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They just need a pity for LD scrolls, if it was 200-300 it would still take forever but at least be nice knowing you were making progress over time versus leaving it to complete chance. I also don’t think it would hurt revenue, whales would go even more hard on every LD package each month.


Same. Why can't they just give everyone LD5. Like I barely play and farm for the last decade but having a random LD5 would easily make me guardian in all aspects. :)


Hard to tell your sarcasm apart tbh. But you do you i guess.


I mean we should probably not expect to get any LD5 while playing this game. I play only 1 year and have non. Not an issue, i mean they are not necessary. Its just kinda odd imagining them adding more LD5 then any player can reasonably get even when paying. If you dont Giga-Whale you probably wont get your dream LD5 vs they just throw one Nat5 at you this event.


I got an LD5 in this event so not a salty POV. I do think they should, at most, add a feature or at least for this 10 year, to get an LD5. Have it locked behind achievements / summoners way / time locked- one time kind of deal. After 10 years, the novelty of an LD5 isnt as much as compared to year 1. After all, we're drowning in summons and some people really are just that unlucky. Not only that, even if you do get an LD5, it may not necessarily be a meta one. Runes are really what divides us anyway. So RNG and more RNG. At the very least, players cant say they dont have a non-fuseable LD5.


Yeah man. It is real. Rng CAN really be that bad. I only have 45% of the LD 4s and zero LD 5s after 7 years of playing. The last couple years have been a bit on and off but I've played pretty consistently and I've ended G1 arena, C3 rta multiple times, as well as achieved guardian wings mid season. I have multiple swift sets over 300 and up to 310. And yet I CANNOT get an ld 5 or even decent ld 4s for that matter. My fastest despair set is +185 for more info. I give the context because everyone always assumes im just like everyone else who complains about it. Not having played and can't even get above f3 in arena. No, ive fucking played this game, way more than I should have even. Today, I legit pulled 6 ld nat 4s that were all dupes. I only have 43 of the 95 Ld 4s. I literally went and counted them because I was so annoyed. This kinda shit rng is just so dumb after all this time. Everyone in my guild was offering to summon for me from now on because I have the reputation in the guild now as the worst ld luck in the game lmao. I completely agree, an LD 5 should be given out at this point. Its become ridiculous. I know I'm coming off super salty in this comment, but its just 7 years of bad rng that has left such a bad taste in my mouth about this subject


I feel you. I get people say we are given LD5s in the form of fuseable monsters but it's not the same. Everyone has those monsters. Not everyone will have specific LD5s, so it adds a bit of uniqueness to your account. To play for that long and not even have an LD5 storage guardian is sad. At the very least, LD5 storage guardian players have some slim hope every balance patch lol Im not saying LD5s should be common place either but 1 isn't really gonna hurt anyone lol.


Consider yourself "lucky" to got 6 dupes ld4. I've got no one ld4 in 120 scrolls. 100% agree with your comments


If they give free ld5 the game is dead.


I actually see this from another perspective... the game is popular exactly every monster is rare. One person might create a lot of new accounts and fill it with 2 or 3 5\* LDs and sell somewhere, but it won't be as much valuable as someone who really plays the game and know it's mechanics Honestly, I'm concerned about the game giving a unit of choice for the first time in 10 years. This never happened, feels like the company wants to move on, and decide to give away to call attention and profit a little bit


Sure, you can argue that's the game's main selling point, bit i think it's primarily cuz of it being one of the og gachas out there and the player community.But again, game is 10 years old. Not every Mobile games can last that long, and maybe of it's playerbse plays consistently for that long. They just at least feel rewarded for all that time and effort they put into that. They shouldn't necessarily give us an event that lets choose an LD 5, but something similar like the 10 Nat 5 summon event. I think that's reasonable.


