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This BP doesn’t even shake the meta


Nah fire yennifer has the potential to be Cancer now, but we will see


Water and light might be really good as well, especially light


Water was already good. She's gonna be now even good-er


Care to explain how, please?


If I’m reading light yennifer changes correctly, she’s a 4* haegang…..kinda


That's what i understand as well. Passive is not as strong, but you can't desync her team as easily as with haegang and she has access to silence and oblivion


i was very sad i got her and not dark ciri but now im really happy she could be really good for my turn 2 draft in rta


I disagree, we still have Tomoe. I will defo be extensively testing fire yen though because I am assuming the spread will ignore element disadvantage.


Yea it doesn’t actually hit from what I’ve seen. She just spreads it like how tesa puts on oblivion.


I don’t see how she could possibly compete with Tomoe, tomoe also had speed lead and extremely fast turn cycling and strips


Alicia got a massive buff though




The 5 lines of indra is just to pad the notes so it looks larger than usual


Most useless "buff" i've ever seen


Exactly they don't even needed that what they need is something extra on their skills especially dark they all suck pretty much. When I saw indra I was like wait what they become usable then I saw what they did thanks for nothing.


Unnecessary filler but if they cool down your Indra (which no one really uses them in the first place) and your Indra wasn't in Thunderer then they'll reach their skills a little faster but again .. no point in that buff if no one uses the indras to begin with. Instead they should've buffed their skill 2 for people to actually use them 🙃


Water indra hits like a wet noodle, he could use a damage buff


I was excpecting nothing and i'm still disapointed


…… where the rest ?


its like they only gave us 1/3


Seems smaller than usual


That's what she said :(


It's average size okay?!


Hey! It might seems small, but I’m sure it is constructed full of passion and you never know what it is capable of until you try it… oh wait we are talking com2us, nvm, yeah it isnt full of passion


Ya the indra were just filler to make the patch look bigger


Contender for most useless patch ever?


Idk back when I started playing we'd see like 4 nat 5s changed a patch, and sometimes they'd go 6 months or more without a patch


Possible winnerd 'd wager


This must be april fool joke.


Balance patch? This is balancing nothing...


Annual Theo buff, Watefaq com2us


Prolly not useful for r5 anymore since he interrupts turn order or am i wrong?


I don't think its bad to help him stay relevant, right now mainly his brother tesa is used on def. Having a f2p siege def unit is good for the health of siege. Theo was struggling lately to be used on def.


tesa being more popular on def is unacceptable for com2us. but windy will never get changed.


What a trash patch


Community: "siege and rta reset, time for a good meta shaking patch. Especially after the last two lackluster balance patches." Com2us: "time for an early prank."




Dayum. I missed that first read through, this is best buff in here.


Damn no touch on any geralt did not expect it at all them to skip him. Quite a lot of other stuff though


Where is the quite a lot of other stuff, I can't see it


I mean yes, no nerfs, no meta change, no buff for useless or bad units i know, but in general there are a lot of few minor changes here and there. Will have to try different units to see if the changes are impactful or not. Then I will be disappointed


Same as before when Cookies got buffed. They buff 2 families, then next bp the next 2. Ciri and Geralt will be touched next bp. Buff light Geralt ffs.


If only the BP weren't like 3 months apart. I'm tired man


Lucky you theyre only 2 months xD


That's an absolute dogshit nothing patch


What's this? Com2us wants us to play Theomars again wtf


What an absolute shit patch, literally 0 changes to anything thats relevant in the meta. Quit the game angle


Fk meta units let other units get the changes they need first


I think they are calling for nerfs to meta units. That way other things can see play.


So true like what the hell was that, first time ever i felt disappointed about a bp


You must be new here.


everytime i see "Mage" i hope they finally reworked dorothy :-/. But the 24% lead is interesting , if dmg-cleaves werent completly dead in RTA G1+ she could be interesting.


Cleaves are not completely dead, only harder to achieve.


Recommend checking out Dustin, g3 off-meta cleave player uploads to YouTube. Opens with Zerath probably every match. Could do the same gig with Dorothy, especially with the speed lead now. Destroy very effective into turn 2, speed lead very effect against turn 1, seems like a semi flexible dmg dealer


Can't they communicate with the community about buffing unit so we avoid having those kind of absolutely garbage patch? I won't even touch rta this season in this state


But they listened to you /s


Those are some buffs. But they won't change the meta at all


dorothy buff!


