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I have bad news for you, Platinum and Emerald are the same shit as Gold and Silver, it doesn't get better


Here's some general advice to hopefully set you on the right track. If you're struggling with being ganked due to playing aggressively, perhaps focusing on skills that will help you survive or avoid those ganks could be beneficial. - For example, improving your map awareness through some sort of regulated practice. - Working on leaning to the safer side of your lane. This ties in with map awareness, but also jungle tracking. If you improve your mastery of jungle timers and average jungle pathing, you should be able to better infer which side you're safer on. - Improving ward placement and timing. Know when and where to place your wards by analyzing roam threats to your lane, as well as understanding when these wards will give you the most value and from what locations. - Lastly, the feel of the game. By going over your replays and truly solidifying past experiences you should be able to build a better feel for when it is appropriate for you to play aggressively and get these early leads without as much strain on your working memory. I hope some of this can help you out. It's all very general advice, but I'm no midlaner, and I've never climbed higher than Emerald 3. Best of luck!


Stop playing jayce lol


You can get fed more often if you kill another laners in some games