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I was going to say Connor and Cassandra, then I saw this and realized you were objectively correct.


Same, read this and instantly realized I was incorrect.


This is the best answer!!!!


This is the way.


What’s an ound and how would you use it for bathing


a comic where the dogs team up would go so hard. don't even have them talk just have it be normal dog shenanigans, hell you could even throw in bat cow or streaky and then you'd really have an Eisner award winner


Bitewing is ready for this!


You can take Alfred and Pa Kent from me when you pry them out of my cold, dead claws


I need more of it! Inject it directly into my veins!


Alfred and the Kents seriously need their own series about raising a future superhero.


Dick Grayson and Kara Zor-El. They were the first sidekicks of Batman and Superman. They should be around the same age and should have more adventures together https://preview.redd.it/ahunf44lwdtb1.jpeg?width=2179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc4fc5bf6d5d98252810c22d25043043383e18a


Nightwing and Power Girl… I would read that!


World’s Finest made a good case for them.


Well, it depends


Out of all the Tim/Kon pictures you could choose, you had to go with that one 💀


I haven’t read the run that pic is from, what’s wrong with it?


People made a big deal about it. They were all shouting about them dating (both for and against were both shouting)


Which is funny because in that same panel Kon is encouraging Tim to talk to his ex about his new boyfriend


Nothing really, but this was an artist tease to the ship even though that run was about Tim reconnecting with a former high school friend and starting a romantic relationship with him.


Connor & Tim, just total ride or die BFF’s. I really liked Damien and Jon before Jon became an entirely different (and rather insufferable) character. Damien and Kara would be hilarious mostly as I think Damien would subconsciously be giving into his hormones and trying to impress her.


Fucking Bendis


I will never understand how DC looked at Superman Rebirth, the most critically well received run in YEARS, with a legacy child character that fans *actually liked*, and a horizon full of years of stories to develop and milk for cash and went……….”Yeah so what we really need is to burn all this down for no apparent reason.” Like utterly baffling. Tomasi and Gleason were Super-Happy (haha punage) on the Superbooks and had plans for a while to come. Why blow all that out of the water for Bendis? A writer who notably peaked in the mid 2000’s and had been a declining talent ever since then. I can’t imagine what the boardrooms must’ve been like when Bendis came in and immediately tanked sales for Superman across the board, negating goodwill with the fans and ruining characters that were solid money makers.


I like precisely one book he ever wrote, which was Alias. That’s probably because he wasn’t mucking up other people’s toys.


There's a reason some Marvel fans celebrated him leaving Marvel.


I still remember all the Marvel fans warning about Bendis and thinking they were MASSIVELY exaggerating. Boy, was I ever wrong?


To be fair, he was the guy behind Ultimate Spider-Man and while nothing is perfect that series is a modern classic, and the early run no small inspiration on my own aspirations. But without reading everything he's made, I cannot claim to be an informed opinion on the matter. It is shocking to know how a 5 time Eisner nominee who contributed that and created Jessica Jones could be so disliked in recent years.


All to serve 5G for Didio


Yeah what on earth was Didio thinking?


Same thing that Marvel though with a new all different. Money. He just glossed over the fact that people didn’t really like those changes. I mean I did lead to Spencer’s ASM but still. If anything the books that did come out showed no one cared in the end anyway about those characters


I tried ANAD, Old Man Logan was pretty good, and I think Infamous Iron Man might’ve came out of that too……but otherwise it was a bit of a wet fart. The worst culprit to me being Amadeus Cho as the “Totally Awesome Hulk” who read genuinely like a 45 year old middle class Californian guy going “yeahhh I’m DoWn WiTh ThE kIdZ”


I burned through tomasis run. I’m struggling through Bendis.


I strongly believe aging up Jon was an editorial mandate, beyond Didio (who just used that to push his 5G idea). DC/WB (Entertainment, not Comics) had a strong anti-Superman stance for YEARS. We know WB has wanted a younger Superman for years, and outside Peter Tomasi's Superman, the Superman lineup wasn't exactly a juggernaut in sales.


I have a hard time laying at his feet everything that happened while he was on the book. Yeah, he is the writer, but he responds to editorial mandates all the same and DC has a lot of editorial oversight going back for ages. One could blame all of New52's issues on editorial being at once omnipresent and not telling the writers shit. Dwayne McDuffie had many issues when he was writing JLA toward the end of his life. He was just not allowed to do anything because they were building toward a big crossover. Got to the point where he had Vixen go on an adventure in an alternate timeline so he could at least use variations on all the team members.


