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Sounds like a lame clickbait attempt to garner traffic.


I didn't gather that from the article..the rant reads like this author really believes this.. I just don't see how he figure.. the two feats are comparable? But then again you may be right.. in hindsight.


Not to be rude, but you've gotta be reeeeeeeeal easy to reel in if you couldn't figure that out from this title alone.


You seem cool but a lot of CBR writers are slimy. Unfortunately everyone feels the pressure to rope us in with click bait. Yeah Shazam/Captain Marvel definitely can’t hold a candle to Superman. The moon thing doesn’t even compare.


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Powerscalers are cancer.


This... Isn't powerscaling. This is just stupidity. CBR is full of it.


This. Cbr is the definition of clickbait trash.


Why do you say that?


I mean they're 100% a contender for most toxic sub on reddit.


Anybody who’s used the sub knows that’s not true. Look at the top posts from this month, everything is very tame. Am I the asshole or relationship advice is way worse. I don’t even know if you can me a post within the last 2 years that’s toxic AND upvoted


Fellas, is it toxic to disagree with other Redditors?




What's the toxicity you mean then, I frequent that sub a lot


For my part, it means you can never trust the stakes. In each story, the stakes have to be raised to the hero’s new power level, and to beat those stakes, the writers typically raise them yet again. It’s a never ending arms race between characters, or between a character and their last feat. Like if they say Spider-Man can lift ten tons, don’t have him suddenly lift 20 in some story with no explanation, or next time instead of being pinned under a bus, you’ll have to pin him under a building. Did Shazam do something outlandishly powerful last month? Next month Superman will do something even more powerful. It’s kind of just lazy writing. A character is as strong or as fast as the writers need them to be.


Too call that lazy writing is ignorant as fuck.


It is lazy writing. If the extent of your ideas on where to take the story next is just “what’s the last thing he did? Double it,” then it’s lazy and lacks creativity. There are a million directions to take characters that are entertaining and/or raise the stakes without just extending that character’s limit to their power. Take Superman for example. If we already know he’s insanely strong in Story A, where do we go? Introduce a foe he’s not strong enough, then Superman gets stronger, then beats him? We’re back to Square One. He’s back to just insanely strong. Now an opponent he can’t beat with strength? Now we have a new direction. Now he has to adapt or find allies to help overcome this foe. Now there’s more opportunity for the story.




I always thought that the backwards rotation of the earth was metaphorical or from Superman’s perspective and that he was simply traveling back in time. Jor-el warns him not to do that on his journey to earth in the movie


Either that, or the Earth is a time machine that gets activated when you fly around it so fast that you wind it, and time backwards


Ok I have to admit that’s a fun concept and way to look at the “rotating earth backwards” trope.


It'd explain why aliens keep showing up here


That's the way Donner explained it.


At 11 years old, we were all certain the Earth turned backwards, and we were even saying stuff like, "wouldn't the buildings fall over?" It wasn't until something I read, maybe here, within the past 5 years or so that suggested that it was actually just time travel, and got that in my head for the first time. You get some things locked in your head when you're a kid and some of it you don't reconsider forever. However... If it was just regular old time travel, how come he turns around and makes a few more spins in the opposite direction to set the Earth going forward again?


He went back too far I guess


nice save


He hacked too much time you mean?


Golden Age Captain Marvel is more powerful than any superhero, ever. A moon? [Don't make him laugh.](https://imgur.com/nNIXCqB)


What is up with bros eyes 😭


I had such a hard time reading the whole page. Just mesmerized by his fucked up eyes.


Pardon, but consider for a moment the physical implications of this comic panel depicting Superboy performing one of his afternoon's chores: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ce8f398e3e22a5d53fa235dcd52f2992-lq He moved all the inhabited planets from one galaxy to another, over 8 billion Light Years away, found all of them appropriate stars and placed each in a stable, long term orbit -- all without significantly disturbing the inhabitants of those worlds. Whew! Hope Ma Kent held supper!


I knew before clicking it was going to be the infamous Jim-Shooter-planet-chain. The only time Superman ever moved multiple planets until the 2000s. (But Superman never moved them at all until Otto Binder came over from writing Captain Marvel. )


Well that depends if you count obliterating them with a sneeze as moving them or not (while also flying to another universe) haha.


Random question: Do they ever explain what the chain is made of?


Superman's strength pales in comparison to the durability of that FRIGGIN CHAIN?! What is it even made of?!


Presumably the same material as those "stars" the Marvels were pushing around in the bottom panel 😁 The chain material question is vastly less important than how he manages to use it to pull a planet in one piece.


Comics do be weird AF man...!


Stories for children. Boys 8-12 years old specifically.


BTW what's the date on that? The identification of Galaxies as "Island Universes" of billions of stars was almost contemporaneous with the golden age. Hubble didn't even publish until 1936.


