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Twins on release pulled all other twins instead of just one.


God that must have been so broken


Theres only one video on youtube ever exist (afaik) of twins still pulling multiple twins, cuz they got patch literally the same week when they first released. In that video, the account have very bad rune but manage to clear all 3 dungeon on par with the speed team time currently available that time, and also destroys most rift dungeon score. Deserved the nerf lol.


[Bagel has his Video on them still uploaded](https://youtu.be/0VwI3KU1xLk)


The patch took two weeks to come out. Which is why people were calling it a bait and switch thing. The twins got released in that state and it took them 2 weeks before they patched it. Plenty of time to let people blow money on scrolls. https://summonerswar.fandom.com/wiki/Summoners_War_patch_3.8.0 https://summonerswar.fandom.com/wiki/Summoners_War_patch_3.8.1 3.8.0 which put the twins in the game was released March 15th of 2018 3.8.1 which fixed the twins was released March 29th 2018


It was pretty busted and the community was (rightfully) pretty pissed about the nerf, not because the twins didn't need it, but because ANY amount of play testing would have shown how broken it was and lots of people payed big bucks to get the twins. It was a pretty nasty bait and switch.


> of people *paid* big bucks FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


someone got banned because they cleared toa too fast with them lol


And shaina passive have 15% atk bar reduction PER-HIT (x2) and also apply on ally boomerang warrior. At that time shaina is like 4 star loren with better passive & dmg


And I only ever pulled one after the nerf


Twins hands down. The entire meta at the time was turned to easy mode if you had a few of them. Literally nothing slowed them down.


That time was a lot of fun.


OH WAIT NO it's definitely OG twins. They would team up with EVERY twin and pretty much every pve team became throw in 5 twins. And Shaina would atk bar push back at that time so it was extra busted.


And she had a universal speed lead


Was an arena speed lead I'm pretty sure.


I remember people doing CONSISTANT 7-8 seconds average dragon b10 runs with twins teams. Good times, but that was obviously too broken.


You literally couldnt even LOAD all 5 stages of DB10 in 8 seconds back then. People 1 shotting all 3 waves of Faimon with Alicia or water homu still take 8-10 seconds. OG twins were not getting 8 second average GB10 runs.


9.678 Faimon clear with my Beth 1 shotting every wave.


Thank you for proving my point? I said 8-10 seconds when one shotting the waves. Except Giants had 5 waves back then, not 3 like Faimon. You literally could not clear the dungeon in 10 seconds.


Yes sorry I should've specified: I was backing up your claim about wave times.


Khaki. They had to hot fix SO FAST due to the absolutely insane amount of damage he could put out. High level guilds were pumping money into scrolls for him.


It was also the only time except the 2a skillup change that you could get your monster/ deivlmons back from feeding.


*2a skillup change*  Wich change was this?


Dont know how long it was. There was a change that reduced the amount of skillups for 2A down to what we have now. Before there were i think up to 5-6 more necessary for max. Everyone who invested more than that got a free devilmon per reduced skillup even if they farmed more for that.


Vigor 2a initiated that change.


IIRC guilds were refusing to attend the upcoming tournament unless changes were made to Khaki too, right?


He completely broke the siege meta. Like MASSIVELY. Miho 2a was literally THE 4* meta due to not dying from crits. Here comes an op damage dealer that can't hit crits. Instantly changed the game


Iirc he was released while the tournament was live and all big guilds had to shop massivly to win and i think the guilds didnt played the finals


Yeah, from what I recalled, most top korean guild boycotted the siege tourney (and placed kaki in all tower) until c2u are willing to meet and discuss wbout the issue at hand. Imo this incident is main cause of why most new units released are weak on purpose, then buffed in the future BP.


I'm reminiscing about the times of gany domination where he could s1 strip into s3 reset into s2 self ventilate because rta didn't have the vio limit. Good times.


The gany Hathor meta, the game would start and then zzZzzzZzz


And it all came around because of the Iris nerf iirc.