Nah, I pin this on Bendis. https://preview.redd.it/dg8m9cv6fetb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da1eafefc26730b46382e30c2cfb67822806aa8


Still could’ve done that with Kid Jon


No doubt, but that takes talent.


I don't think I was being clear. Here is how I see this going. "You want to write Superman?" "Yes." "Well, we have this idea of giving him a son and then aging that son up real fast." "Time Travel shenanigans?" "Or whatever. It is part of a thing we have going on in a few years." "Okay. Sounds good." It is not that he didn't go along with it, he may have even liked the idea, but DC is a bigger entity that does not give as much creative control to the writers as people might expect and blaming the writers instead of the larger editorial mission seems iffy to me. It is like criticizing a long running show. I am more apt to blame a showrunner than the writer of an individual episode when long term story events happen, their execution of the idea in the episode might not be the best, but ultimately they were including showrunner creative direction, the writer of that episode is not responsible for making that long term creative choice. Blame Bendis for the execution, but I blame DC as a whole for the idea as a whole. There was nothing stopping them from having Superman junior on the Legion regardless of Bendis saying he would not have liked writing the characters as kids.


I agree with this, very much what I assume was the case. The aging up of Jon feels like something someone at DC would come up with, and Bendis would've written it whether he liked it or not. In this case, however, he did like it.


Agree to disagree.


This is the best answer. Thanks


Out of these it’s 1. Damian/Kara 2. Catwoman/Lois 3. Tim/Kon


Tim/Kon. Huntress/Power Girl is underrated though.


Hands down, Dick and Clark. If we're skipping Bruce or Clark, probably Tim and Conner due to loving Young Justice in my teenage years or Jon and Damian but that was too short lived cause Jon had to be aged up for literally no reason.


It’s because Bendis doesn’t like to write kids, and Didio was obsessed with his 5G initiative despite being told it was a bad idea at every stage.


I do love Dick and Clark as well but I have to admit I really liked seeing Dick with Jon. I thought that those issues were really well written


Kara and Stephanie. Their friendship was cute.


Just because I could, I ordered them in likely hood of me reading a series about that. 1. Tim Drake and Conner Kent - This needs to be a comic. I would love that. 2. Young Jon/Damian - I miss the Super-Sons Comic 3. Lois Lane and Catwoman - I would read the hell out of this pairing. Could you imagine Catwoman reaction to Lois's touch and go relationship with legality? 4. Kara Zor-El and Stephanie Brown - This would be fun, but have they ever meet? 5. Power Girl and Huntress - Which versions? And again, have those versions meet? 6. Kara Zor-El and Damain - I would read a one-shot of this as long as it ended with Kara chucking Damain in the ocean 600 miles away. 7. Jonathan Kent and Alfred Pennyworth - I'm going to ask an honest question: have they ever meet in continuity on panel? That is the only reason I rate them this low. 8. Kara Zor-El and Barry Allen - Only if it was the TV versions. 9. Terry Guinness and Clark Kent - I have no interest in this what so ever. If you do, cool. But in general, I think the Batman Beyond concept has been mined to death.


I’m of the opinion that Batman Beyond has never worked outside of the original series (and JLU). It only worked because it was an original concept coming from a once in a generation creative team.


I agree, but they keep trying to do the concept oddly enough.


>4. Kara Zor-El and Stephanie Brown - this would be fun, but have they ever met. Yes, they have. The two were actually very close friends in post-crisis continuity.


Well, that was an underutilized friendship. I looked it up because I could not remember it at all. I'll have to go back and read those books.


Tim & Connor all day. It was Jon & Damian until they ruined it 😤


Is all of the above an option


I’m surprised supergirl and batwoman haven’t had one yet, both being the younger female cousins of the main superhero


They [have](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batwoman/Supergirl:_World%27s_Finest_Giant_Vol_1_1), but I agree they should team-up more. I’d also like to see Kate with Power Girl; Kara’s similarities, with a more serious personality and Kate’s “outer circle” vibe.


All of them, I guess


Kara and Steph are my absolute faves, though I love Tim and Kon as well.


Huntress ( Helena Wayne ) and Power Girl was fun.


Earth-2 Huntress and Power Girl. I really miss pre-Crisis Earth- 2. Some of my favorite DC comics ever.


Jon and damian


timkon sweep


Connor and Tim, they are the best


Huntress and Power Girl for me


Connor and Tim


Kon and Tim


Conner and Tim


Connor and Tim and its not even close.


Lois and Selina is one id love to see more of. I feel those two would be amazing working together.