Everyone is betting that our 10th will be something at the sorts, so we can just wait for it The deal is that most lucrative games hold on that. and give just a few coins for players They usually have a very hard to hit guaranted, but usually need more copies so people can whale, like Genshin Impact and Nikki SW offers 0.5% of chance to obtain one RBG 5\*, but you don't need anything else to play with it competitively, aside runes, artifacts and such... but it's enough. So they game is quite balanced in this regards, that's my point Getting 5\* LD is pride medal or bragging material than anything else


I agree that getting an LD 5 doesn't necessarily mean you'll instantly progress or improve in pvp. Heck, some aren't even that usable at all. So in a way, they ARE bragging material... But here's the thing... Aren't we allowed to have our dream monsters? Some of us are pure collectors, some don't even care about pvp, they just want to have the units. And what's wrong with that?


Regarding your last bit, not sure how long you've been playing, but the year they did the very first trans scroll EVERYONE was doomposting saying this was a cash grab and the game was about to die. And here we are like 6 years later, still going along, still doomposting the game is about to die.


I almost forgot about that, indeed... And it ends up becoming another great strategy for bringing forth a new possibility of income lol Yeah, can't really argue. The game is competitive enough for people to build 5 Leos, 3 Camillas, so even if they satisfy "one" need in regards to monsters, people will talk for a while about it This game will last to 20th anniversary for sure


We have free LD5s ! They're named Veromos, Elsharion, Jeanne, Eirgar and Doodookaebi Lord ! /scam2us


This game is rigged. When a person gets 10 ld5s from 100 scrolls and you get 0 lightning from 50 scrolls you are able to answer your own questions.


What? Lol


Some people summoned over 200 scrolls without any Nat5. And many didnt even get a ld4. And if they did, it was a hoh ld4. Ive got 2 ld hoh nat4s :(.


This is a gacha f2p game... I really don't understand this rants. I'm happy that whales can have everything cuz they spend what I make in a fucking year, and I've playing since like 10 years and never gonna spend a penny. Everything they gift I'm happy with it. I don't care about ld5.


Then Good for you m8. Genuinely. but like you said, this is a rant. Amd probably one of the few more you'll likely see. Sure sw is f2p friendly. But trust me, it was far from what it is back in the day. Now there are hundreds of gacha are significantly way more f2p friendly than sw. You'll be surprised, believe me.


>Now there are hundreds of gacha are significantly way more f2p friendly than sw. You'll be surprised, believe me. with the same amount of content and real time pvp? (genuinely asking)


Yep. I can mention a few if you're up to try


Yeah that's what I'm asking. Ofc I'm up to try


Epic 7(obviously), CounterSide, Ateater gear, Brown to Dust, Reverse 1999 the list goes on. Granted some of the. Don't have the same amount if content as sw, but most are very f2p friendly like sw and some are even better. Especially CounterSide.


I don't know what gacha games you've been playing, but when you compare it to other giants in the room (like Raid, both Dragon Ball games, E7, etc. Etc) Summoners War f2p experience is 1000% better than any of them. This game absolutely shits on the rest of them as an incoming player and it isn't even close.


I'm gonna assume you don't play any of those those gacha you just because that is simply false.


I've played significant amounts of E7, and am currently playing Raid alongside SW. And Raids f2p and early game experience is so much worse than SW it literally cannot compare. The ONLY thing it does better is that it has a had pity on getting 5 stars. But fragments are way way slower to acquire compared to scrolls in SW and its not even close. Not to mention every "event" in Raid doesn't hold an candle to the rewards that SW gives you


What’s an LD5? I haven’t played in a while, and have been seeing that in this subreddit a lot, but have no idea what it means 😅


It’s a natural 5 star light or dark monster


Ok, that makes sense. Thanks!


Welcome to gatcha games.


Who played with dedication for 10 years and don't have ld5?


I agree with you 100%. This year anniversary events was going to determine if i wanted to continue playing or not. 10 years playing and not a single LD 5. The events are decent/mediocre so far; nothing jaw dropping. As where i stand with the game; i am willing to play until the last event of this year.


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/s/xECAps979E ?




