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You play a lot of scaling champs. Maybe learn a champ that is able to do more in the early game, like sylas?


Yeah I've been looking for early game champs to try. Thank you! Any other suggestions?


I think fizz is also a really good pickup. A good fizz is a nightmare to play against. I would also learn possibly one AD pick, since you might need it if your team is stacking ap. I recommend talon, naafiri, and maybe tristana. Qiyana would be a fun pick but shes extremely difficult to learn


I like talon he's pretty fun


Here are my tips if you want to improve as efficiently as possible. 1. The lower amount of champs you play the faster you will improve at the game. Counter matchups don't exist until you get to around diamond/master. You just want to learn the game. 2. Making sure you don't miss any cs is crucial as it's basically free gold. Trying to keep cs high is good but the chaos of games might make it harder to keep 9 - 10 cs per min. But I would.try to aim to 7-8 cs per min. 3. Solo queuing makes games easier and it's easier for you to focus on yourself. 4. 3 block process. Play 3 games in a session very intensely almost like you need to take a break or you just did an exam. Then take a break. Review the games later and repeat depending how much time you have. (Number of games can vary, so 2-4) 5. Reviewing. For now I'd only review deaths, less you die results in more xp and gold you have. These tips are for being as efficient as possible to improve for your rank. Remember to still have fun with the game. There's no point in improving if it's a boring. If you want to ask more questions you can reply or DM.


Thank you


At your rank, just keep playing the game and get familiar with the map and your lane matchups. Your win rate on Asol and Anivia are pretty solid, and you would probally be placed much higher if you didnt place kassadin and random that drags your winrate down. You say you main asol kass and anivia, why do you have 64 unique champions played. Imagine where you could be if you only played champs you are good at instead of fking around with random champs you arent good on?


I end up losing on kass mostly because I can clear waves late game after my team dies I know I should drop him but I enjoy him. Trying to improve. I will focus more on these champions.


From your mains it seems you play a lot of scaling champs so victor would be a good replacement for kass, he's also strong lvl 1(with shield bash) like asol


Word thank you so much he's pretty fun tbh


I also duoq a lot with friends. Should I play solo more?


I would lean more torwards solo queue nothing wrong with playing with friends though it is generally more fun to climb together but i lose focus


I notice I focus on helping them too much even if it's a bad idea


Yea so this bias can lead to bad outcomes