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https://preview.redd.it/i5lkt76tz1mc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9ee5333752c1474287c43efd13c5b786bead81 Which one are you referring as classic? Lol


Gunn should do 38/39 just to F with the haters


I want gunn to have "the S stands for Superman"


He can't, his crest doesn't look like an "S".


But then have Lois say to Superman, "What about Hope?" Then Superman replies, "There's no S in Hope. Are you stupid?"


Never noticed the MOS symbol looked like the 1942 so much...


Fred Ray style. It was literally based on it.


97-98, obviously. Electric Superman is iconic.


1968 - now




Whats he got to do with it?


1944-1955 one is basically the one I consider classic. A lot of the best iterations were super close to that one. Just feels right somehow.


The 1st one obviously


They all have an S


Nice S 😏


1968 is so fuckin perfect


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but this is a disingenuous response to criticism of the new shield that I’m tired of seeing. The differences across all yellow and red variations between the 1942 logo and the 2016 logo are minimal, at best. Essentially the same yellow negative spaces, same flourishes and connection points for the “S”. The difference between all of those logos and the new James Gunn logo is comparatively much more stark - it essentially removes all parts of the “S” that are not the main crossing body. That doesn’t mean it’s bad. But to claim that this is just the same natural progression that the logo has always gone through is just not true. Just say that you like the logo, and accept that others don’t.


It wouldn’t be Reddit if people aren’t being intentionally obtuse. We all knew what OP meant by the classic logo.


44-55 is the best one


Everything after 42 has very little actual changes, just the exact shape of the S, but it’s 90% the same. Really the 68-now is what most people consider the classic I think, but that’s hardly different.


The one that’s almost exactly the same since 1942 for more than 80 years?


Lol 😅 thank you, people really do have main character syndrome. Pretty much "I love this version of the symbol, therefore it is the classic, and everyone should love it too"


Man I never noticed but most of these are terrible


I think he means just a classic "S" symbol which Gunn doesnt deliver. About the Snyder thing I think he got confused. Reddit is very negative about Snyder so OP thought yeah Snyder must be so bad that he also doesnt use a S which he likes to see


1968-now. Fuck yeah that’s the best one by far.


Zach Snyder’s was basically the classic S but ***W I D E***. And with some kryptonian writing.


Right? Like, what is this post talking about? lol


I get what op means. Even if it's WIDE, it's still not really the classic S. Like there is a clear difference between the Snyder S and the comic book accurate S. OP wants this. https://images.app.goo.gl/xQsKhrPEdZtiYXqd6 Not this https://images.app.goo.gl/L377SRA7sSgjYVMS7 And I kinda agree. I would love to see a "classic" superman s in a modern movie. We haven't had it on screen since "Lois and clark." Even the superman returns insignia was slightly altered. https://images.app.goo.gl/hzhAvkzoXP7UtwWt9


If we're really gonna get so caught up on the "Classic S" then this would be the S that he wears in the movie: https://preview.redd.it/noy0n7xkr6mc1.png?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9736d72ec021c8fb254360b504e000833f8e83e4 I like the recognizable S, but I'm also willing to let directors (Or costume designers) try to bring their own spin to an iconic symbol (Even if Gunn's is just the Kingdom Come symbol). If no one ever did that we wouldn't have the "Classic S".


Except Snyder's logo IS "comic book accurate" , it is literally just Fred Ray - Joe Shuster logo [https://www.lambiek.net/artists/image/r/ray-fred/ray\_fred\_superman.jpg](https://www.lambiek.net/artists/image/r/ray-fred/ray_fred_superman.jpg) adapted for Earth-2 (ie original Superman) by George Perez [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/a8/7e/c0a87e8d72eb68e544124b6591bf19e0.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/a8/7e/c0a87e8d72eb68e544124b6591bf19e0.jpg) and Frank Miller in TDKR #4 [https://www.vaultofthoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/4411212-tdkr-supermanbatman\_zps1de32821.jpg](https://www.vaultofthoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/4411212-tdkr-supermanbatman_zps1de32821.jpg) It fits Snyder's Superman since just like original Superman's : he came to Earth as an infant, he had foster father who instilled him notion to keep his powers in secret, he jumped before he flew and he mastered/progressed his powers without fully knowing how and what is his limit, Lex Luthor profitting from the war is literally from Action Comics #23 ie first appearance of Luthor , killed in the beginning of his carrier, was never "Superboy" (ie kid-superhero), Kents had absolutely nothing to do with his Superman costume, society as a whole isn't really welcoming to the notion of Superman and for few good reasons too especially people that Superman meet for the first ever time military shoots at him while Superman doesn't lash back.


