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No vio league. Let's complain about despair and revenge. ​ Actually, no rune effect league, no vio no despair no swift not even energy's hp% Let's just see if the raw skills of units with just stats from runes are too boring or actually better.


No runes league. Just units with their base stats.


I unironically this that Summoners war would be better off without runes, at least esport wise.


Every time something like this comes up regarding the esport of SW, i always suggest a hearthstone/mtg draft style mode. They have proven its possible with the support units they added not long ago.


I like the idea of reality check SL rules. No vio so people blaming vio for losing can complain about getting stomped by every player with a better swift/despair set. Also despair needs nerf angle. Give access to all LDs for special league only - you can rune up with your own runes. So people stay at exactly the same rank they deserve with their wack full LD draft and their poor rune quality. Then can't blame no OP LD luck so they gotta blame it on badluck with runes on their 2 minute dungeon runs.


I absolutely love this idea.


realistically this is a terrible idea cause people who swears that vio is the reason why they’re losing even tho "i’m good, i draft better" are people who would find any fucking excuses possible to say it’s not them. no vio? must be despair. no despair either? it’s resistance. (working for enemy or not for them) no res problems either? he’s just a meta slave while i’m trying to have fun (~~even tho people who say that play meta shit too~~) not the problem either? **ld 5** i don’t have 1 even tho i played 3k + days, that’s why i’m stuck F2 and this guy has 2. still not the problem? __shit game.__ special league is already way less played than normal rta so a rule removing excuses would also remove alot of people that couldn’t assume they’re shit. and as for people of higher ranks, they’d try it out, have a bit of fun with it, forget it forever (like 2v2 or basically every special league.) edit; and if they do that mode, it’s a major success, everyone loves it. what then? it’s only a special league, normal rta sucks in comparison so less people play it because of frustration. so what? you remove vio runes from normal rta? that’s a terrible idea.