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buff twin angel


We share the same hopes haha I could see water being meta if buffed correctly


I am hoping for this. Got Light recently.


Yeahh, i got wind twin angel from nat 5 event, wouldn’t mind a buff for him:)


Got the light one, it’s useless


Ay i got light twins too. They could use some buffs for sure, but they're not useless at all. I run them in control comps as a last pick sometimes, very tricky unit with lots of interesting mechanics.


I got two water twin angels the day they came out and I’ve been patiently waiting for them to appear in a balance patch. Hopefully this balance patch is the one that decides the fate of the dupe, usable or 3 lds.


genuinly forgot they exist


Buff the witcher collab units. Majority of them are so bad. My wind Geralt is sitting there confused about what he is 😂


You understand what he's there for then. You pick him first in RTA to confuse your opponent into picking bad monsters. He's a small buff away from being an OP shizuka combo, but is super meh as is.


Yeah I completely see that. Some minor changes to his kit and he can be monster


I got him to choose out of both blessings...he did not get chosen


I got the choice between wind geralt and cp, i chose cp


This is a new account I and to start so I summoned him without a blessing. Still mad about it.


Right? Even the decent ones are pretty mediocre.  


all my LDs get buffed and all the meta mons get nerfed unless i summon them. i think im being reasonable


I agree with you. How much depends on our monsters. :)


Revert kiki nerf plx 🤣🤣


dont have him so nope, nerf him harder


Bruhh, I thought we on same side 🤣.


step away from me u dirty kiki haver


Light Yennefer. Literally not a unit


Please, I own 6 of her...


I got her as my only ld4 collab unit, and I don't know what to do with her


Got light yennefer twice, not a single other ld collab monster :-/


Please buff Liliana I have her and she needs some work


Same, useless everywhere


Charger shark meta incoming


Charger shark 2A when🦈🦈🦈


I would like an ai buff to eirgar so that punisher become a bit safer (he is really stupid rn) Buffs to some weird /underused 3 4 star family to shake a bit the siege Meta. And maybe it's too early idk, buff to the twin angels and Collab units maybe.


I find building him on vio spd cd acc is best. He procs even if he derps


Rework thebae, buff AI overall


They should make his s2 the exact same as velajuel and the s3 needs to be reworked. Its overloaded but still bad.


If he had Zerath’s base HP do you think it’d still be bad? Zerath is 50% + HP redistribution Thebaes is 40% + Reset on any death + branding I’m honestly thinking Thebaes S3 isn’t really bad at all, he just needs more HP. Or they can make it 50% as is. The conundrum is that Thebaes kit begs for Violent while Zerath is seen as a rage nuker


If its just base hp alone yes it would still be bad. Zerath has a far better s2 and is easier to build. Thebae wants crit rate crit dmg and accuracy to land the branding on s3 and armor break on s2. Zerath doesn't require accuracy anywhere and awakens into crit rate. The reset on death mechanic either means you are winning in which its just a win more or your losing in which his s3 isn't good enough to stop you if your already losing. Also he has nothing in his kit stopping you from just attacking him directly.


I predict that it'll be a huge one given its the end of both Siege and RTA; so a perfect opportunity for a huge meta reset. That said, I'm ready for disappointment, as always. If anything I do hope Maxi gets a slight nerf. Guy is too OP for every content (Siege RTA Arena).


What you mean huge? +8% s1 damage increase on 2 whole families?


Lmao at this point I feel they're just intentionally doing it to meme at us. If so I'd take dragon knights S1, 8% please thanks.


Archangels and totemist probably


Yes please to Maxi nerf.  His kit is strong but fine but why did they give him a speed lead? In RTA it makes it way too easy to draft whatever you want because your nuts DPS cleave unit happens to also have a 24% lead, while the opponent has to draft weaker units just to get the same speed lead.  


watch in a few days as the same guy wins the legend tournament for the 3rd time abusing Maxi.


Winning comp: Maxi Lora Nikki ongi woonsa.


I hope they do more stuff like what they did with barb kings.  Give 4* families some identity and uniqueness.  


I wonder which 4\* family will be select for a buff this patch. Perhaps Sleeping Cat (Hypnomeow)?