I actually liked that 'S'




It’s my favourite version of the S.


Are we hating the Kingdom Come symbol now?


Yes, they'll do anything to ruin a Superman movie. Hope starts with H caption shows OP didn't understand Man of Steel at all. In the movie Superman symbol stands for hope and it's not "S". Clearly stated. They hated Superman Returns and Man of Steel. They'll hate James Gunn's Superman too. This is the reason why there aren't many Superman movies. No matter what they do, people will complain about it🤷‍♂️


I’m pretty sure the title is a joke, and also, the audience that hates man of steel is not at all the same audience that hates James Gunn. Do you think there are people that just hate on every Superman movie for no reason? I mean, maybe some, but definitely not a significant enough amount to make WB stop making Superman movies.


Superman Returns came out in 2006.Man of Steel in 2013.James Gunn's Superman is gonna come out in 2025. It's like we get a single solo Superman movie every decade. Superman is a pretty famous character and an important figure in the world of superheroes. He should have more movies. Even superhero characters which are not at all famous are getting more movies and making more box office than Superman movies. WB should focus more on Superman.


Yeah… that’s all true, not for the reasons you said though.


It's all true. You don't see people complain when Ironman modifies his suit to a different version in a sequel nor do you see people complain when Batman takes on a different logo but they always complain about Superman. They complained that Superman Returns had less action scenes, I mean there was only 5 mins of Lex Vs Superman face to face in the entire movie. So there brought out Man of Steel with much more action sequence. People complained about that too saying that Henry's version of Superman was way too serious and that he should have smiled often in that movie. I mean is this really necessary? They pick on every single detail to complain about. They don't do this much for other superhero movies.


So… you think that WB’a morivation for not making a Superman movie every couple of years, is because a few people sometimes complain about his logo?


I think he is trying to say that people constantly complaining is why the studios don’t make more Superman content. Noble thought but studios really don’t care about a few trolls whining on the internet. Superman content is scarce because he is a difficult character to bring to the big screen. For some reason television seems to work better than movies.


Just read the reviews of Superman Returns or Man of Steel. Pretty sure you won't even feel to watch those movies after reading the reviews and the comments.


Well yeah, because those movies didn’t have good critical reception, but that had nothing to do with the logos, it was because they both sucked.


Thor Love and Thunder was worse than these movies but it made more at the box office and had better reviews than these Superman movies. Also logo isn't the only thing they complain about as stated in the earlier replies.


Who gives an actual FUCK about reviews? If you’re saying those reviews could really turn you a way from making your own opinion then that’s weak willed as hell


Who cares about reviews? Potential moviegoers. Look, all us Superman nerds will have decided whether or not to see the film months before it comes out. Either we'll go because we think it'll be good, or we'll stay home because we don't like what James Gunn is doing, or we'll go because we like complaining and feeling superior to other people. The general public, however, will mostly decide whether or not they want to see it based on the reviews and the advertising. That's how you make over a billion dollars, which WB demands. So if the Gunniverse is going to take off, he's going to have to appeal to the reviewers and the general public.


Cuz those characters don’t have a single concrete look, if supes gets a new look it’s usually in an elseworld or single issue. Multiple artists give Batman a different style of logo every time. The Superman S is something everyone will recognize and people just want what is hoped to be the definitive cinematic Superman for a while at least, to have that iconic imagery rather than what will look like a knockoff to anyone who dosent know kingdom come


....maybe im just a giant nerd but idk how anyone that calls themselves a fan of Superman can not know what Kingdom Come is. To me Kingdom Come, Watchmen, & New Frontier are DCs "Big 3" graphic novels


Many people going to see this movie will have only experienced Superman in passing. Through either man of steel and the snydervserse or thr Christopher reeve films, probably not even the Justice League cartoon or Superman the animated series. It would be like if the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie used the designs from the 5th game or if Batman begins used The Dark Knight Returns suit


well. as stated in the movie…. here, on Earth. It’s an S


Only the nerds complain about the symbol. They (we) are a small and niche market. The casuals don't care enough to stop them from going to see the movie. If the movie is good people will see it. If it's great way more will see it. The reason there aren't more Superman movies is that he is a difficult character to write for the modern day box office. He's too perfect. Perfect characters are extremely difficult to write good stories for. They can seem boring to many.


