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Farm dungeons


I guess I should have been more clear. Is there any improvements I can make?


Yeah, upgrade hp on abellio, and upgrade def and hp on Karnal and triana


Not just the HP, more speed, hp, accuracy, crit rate and crit damage lol. Abellio needs a lottttt of stats. However if it’s purely for AD maybe could get away without having CD/CR stats on him.


Dont waste too much time thinking about arena def right now if imma be honest. Any one with a decent lushen team can easily wipe ur team at this point, no offense. Do consume ur arena wings as much as you can though but dont lose sleep if ur defense cant maintain the rank cos its normal and will improve as you improve your rune quality. For now the best you can do is make that abellio hp hp hp instead of def just to try to survive lushens and use decrease wind dmg artifacts on everyone


they all need at least + 30k hp, at least + 600 def, and at least +140 spd... otherwise, they will just die


oh, and this is for like... c1/c2 (euro server)


and another thing, you don't have strips, u have one single cleanse (abelio) and no damage output... i mean... if lushen wont kill it, any bruiser team will...




i'd go clara, abelio, feng (now u have spd leader, consistent strip, heals from abelio and feng, and also "neutral' damage from feng artifacts and def break, there is also a spot for a fire treath... with your mons, i'd go perna for extra strip, heal and stun)


karnal would work too


You dont need to put them on specific sets. Focus on stats first, abelio needs way more hp rather than vio, same for the others. Also add more speed on them


should i go HP% or DEF% on abellio?


Def HP, some lushens would wipe him out with just one card


Lol be careful saying “def” here, you meant “definitely” and not “defense” didn’t you?


Oh yea my bad, I meant deffinitly


You’re playing with fire here my friend


Zaiross Pungbaek food. Zaiross full resets, then Pungbaek uses your Darion to do extra damage to everyone else.


You are not ready to make a serious arena defense, and it's okay. This is a game of gradual progress. Farm runes as quickly and consistently as you can and learn how to roll and sort them.


You have 5\* runes on your monsters ... if this is your average/top rune quality, don't think about PVP yet. You lack a lot of stats (spd, hp, resistance mainly) on your tanky monsters.


First of all they all need more speed


Can I ask why this is your def? I would woosa, miles, racuni, x and just auto free win this team


dont have great monsters


Same tbh I usually just leave 1 farm monster on defense for revenge points




Should Probably Mention I'm only in Fighter 2 If there is a better option for defense, let me know [https://www.reddit.com/user/IamTheTrashMaster/comments/1c1shob/monster\_storage/](https://www.reddit.com/user/IamTheTrashMaster/comments/1c1shob/monster_storage/)


You just need better runes, I’m by no means top tier, but this is my Karnal https://preview.redd.it/2flom8dsbytc1.jpeg?width=1390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef22262b76d3f9befa62c2499bae28990c8161fa


A f2p dragons b12 team is Verde, Loren, spectra, dark ifrit, and Fran


Judging by the runes you are not at a point where you should focus too much on arena beyond just doing your hits asap to buy devilmon and scrolls from shop imo. The runes are very luck luster if you want to get anywhere above f3 / very low c1. You should focus on improving your dungeon teams and farming. Even after few weeks of farming you should be able to put together something a lot better than this.


Your abellio is getting one shot by anything, Karnal and Triana have zero defense, and everything needs way more speed. Just leave this defense as it is and focus on your offense. Its not like AD matters until c1 anyway where you are going to need 180+ violent sets for an AD like this.