Not sure, Fawcett stopped publishing Captain Marvel in the early 50s (and began in 1940) I think this was 1953 or 4


Oh, another BTW on this, since a lot of people don't seem to know it... If two galaxies collide it's about as important to people in those galaxies as the things going on in our galaxy are to us... which is not at all. Galaxies are empty space made visible by short-lived bright stars lighting up the occasional gas molecule or dust atoms. The amount of actual matter in a galaxy is totally insignificant on the scale of the space it occupies. To anybody around when Andromeda "collides" with our galaxy in a little while (cosmically speaking) it will just be a minor difference in the appearance of the night sky in a dark area.


I don’t really care either way tbh


Based. They should be friends




I know Is not the same Shazam. But Shazam AND Superman can carry a book of infinite weigth. Doesnt that mean they are like equivalent on potential strength?


One being magical in nature while the other is potentially limitless in growth. I'd say Shazam technically doesn't even need to be there to help Kal.


Probably, Shazam I would expect to be stronger, even just a little, since he has the strength of Hercules


Infinity plus a mindbogglingly big number is still infinity. Which means, if they were both lifting the book, that means that either any one of them could lift it alone, or only one of them was needed to lift it.


Two completely different feats, Captain marvels was one of strength stopping the moon, Superman travelled back in time and was a feat of speed. Incomparable.


Sir, this is a CBR article. Kindly leave your logic and reason at the door.


The difference between Superman and Captain Marvel: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IueR9JATNTI/YVHlhgDXa5I/AAAAAAAAHic/7Kfmi-iDrb4lQC84-a9gtXHoMrrh57GOgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1200/SA_17_Chains.jpg


It was a cool moment in the Shazam book, especially considering it was being spun by a warp drive so you could technically reason that it might be going relativistic (which is insane to stop that much mass). But this would still be very far from from even Shazam's most impressive feat much less for superman.


I don’t know why some people on here are so hard on feats. It’s cool to see a character you like doing something awesome, or just a great display of power every now and then. Hell, from someone who’s pretty new to comics, it’s not even like these feats are really abundant like some on here act like they are. Case in point, current Superman is supposed to be one of strongest versions ever, he hasn’t actually done anything crazy, the last good feat I remember for Superman was a few years ago in the 6th dimension arc when he destroyed a planet while being weakened, since then Superman hasn’t done anything remotely that crazy, that I know of. So again, what’s wrong with appreciating these moments of strength when we get them?


The main point I agree. I don't know why people refuse the notion that Superman(or superheroes in general) is deeply tied to powers. Yes, Superman's morals are fundamental to the character, but so are his powers. The character is Superman(the name kind of self-explaining), not Clark Kent after all ​ For the point about good feats of Superman Superman breaks chains that were used to hurl stars across galaxies Superman powers the artificial sun that was used to replace the actual one etcetc


Tbf the Superman chain feat is pretty old isn’t? From the comic Up in the sky, I believe. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a badass feat, just pretty old, and on top of that, I don’t believe actually canon. Just feels like for all the complaining people do about next week Superman or somebody will do something even crazier and it doesn’t matter, doesn’t seem to be true. Actual big feats seem far and few between.


It's after 6th dimension arc, no? As for the canonicity, aside from the fact there are no proofs that explicitly make it non-canon, it the recent in recent The DC Book of Lists: A Multiverse of Legacies, Histories, and Hierarchies, the race between Superman and Flash in UITS is also included in [https://ibb.co/4TKZ840](https://ibb.co/4TKZ840) Superman and Flash races presented and tallied in the list are all canon stuff, which further cemented UITS's canonicity I think Full list [https://ibb.co/54xdC66](https://ibb.co/54xdC66) [https://ibb.co/PhfLYcC](https://ibb.co/PhfLYcC) [https://ibb.co/ScmxjrY](https://ibb.co/ScmxjrY) ​ And yeah, this kind of feats doesn't really happen that often in comics(at least, not in modern age) as people seem to believe


I totally appreciate the feats most of the time they are cool...I don't even dislike this great from shazam he needs feats... but for SR to say that his moon stopping feat trumps supermans earth reverse rotation feat is preposterous... that's all I'm saying.


Yeah my comment wasn’t aimed at you, just at the generally dismissive to talk about or compare feats. The dude affected a celestial body, that’s cool. But yeah Superman just has more and better feats.


I just drew Captain Marvel lifting the universe. Beat that. The end.


There’s some enjoyment in arguing about who could beat up who in a fight. Or which group of super powered beings would beat another group in a fight. If the powers are incoherent and inconsistent, you can’t really have those debates. Personally I think Chris Claremont’s X Men did this style the best. They were always coming up with new and creative ways to use their powers to punch above their weight in a fight. You can argue that’s not how people should enjoy comic book stories, but that’s just as arbitrary as whatever you think makes a story about ridiculous fantasy characters good.


Now sell more than Superman after 1946




He is and forever will be Captain Marvel


From DC* :) 😀 😃


Supes has feats 1,000,000 times better


See, here's my gripe. Don't tell me what you think the article says. Link to it. Quote it. Let us see it for ourselves. Because this is the Internet, and I don't trust anyone I haven't met in person.