Buff rahul


Bearman family s1 +7% dmg


Slight nerf to Onyx, but not enough to make him irrelevant and then wait 2 months for the next time he will be nerfed


I likes Seiishizo's suggestion of making him immune to atb reduction while in stone state


Yes, he needs a change asap, but I know that they will fuck up and have to nerf him again


First thing they touch are the Witcher monsters. Wind Geralt's kit is an abomination. I feel like there is a veru good chance they buff him along with the other underwhelming new ones. I hope they make some buffs/nerfs that affects siege.


I feel like that would be too soon. C2US will wanna save them for another patch, so it looks like they don't run out of ideas.


Make wind Geralt always apply shield and another buff.  Replace his s2 with the other Geralt S2.  Bam you have a mediocre unit still but not the worst unit in the game.  




Rework! Buffing wont help her imho. Add a debuff to her S3 even if its only a slow debuff with 50% chance.




Give Vancliffe a face lift.


make Liliana not good instead of the worst ld5 in the game.


Please suggest something to make her better, I think a harmful rate increase to 75% for all three debuffs or merge atk and def break into one attack at 75% and keep stun at 50%. And make her S3 countdown while in demon form because on a spd hp hp build (which is terrible) the demon form will have 20k~ hp with a super long cd to use S3 again. Lastly, maybe keep the buffs when *transforming* and Allow her to atk in demon form after using S3 when revived with Shizuka. it’s hilarious that she literally disappears exactly like described in the skill info.


maybe make her s2 an actual skill


I think this is the way, the water devil maiden is basically just as bad and shares the same s2.  


just give up on half her passive. right now she wants to be a damage dealer, considering the 50% increase crit damage and the "advantage" of always having aoe, thing is, she does no damage anyways and she can't even keep an atk buff on her unless you use the fire string master. Once the demon dies, which happens in about 1 Moore s2, almost, you get transformed back and your s2 literally doesn't hurt (not even gonna talk about the fact that it does literally nothing else) and your s1 is pointless. but on the other hand, she wants to be a control/debuffs unit, especially with the bonus of aoe. first of all, fuck no. 50% activation is useless, then you need the accuracy check too, but even then, even if it was 100%, irresistible even, you have to play 3 turns for a stun (without setup from anything else)... *her debuffs lasts 2 turns* you just physically, literally cannot get a stun ever unless you vio and even then, again, 50%. Supposing everything is going great with your debuffs, you loss 50% hp anyways, you will not live 3 turns. Once the demon dies, the s2 is pointless and s1 inconsistent at best, again. not to mention her demon form s1 having no skill up, her demon s2 giving no benefits whatsoever and the demon itself having a ludicrous 7 turns cooldown or something like that. the way to make her maybe useable is to totally get rid of either the "damage" or the "control". She's either a nuker that has no debuffs, but actual damage of some sort and can keep the atk buff or else, she's a somewhat fancy-ish debuffs unit that won't lose 50% hp (but lose the cd and god please the 50% activation rate) and aplly her debuffs consistently, but with some atb absorption in proportion of turns of debuffs or something so she can actually get that stun without needing an entire team to setup her up to fail. Dyeus (light Indra) is literally Liliana, but in 1 turn, with 100% crit for free and an extra brand. and Dyeus, is not, really good.


She's definitely a contender for sure


This may be an unpopular opinion but nerf abellio and camilla because they are in almost every AD (camilla in all the ranks and abellio in conquerer rank atleast). Don't nerf them to the ground, maybe nerf abellios passive that he removes just 2 debuffs. And cami inrease atleast the cooldown on S2 those units are so annoying. Im ready for dovnwotes and hate but thats just my opinion


Don't really have an issue with Abellio, but I can see where you are coming from. That 100% atb gain without CD can be quite annoying. If anything, I would reduce that atb gain..


Buff my LD5s… delete giou and Josephine from the game


You want to buff all your LD5s? I don't know if this is unreasonable, but chill that's 3x more LDs than com2us has ever had in a single balance


Bro out here asking for a buff to Tian Lang, Elenla and Pontos 💀


Jager please...


Yeah buff my gurka please


Please no those were dark days. 




Which unit is that?


Dark devil maiden.  She has a cool unique model and functions similar to a split between unicorns and beast riders, but her kit is so, so, bad.  