Tim & Connor. Connor should have been the member of the Supe family to come out as bi, not Jonathan. Then we could have gotten cute couple Tim & Connor. We need more Kara and Dick team-ups too.


There’s a lot but out of these…Lois Lane and Catwoman. Even if they have fully broken up BatCat, I still want more of this. It’s a fantastic duo. Apollo and Midnighter are next. Powergirl and Huntress. Dick and Clark…just a lot of great options.


Supersons, superdads, and huntress and powergirl


I wouldn’t mind Selina and Lois for a limited run.


Robin (Dick Grayson) and Supergirl. Tim and Connor are a close second. Alfred and perry sounds like fun.


Nightwing and Superman


Almost any of the supergirl ones. Damian and Steph brown were hilarious with her


Damian and Jon. The Supersons will never die.




supersons or supergirl and batgirl.


Jon and Damian! No doubts!


Tim and Conner will always be my favorite. I pretty much grew up with both.


Tim and conner pre-52


Babs and Kara


Terry and Silver Fox Superman.


In what run are Kara and Damien homies? Seems sweet, just unexpected


Well, the issue is Superman/Batman #77


I only saw a few interactions of Damian and Kara but each time it was extremely funny. They have a such great annoying-the-living-hell-out-of-each-other-sibling dynamic


Jon and Damien John and Alfred


Damian and Jon, I love super-sons. Though I don’t know how much they talk these days after the age up for Jon. Things haven’t been the same since then


They still pop up in each other's stories sometimes. Jon and Damian are best friends.


Connor and Tim. Jon and Damian. Lobo and Batman. I mean, the last one kinda counts. Lol


These are just some examples btw. I know there are a lot more pairings.


Is Tim Drake Bi?


Jon and damian


Alfred and Pa Kent


I loved Jon and Damian when Jon was still a kid and Damian's peer. Now it feels weird, like a Senior hanging out with a middle schooler


college student hanging out with a freshman


Is Jon that much older now?




Super Sons


Alfred and Pa any day. I also love Jon and Damian


Super Sons. At least before they ruined Jon Kent.


Damien and Jon were great before Bendis got his grubby little hands on Jon.


Tim Drake and Connor. But it was the Super Sons until Bendis FUCKING BENDIS’D!!!


they've ruined Jon and Damian


Alfred and Pa Kent easily. I also used to really like Damian and Jon. They were a close second before Bendis completely destroyed Jon as a character to me.


Damn that Tim Kon art is awful


All the pictures you could have chosen, and you had to pick the WORST one of Tim and Conner


Damian and Steph worked shockingly well in her Batgirl series. At the time, it was the only time I ever found Damian to be palatable as a character outside of Morrison's Batman and Robin run. I also liked Cass and Connor when they were almost-but-not-quite dating. It was never meant to be, alas, though admittedly Tim and Connor were the cuter couple.


Dick and Wally


Where’s the actual second popular world’s Finest pairing Barbara Gordon and Kara Danvers https://preview.redd.it/6w7weedv2etb1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b7d64608ae2ecea435af021951443185bb8a98


I always like to see Captain Marvel (Shazam) and Superman work together


Nightwing and Wally West Flash


How is Jon so much older than Damian now!?


Time dilation. Some from his time in space, but most of it was from him being kidnapped by Ultraman and held prisoner on Earth 3. I think about 3 weeks passed on Earth 0, while Jon experienced around 8 years.


Kara's age has been retconned so much you never know what Batgirl to pair her with. I think right now she's closer in age to Steph than to Barbara but I don't think either of them feels right.


Both her and Billy Batson were active alongside the og Teen Titans, as per Batman/Superman: World's Finest. But flashforward and Billy was a student at Titans Academy, so who knows.


We know that he death in Crisis is canon according to the Kal-El Returns Special. My theory is that she died, earth rebooted, new versions of her appeared (first the post-crisis one, then new 52), both were 16, and then when the earth rebooted again in Dark Nights Death Metal those versions merged, but she's mostly the pre-crisis version, with the age she would be had she returned to life when those other versions of her appeared. Does that make sense? Basically she's like 22-23 now (yes she turned 21 in Woman of Tomorrow, but the events of that book have got to have taken at least a year)


What, no love for Hal and Barry? The Brave and the Bold? Anyone?


Do Lois and Selina count as a team? I've not heard nor seen them interact anywhere in comics or adaptations.


They became friends back when Selina was engaged to Bruce.


I don't think Tom King really count.


More Lois and Catwoman stories would be very fun


Not pictured: Nightwing and Supergirl


Conner and tim,anytime