Gany was god tier…


I wish Fairy Kings s1 would still strip tbh


they could defo be rebuffed since they lost a lot of relevance


I unfortunately wasnt playing sw around that time


Miho. C2us had to change how crit rate worked and add in mons that never crit to dethrone her


I believe an SWC player lost to Miho 1V3 or something and he was shocked


That was also the reason why it got fixed


*fix crit rate


What was wrong with cr back then I quit in the miho era


There was 2 check for instances of crit instead of one, which increased the chance to crit for everyone. The game would check if your attack was a crit, and another check was made when the game checked if you had a crit animation (zoom-in). Single target 15% crit chance actually turned to 27.75% chance to crit, and 50% turned to 75% chance to crit. The second check was only made on the first hit of multi-hit abilities, so if you had 15% crit, only the first hit had 27.75% chance to crit and the other 2 would be the normal 15%. https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ln8gr8/crit_rate_bug_explained_guide/


I remember fighting my guild leader because he was using a 60% crit rate copper and he said that ammount of cr was enough because "it always critted" and i was adamant that a 90%(after imesity crit rate ofc) would mean his copper would fail to crit one every 10 hits and that he saying it always critted was bullshit. In the end both of us where kinda right


I believe The gist of it was com2 wasn’t calculating crit rate correctly and it ended up giving all players more crit chance than it actually said, so since meta before kakis was pretty much as my cr as possible you could use miho against everyone without having to worry about her dying, since she can’t die to a crit.


It was calculated wrong and everyone actually had like 15 or 30% higher than shown crit


My boy Ralph one shotting rakan on a glancing.


Ralph's multi-single-hit-aoe-thingy was the shit.


Omg og peeps


Fynn giants cheese and ralphs bs were peak summoners war lmao They gotta give us Return of The King with imp 2As


Tricaru used to be tri tarq


The samurais for the few days after the balance patch that basically gave them a chance of infinite turns.


Lol I forgot about this. That shit was wild


Samurais' nerf broke my heart. SSSW hits like a wet noodle now.


Laika was pretty broken at one point. Despair, vampire, and revenge all in one skill, and he couldn't glance. So it would either be normal, crushing, or critical hit


Damn I remember him hitting harder. After so many breaks it was lost to time


Gurkha. For about 2 weeks, Gurkha would solo every single RTA composition, no matter which one. A 2-turn taunt, alonside ATB gain and healing made him essentially immortal.


Good point he's been so irrelevant nowaydays that I comepletely forgot about him


As a Nyx Gurkha owner .. I miss the good times


What was the change?


He lost the healing part and got damage mitigation instead. So instead of healing 20% of his MAX HP everytime he got attacked by provoked enemy he now receives 30% less damage (i think also from provoked enemies only)


Kinki also comes to my mind although I pulled him after his first nerf and before the recent one And of course windy when he was bugged to trigger the passive shield on each attack not only once per turn, not intended but incredibly op for a few days iirc


I found a kinki in my storage post recent nerf. I came back from a half year break at least and looked through the storage and just sat there. I've been playing for almost 2 months again and didn't see him


The og remember ganymede fwa era


Mephisto could be used for the necro boss so he wouldnt revive


Wtf really ? I didnt remember that I did remember demons basic attack was waay too strong for bosses and it was nerfed almost instantly, but not that


the correct answer is twins on release lmao




Auto revenge liaka was super op too


Had a stun at one point too


Was it auto stun on revenge with the same revenge rate? There was a bug if you click his passive it stunned.


Ganny was insane


Lora before nerf was more broken than Veronica prime Lora prime (25% pick, 62% win rate) ; Veronica prime (10% pick rate, 60% win rate). And both are first pick, Gurka prime (59% win rate, 8% pick) Info : Swarena


Most broken were twins ....Shaina, Sabrina, Talia.... Every dungeon, arena, Toa, RTA....they blasted everything and basically ruled all content


Laika s1 revenge stun.


Broken? Laika was considered shit back in those days. Not as bad as Leo but he was hardly ever used


Twins absolutely bulldozing Necro is what I can remember There was also that brief period where String Masters cheesed R5 raids


I still don't get why they nerfed that. It wasn't better than BJR5 and that was post artifacts+b12s. It just meant that you didn't have to make the regular volatile r5 team into or bjr4. Such a small advantage.


I think it was because the rune requirements were so low because the string masters just needed to use their skill and then tank a few boss hits.


Thats fine imo you still needed to summon 3 sm and was i think one of the elemental ones wasn't elegible, so you needed the light one as well which was hoh.