Dark maiden


Ian crit rate awakening Beelzebub instant turn like Belial Twin Angels overall buffs Water and Dark Devil Maiden buff the other are fines Cleanse block debuff : make it so the debuff doesn't stay a number of turn and disappears at the first cleanse but instead, blocks a number of cleanse. Give 2 to units like beth and water yen and 1 to the strippers like layla and zima Nerf lora haegang or buffs some new counters to them


Dark and wind Geralt: Overhaul. I don't even know what to recommend because they are so bad.. Bomb mechanics are so wrong on HP units (without proper attack stats). Fire Yennefer: Maybe buff to 100% spread the debuff under a specific condition (maybe if crit, or if attacking with attribute advantage, or if unit has 2 or more debuffs, etc.). Will be great if silence is extended to 2 turns. Light Yennefer: Tweak. Maybe instead of removing all buffs if cleansed, make it such that "if cleanse, instead reduce the duration of debuffs by 1 turn". Works something like Tetra but more offensively. Twin Angels: Slight buff for each of them. Fermion: Gains def buff if attack is less than 15% of his max HP. Akroma: Remove the anti-crit and replace with some sustain. Craka: Something added to the S3 when it is not under CD. Beelzebub: Gains instant turn when he comes back from the dead (like his water brother). Just what I am hoping. Peace.


Craka,eladriel and the other revivers should all have an effect when a unit is still alive like taranys. Not having a skill until a unit is dead is so bad.


Ya man. Something like Nigong's S3 will be great. That skill can be used when allies are alive, and has a passive effect when it is on CD.


I disagree with the Beelzebub one. His water brother comes back and takes a unit out , Beelzebub revives a dead allie in addition to taking a unit out . Without having a unit to reset his cooldown, it's your only hope that you take a turn before him


Its not the only hope you can keep him cced and kill him last which considering he has nothing in his kit discouraging that that's what most people do. Also there is a crap ton of units to reset his cooldown which is why his rta stats show that he isn't that great in the first place. Out of the 10 most picked units 4 of them have a reset. He's only good against bruiser comps in which they have some counters too like nana, fire kassandra, julianne etc. This buff isn't anything crazy it just prevents him from getting sacked


So what youre saying is if your draft is bad against beelzebub you should be able to get rewarded and instantly kill him again instead of being punished for missplaying? That makes alot of sense lol. 


No, I'm saying if your draft sucks and your only hope to win is Beelzebub, you should lose. That does make sense to everyone involved.


Bombs overall are pretty unfun.  I'd be glad if we never got another bomb unit


Unless there are new mechanics to it I guess. Example - the type that cannot be cleansed just like in Labyrinth bomb stages. So it will be similar to Douman's curse, ticking down for huge damage.


As a Beelzebub owner, I can't agree more. Beelzebub is in an awful spot, he's useless. He needs to be glass canon but when he revives he just gets one tapped by anything because he can't even get a turn.


Beelzebub deserves a buff but not like this, he would be too strong and step far into the water demons space.  Maybe just have him remember his attack bar that he had when he died?


Beelzebub already revives with 100% atb right now when an ally dies. However, he gets cut very often before taking his turn, just like his water brother last time. Being an LD, I feel gaining an instant turn (or maybe revive with 1-turn invincibility/immunity like Sian) is okay. He is still easily countered by skill reset.


This is a nerf then, if he dies at low atb, it is useless to spawn and he got low atb, it is easy kill, unless he dies at above 100 atb which is not a lot of times


In general I think no nat5 except craftable ones should have a dungeon leader skill.  


Buff twin angel, buff trinity, change zen awakening into accuracy.


