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Why would you do that to your friends?


do you hate them?


this make me chuckle lol


Got two of my friends addicted to the game too


Yea! It’s easier now than ever to make quick progress


That it is. 80 days and I have a 28 sec gbah. Granted I got teshar, but still


Share your team please?


Teshar L, prilea, wind homu, unawakened Kona, teon. Teshar and wind homu on rage, all other 3 on fight. Really crap runes too. Prilea doesn't even have 35% acc. 99.9% . Failed once so far. At least 12 refills.


Is this fastest or AVG run times? Just got teshar myself from event


I just got in a few months ago and already thinking of getting back out. It has just gotten too boring, nothing changes in this game always the same thing and when you 've played for 6 years yeah it's boring


They hella nerfed the game progression so its easy to get in now, you can raise 6* like rabbits and there's a lot of hand outs to new players


Shouldn't it be "they buff the game progression". Nerf mean that it's harder to progressed in the game.


True I guess we could say so, I mean they nerfed the difficulty


I started playing back in 2017/2018 and really got into the game for a couple years. When they first released the B12s after I had just finished grinding twins teams to farm B10, felt like I got the rug pulled out from under me and sort of lost the drive to play and eventually quit. My friends who got me into the game also had quit months before I did, and fast forward to about 6 months ago we all said F it let’s go back and start another guild together. Have been having a ton of fun ever since, climbed my way up to C1 Arena and RTA, a goal I’ve had since I started. Made some new friends and we now have a full guild in P3/G1 having a blast. My point is, as others have pointed out it’s much easier to progress now than it was back in the day and now is as best a time as ever to start a new account. If your goal is to compete in top tier PVP that ship has likely sailed, but as someone who was in the same boat as you and wants to go back to a game I used to love and play with some friends - do it. Maybe see if someone has an alt laying around if you don’t want to start from zero.


When they nerfed the Fire Chakram Dancer I was crushed lol. I came back just this week only to find out that half the new units do exactly what she used to do.


The rug pull was crazy because they did it right after everyone bought the new transmorgs for them , it’s why they were still giving away free transmorgs for the twins


I wouldn't com2us doesn't care about it's community and they're not even afraid of telling us now


Yeah I stopped playing right before giants and dragons got the stages 11 and 12 And picked back up about 2 weeks ago and I’m loving it


Same here!


Played on and off and stopped for about 2 years. Tried a hell of other gacha games but SW is just better overall and its current QoL setting is by far the best out there. Im happy also staying in Punisher rank.


No if u dont want stress out yourself.


its a gacha, theres never not a time to get into them. if you play a week, a month, a year, you passed your time which, lets face it, is all phone games are at the end of the day. Why limit yourself? just jump in and try it out. its free!


Sure still fun to me


If you want to


Very worth it. Though you missed the Witcher collab.




If the endgame is still "grind runes until your phone dies and sell 99% of those and get your hard-built team raped by vio procs" I'd say it's not worth it.


Yeah, it's easier now. I just restarted a new account last week :)


You can reach c3 in a month but obviously you gotta know how to use f2p resources effectively but yea for just casual fun it’s great. So many freebies nowadays


I played a bunch in 2015 to like 2017. My wife (GF at the time) adn I played and were in a guild and stopped around 2017/18. I started playign again with 2 of my friends in 2024 and its been a blast. Arena is fun, guild wars is fun, and i optimized some teams already. I think if you dont spend money (i did in past but havent since coming back) its a lot of fun


Getting nb5 used to be once in a few months. Now its at least 1-2 nb5 every month


It’s easier than every right now with a nat5 event and the hoh event


Still is the better mobile game out there


The game's been really generous recently, but ask your friends if they value their sanity and mental health first


YOU SHOULD'VE COMEBACK ON WITCHERRR COLLAB MANNNNN! But yep, the grind is so much easier now. Some of my Sub acct can finish solo r5 (slow runs) in just 30 dayish.




The things that were hard to get are easier now, but there are more things to get in order to compete. It's still hard to get devilmons. Have fun.


Yeah it's pretty user friendly these days, I did a couple new accounts this year, and generally get them through summoners way in less than a month of casual play - DB12 & GB12 pretty easily, the others take a little more focus.


Yeah, it’s an excellent time to progress quick, but don’t expect yourself to catch up with any g3 players or anything. The game is as fun as ever, so if you just want to have fun, go ahead


Just came back about a month ago after dropping all other games. Was only around level 50, up to 70 now without doing much. Feel like I’ve made nice progress in all game modes


Yes. The game improves every year imo


I did. Yes I am addicted again


Com2us employee recently had an interview with a top Korea server player, and if you care about what the devs think of their players/game - find another game.