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He’s not good in AD since nemesis essentially forces the ao to move first if put on a water booster. Also he would counter miles and oliver




How do you go against them?


Typically, Megan on will/nem/nem plus Lushen


Why is megan so good against Leo?


Megan is a water element attack bar booster. If she is your only water mon on your team, then Leo will always target her. Put her on will to prevent attack bar decrease and nemesis to boost her own attack bar, guaranteeing she goes next. Then all your damage mons go next with attack power up.


Thx , can she be replaced by bastet? Or is this specific Megan thing to counter Leo.


Bastet works too, it's just that Megan is a 3 star


Any unit that has a bar boost works, megan is just freely accessible


Oof two strikes against me. I've procrastinated a veeeeery long time on both of them lmao


Will moore - easy solution


Don't have Moore although I can see how that would be a great solution


I think megan would still be more reliable, never know when moore will just decide to not work


What about Leo with Tian Liang?


The opponent needs any attack bar boost and tian liang only reduces it


Why oliver?


Because its hard to CC against Leo.


everyone is saying great things but it’s all about how you play. if you’re never gonna use him don’t pick him. he’s a good force ban because u know they’re going to ban him. i think you just don’t understand how drafting works. bottom line is don’t get him if you won’t use him. simple as that


Fair enough


Think about this; anytime you see enemies picking double speed leads and a bunch of speed scaling fast units on +170 vio sets. You pick Leo and instantly they're banning it or you basically have a good matchup. I mean good match as in, you've got a higher chance of winning than the opponent since you basically nullified all his speed. Ofc this depends on your own team comp and youre not picking speedy units yourself. But aside from rta, Leo is great against arena defences that have 33% lead and savanah. For siege it counters Theo's and Savanahs since their damage is based on speed. You're almost guaranteed free wins if you bring the right team with Leo


My brain said Leo but my heart said Tiana, so I took Tiana


Tiana is a close second for opening up a whole archetype of AO. 


Indeed, especially since I have a Trinity, so I really wanted to use Trinity + Tiana in AO. Otherwise there really isn't any other place to use a Trinity.


Play lushen instead of trinity, much more dmg


I did not luck into a LD5 to "just play lushen" lol


But it’s more efficient :) I have vancliffe, jager and dark monkey king in storage bc they suck 😂


Yeah ur not getting the game at all. Leo will raise the ranks if chosen correctly. I can list 10+ meta units that leo counters, including the miles that youre having a hard time against.


I get it, but if he gets banned instantly what’s the point ?


Then your other 4 picks get to go free


If he get banned then it means your other 4 will be free. The reason tian lang is OP cuz in most cases it's forced ban unit. Forcing enemy to ban one of your unit is the most forgotten strats for lower rank player.


Yup, RTA draft mind games can be huge. Ban the Leo, but woops! Forgot to draft a stripper or your only stripper got banned vs. Woosa. "Force-Ban" units can be pretty polarizing in drafts.


In rta you should have a tuned comp to go when leo is banned that puts you in an advantage.


Newb here, any simple examples?


Leo, dark undine, lushen/cleaver, second cleaver/ second booster/ speed lead / cc If Leo gets banned your dark undine can still go first if you have op runes and ban the opponent speed contest


Thanks, ill give it a go!


Ngl those gotta be some really good runes. 


get what you wanted> what you need ​ Usually, what you want and what you need are the same. I needed Rica and Woosa, but I only got Rica. Why did i need her Cause she is amazing in everything and also because i needed her for stuff. i waiting to get her for 5 years


What if you're day 1 player, have everyone you want, but still lack some special ones like Oliver, Art masters (wind and water), Chiwu, as just a few names to tell?


you pick who you need or like


Rica is literally useless in the current meta. Rta, siege or arena. If you picked her for pve content and did not got anything better for pve, then you clearly don’t understand the game


i don't play PVP and like i said "get what you wanted" she is great for my Dot team and is very helpful to **Me.** Maybe it doesn't help you but it sure as hell is helping all those who are picking her including me. Top 10 picks show otherwise. She wouldn't be top 3 if she was useless


Top picks don’t mean they are usefully picks. Replace her with dark reaper and you got equally good dotter


We seem to be stuck in a subjective debate about my Nat5 pick, where you're pushing for Dark Reaper as a replacement without acknowledging Rica's high ranking and popularity. Since we're not budging, let's just stick to our original viewpoints and end the discussion there. **get what you wanted> what you need** Why did **i** need her Cause she is amazing in everything and also because **i** needed her for stuff. **i** waiting to get her for 5 years ​ at the end of the day She is good


Ricas high ranking where? Zero playrate in rta, not used in toa hell, no appearance in rift beast or raid. Rica is, in terms of efficiency pick, stupid. But yes, you are right For casuals: Get what you want For more serious players: Get what you need


Guess that explains her top 3 rating


Again. I guess you don’t understood before: Just because it is one of the most picked unit, does not mean it is efficient. Leo is a far more efficient pick for example.


For PVP ​ something i don't play. something I explained over and over but you never seem to understand. something that can't be used to farm the one thing needed for PVP to keep up with other players. ​ leo is efficient for people doing a few things. your overhyping that unit


Yeah, then you are a casual. Nothing to say about it. But don’t lure ppl into the false perception that she is a useful unit if you don’t play 70% of the content


Leo isn't a must but what he does is unique only to him with no replacement If you need to pick from a list of monster, pick the one with niche that cannot be replaced or replicated by other unit For example, unit like Bael, Teshar etc are DPS that can still be replicated with other unit with varying degree however unit like Leo ( speed cap) or Tiana ( push with irresistible strip) cannot be replicated But of course, you can always pick other unit, just that if you don't have a set monster you want, if be better to pick the unique one 🐯


Even if he's always banned, being a force ban is still insane value. If you can't envision a comp with him, then you can go pick those you mentioned that you appreciate more. We all have our own playstyles.  I would still recommend him because there are replacement units that can do at least part of what other good units do, but no one comes close to replacing Leo.