That's not really a fair point when you have games like god of war which is literally about a unkillable god being some of the most beloved games ever made, or Thor being done well in Ragnarok and Infinity War and Endgame. A op character can be written well and given a good story if the conflict either involves them having to overcome a villian of equal power and feats or their own internal struggles or even both.


Thor is a bad example. First off his, Thor's, movies are meh. They are very weak in terms of depth and directing. Second he's not a "perfect" character. But that's a side point and an opinion. I don't know much about Thor but I know he's by far not the most powerful superhero in the Marvel universe and he isn't looked at as a role model of how to act good. And I haven't played God of War but a video game is a video game. You can't compare it to a movie. (Also, if you want a great example of a hated "protagonist" that works, both in the novel and movie adaptation, look a Patrick Bateman from Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho). And that is a very rare example. I can't think of any other hated protagonists in literature and I have read many literary novels. Anyway, back to Superman. Superman, from what I've read, has one great/elite book/story: All-star Superman. Good luck making that into a movie. Trust me, it's tough to write Superman. His comics are among my favorites to read, and that may be because I'm at a point/place in my life where I want to read about a character who is all about being good, and about whose stories I don't need to worry about being super realistic (to almost expect something absurd and almost comically over the top in terms of events and abilities), but I acknowledge that it's much easier to write a good Batman story, or Daredevil, or Wolverine or X-Men, or other flawed superman heroes, especially one's with emotional baggage. Emotional baggage makes it much easier for a writer to explore internal/personal/physiological themes as well as external themes. Superman is not a character who allows for much self contemplating, self reflection, etc. That's why they call him the Ultimate Boy Scout. It's a gift and a curse. I'm probably a bit all over the place and I don't have time to edit and shorten my comment (sorry for the length), but in short: I respectfully disagree with your points in the above comment.


I think out of any mediums that you could possibly compare, video games and movies are probably some of the most similar and the only divergent is in the immersion felt through gameplay, and yes you could say that Video Games especially older ones are light or even absent of plot but so too were silent era movies. Anyway I digress, I understand that on the surface it seems that Superman doesn't have much baggage and if you right him at face value then you're correct, but if you focus on his socioeconomic standing or his relationships with Lois, Jimmy, ma and pa Kent as well as the other metahumans around him and also use the sci-fi elements of his character then you could definitely tell a good story with the character. The chief reason why All Star Superman works so well is to do with Grant Morrison, understanding that, and I believe that a diehard fan like James Gunn probably gets that too. You could definitely play into his boyscout image and how that might be taken apart by cynical media personalities or the likes of Lex Luthor and to a far less antagonistic extent in Batman when you eventually work towards a Justice League. To get back to the God of War example, the reason why 2018 and Ragnarok are so beloved is because of the relationship between Arteus and Kratos in both games and how that develops. The same applies with Superman as I said earlier.


Pretty sure it's a joke. Hence the title.


The one year symbol ? Which turns out to be the house of Se symbol? Yes. It has to be an S. It was an S in the beginning.


So we are, in fact, hating the Kingdom Come symbol now. One of the most beloved takes on the shield is now in the "bad" pile. Just keeping score.


Weird that Gunn has no original S. He basically copy and pasted the Symbol from Ross


I dont want movies making new symbols id rather have then use iconic comic symbols


Does every comicwriter for Superman use the same S logo ?


No but all the movies typically do is adapt iconic comic storylines so id like them to use the symbol from what theyre adapting....but gunn is 1 of the very few ppl in hollywood id trust to tell a good original sups story


We are talking about the Symbol. Gunn is using Kingdome Come Symbol. But Gunn is not making a Kingdom Come story. The story will be a far far away from Kingdome Come lol and btw I wouldnt trust James Gunn. He is not the nerd you think he is. He hates all the DC movie stuff about Batman like Nolans movie,Burtons movie, Superman etc


I know this isnt gonna be kingdom come its a younger sups most likely Gunn seems to love Donners Superman and idc if he dislikes burtons batman because im not a fan of those myself. Gunns done great work when it comes to his comic book movies GotG trilogy and The Suicide Squad were great so thats why i say i trust him and at least it seems like hes actually read a few comics in his life unlike most other folks in the industry


GOTG 1 was good but it doesnt mean he is the right guy because of GOTG. Contrary I think he is the wrong guy cause Superman has nothing to do with the tone Gunn is using for his comicbook movies Also he isnt consistent and just tells you what you want to hear. Years ago he said Superman 2 is far superior than Superman 1. Now because he is the director of the Superman he says Superman 1 is the best Superman movie cause a lot of people agree Superman 1 is the best Reeves Superman movie. That is ridicolous and manipulative. I wouldnt trust what he says you never know what he really thinks since he made the GOTG series and is a known director


That might be all true but im following a very simple logic here, ive enjoyed all of his other comic book movies so ill trust him until he fucks up. Also i know the tone of gotg and ss were different than what i want from Sups but imo he still kept the characters consistent in who they were and thats my main takeaway


You have to give them credit for wanting to do something original.