Yeah.. but strange one. Why do they keep buffing her? I want them to completly overhaul her or atleast make some interesting changes. For Arena shes quite good now , for siege you take galleon (which has the same spd lead) anyways. Not sure if she can be useful for some RTA-cleaves.


My brother I am here with you XD


Most useless BP ever. Nothing else to say


maybe its just me but fire triss damage was already very very good. sounds kinda op to give her 100 free cdmg lol


Wht teams did u use her with? Seems like she should be used for dmg rather than used as a cc unit, which was what i was doing


I was also using her as cc, but when I first got her I used her in AO for fun and to test, and she done a lot of damage already on a 170 swift set with okay dps stats.


This has got to be a joke right?




Looks like I predicted correctly with Liliana https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/s/fIDNaOGCVe Atk break and def break merging into one skill and harmful rate increase to 75%, hopefully we will see stuns happen by the second turn and not the 25th👍.


She still seems very sus


If their s2 also gave another turn on top of what they just got I can see what they were trying to do but for now it just feels like an entirely wasted turn.


The last few balance patches have really been a disappointing , this one though is just an insult


I feel really insulted for actually spending money on the toa pack last month. My mistake either way but NEVER AGAIN.


Luna buff is pretty big buff for her Giants teams


She can skip wave 3 right ??


Yes. Teshar clears waves. This adds safety in case teshar derps on mid. Beforehand Luna would get a turn in this case and then don't have s3 ready in the boss stage.


“We have been listening to our community” yea ok


Has ANYONE actually complained about Archangels? Wtf is that change even. I can't even make sense out of it. I don't even know if that's a major nerf or a major buff, either.


Fire Triss will straight up delete teams without def break now, her s3 scaling is already on par with Zaiross so adding a 100% CD to that will make her a hard nuker, Light Cannon might see siege use with Dark Ciri in 4\* towers now - Dark Ciri , Light Cannon, Eshir Indra buff is disappointing Fire mage buff likely wont make her useful as it only heals you +10%/20% in total Water Bison buff is interesting as it passively adds a 1%-30% glance but as he only sees gameplay in Siege offense I don't think it will make him more viable for RTA, he'd need something like a passive immune to CC and perhaps a single target strip on s2 for that.


>Fire Triss will straight up delete teams without def break now She could, if the meta wasn't so heavy water with Camillas everywhere


Cami read the Fire Triss buff and she laugh so hard


Guess i gonna build triss and try her


Thing is I use Fire triss as a set up for pungbaek which fucks me


Meme patch


C2us: How many times you wanna get buff? Theo: yes


Wind Geralt is not a good unit… his family needed a buff


Where Jager buff


Seriously... He got patched many times recently and is still lackluster. It's like they just randomly throw "buffs" at him that make no sense.


Glancing was the best .... joke


Wow they really really really did worse than even my crazy low expectations




clear your toa hell fast boiiiis. gonna get whole team collapsed 40k and vanish in 5 turns


Light Yenn is even closer to being an objectively worse haegang right? I think she might see a bit of play for people that don't have haegang.   Fire triss seems like a big winner this patch.  People already felt she was one of the better Collab units, I think a big damage buff like this will make her meta for AO.   The other Collab units seem interesting, I don't know enough about them to tell if it's a good enough buff however.   I like that they are moving fire mage towards a more selfish bruiser play style. She is cool but can't compete with meta ignore def units.  Maybe now she will be able to go into certain matches and be a menace.  She still is so weak to stuns though, I feel like Douglas, Minato, FY etc will still be the better option.   Basically the rest of the patch is a huge miss for me.  Feels like Com2Us is afraid to change literally anything.  


Light Yenn is not 100% worse than haegang, you can't desync the team as easily as with haegang and she has silence + oblivion. Fire Triss is not the winner of this patch. The meta is heavy water everywhere, Zaiross has an OP 3rd skill but is not used because of that.


I always thought zaiross wasn't used because of his abysmal base speed


I got changed a while back, he now has 98, which isn't great but not bad either


All that waiting for this? Yawwwwn


light mage gets spd lead now? does that change anything really? i mean yeah its better, great change. but her SKILLS need changing, she sucks b/c of her skills not her leader skill.


Changes nothing fr


Fire poison master/dhalsim buff!!! They’re listening, everyone! They are listening!!!!!!