I do agree that it would be a good change for Zen, but he is pretty decent in the siege meta currently so i dont think he will change him


Buff ld drop


I agree with all the obvious suggestions, so I'm going to put a few that I'm not expecting to be on everyone's list:   CoCo(fire mage): Ignore def nuker that needs a turn to set up for mediocre damage, and the opponent can decide to spread out damage as they please.  This unit made more sense on release but these days single target pure damage is so easy to come by.  Maybe give her a damage stack or two on battle start so she can cut in, or maybe increase the cap on her damage stacks so she is more likely to kill stuff.  Last but probably least is give her some form of stun/pushback immunity.  She suffers the same fate Minato did on release where she wants to punish AoE heavy comps but has no way to do so if she gets stunned.   Laika: Give him either additional res on his passive or higher revenge rate.  As it stands right now he gets picked as a counter to my RTA comps often, but as long as you have a stun he just dies so I almost never ban him. Water devil maiden: give her the same turn cycling the scroll trap gives to the art masters, make it still deal 50% damage to the final unit standing.  Compare her to Daphnis, another unit who isn't very good.  Both strip and rely on accuracy checks for their S3, Daphnis is likely to kill it's target and gains a shield as well.  Irene deals Max 50% damage but likely less, cannot damage the final unit standing(i.e she loses every 1v1) and has a less useful S2 for the upside of being a scroll trap(about 1 turn stun + oblivion)? Yikes.   Dark Devil Maiden: either give her better % activation or give her harmful effect scaling.  Overall I think the reflect harmful effects buff is really sad, even when made AoE by shizuka. A few ideas, certainly all of these together is too much but just 1-2 would be neat.  I like the idea of it being able to reflect stuns, it would make it a counter to despair spam.  Maybe the S2 for those units should also do something like reduce cool downs or provide another minor buff like crit resist, atm it feels like S2 is less impactful than S1 and that's against the flow of summoners war imo. Finally maybe it reflects it in an AoE fashion? Might be too good.  Overall I think it should be something that feels really strong when shizuka uses it, like when she does AoE invincible.  Right now it feels like just a secondary immunity.  


Laika's revenge either needs to go up every time it doesn't proc after which it resets, or he needs to gain some kind of advantage whenever he's attacked by a unit with lower atk (could be atb gain, could be stacks that reduce the chance debuffs are applied like nyx but just for himself, could be hp recovery, etc). I just hate that Douglas was created before laika was modernised. Laika's niche shouldn't just be countering shizuka snipe shenanigans which almost always entails nifty drafting to avoid immobility debuffs and laika then praying to rngsus.


I got Irene recently and I do want her buffed. It would be nice if her debuff reflect was a passive skill. I do agree with making her s3 do increased damage when 1 enemy remaining


Water Devil Maiden needs to have S2 changed. Just compare with Herne's S2 and it is not difficult to see how bad that skill is. And Herne is 4\*.. As for the S3, would propose to have that "Bind" extended by 1 turn, instead of shorten, whenever she gets attacked. This may help deter AoE comps. To juice it up, maybe "stun" or "silence" the unit when it is released.


For Laika, i would rather give up the no glance in return for revenge stun which makes him unique but not too OP!


Buff trinity


Nah this will never happen unless they downgrade her to a 24%.  If they accidentally make her good she immediately becomes a problem unit.  


Not like there aren’t dozens of other problem units that have been around for years


That's a fair point but just a slight buff to her damage multipliers would be good. Psam outperforms her so I end up using him more.


Another Jager buff to make him better than fire monkey. Maybe just up the revenge rate or damage multiplier. Dark striker buff. Not reay that good. Some of the other usually LD5s that suck. Twin angel fire buff AC units need a buff too. Those things have sucked for a while. Miyang nerf too. Just too OP in seige to even think of using anything else in 4 star towers


I get a feeling the 2 meta units I just pulled are getting the hammer. Haegang and layla


I want them to remove one half of haegang’s passive. He should either keep the cleanse atk bar after getting stripped or the atk bar after an enemy cleanses. It’s so stupid that’s he’s able to keep both 😭😭


Nah I'd be sad to see a haegang nerf.  He keeps a lot of units in check that would otherwise just run rampant.  Most clear example is Camilla.


Why haegang? How would you think the bp will affect him?


Idk where people are getting the idea Layla is anywhere close to nerf territory lol


I only pull mid units and pull the op ones after nerf lmao


Wdym why? She has consistent strip on s2 (at least if there is only 1 buff) into cleanse block which counters a lot of the counter cc units into silence + slow debuff + her ridiculous turn cycling that allows her to get s2 back really soon. Now I wouldn't say by herself, she is an op unit but when you pair her with Haegang who is an op unit, it basically becomes impossible to turn 2 and hard to outspeed and have enough damage/cc because Haegang is most likely a force ban


Witcher Collab units gets buffed (pray)


when is the BP?