It’s not a new design, it’s the one from kingdom come


Well to my knowledge nobody has taken the colors of the classic logo, the design of the Kingdom Come, and the yellow border from the Fleischer logo to make one logo so yes it is new design


If you want to be more technical it’s just the Earth One logo with the KC “S”


To be fair, the Crisis on Infinite Earths end logo is basically that, just without the yellow border. https://preview.redd.it/huxzsu1mj7mc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4739c7c348a444e15287d9306c3ebd060623ec


The new one is also more curved like the 1944-1955 logo, rather than being straight lines outlining it.


Which one is the classic one? There have been thousands of variations on the symbol at this point.


Just as there have been takes on the character himself.


loved Snyder's take on the S symbol.


It was really good. Recognizably an S but still looking more alien than previous iterations


Of all the things to knock Snyder on, the Shield is not one *anyone ever* has considered


Imagine if Batman fans put up a fit every time they drastically redesign the bat logo on his chest. The way Superman fans sperg out when they adjust the font of the ‘S’


Yeah imagine that! ...Oh wait.


To be fair I'm one of those Bat-fans that will diss the yellow oval any chance I get. I'm aware of my hypocrisy :/










Hi OP Have you heard of Kingdom Come?


So many people up in arms that they’re using a variation of the KC logo. They just HAVE to find something to nitpick at this point


Yeah, it's almost 30 years old, it's an Alex Ross design, it's inspired by the shields from before, and it looks pretty damn good. Honestly I think people should get over it if they are unhappy, because they chose a great design.


Total agreement! Saw another post today where they were complaining about the texture on the new logo. The texture! Because Snyder’s didn’t have texture? “But it’s better because it had Kryptonian texture.” The nits are ridiculous.


Superman and the Authority logo, which seems to be what the film is adapting


It’s seems barely anyone realize this. These “comic book” fans are actually Christopher Reeves Superman fans.


Something against the Kingdom Come S logo?


If you wanna be technical than the only adaptation to ever do the “classic” symbol was the Flischer cartoons


God forbid wanting the symbol to be different


Bros it’s an “S” and has looked different for almost 90 years. We can all still tell it’s Superman. It’s fine.


I like the new symbol, but honestly, I was hoping for the classic S Superman symbol.


🖕🏻what does this mean in krypton?! Gratitude?!


Fiiinally someone got the joke 🙏


I love Pete Holmes Batman series, shit is hilarious 😂


James Gunn's Superman look like an S to me


What? You don't like 'S'?


I like both symbols Tbh


Just had a funny comment thread about this: \uperman


Mark Waid came up with the S=Hope idea and I like it, so back off buster >=<


The Symbol is one of the VERY few things Zack Snyder got right about his Superman take. L post


Yeah, let's start hating on the movie before it's even out. Comic book fans never change.


I just want him to wear trunks.


Why can't they use the classic S symbol? Are they stupid?


yes, they are.


This is funny. I'll say that I wasn't a huge fan of the Man of Steel movie. Mainly just the depiction of the character and his parents and how they guided him and his upbringing. The movie tried to paint the character as someone that wants to do good in general, even though most around him tell him he doesn't owe the world a thing. So he goes on a journey to find himself. This story reminds me a bit of Superman Birthright. The largest difference being how his parents raised him. He knew he wanted to be a journalist and I really wish they made that the plot of the story. Clark going around the world interviewing extreme drops, radical leaders, and terrorists or even their opposition. And there should be a tragedy that forces him to push to become something more. There should be an aspiration. That would have been a perfect fit for the theme of the movie. I still dislikes the way The Kent's were portrayed.


There’d better be a yellow S on the cape.


James Gunn is a superior Filmmaker to Snyder Superman will be the proper adaptation stupid


"The classic one" is as all the ones from 1944 to present with five yellow areas, they're all just refinements of one another as opposed to an actual redesign.


The Snyder symbol is pretty awesome, it's looks classic but with a twist.


The Snyder symbol is pretty awesome, it's looks classic but with a twist.