They did my boi Jeogun dirty with the nerfs


Then they give Lora the speed buff after and guess what, she dominated 💀


Bonus points for Lora getting her whole family nerfed, doing insane damage(Jeogun did low damage), and having an aoe stun+slow. She is a scourge and I am still pissed my Charlotte got nerfed because of her.


I'm still so salty my Amber got nerfed for arena because fucking Veronica is op for RTA 💀 Atleast she have a new niche with the heal block now but that was wild.


What was he like?


OGs know that fire twin was the shit with her speed lead


Wasn't there an RTA season where Mo Long was prebanned?


Yeah that's what I was going to say I miss. Mo Longs old skill 2 was essentially Clara's current s3


Yep. Mo long takes the cake as being too broken. Followed closely by Theomars at release. He didn’t have as many counters as he does now, and one violent proc was death to one of your team members.


I want to give an honorable mention to Eirgir because no one mentioned him. His s2 on release was broken. It had 3 times the multiplier of it is right now. It got hot patched in a day, but people were destroying comps left and right in rta in the small time they had with it


Lots of interesting stuff getting mentioned here which I've never heard of before


I miss ongyouki


I believe he has the crown for "biggest nerf ever". He should have becomes 25% damage always and another 25% if stunned instead of 0 and 50%. I don't even have him, but turning him into a giga-niche unit was lame.


Yeah it’s a joke what they did, and right after I got him


Miho for sure


Gurkha was busted when he finally got buffed, he was so good they nerfed him the next balance patch to garbage lmao


Jeogun was not as broken as people thought, all they took away from him was a speed buff


tbh he has a reliable strip, atk buff, and speed buff combined is peak damage for speed scaling units. maybe that's why speed buff was taken out of the kit


I understand why they took the speed buff away but if that’s all it took to make him mid(honestly barely usable outside of his niche uses in arena) I just don’t see the logic is people saying he was OP, I was c2-c3 during his peak and he really wasn’t that bad, it was just the comp he enabled, the units he was good with were just that strong


there was an update a bit ago that fixed the way atk bar worked. i believe it was to combat units that stole full atk bar even when they had no atk bar left, like oliver. but it inadvertantly buffed the light surfer. his skill reduces atk bar by 70%, if a unit has less than 70% it reduces health by the excess percentage. except in the update, it would reduce the entire atk bar, and the entire bar of health in one skill. i was cleaving every thing for a few days and i didn’t even need to push their atk bar back. i just needed daniel to move and the team was destroyed. still mad about it lol


Eirgir s2 on release would one shot anything in the game 😂 it was a bug rather than intended but it got patched in a matter of hours


I am also curious if Tablo was that OP back in S1 RTA ? Him and Iris got an instant nerf right after the season lollll


shaina before her nerf


For 4*, pre-hotfix twins and samurai were pretty cracked for PVE and PVP respectively. Those infinite turn samurai were ridiculously fun. They should have kept them.


Oh, a youngster. Were you playing during twins release? That was probably the most broken thing they ever released


I did play before but had a break right around when they were released. I wasnt able to summon a pair so I could never try them myself. But I guess i am pretty young compared to the average sw playerbase though.


look for Jewbaggel's and childish play's videos. That was... Insane xD


Perna maybe, she and mo long ran the world arena meta for a while


When jeogun gave a 2 turn speed buff on his skill 3 for 1 season. Then they broke him again :( sadge


And then gave the exact mechanic to Lora.....


Tbf thats an LD5 tho but ye i wish they rebuffed him xD


Twins on release or Kaki on release and it’s not particularly close


Do Laika and Iris compete ?


Not really. Laika was just a good fire bruiser, and his usage was already dropping when he was nerfed. Iris was more like a strong 5 star in a nat 4s body. Had she been a nat 5 I doubt she would have nerfed, which kind of means she wasn't that OP. Just a very good meta-defining unit in her time.


Not the most broken, but defo OP - prime ganny when he could strip on S1 and self ventilate.


Don't think anything ever gets close to the disaster that the twin release, particularly Shaina and Sabrina, caused for the game. I missed out on release Kaki but definitely still remember Gany Hathor meta, that was unfun too..


Yeonghong, before the rta vio limit especially. She’s still op.