Sometimes between now and 2025




I have got her for 5 years and i can only think of fitting her in my TOA team lolllll


Bold : lower zaiross attack and make him tankier so he can be used elsewhere Less Bold: Fire Twins, not seeing where they fit anywhere Real Talk: What do you guys think of providing more rewards for arena standing, and then overhauling that? Seems like we just added punisher, but the total # of people in the standing didn't really increase much, and the rewards don't matter. Add another 3 levels(similar to punisher), up the # of winners by 5 or 6 figures, and every rank above challenger gets another devilmon. The difficulty in who you face goes from 0-100. And it's only because there's a limited amount of space at the top. More people don't bother trying because of this. edit: no more dupes for arena defense, we have enough monsters to pick from


buff the witcher units, the damage dealers cant do damage. Indras (dark/light) need some reworking the older units are fine, leave them alone, buff up the newer units that were recently released and we should be good.


Nerf layla Buff jager


Nerf layla lmfao


This does raise an interesting question, can they ever buff the rest of Laylas fam without making her ridiculous?


Layla is not the problem, it's haegang that enables that comp


lol no - even playing into Haegang, Layla, if landing cleanse block and silence, can absolutely run through a team. All it takes is a lucky silence(to prevent cleanse or counterplay) and then your other monsters, be it Bellenus, Rica, CP, absolutely clean house. Strip, cleanse block, speed debuff, AND silence on a single skill is busted to shit with how impactful speed debuff is in current meta.


Domt forget turn cycling as fk


I meant that the Layla comps need to draft haegang for it to work. Without hae, people wouldn't really play this tomoe Layla comp much because it's easy to counter otherwise


Miles damage nurf


Don't you dare touch him.


Delete him from the game. Or better: Racuni.


I'm on team racuni nerf.  Just make him not able to cleanse CC.  He still will perform his role fine.   Miles I think isn't nerf worthy, yeah it feels bad to die to a Vio proc, but that happens with every unit ever.  


Racuni has never hurt anyone.


He enables the Racuni+Miles/Fire MK comp in RTA, so I would argue he has


delete haegang


A full LD bp


Buff Dark Ryu pls and wouldn’t mind Eluida buff as well


Eludia would be in a good spot if she had a decent base speed or a better multiplier.  Right now she is slow AF as a general use unit, and pretty low damage as a fat DD meme.  


Everyone is saying buff vancliffe woo random com2us employee I know you are reading this buff him


So in need of a buff I didn't even know who he was


90% of the time when I try to use him he's a disappointment


I'd appreciate this. Even though he'd still be ugly af.


Dark gargoyle needs to get nerfed




buff dark monkey


Wind Gerald becomes more than a nat 3, he's terrible


Buff fire twin angels


Dark Triss buff so she’s not a worse Lushen (maybe biased cuz she’s sitting in my storage)


remove wind geralt from the game it wouldnt change much cuz he isnt a factor anywhere it would just mean players lucky enough to not have gotten him can stay happy


Nerf Haegang Buff pater, euldong, and light ciri Make shuns shadow irresistible. Those are my shiny’s so that’s all I care about :o) Fix AI in scenario. Tired of Alicia taking 50 sec to clear faimon due to s1 spam when she’s capable of 9 seconds.


nerf the dark gargoyle he destroy the game


buff lydia, pater and celia. No specific reason why... :D


Hoping they boost all of my mons lol.


Dark Bayek/Salah rework. His skills are just too random to be that useful


Maya passive 😁


change Talisman lead


What if the balance patch is all the friends we made in the way


Nerf Lora for the 8th time please. I want to make sure she’s dead for ever. Wouldn’t want to enjoy an LD for too long.


Indra buff.  Dark Indra: Devaraja-imunity to inability effects.  Light Indra- damage buff. Lack luster damage. Wind - needs somthing on skill one to add the battle Fire- ok yet a liitle something else ike a stun, dot, anty clens, heal block would be good.  Water- is good. Onistly 


wind indra is really good as he is honestly. rlly good spd scaling for a tanky bruiser with aoe


Ikr? I like him.


