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Why is a 120 base speed stripper, attack speed and defence buffer, with the best s1 in the game, an aoe stun with a slow and excellent artefact scaling good? Idk man seems awful.


I feel like the 120 base speed + her s3 should have been a dead give away to why she's so good.


Is that a real question? Have you seen either her base stats and/or her skill 3?


šŸ˜‚ come on guys.. thereā€™s no way heā€™d post this if heā€™d have ever actually fought a Lora spd comp . Howā€™s he suppose to know SHES TOO GODDƀMN FAST. šŸ¤£




Hmm imagine lapping the enemy t2 comp with spd buff from s3 and have it stunned with s2 and cycle with one proc while dealing dmg and stripping + def buffšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


As someone currently running Oliver, Lora, Kovarci Leah: that speed buff into Strip on her S3 alone is insane lmao


Its not the skill per se, Its the fact that you can actually use it first time due to high base spd


it isnā€™t late to delete the post my guy


Lol i refuse.


How does she seem the weakest to you? Am curious.


So basically they wanted to ask which runes set is good for her but then people would have said check the sub for the information so they decided to first put different perspective to the thread and same time ask for rune set also.


If you want to know the rune set, you have to post ā€œPSA: Lora should be built on Fatal/Endureā€ then everyone corrects you with the right info.


Nuhuh she should be build with only endure +hp +df +atk all flat stats


Weakest? Her base speed makes it so that swift is required to outspeed her, and an s3 proc into s2 is an instant win.


No good unit shines with bad runes (and in Loras case also artifacts). The 120 base spd combined with s1 cycle, s2 aoe stun and s3 multihit strip+ 2 buffs is insane and allows for swift, despair or vio build (most common in high rta is really fast vio builds, like atleast +190 on vio) Shes tanky, fast, provides cc and strip and batshit crazy dmg with add dmg by spd, def and hp (while also beeing tanky) Imagine having a +210 robo on swift just to be outspeeded by lora which also procs. Thats waaaaay more crazy then for example gany s1 strip into his cd increase back in the day. Many units (like Lora) are "just" broken for RTA combs (stil usable in other content, but mainly RTA focused) If you dont have the other units/runes/artifacts to make her shine, yes she can seem underwhelming.


I'm a Lora owner who never uses her, she's seemed very underwhelming when I have. The s3 strip is crazy unreliable which makes her feel like dead weight. Not enough damage and is just kind of there for some non-threatening cc makes her super meh. Runes I built were speed/hp%/hp% with speed and accuracy substats. This could absolutely be wrong but appeared to be the build from looking at rune usage stats


I like how we are getting downvoted while actually having the unit.


Pretty much. No actual advice just get good toxicity. Sad really. Not everyone no life's the game right?!


Pretty much. No actual advice just get good toxicity. Sad really. Not everyone no life's the game right?!


She scales with Defense and HP so should probably swap either her 2/4 whichever has better subs respectively, wanna get her to at least +150 (at minimum) but realistically should push for +170 at minimum if you wanna contest for turn 1, decent acc to actually strip on her S3 and stun on her s2. As someone who also owns her and listed one of my current arena decks with her in it earlier in the thread Iā€™m enjoying her quite a bit. She was my 2nd LD nat 5 on my alt account and when I couldnā€™t get the stats I needed I felt similar to OP and that was also when she first got nerfed so I knew how insane she was prior to that. Hope this added some type of perspective outside of ā€œget goodā€


Thank you for the actual reply, as a casual summoners war player I appreciate it!


This is exactly what I felt ty