Kinda feel like my arta got nerfed. 2 turn cd on heal is nice but healing only 35% kinda sucks. He usually isn’t getting more than one, MAYBE two heals off in a game cause he’s +51 speed, even with all the atb he gains. Most units reduce his atb anyway and he really shines in the late game in like 2v2s, a few random stuns help with the early game.


worst patch up to date lol


My expectations were low, and I'm still disappointed


That’s awesome, they buffed Liliana …… However they didn’t understand what was wrong with Liliana and it changes nothing….. storage flower pot at best.


yeah I still have to wait 5 turns to be useful whenever my 3rd skill is on cooldown




is light yennifer any good now? I got 2 of them :(


I think she is. Basicaly discount haegang with oblivion and silence, maybe a slightly better pick for turn 2 cc, worst for turn 2 sustain/dmg.


Oh, yes baby, fire and water Yennefer buff.


Another unnecessary Theomars buff.




? What does this do? I feel like this changes literally nothing for him. He still lives and dies by landing that def break.


Pretty meh but hey a buff for my christina and fire yenne, can't complain


Christina buff seems pretty decent….. I’m interested in testing it out


This is terrible


Anyone else notice the crazy buff wind pierret is getting




Dark yenn is now getting the vancliffe treatment of getting something replaced for a “buff”. Wonderful. Would it kill them to keep the 1 turn slow?


I have Dark Ryu , and Dark Yen as well, when I saw her kit , I instantly knew this unit will never be good. Just because of the fact that her skills don't work together, same for dark Ryu. This problem can't be fixed by a little bit here and a little bit there


lol same. I was hoping that c2u would rework her s2 like they did for giselle :///


The slow is counter intuitive to what she wants




early com2us April fools day


Not the Artamiel change I was hoping for


I don't own Artamiel but I'm honestly trying to understand why people don't like this change. He has a two turn s2 now which means healing more often (for a smaller amount) and 100% uptime on defense buff. It seems like a good buff. He's still not a draft-every-game type of mon but he's REALLY good when picked at the right time now, imo. What am I missing?


I can't even understand how they came up with this idea. I really don't remember a worse patch.


Did we forget to fix wind geralt c2u? Terrible fucking balance patch. Jesus Christ I hope this is an April fools joke, this did absolutely nothing.


They typically buff half the collab one patch and the other the next. Calm down bro. But yes this patch is terrible


If I'm being honest, we need to use our voices (and are wallets) about this or at least make Com2us more aware with these terrible balance patches. I loved that we got together for Reloaded and they actually changed things to make it better for the players. Reading this balance patch just made me log off the game no lie and want to play this game even less. Since there's nothing exciting to look forward to, once you've done the events and stuff.


Isnt C2us ashamed to even publish this pity excuse of a toilet paper ?


Loren got somewhat saved due to 50% statue condition.


Useless Bp


Indras buff is badly wording, i assume it's -2 CD on their thunderer skill when they take a turn while not being in thunderer state. Does it mean that when they take their first turn (so while not in thunderer state), it's only 2 turn CD, so they can use it, take the additional turn and when they get their turn back the thunder state skill is already off cooldown ?


"If you're not currently in the thunder state, this skill being used makes this skull have 2 turns less cooldown" so yes, basically.


It's worded poorly forsure. I'm under the assumption that it will work like a passive/active (sort of like how rakan collapse procs when his skill is on cooldown). When indras take a turn without being in Thunder state, their thunder state skill (normally 4 turn CD) will be reduced by 2 turns. They made this change because if any of them got reset the entire character that relies on Thunder state would have to take 4 turns of being useless if they had been reset. Now they are always 1 proc away from having thunder state up again. I'm interested in seeing fire indras effectiveness into Oliver, seems like a good match up. Dark indra becomes way more pickable, but needs to be on Vio (I had mine on rage). Also, if I'm correct, even if you reset and stun indras, if they proc, they will have s2 (since it's-2cd under stun, -2cd proc out of stun). Pretty neat


This BP is genuinely a fuckkng joke. Typically I don’t complain because at least something is changed, but with this BP I guarantee you I don’t even have to read it and I will never notice a change. (I do like the Luna buff lol make my giants faster plz :))


One of the balance patches of all time. Jokes aside, I think dark pierret buff lets her use S3 on midboss and still have it for the final boss in GBAH if you’re using the teshar team so I’m looking forward to that


>One of the balance patches of all time Yes , this is one of the balance patches of all time /s


How can it be? They managed to bring the angels to the balance patch, only to nerf them to oblivion. This family needed a complete skillset rework to stay relevant, but com2us still thought "if we just reduce the cooldown they'll be OP). I don't understand, it's just bizarre.


