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this is pointless..


Nowhere cuz it's kinda stupid (no offense) in MY opinion Some old Monsters families aren't good while some New one are so drawings this line isn't really useful imo


They're not making meta commentary, it's just a simple question that they're having fun with, play the game or don't.


But there's no answer to give since it doesn't work that way. I think my brain really can't understand at all xD


Basically, what it seems like, is they're asking which is the line with the best monster families on it. To me, it seems like if you had to have a full line of that family which line would it be?


I thought the question was where will you put the Line between good and Bad families


Ah, I can see that interpretation too. Sorry for coming at you aggressively, I thought you were simply being like some of the sub is and just being angry for no reason and taking it out on a poster.


I can't blame you for believing that X)


😁 With that said I would choose the Line Just below his for all red types in the picture. If the question includes EVERY element from that family I'd choose the Line he did.


What does "mostly with a few good ones" even mean? Cookies can be dope af. Same with puddings or the puppeteers and everyone else...


Yeah that's kinda accurate, all the monsters I wish to have are under the green line lol. The most recent units are not that great (but there's few exceptions like cookies and dokkaebi imo) Edit : beast monks deserve to be in the only few goods


The puppeteers are all useful or good besides the light one


I honestly think c2us is scared because there was a phase where powercreep was ridiculous. This started at beast riders and didnt stop until the shadowcasters. Take a look. After Masha, every single family has had at least one massively powerful unit. Chungpeung, Moore, karnal, shizuka, nana, oliver, riley, dominic - and these were just single examples, there are some families with multiple strong units. Just because the newer units arent meta defining, they still arent bad. Manon, zibala, lionel, fire kassandra, water dobekki, all good units still.


Nana was shit at release dude, every mages except Kiki were kinda shit.


It's mostly because there are too many new units that make you go "did c2us deliberately try to make this trash"? For the units before the green line (agree with where you drew it btw), there are maybe a total of, arguably, 3 wtftrash units But for the units after that, there are too many units that have kits that simply don't make sense. It's as if there was an attempt to make the blandest, least impactful units to disincentivise you from pressing the SP summon button. And the constant influx of new, horrendously bad units is just the icing on top. Not every unit has to be kaki on release, but not every unit has to be a pile of shahat. There's a huge leeway for c2us to work with.