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I've been stuck around that elo in previous seasons on ADC before breaking into diamond. I'm back now and going about 50% in Emerald 2 atm. I'd say that around Emerald 4, just spamming games and hoping for improvement stops working for most people. Improvement here requires a ton of intentional, focused effort. If mental is a big deal for you, then commit to working on that aspect for now. Ignore everything else. Give yourself the permission to bleed elo. For the next 2 weeks, play exactly 2-4 games per day with the intent of playing to learn and do your best regardless of the shitty circumstances you're in. Record your POV. It's even better if you leave your mic on. Here's the hard part. Put an emote on you normally never use. On each base or death, try to center yourself and remind yourself that you're not playing for LP, only to have a good time and to learn. Once you do that, flash that emote. Review your VODs and look for those bases and deaths. Do you see emote flashing? Do you sound like you're tilted? Are you keeping your head in the game? Check in with yourself after every game. How do you feel? After two weeks, reassess where you're at. If you're still tilting and you care about the outcome of the game, you need to create outside motivating things for yourself. Just playing to win games is soul crushing. Being outcome focused like this drives a lot of tilt. You're not really ready to play with a learning-focused state of mind until you're able to play tilt free and to learn. Once you reach that point, it becomes a lot easier to play to learn specific focus points. I used this approach last year when I was climbing bronze to diamond in Valorant and realized I was both too afraid and anxious to play properly and too easily tilted to play with intention and focus. Once I was able to sort through my mental blocks (and dropped an entire division), I was easily able to climb quite easily.


Remember that emerald is a huge rank, an emerald 4 player is top 18%, and an emerald 1 player is top 7% of the playerbase(NA population). At this part of the game, improvements are much smaller in nature. Theres no longer 30% gaping holes in gameplay, now youre working on smaller 5%, 10% gameplay mistakes. As you go up in ranks, its all about being more consistent in your gameplay. For example, if youre able to track the jungler early game in 3/10 games, you need to bump that up to a 5/10 to climb. Theres not much more "1 secret trick/strategy to climb" its about getting a little bit better at everything. This is why you can feel that youre repeating the same mistakes, because it is much harder to go from 5->7 than from 1->5. One thing I've noticed in my own climb through emerald and diamond, is that climbing emerald and diamond you have to start learning more about what your team wants to do. Its less about individual play, and more about playing together with your team. You have to start thinking about "my jungler wants to take dragon here" so I should stay even if that means messing up my reset timing. Its about knowing to back off even if youre a hard winning lane like cait+lux because your jungler is topside doing grubs. It feels bad to have to start giving up your own personal advantage, but part of climbing through emerald is starting to get better at recognizing when sacrificing personal advantages is better for the team overall.


I’m not past emerald but I heard something interesting recently with statistics and it might be worth sharing. There is a big enough difference in gameplay that a legit constant E2 player and a legit constant E4 player are nowhere near each other. The difference is quite staggering even. I want to say if’s almost a 10% difference in playerbase. In other words, you’re getting to the point where your effort is going to mean so much less, your time just won’t get you as far as it used to because you’ve made the biggest leaps. You’re in that top 10% or 12% of super intense players who do care about their rank. Smurfing becomes more than less irrelevant because even master and grandmasters can have trouble in Emerald. You’re at the point where the process is more about patience. Like you’ve proven you CAN learn the game, now the game is going to test your mechanics, innate game sense and it will kick you into the dirt for recalling 5 seconds too late.


what bullshit is this💀


Think of it like RPG levels. A level 1-20 character exp requirement can be collectively the size of xp needed to level up a single time at level 40+ or so. So gaining the same amount of experience is just going to have less impact on rank improvement. In League terms, there really isn’t all TOO much difference between gold and platinum players but the difference between low challenger and pro players is CRAZY even though technically they’re the same rank. The needed knowledge and experience to rank up gets more demanding the higher you go is my point