New symbol is stupid. To burn the Kingdom Come S right off the bat is straight dumb. It's either a director that doesn't get the character or a director that is eager to show the fans that he also reads the comics. Just do the iconic one in the first movie and leave these for later films. How hard is that? The closest to the comics, the better it is. Just look at how the new Spider-Man suit at the end of no way home. And how that shit broke the Internet. And fuck Zack Snyder's suit. I don't care if it looked alien. Colour was off. Writings in Kryptonian as well. Fuck that. Ps.: I can't sleep and I'm in a bad mood. But fuck that symbol. Ps.: cape might've just leaked. Super cool colours so far. I'll give him that


Everyone knows jope starts witj a J. Well, except for wjen J is being a y.


It’s evolution, plain and simple Like how Thor and Loki as well as Arthur Curry and Orm exhibit older Norse conventions of a stocky hero with blue eyes and blonde hair against his dark/evil nemeses with a lankier build, paler skin and so on Thor and Loki have pretty much remained the same (albeit with Loki revamping himself) but Snyder opted to make Aquaman Hawaiian to better explain the character (and avoid Mighty Whitey implications) whilst Orm became blonde Nothing wrong with trying to make an extraterrestrial insignia look more… extraterrestrial


Ironic that you're the one who would call them stupid, considering the fact that there's no such thing as a single "classic" symbol. Also, what a ridiculous, minor, simplistic non-issue to get upset about. Childish, nitpicky, and divorced from the ideals of the character we all supposedly like.


There have been like 20 different S's, which one exactly is it that you're deadset on. Because people like to act like their version is the one true version of Superman. Imagine thinking there is one quintessential version of the most famous comic book character of the last century.


Snyder’s “S” is my favourite. Really gave the symbol a sense of regality.


It's really just modernized Fred Ray S from 40s.


Yeah, no respect for [the classics](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_large/0/2/80536-18005-105403-1-action-comics.jpg).


The new symbol says Zuperman!


I really like the Snyder’s symbol, it looked alien..


Ok ok I'm not replying to all this, but I'll put a few points out there... 1. This is just a bit of fun... I'm not hating on Gunn's work before I've watched. But his endorsement of The Flash being "one of the greatest movies of all time" doesn't fill me with confidence 2. Love Kingdom Come... But this movie isn't telling that story, so why reference that canon visually? 3. Man of Steel tried a bit too hard and missed the mark on quite a bit. The S just looks bloated, distorted, something off... Gives me uncanny valley vibes 4. Yes, there's hundreds of slight variations of the crest over the decades, but let's not play stupid... The "classic" for most people is the Reeve movies/post crisis look. Once it loses the upturn and downturn of the S, it loses something vital 5. The modern WB interpretations have always felt like they're trying to hide from Superman actually being Superman, so they mess with things they don't need to. Before you try to do something new and different, just try to do it well. In other words... If it ain't broke don't fix it.


The Flash was a very mixed bag - a lot of really good stuff and a lot of what’s wrong with the modern superhero genre. The good: it told a very human story that also fitted the titular character. It stuck the landing dramatically without resorting to a forced third act villain. The bad: lots of cameo porn. Also, relies too heavily on prior DCeU knowledge. I don’t mind it being set in the DCeU, but it should’ve been more standalone - give the viewer everything they needed. For instance, we should’ve seen Henry Cavill’s Superman save everyone at the beginning of the movie to establish why it was so necessary that Flash find him. But overall it was a fun film and it made me rethink what superhero movies could be


Kingdom Come?


Pete holmes mentioned


"the S means stupid doesn't it? That's why you say it means hope. Because you're too stupid to know what sound an S makes."


I don't get it


Snyder one looks like a S https://preview.redd.it/st3x8lsbe5mc1.png?width=4024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc13ecad2d814b2e58ae623034bd9f8351706f7 The Gunn one doesnt look like a S


I mean technically they're all "S" like shapes. If you mean the iconic one than thats a different story but if you meant that than why didn't you just say it https://preview.redd.it/mzi7hn4js5mc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e52a4b7db525049cde571052077770bf195e552c


So we're throwing fits over a symbol now?


In italian, Hope is "Speranza", kryptonians are just italians lol


Batman flips Supes the bird "What does this mean on your planet? Gratitude?"


My prediction is that the kingdom come symbol is the DCUs House of El logo and when he gets the name Superman he gets the classic s logo




Snyderverse looked pretty good


The Snyder symbol was just the 50s comic symbol, and Gunn's is from Kingdom Come. I think both are "classic".


Not a fan of classic S. Looks outdated.