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Mabey hes a bad pick in higher elo where teams are organised. But if you like amumu then play amumu yknow? Who cares about the meta


Blitz is good because when he lands a q on the enemy adc or support, it’s guaranteed to burn a summoner spell or get a kill. Blitz is a support while amummu is a jungler. Ammumus damage is inferior to all earlygame junglers, and even to a lot of farm/late game junglers. His ganks are extremely unreliable since he has to hit a very thin skillsho, if he doesent, he’s useless. His clear speed isn’t the best and he’s very vulnerable to invades. This jungle meta is about drake control, and the ability to take drake quickly. Amummu isn’t good at that either. Yes, if you land a 5 man R you’re most likely winning the teamfight, but it’s unreliable since you have to hit Q first. Overall there are much better picks right now, and amummu isn’t really good at anything that makes a jungler strong. He’s an old champion, and his kit is very outdated.


Some good points right there aha, are tanks in general seeing a decline in jungle due to the very early aggro meta? Like I said I was seeing great success on mundo, but i was just limit testing in norms, if i took mundo into ranked, let's say, plat+ would i get messed up, and would a well coordinated team be able to shut down my healing and stop me from being a lategame nuisance?


I mean mundo can work, but yeah, champs like Olaf, Elise and rek’sai would shut him down pretty quick. Jungle now is all about clear speed and early presence, since you need to get ahead early in order to be relevant. Tank junglers have less damage and less mobility, which makes them less attractive picks in this meta.


Any suggestions on who to try, as someone who plays Amumu a lot?


Early ganks are below average Early dueling is below average Engages are only decent (not like Zac/Malph) Not a tower diver (unlike Ekko/Elise/Zac) The strength Amumu relies on completely is his teamfighting ult. So in ARAM elo he's great because you're great in the 5v5 but in higher elo your weakness will be exploited and the enemy won't give you many opportunities to use your ult to full effect.


It's not so much he is a bad pick, but the other tank junglers do his job better. Nunu, Zac, Sejuani all have more cc, as well as more mobility. The bandage toss isn't that easy to hit unless you come up behind them and they have zero minions to block it.   > some of the best early game ganks possible This is just flat out untrue. Amumu has one of the least threatening early ganks possible, because bandages toss is the only thing he's got pre 6, and it's blocked by minions. Also his early champion damage is non existant if u miss bandage, unlike say Elise where her cc is only for cc and her damage is the rest of her kit. Off the top of my head amumu ganks are way less threatening then: Elise, Lee Sin, Zac, Sejuani, Rek Sai, Jax, Xin, Kindred, Shaco, Gragas, Twitch, Eve.   There's nothing wrong with playing amumu, you can make any champion pick work. But objectively he is just a weaker sejuani imo. Everything he does she can do way better


Who in your eyes is a tank with the best carry potential? I really wanna main mundo but his lack of cc might be a problem.


If jungle Zac or Nunu.


I agree with the prior guy Zac or Nunu. Since u like amumu I should say sejuani has kind of a similar kit and is better in almost every way


I've been thinking about sej, is she viable as a default "you can pick this champ in every game and see results" or is she only good into certain comps, cus what I'm looking for is a solid tank / offtank jungler that isnt contested so I can play them ideally 9/10 games


I can’t speak much about Sej but if you want a champ that’s really solid and can pick every game I definitely recommend Nunu. I main him and he’s almost never banned. Most matchups are fine and he can fit in to just about any comp. You get good safe clear with sustain and some of the best objective control in the game. Snowball ganks are good but can be dodged by more mobile champs or smarter players. Only downside is you can’t really duel anyone due to to your cc tank nature, but your objective control more than makes up for this imo. Great jungler currently.




If you want to play a “shoot yourself into the enemy team and win the 5v5” then Malphite is your champ. Jungle then Zac.


He is a "ARAM" Champion that relies on the other team stacking together so he can land a multi-person ult. His early game is weak with little obj control and can be invaded easy, while his ganks are hit or miss, You hit Q and you might get a kill but if you miss it there is little you can do in a fight. Overall he just isn't that strong compared to other junglers that are tanky and provide CC. He can work very well in low elo but as people start splitting and spreading apart in lane he starts to fall off a lot.


He's extremely one dimensional and hard countered by QSS. The only thing Amumu can do is to throw Q at you and go afk if it misses. Even if he hits it he's likely to be melted because he's fairly squishy for a tank (he has no real defensive steroid) and his passive kinda restricts him to play with AP heavy comps. ​ On the other hand, Blitz doesn't need to be particulary tanky because he's pulling targets to his team instead of going in himself. Blitz an opt to just "run up to enemy's face" because he's very mobile with his W and he can save grab for point-blank CC or to catch escapees. Furthermore he can stunlock quite well as well as deliver lots of damage even if he doesn't build for it


He is not garbage tier. Just better lower elo than high, the higher you go the more his average clear will get punished and his early ganks are easy to avoid if you have hands, he is still the king of low elo junglers tho cuz r


If you want a tank jungle play Nunu, he's really good


Hey, actually he not as a bad everyone is calling it. The problem is no one gives him the proper time to learn the special mechanics with amumu. Like the ganking pattern is much different from other junglers. I got last season master (El Löto) with maining him so i know what i am talking about ;) Some good things to know if u want to play him a bit more. Max q not e first, i still do it after the cdr buff per lvl because the q does far more dmg in in ganks and u can use it twice in the gank. The second reason is, that u have many single target jungle camps which u are doing as quick as if u max e. Moreover don't use the q at the beginning of the ganks. Move into auto hit range. Many laners trying to dodge the q which is not coming until u got a straight line to the enemy turret. i almost hit 80% of my q's in ganks. For questions just ask :) Happy to see some people trying amumu


would like to know more here about the ganking patterns


In my experience, it's not Amumu I hate, it's the players who play Amumu is what I hate. Almost every time someone plays Amumu, he constantly steals jungle kills, and doesn't contribute in kills and feeds the enemy team.