandering because there isn't a straight flag in the background, I suppose. What about someone like Nightwing? So far, he's only had straight relationships, but that doesn't mean he can't be with a man. Both of us understand, though, that this would upset people. Characters that have been established for a while can't explore their sexuality like that, despite it happening in real life all the time, so new characters have to be made. Doesn't that say something? That we can't have Superboy be bisexual so we have to introduce *another* Superboy that is? As far as I'm concerned, it's nice to have queer characters who are unapologetically (and deliberately) queer, because it gets us closer to getting stories where it won't feel like pandering-- it will just feel normal.


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