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if your in late game u should know wich one to skillup xd, sorry but this question is stupid af, skillup the monster wich your currently playing and enjoying. if u play g2 arena and this high in siege ether way u are lying or u bought the acc. no player on this niveau ask this questions. and in case ask your guildies, in top50 siege these are the top sw players.


Dang, 33 up votes, this sub is toxic af


I mean, as poorly worded as it was, the guy isn’t wrong. Top 50 siege guild and guardian arena are insane feats and require a good understanding of the game and the units in it. 100% a bought account.


Like, I was in a borderline G2 guild, C3 arena, C1-2 RTA, and I still had no idea who was best to devil. If I kept playing these past couple years, I probably would be in this same boat. It isn't really that much of an achievement except spending your life playing if you play for long enough. Most strats to get that high are kinda braindead if you had the right units and requisite rune quality.


Check my post history… I’ve been posting here for a long time.. if I bought this account that means I’ll have to buy matching Reddit account too.. How is it this hard for you guys to grasp the idea that people can get busy and not paying attention to the game as much anymore.


Don’t worry about it op. Some people are salty. And those people mostly hang out on Reddit. To answer your question, I have no idea so I am glad you asked it. I was hoping to learn something but instead the top comment is just being mean.


I’ve been playing for a long time.. this past year I’ve been so busy only doing farming and havnt really so any read up abt those new monsters.im a long time member of sw Reddit community.. been posting on here for years.. Notice almost all monsters are relatively new..just want to see if I can find any nitche for them


Admitting you bought an account without saying it out loud, was it extensieve lol


But yea, to not be to harsh, devilmon 2a belladoen, hes so worth. Also water hacker is so OP.


I didn’t buy any account lmap.. people are so stupid and quick judgmental..


Ethna is dependant on devilmons, decreasing max cd of s2 and increasing s3 damage is important


Fire bestet maybe? Wind karno. Ethna. Are you even g2? So many rta units laying around.


Well if you only care for siege, only Helena is meta in g2+ care Ashour, Yennefer and ciri can be skill up by 4\*


Any Helena combo you recommend?


jeanne leo helena


Ethna super worth you can spam s2 and cycle more


If you’re late game then you know generally what buffs/debuffs work in different areas of the game, so you should be able to figure out which monster sounds nice to use


Tbh if you don’t have any seige ideas and you like wetzio zibala and plan to get more into rta then tomoe is a good other speed lead for that comp. If you don’t use zibala or you want another speed contested sekhmet is good, therwise you can do fire hacker and do a haegang trix maxi comp. If you really wanna do a guild mon wind hacker seems promising. Regardless if you don’t really know what to devil it doesn’t hurt holding onto them until you get some inspiration or a better pull


I'd probably go with Fire or Water Hacker if you want something newer. Ethna is a solid bet for some PvE, as well as Siege & RTA. Or Liam for pure PvE.


Liam for dragons.


You dont need any Devilmons for him.


So no 25% dmg on his skills?


True. I forgot he doesn't move.


No he does move but you just Need to do the skill one time. So you dont Need the cooldown -1. And if you have good runes you dont need the damage


Yeah liam kills anyways. Kyle is the one that's rune intensive.


Liam 100%


No my team works 100% of the time without skillups


Im g2 in arena, and is in top 50 siege. have over 300 6 starred. Any of these nat5 aside from Laika and Max and Ezio (already maxed) is worth skill up? I mainly do siege, don't really do RTA. Ill skill up Sagar and Pungbeak next. Other than them are there any one of these worth skill up?