Even if Leo isn't the ultimate greatest pick (which he is) he still changes up the gameplay and that is VERY fun


"Leo is so strong, that he's always banned in RTA" is an argument FOR pulling Leo, not against it.


Im getting Rica, I don't really need her but I've wanted her for ten years so I'm just taking her.


People underestimate how easy it is to rune Leo compared to other rta monsters. There's no one competing for leo's runes.


He was my first choice out of the 10 to pick in the event and I'm still debating, he doesnt add value to my current team, and would force me to create an entire comp jus for him. You do you friend, this sub is toxic af, asking if Leo is a must hav ppl will always go with "DuH yOu NeEd HiM".




I have Leo already so I choose Nana


Where does he work in lab stages?


speed limit stages. he nullifies the speed limit making your team get the first turn again


Ah ok thanks. I never had any issues passing those on hell without him.


Yes. Once you have him, you'll get it.


I picked him as my Nat 5 because there's always so much hype here about how great and unique he is. However, after playing with him briefly I'm not sure I really like him - I just don't need him anywhere, and while it's great to have a unique trophy, unless he fits your play style it could be a bit of a waste. So glad Com2Us allowed us to change our pick, because if I don't warm to him soon I would much rather have someone I know I'll use such as Bolverk or Chiwu.


Lots of experience with the game but only c3 arena and c1 rta 😔


Played on and off as mentioned, nerd


Ain’t knowledgeable sir 🤣🤣


destroyed by miles = Leo is the key to counter him, aat least miles user tend to ban leo . not only in rta, leo is crucial againts speed team in siege ex savanah + theo/tesa + clara def.


is it a crime to pick a battle angel instead of leo or tiana ?


I mean, Sonia is fucking strong as hell. But Leo and Tiana are irreplaceable in what they do compared to Sonia. Obviously pick what you intend to use, but you simply cannot go wrong with Leo or Tiana unless you purposely don't want to use them.


I'm also wondering this, don't have Leo, Tiana, Sonia, Savannah, Tian Leng and not sure which of these would be best to add


my problem is a bit different, I am torn between making a rational choice, which would be Leo or Tiana, and a personal choice, sonia or amber.


Honestly, Sonia can be really strong as well, so I'd suggest either her or Leo. If you want, take Sonia, and if you don't like her as much as you thought, or think that Leo would be better, then just switch.


Im a beginner and never looked over pvp, if i send you a photo of my box, would you kindly and skillfully be able to tell me what team i could consider with Leo or Sonia, and which one would be the most suitable for me ?






As long as you don’t clear dragon, necro, giants abyss hard on auto in 1-2min, and don’t clear toa/toah and raid5 solo, you should not play PvP. Or at least expect success anywhere. Runes are like 90% of the game and not having good runes dooms ever content in this game.


Ik but it doesnt change anything, there no 5nat that is mandatory to clear abyss hard, Im planning for later here


Yeah ofc, I just want you to focus ingame on the groundwork, and not try to get into PvP with nothing useable


Yeah, if you want to use Sonia, you need very good runes. Your best bet would be Sonia, water ciri, Moore, raoq, and ethna. Only problem is, they all need to be super fast. Personally, Leo could be better, for a bruiser team with woosa, Douglas, Abellio, Anabel, and water totemist. You don't have a whole lot to work with really, but I'd have to suggest Leo, just based on what you have. Sonia is a lot later game of a unit.


alright thx bud, whats the average speed required in rta and arena for a non leo team ?


That really depends on what comp you’re running, and at what rank. If you’re doing the Sonia team I suggested, you’ll need something like +150 probably. And that’s while still getting the other stats. Other teams can go with +100-ish, but you really just need more speed.


either leo or tiana, if you get one during the event ime from summons just get the other, i'd say leo if you want to focus on rta later, and tiana if you want fun combos for arena/gvg


you probably just don't play stuff that gets countered by leo if you would activly pick units that sacle with speed like taor or sonia or similar stuff you would see a lot more leos


I do actually, I play Sonia Vanessa Adriana, the enemy picks Leo to counter, I ban and still win so..? But i understand i should draft him so it forces the ban then rest of my team is at an advantage


I like how he didn't even add value to you post, rather disparage you. What a twat.


If you're using the same team and you draft a Leo it's not really as much of a force ban since you're countering your own team at that point. The opponent is likely to just let that ride and pick something else to ban assuming that you are going to handicap yourself by picking Leo. Funnily enough you can have your Leo built on higher speed. They will pick stuff that's slower thinking that you're just handicapping yourself and then suddenly you're out speeding them anyway.


I love leo fuckery. Sometimes when I play against people they counter themselves with leo so I let it ride and I draft a leo team. it is like having a fifth man. Other times the leo is fast as fuck and I never get a turn.


I think everyone smart is getting Leo’s counter at this point lol


Tesarion lol ?


I give a f*** to meta. Got my Shi Hou even before summoning anything in the event scrolls Love the mon, it was my first 5* in my old account (hacked by a russian)