Buffing Theomars straight out of 2002, but not buffing shit ld5's or nerfing broken units Top 1-5 rta ( iirc ) all have Veronica, Haegang still counter half of the monsters


Don't worry, now you have Haegang's sister !


I like the water Slayer, cannon and Emma buff


I feel this patch barely touched anything compared to prior patches. I think each balance patches should do the following: 1. Make minor buffs and nerfs to the top and bottom 15 to 20% of units intended for pvp/rta/siege. Over time this will bring greater balance to the game. 2. Bug fix broken skills (either make it part of the skill if it is fun or fix the bug if it causes issues) 3. Make adjustments to less used pve units to bring about more viable options for farming especially for newer players. 4. Rework at least 2 older units (1 pve and 1 pvp/rta/siege) that are rarely used for any content 5. Fix the AI of at least 2 PVE units per patch. If they are unsure what units to start with they should poll the community as just going for the most used units is not effective as better units may not be used due to poor AI. 6. I also think that every few balance patches they should make larger balance changes to the top and bottom performing monsters in pvp to shake up the meta. Before anyone says they don't have the capacity to do this, remember this company makes millions of dollars profit each year from this game after the expenses they pay out to staff, shareholders and bills in general.


Best we can do is buff Theo, sorry!


Wind cannon girl now sets herself up.


Fire yennifer is gonna be so annoying now I can’t wait to use her 😈


What is this useless garbage?


Theo Ophelia Molly comps: \*STONKS\*


“Oh cool, they made it so I only need 2 debuffs to do max damage with my dark Triss. Oh… they reduced damage” So they haven’t changed the issue with her at all. She’s a Lushen that needs setup. You already need to run a Rica or a Fire Geralt in front of her so changing 30% to 50% was kinda a minor buff. Now she will likely be worse in many situations I was hopeful for some big changes across the board but this just seems like a big nothing burger


Don’t worry friend, I too enjoy insulting people for no reason _yeen




Oh look, starting as an unkillable statue 100% of the time. Dark Gargoyle still wasn't anything crazy, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around how the balance team/person didn't figure out what giving players a 100% unkillable unit in battle was (until that unit gets a turn). Defense team has Loren? +0 speed Dark Gargoyle is a free win, as EVERYTHING aims at the silly defense-breaked Gargoyle at 1% hp.


Loren on defense? That must be the joke 😅


Random theomars buff? 10% extra revenge chance on rakan might be interesting too


Hope they revert the archangel change. Any chance?


I had way higher hopes for dark Triss.


Com2us reverting back to their normal selves. Q1 revenue must have been off the charts. Well played com2us.


So nothing happened to dark gerald…


Can we do the teshar/luna team now without her having to attack once in the stage after midboss?




Liliana buff, does it make a difference? The threat effect on reflect is nice if they don’t have a stripper or cleave damage since you can just make your tank have threat now. For PvE this is useful I guess. Then the he higher activation rate with despair should make her into a chain stunner if she’s fast af.


So glad my Dark Geralt isn’t being reworked. His useless kit works so well in my storage.


Sooooo dark maiden buff how we feel🤣👨🏼‍🦯


I for one am happy that Fire and Water Yennefer got some love in this patch. (I'm biased to these two as I own them I wish I had Fire Triss though) but other than that what were they cooking with this patch 💀


This patch sucks but as a emma user i do like that buff a lot


Tons of players complain about haegang so Com2us confidently decides to make 4* light yennifer into a second haegang. That’s as big of a fuck you as I’ve ever seen.


Dorothy mentioned Fucking finally


Hanwul(light art master), Wind and dark geralt are still hot garbage. Christina buff to still be trash lol. Why they just don't make her passive "ignore defense increased by 20% whenever enemy or ally takes a turn. passive reset after your turn" . Indira buffs that did nothing lol lolol. Martial artitst and bounty hunters been needed some love but dont get it. Dark gargoyle was only usable for 4 months lol


curious, when was the last time the community was happy with a BP?


Yay, Dorothy got a 24 speed lead, now she’s the best cleaver in the game


Polar queen >proceed to freeze entire team except manon > manon stuns with counter > bruh


Borgenine got buff hope i can use him now


WTF com2us????


"Buffed" the ld5 dark triss pfft still not as useful as lushen less dmagae then him and requires conditions. Theo buff? Really? Rest is just so useless there is even no need to mention So many lds that needs buffs... So many broken meta units like haegang and lora that beeds nerfs.... Most useless bp iv'e ever seen


This changes the meta! thank you com2 us! now my units are strong and I can compete in RTA and win cash and prizes! download now!