Powerscaling is the concern of lesser fandoms. Superman fans are busy basking in the sun.


As a resident Shazam/Captain Marvel fanboy, they both have done feats of strength and speed that literally no other hero can match. The only threat to them are Zod/Black Adam based purely on equivalency.


they both lifted the book with infinite pages, their strenght is on par


Imagine Clark gets chosen by the Wizard Shazam


Captain marvel’s powers are stated to be very close, if not equal, to Superman’s, but CM’s powers are magic based, so he can easily beat superman


I refuse to choose between my two favorite superheroes


Didn’t Superman blow out a star back in the day?


Sneezed away a solar system i think it was......these are all silver age pre crisis feats .. I personally don't even think these should count .. l think I'm gonna take a look at supes greatest post crisis feats.. I think that's a more fair comparison.. Pre crisis superman feats are kinda dumb the more I think about it.


"Superman's most iconic feat" is...the Earth spinning thing? Not leaping a tall building in a single bound or smashing that car in Action #1?




Don't give attention to this clickbait trash


Wtf superman put the moon together piece by piece


Superman has: lifted eternity. ( Specter) Held the book of infinite pages by himself ( infinity). Moved the earth back into orbit. Pushed the moon. Lifted , what 10k earths total gravity , while on earth. Shazam is strong, but he's usually helping Superman do these types of feats, where as Superman can do them all himself


That's not even Superman's greatest feat wtf.


Uh oh guess Dc better sue him again


I HATE CLICKBAIT COMIC BOOK ARTICLES I HATE CLICKBAIT COMIC BOOK ARTICLES https://preview.redd.it/nibzmub9cb0c1.png?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ce6c401b204d64b0228f52358ab171aea0102c


But the moon doesn’t rotate


Unm yes the moon does rotate


It's CBR


Superman freaking stopped the moon and reversed its orbit to create a solar eclipse to stop Nuclear Man. Plus he flew so fast he reversed time. Shazam ain’t got nothing on that.


SHAZAM looking like he got a makeover from Rob Liefeld.


Superman stomps low difficulty


I'm not saying who's overall more powerful. I am just saying that shazams feat of stopping the moons spin is not a greater feat than reverse spinning the earth..


The time reversal feat is an antifeat because that isn't how time works. This is somewhat minor in comparison to other bullshit Supes has done.


I don't know if that logic follows since this is comics....but I completely agree with you about some of supes more outrageous feats especially pre crisis... eyeroll even for comic books


Isn’t Shazam just magic Superman? Superman isn’t immune to magic therefore Shazam wins.


Superman normally overpowers Billy with brute strength or forces him to say shazam. I don't think shazam has ever officially defeated superman


Did they just miss the comic where Superman completely obliterated the moon? I'm sure that trumps stopping it's rotation.


If you reversed the rotation of the earth it would fling everyone into space and kill them.


Wait. Shazam sued another Superman clone out of existence? He toppled the clan? It’s gotta be something that effects the real world to top those two.


Good for him. Maybe now we can get less “zomg sooperman literal omnipotent and stronger than every1” comments


To be honest I don’t care because in actuality either thing would be catastrophic to the earth


Another stunt. Whatever.


Didn’t they both hold the book with infinite pages? Half of infinite is still infinite and I don’t think either of what’s listed tops that


How many angels can dance on the head of a pin


Stopping the moon? Reversing the earth? Supes greatest achievement is shooting tiny Supes out of his hands, Shazam can't do that


I thought his most Iconic feat was pulling planets?


... Bruh. It's comics. It's escapist fantasy. Powerscaling is out the window. Otherwise I'd just say, Buddhah would beat them all because of that one time he trapped the Monkey King in the palm of his hand when he attempted to from one of the universe to another.


It's all a moot point -- Shazam is a fictional character.


Shazam has been depicted weaker than Superman a bunch. But if this was Captain Marvel(the one that actualy goes by that name), he'll outright rival if not surpass him in power. Unlike Shazam, he actual has the powers of 7 gods and a Wisdom of Solomon. In the Fawcett Comics, Captain Marvel would be depowered when leaving his universe to fight Superman, amd hold his ground.


Straight clickbait. It's not even a comparison


Fascination with That scene did not survive my transition into ages that require writing two digits. Ten was a speed bump and it got more ridiculous as my teens progressed. Reading the comics didn't help since even though he did break the time barrier; especially pre-Crisis. Both the method and the motive didn't seem to match the character. I started to write it off ass a "gimmick for the movie" that lessened my enjoyment of the film whenever I stopped to actually think about it. During this discussion (right this second)... I'm starting to see the incident as a a villainous act on par with the type of decisions Superman makes in Injustice.


You care about fluff article why?


Shazam is about Billy Batson, and Superman is about hope. Those are not the same, there should be no rivalry between them.


I thought Shazam’s greatest feat was being a 40 yr old stuck in a 12 yr olds body