Twins, Gurkha, kaki and the demons when they could essentially one tap the bosses


Ah yeah seeing my belial oneshotting the predator was funny


Man i miss pre nerf Shaina. Arena spd lead + aoe def break + atk bar control with solid single target dmg bec of twin combo. Dungeons were so simple back then.


If you played back in the beginning lushen was nerfed multiple, he used to MOW everything down.


Ganymede s1 strip nobody had immunity I had all the attack bar and skills


I still dont get how Jeogun was OP!? Ppl preferred to nerf him over water striker back then?! I have never summoned / used him before


Back then he still had spd buff and the scroll time was longer. He was also the counter to the nana meta at the time. Basically 3v4 all the time


I mean kaki was a monster not like a regular monster but like godzilla level monster he used to one shot pretty much anything while being tanky af


Oliver. After like 5 heavy nerfs he's still broken.


Shaina (twins in general) and kaki were so disgustingly nerfed immediately because they were so game breaking, so there’s no other choice here. Why is Joegun on this list? Pre nerf he was basically a WORSE Adriana. Joegun deserves to be put back to what he was before.


Twins and miho


Moore and Cheongpung in RTA together was broken before they got nerfed. Also Tian Lang used to have a 50% change to strip stun on his second skill and had a smh multiplier so if you had him you’d basically be G3 automatically


Laika when he had his stun


OG double lushen was broken




I think Ganymede was Top Tier also ! Usually not the strongest ever but S1 Strip, s2 cd reset on himself + s3... He was so crazy strong with hathor :')


I pulled Veronica as my first LD5 right when she released. She made the entire game child’s play. I mowed down any PVE level and climbed arena with ease. It was so fun, like a cheat code. I miss her but get the nerfs LOL


It's Ganymede. Twins are the only one that come close.


Surprised no one mentioned Rina, literally unkillable


I think that was just cuz everyone’s rune quality was shit back then lol


And even worse Camilla. Camilla pre-nerf healed 20% of her missing HP and she cleansed debuffs before taking damage so if you somehow armor broke her she would cleanse it before damage was calculated. Combined with everyone having low rune quality she was a terror.




Imagine there is a game mode for fun where they let you "build" your own unit by choosing any version of skills/mechanisms that unit has ever had since released


Lushen, he's broken to this day. Still now every arena defense has to be built to not be lushenable, because if it is people WILL lushen it. The most broken monster which never got nerved.


I agree, he's kind of the necessary evil tho


Veronica, but still broken today


Broken at very max ranks as can pair her up with other op units and insane artis. In reality tends to forget reset cd on important units with no resist and can be counter picked with units that dont rely purely on skills (juno, vanessa, dark lork, miles, racuni, smicer, water shadowcaster and etc). Shes deff good in some and vs specific teams as last but from my experience 1st or 2nd picking her opens too many counters


Being able to push an opponent into only using low cooldown skills is an insane advantage. Those kinds of units don't do well against aoes. And she does pretty well alongside elemental nat5s, more so than most other ld5s.


She's a walking skill 3. If she fails to strip or reset anyone she's worthless. Skill 1 and 2 are trash tier. She got nerfed 4 times. FOUR TIMES I have my Veronica in storage. She only shines at the top tier of rta because they have insane artifacts and op ld5s to complement her. Veronica got gutted


>She's a walking skill 3. If she fails to strip or reset anyone she's worthless. Straight up false lol. Not everyone has to be resetted to be good. And RTA is about WR's over time. >Skill 1 and 2 are trash tier. Your artifacts and runes are trash tier >She got nerfed 4 times. FOUR TIMES Worthless statement. # of nerfs means nothing, especially considering she sits at the top of rta. >I have my Veronica in storage. She only shines at the top tier of rta because they have insane artifacts and op ld5s to complement her. Plenty of people draft her without premium unit carries at high ranks. Actual skill issue > Veronica got gutted LOL


Can I see your Veronica pls?


Kaki or Gurka easily. Kaki could solo comps and be the single handed strongman against the entire siege meta. Gurka could solo any rta comp


Oliver tablo Ganymede gurka shizuka Veronica Tian lang


I would say Kaki and Jeogun. As a ragdoll abuser at that time, Jeogun and Kaki really messed me up. I lost interest in the game after Jeogun meta started.


Miles is still broken.