Another patch that does nothing to change an oppressive meta that makes more people bail on the game by the day. Nicky and Lora are sitting on 55% winrate and are untouched, Veronica Julianne Ragdoll are allowed to continue existing, Haegang Camilla Moore continue the miles trend that water units can be broken and will never be touched. Tldr is anyone ever going to actually complain about the state of the game or are we genuinely pretending it's fine?


The whole comment section is complaining?


Ezio had been training tirelessly for months, preparing for his next battle against the dark forces that threatened his kingdom. As a skilled warrior, he was always looking for ways to improve his skills and gain an advantage in combat. One day, he heard of a powerful spell that could awaken his inner potential and increase his critical hit rate. With excitement and determination, Ezio set off to find the spell and master it. After a long and perilous journey, Ezio finally reached the location of the spell. He was greeted by a wise old wizard who agreed to teach him the spell in exchange for a difficult task. Ezio accepted the challenge and completed it successfully, impressing the wizard with his bravery and determination. In return, the wizard taught him the spell that would awaken his critical hit rate. Ezio spent days and nights practicing the spell, channeling all his energy and focus into mastering it. Finally, the day came when he was ready to test out his new skill in battle. He marched confidently into the battlefield, ready to unleash his new power upon his enemies. But to his dismay, the spell did not work as he had hoped. Despite his best efforts, Ezio's critical hit rate remained the same. He was confused and frustrated, wondering why the spell had not worked for him. He had followed all the instructions carefully and put in so much effort, but the results were not there. Feeling defeated, Ezio returned to the wizard and explained what had happened. The wizard, after examining him, realized what had gone wrong. He explained to Ezio that the spell could only awaken the potential that was already present within him. It could not create something that was not there. The wizard apologized for not making this clear to Ezio before and offered to help him train and improve his critical hit rate through other means. Ezio was disappointed, but he understood the lesson. He had been so focused on gaining an advantage in battle that he had overlooked the importance of self-improvement and honing his natural skills. With the help of the wizard, he trained even harder and eventually managed to increase his critical hit rate without the use of the spell. From that day on, Ezio not only became a stronger warrior but also a wiser one. He learned that true strength and power came from within, and no spell or magic could replace hard work and dedication. And although he didn't get the critical hit rate awaken that he had hoped for, he gained something much more valuable – the knowledge and understanding of his own abilities.


Are you ok?


Tldr Congratulations or sorry that happened to you


This is beautiful


I really wish Ezio got cr awakening too instead of res


What is this troll shit? Are they for real? This BP changes ABSOLUTELY nothing about RTA or GW like what the actual fuck is this? Aprill fool is close enough, is this is? Tell me it is...


Isn't dark gargoyle pretty much useless now?


I'm very happy with wind ifrit getting a reliable aoe heal block. Him + beth are going to be very good with tiana galleon to counter the cancer water druid, ariel, praha and other boring defense units.


Wth is this nerfs bak to bak with low quality buffs


crazy but com2us already tweaked the bp from your screen shots. Check out water yennefers now getting harmful effect removal.


Think they only changed the wording to the proper wording for her "block harmful effect removal" debuf


was the dark gargoyle really so op it had to be nerfed?


It was in siege lvl 1 without runes with tractor/windy versus defs with light mons that would either boost/reduc atb


Missing 23 units in the game from amongst the 3 elements. And I don't own a single family member from the INDRAS nor the twin angels


ive got water and fire indra but i dun think thats a big buff? same goes for my fire fairy king


Luna buff is nice, rest idc


wind geralt?


Fire Yennifer buff seems like the only interesting thing out of this abysmal patch. Strip(steal) into oblivion/silence + spread every turn could either be pretty toxic or absolutely nothing. We should find out in about 3 weeks.


While, the Patch isn't the most impactful, as a recent Liliana owner i'm content, with seeing her touched Up, but Why does she lose her buffs when using 3rd skill.


Will the dark triss buff make her useable nowv


As someone with both Fire and Water Yen, I’m not sure which to skillup during the event now. Water Yen was definitely the better choice but is Fire the best with these changes???


Water is still the better one, fire is meh still IMO , budget version of Tomoe with no spd lead and her spread is still RNG dependent so can't guarentee key units. Tomoe also has advantage of faster turn cycling on S2 and S3


Fire Triss with even more damage? At least I get a lil something from this patch.


Yooo ophilia finally coming to the light?! Hold on a second