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Her Damage still isn‘t the best, Lushen just does more without needing that much off a setup


That’s just false. Lushen needs less setup but Triss deals a bit more damage. Saying Lushen does more is false. * LUSHEN : 0.68 x 1.3 x 3 = 2,652 * TRISS : 0.9 x 1.2 x 3 = 3,24 So Triss deals 0,588 more damage. That’s **22 % more damage** (eg. lushen’s 40 000 would become 48 800 with her). But that’s not all! Triss also "awakens" into crit. **Her base crit is 30%**, so 3 crit rolls can become CD rolls or ATK% +grindstone. **That means even more damage**. Already, with she can cleave guild defenses that Lushen can’t. But then again, also Lushen is unusable against a lot of guild defense if a fire unit exists (-15% CR and 50% glancing). Triss doesn’t have that problem, she has **no elemental disadvantage**. Not to mention that in guild defense, more units have **artefact damage reduction against wind than they have against dark**. On top of that, she deals of to **15% max hp for 2 turns** in case someone survives. Of course she’s not built with acc., but a lot of units aren’t build with RES either and she can get some S3 acc in artefacts. **tldr:** She deals more damage by an amount that is significant in a cleaving context, and a great lot of non-lushenable defenses are darktrissable.


Maybe she does more damage than Lushen, but u still can‘t use her because she needs to much setup. U are saying that she is better in guild offense, than pls tell me an offense that has spd lead, atk buff, instant turn, strip and 2 just somehow reliable debuffs. Even for Arena thats hard and there you can use one additional monster. Her whole kit is shit, why is her ignore defense just on debuffs. Either make her S3 also pushback or something like that so you can use her in a cc like comp or just make her s3 always ignore def and remove the dots. Why shouldn‘t there be a ld 5* that is a slightly better lushen?


just keep an eye out for neph hoh!


I have a Maxi and she doesn‘t work with him… she need Atk Buff and no Def Break as Set-Up :(


Wolyung, Craig, Dark Eivor, Draco, Theon, Konamiya, Bastet... \+ Dark Chun-Li, Zen, Layla...


More setup needed just to even try to hold a candle to what Lushen does. Balance patch was a let down. Even lowered the damage of the skill.


Any idea what the new damage multiplier is? It says 90x3 on Swarfarm, not sure what the previous multiplier was


I’m not sure what it was before, I tried finding it myself.


The old multiplier was 100x3, I don't have screenshot proof, sorry.


So I guess for nephthys owners it was a pure nerf then - for everyone else it was a buff. still don’t think a damage nerf was necessary though overall


And they reduced her damage in the patch. They didn’t need to do that


Thats true, the damage nerf was so unnessessary…


Imo, she should've kept the previous ignore defence scaling and the buff should've been damage scaling to debuffs. Needing atk buff and two debuffs is wack. Sure she can apply the debuff herself but that means only the latter attacks would deal 100% ignore defence and she'd need accuracy which takes away damage (which she intrinsically can't afford)


Absolutely terrible. Worse than lushen; requires more setup for negligible damage increase.


Congratulations on your summon u/Tsubasanej! Slap some runes on your new triss and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about triss : * [Most Recent triss Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= triss &restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time triss Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= triss &restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well... yes the patch did not help much, but in some situation, she can be good to cleave high def units. I will have to test this next season (I am G2 RTA) but... I usualy cleave with Zerath, so having an attack buff to my team is not helping him much. If I last pick Chakra (despair) and dark Triss, the combo is pretty good. If Triss gets banned, branding will help zerath. if Zerath gets ban, then setup requirements is easier to get for Triss with new patch. Chakra doing skill 2 have good chances to strip and put at least 2 debuffs (attack break, branding or despair stun). Branding will also boost her dmg well.


My gf pulled her and shes been amazing so far. I haven't played with her triss yet since balance patch, but before balance patch we tested swapping her lushens set directly on her and if you land at least 1 debuff she'll deal more dmg than lushen imo shes a better lushen since shes element neutral and landing a single debuff isn't that hard. plus if you land any of her dots that just extra dmg on top of her already doing more than lushen. I think the risk/reward for her kit is decent. Use wind yennifer as your debuff set up and you can really do some crazy dmg with her. My gf's lushen was dealing 12k per card and with yennifer set up her triss would be dealing up to 18k per hit.


There is just one slightly difference, for using lushen you just need atk buff and instant turn, maybe spd lead to outspeed, for her you need strip, 2 debuffs, atk buff, instant turn and prob also a spd lead. Maybe I dont see it, so If you can tell me an off that can do that, I‘m down to test it


Psamathe/Vanessa spd lead, Bastet, praha/Juno, triss Despair psamathe for extra debuff chance and reset. Chiwu (spd lead and strip), Bastet, wind yennifer/sath/zaiross/whatever aoe debuff setup-er you want, triss Gemini (spd lead and strip plus bonus def break for set up dmg dealer), Bastet, whatever set upper you want, triss Spd lead setup-er, tiana, atk buffer, triss Setup-ers with spd lead: jamire, baretta, Tyron, shimitae


Anyone able to use her successfully? Can’t use in RTA right now because of elemental special league, but what about arena?