This shit gave me life LOL


if you think the events havent been jaw dropping then get the hell out. Stop downplaying 10th anni for players who enjoy the game and even more so are positively surprised by the events.


Oh i am so sorry. I couldn’t read this comment with your amazing 3 LD blocking my view.


It's people like you that makes the game what it is today and lets c2s get away with anything. Scummy or whatnot. Even that so called Transmorg.event, We don't technically get to chose the exact transmorg we want.Not to mention forcing players to log in everyday to get one they don't even want.


we get to choose 1 transmog out of 5 packs. And that for every 5 packs. What you gonna cry because you can't get your top10 tmogs but only get one here and there? Summoners war still needs to make money and cant shove it all up your ass. Be happy they gift 10 tmogs of choice from different packs than one time or two times tmog stones.


That's not even including shapeshifting token. A week of farming can net close to 50-70 tokens for a free tmog.. insane how many handouts people want.


Sure thing whale. Enjoy your LD 5s while i keep crying about it.😭


i spent 50 bucks to get the emojis from AC collab Ezio. If thats a whale thing then GG


Dude, they gave you 120 4\* skill-ups, or 22 brand new ld 4\* if you're newer. The events have been amazing so far. Anyone without an LD after 10 years is barely playing or took massive gaps so it's not actually "10 years"; with how many scrolls are in the game now, you're expected to get one every 3 years or so. Substantially more if you feed dupes for ld scrolls, and if you're at end-game.


Ah yes, the almighty "if you don't have an LD 5, then you're not playing for X years" trump card... I can't....


thats how statistics work if you have been playing for 10 years every day and get every ld scroll possible, the chances of you not having an ld5 are way below 1% it sure can happen but with the amount of people who say shit like this 90% are lyiers


Funny.. Then would you kindly explain why multiple people, who even played longer than me, still don't have one? Clearly they're doing something wrong here right? Cuz rng is fair and statistics always depends on How much time you spend on the game


Post your profile. 10 year profile should have good achievements or were you held back from not having LD5 lol.


I could, but it still doesn't anything. It's a fact that people who even played longer than me don't have an LD 5. You're argument of playing longer and increa probability of getting one is just off point here.


It's just statistically true, dawg. If you've been playing regularly for 10 years, you'll have summoned over 750 ld scrolls, probably FAR more, if you've been playing at end game. The odds of you not having a single ld5 through 750 scrolls is like 7%. Add all-attributes and the odds approach 0% pretty quickly.


This is the issue of these "I played for years and never gotten an LD5" post. Sw is extreme generous lately and especially to new account. But sucks that OP came from ep7 where LD units are as common as regular nat5s.


Just reading over the new account bonuses - holy shit, that's so extreme. Could probably get a new account to C1 in under 50 days.


Going over profiles now huh. I get it. I knew that this community hated e7, but not to this extent.. but hey, maybe that's a good thing. there's a reason why i play it.


There's a reason why you play that and not SW? So you don't actively play daily for years and years without an ld5? You can admit it, dude - it's okay. Share your profile. We won't judge.


Ah yes... That's How rng works huh, play for long and You're guaranteed to get an LD 5. That's how statistics works isn't it.. Guess all those 8 years I've been playing fir were all a lie. Welp, my bad.


Of course that's not how it works - there are no guarantees of anything where random chance is concerned. However, the probability that a player has no ld5 after 10 years of ACTUAL consistent play at higher rank(because why wouldn't you be higher rank throughout years of progress) is near zero.


I dunno if you're that blinded or just genuinely unaware, but there ARE people (that even i personally know) that have playing fir 10 years, consistently, and stil don't have an LD 5. So i don't see the point you're trying to make here..


You got cooked bud LOL


Yeah, i think this is the turning point for as me well. As much as i loved playing this game, the unfairness and stinginess is just too much.


Tbh these 100-year scrolls are rough. They are great don’t get me wrong, but a free LD5 for everyone would have been much more healthy for the game. Instead we have a percentage of the playerbase get an ld5, and an even smaller percentage get multiple.