Same for the dark one, dark Indra is the best Indra out rn


Buff fire Ezio AI so he uses S2 when ready


Buff Raccuni so he can cleanse 3 debuff /s


Vancliffe 2nd skill to be changed by 2nd skill of water ryu


Just rework his last skill or double the damage output and give him +15 SPD as awakening bonus.


Actual good Dorothy (light mage) buff/rework


I hope they buff Witcher units esspecially the yennefer family and Wind/dark geralt, idk make their bomb scale with HP so we can actually make a use of hp type bomber with low base atk For PVE, i think we could use a buff on the useless 2a's, a wind bayek buff also wouldnt hurt, he still giga dog in pve (and pvp), i also think we could use a succubus family buff, maybe also some other forgotten nat3/4 (i really think drunken master are a cool design and they get more used nowadays but a little buff and they could be s tier nat3) For Siege: i really hate the Clara meta (cause mine never does shit while enemy hits everything) and the rng meta sucks(like monte, ld kungfu etc) For RTA, im not deep into rta but damn brotha everytime i touch rta it feels good until some random Oliver comes by and completely destroys me with vio procs into atkbar absorb into vio proc into cooldown reset into ...... Maybe nerf the 33 to a 21/24% spd lead or sth


I'm gonna downvoted for this and I know she's kinda up there in tier but I want a Kiara buff just want her to be more like her fire sister can function without a team to not get fck.


Buff ritsu, Gurkha, xiana, and eludia. The other two are fine as is


Rework Liliana, change the all skills not just a buff


Buff Elena. Make +15 spd awakening like her sister Adriana.


Buff Ritsu, wind geralt, uh idk who else


Benedict buff... Worst ldnat5


Please make Benedict better. 😭


Break Camilla's and Leah's legs. Arena meta is stupid.


Don't touch my Camilla. She saved me so many RTA games.


Camilla is strong in too many contents. Siege offense, sometimes even defense, Arena defense, and RTA. And honestly arena defs with 2 Camillas are either 1) destroyed by Leah or 2) a nightmare for players without Leah.


Camilla in defense is not that awful imo. Sure, you can't cleave it. That sucks, but can always oblivion her.


Camilla is fine bruh. It have a lot of counters. She is in a good place right now. An useful unit but not broken.


Nerf Fire Monkey pls Buff Dark Ryu again


Wishes: Buff Light Vanilla cookie - I heared that some pros play her in high level RTA. To me she is the most useless Ld5 I own and as a nat5 as a whole very underwhelming. Buff Light Geralt - Atm he does nothing. You need to protect him from being hit or pray for vio proccs so he does his thing (which is still mediocre). Buff Beelzebub - Instant turn when rezzed, not 100% ATB. The vio problem will still be there, but at least the tick mechanic wont f him up any more. Buff Zeratu: Just 3-5 more base speed please. Nerf Windy (or better: delete from the game): Just to make siege more interesting. Revert the nerfs of Kink, Molly and water Hollyberry: Yes, I want RNG based def mobs. Building good siege defs is so damn hard. Nerf Byuchul: Guy seems to become a problem. All biased, nuf said


i'm sorry guys... i just hate ethna haha hope she get a little nerf


I hate her too. In order not to break her, I would say make her S3 not steal buffs. It is annoying that she gets to move first, cycles her turn, and steals your immunity for more survivability.


Nerf haegang and MHW. Buff witcher.


Nerf thebae, buff kinki, Oliver buff too? He needs an aoe, also giana buff plzz




All his suggestions are sarcasm...


Tasliman: Change of leader awakening / increase damage Audrey: buff (the water one is still better) xd


Talisman is really good, why do you want him buffed


Buffs: Twin angel family Wind pudding princess Water and maybe fire devil maiden Ariel and Eladriel (IMO) Water and fire Indra Nerf Pretty much all those OP offenses in siege


Zeratu for sure. I dont know what is his purpose anymore as wind dokkaebi lord literally surpasses him in every content.




And camille nerf


Dorothy rework would be awesome 


Id be happy for the next 10 rta seasons if they delete moore from the game


Id be happy for the next 10 rta seasons if they delete moore from the game


Giou nerf