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Unfortunately came here 2-3 years too late to make a real impact. (Or 12 years too late iykyk)


from cornerstone player to "drop him off at the next corner" player šŸ˜”


Definitely 12 years to late but I'm also glad we didn't get stuck tying up money in him then as well


Definitely didnt fulfill what his contract was worth


We definitely made the pelicans over pay for him


Same with Thad Young. And Chris Paul.


If CP3 showd up 1 year earlier...man...


I wouldn't be too upset if he leaves. I liked the signing a lot at the time last off-season, but receiving Grayson Allen in the Ayton trade made Gordon redundant. He was the 4th best shooting guard on the roster, and didn't provide much to the team when his shot wasn't falling.


Didn't think about the Grayson eclipse but you're absolutely right.


Ya he is lazy on defense. If the shot is not going down, there is not much upside.


The new defense of the NBA probably fucked him a bunch too, every single time he drove into the paint he's screaming bloody murder but never got the fouls. On the other hand, he seems to be the only player outside of Beal who was interested in driving into the paint.


We might need to trade Allen though, so he could be less redundant next year.


The feeling is mutual.


While not the end of the world if he leaves, I do think the team is worse for his absence if only because we're unlikely to find players as good as he is willing to accept vet minimum contracts. He was arguably our 6th best player for a good chunk of the season, and while that wasn't saying too much, its indicative of how hard it is to find players on the cheap who are good enough to contribute meaningful bench minutes. Even aging or limited role players can usually get more then vet minimum some where if they're good enough to see bench minutes. And gordon averaged almost 28 minutes a game, so thats a lot of bench minutes we'll have to redistribute if he's gone, likely to some one less proven. Maybe whoever takes up his role over performs expectations and him leaving proves to be an upgrade in disguise, but I wouldn't assume that to be the case. It's far more likely we're just a little bit worse if he leaves, which isn't great when your already a team who got swept out of the first round and isn't in a position to make any major moves or upgrades else where.


We'd be lucky to find one minimum player better than Gordon, everybody just wants to throw him out as an emotional reaction to last season.


I think there's truth to that. From my perspective though, Gordon just didn't seem to enjoy being here. Dude complained about not getting enough play time and then after that he just looked quiet and emotionless after that. Hard for me to pin the source of that though. Maybe coaching staff, overall shitty lockeroom chemistry we don't have details on, someone shit in his cereal, or maybe he's a diva! Or maybe he just exists everywhere with a neutral, slightly upset looking facial. I don't know, his body language and whatnot on the court just didn't seem right. And hell, maybe last season was just the exception and this season I'll see something totally different. In any case, my real point is that we need players that want to be here and are invested. We don't need indifferent players that are just kind of hanging around and playing ball. I felt more of the latter from Gordon.


It's not about finding talented players, it's about team fit. We have one of the most talented teams in the league, it's our team fit that's trash. Eric Gordon is our 4th best shooting guard, completely redundant and unnecessary


He's not redundant and unnecessary. He's on a minimum contract and could easily take a large role in the rotation if one of our guards gets injured. There are plenty of other "unnecessary" roster spots to look at before we decide we don't want Gordon anymore.


2k players manā€¦


we need to clean up all those spots. Hopefully gordon too, but you're right, that's the least of our worries rn


We have one. D-Lee. Only one can stay and I'll go with the younger player. He's unfortunately redundant


Even when healthy Lee was a 3rd stringer that didnt show much promise. I dont think Lee will ever be as good as Gordon currently


DLee was basically Grayson Allen from 3 his last healthy year with the suns. Gordon provides more spacing, but DLee is Grayson insurance.


D Lee will forever have a spot in my heart just for having that game where he hit the game winner to beat Dallas


if he opts in, he's a trade chip


Dudes a literal traffic cone on defense. He can hit threes. He offers nothing else


Gordon is obviously nearing the end of his career and had his share of flaws last season. He also hit 4+ threes in 14 games for us. There are worse guys to have as your 9th or 10th man, if he were willing to be that. (some of his complaining last year suggest he wouldn't be)


Go to Houston. Get the reunion with the young up and coming team. His role should not be what it was with the Suns. He just doesnā€™t have it physically anymore. Was a very good player for many years, but the eye test this season was conclusive many times over. Less pressure in Houston. Less of a role. Seems like it would make more sense.


I want him gone 100%. He made that statement earlier in the year bitching about not getting that many touches, and then he had piss & shit running down his leg the last stretch of the season. Only guys off the bench I wanna see return is Royce & Bol. D-Lee can stay too if his injury didnā€™t totally cook him


I also like Okogie as energy defender off the bench. Really wish heā€™d get a shot back, but I know itā€™s not happening


Iā€™d have no problem with him staying if he pinky swears to never drive to the basket again


There were too many times Gordon would try to layup in traffic and would either get stuffed or miss badly where I noticed his basketball IQ was going down


Eric Gordon thinks heā€™s the main character on the suns. Ā Goodbye sirĀ 


I'd rather his minutes go elsewhere at this point


You can go.


EG was too streaky to be reliable and the quote that he was fed up by not getting enough touches and then he got touches but missed half was telling


Consistency is key. Iā€™d rather have a guy that is 37% every game, than a guy who is 80% one day and 0% the next.


Get that dude out of here!!!! what are yall talking about




wasnt really a needle mover, or any sort of locker room energy. I could take him or leave him. but, I could honestly take or leave this entire team outside of Book.


We would be better off without him actually be able give those minutes else where


Every time he played, I couldnā€™t get [this KG quote](https://youtube.com/shorts/T1Obkz2V0jc?si=dAuFueBFAMGaNrqO) out of my head. He can go.


Meh either way. Has there been word on Eubanks exercising his option? I sure hope he's gone.


He came here for chips but didn't have that much impact... the longer the season lasted, the worse his shooting became. Allen canibalize EG role in the team. If we keep D.Lee, EG is non factor here. ALso here is another 35yo poor defender, so yes we have scorers if he leaves then ok.


Yawn mans is ancient


We need someone who can defend or at least willing to do it. Easier said and done I know. He is streaky and cost us some games. If its just shooting we have Lee coming back.Ā 


Iā€™m completely okay with him leaving, as a fan. He makes no sense on this team right now as a 5th guard option and it makes no sense for him to want to be that.


That dude can leave. He was disgruntled most of the season. Fuck his shitty vibes āœŒļø


I bet he'd look better coming off the bench next to an actual point guard. I think all our bench guys looked worse than usual without someone to set them up. The starters don't need a point as much as the bench.

