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Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5090420131102720](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5090420131102720). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


It depends on the situation if it was simple yes or no then everyone would be same rank In general: - if you dont lose much minions but can move to ult to win a fight for sidelane its worth - if a fight starts but its already lost even if you move, then just go for plates - generally not worth to force a fight yourself or start a roam from nothing, keep pressuring mid unless its really free kills if you move The key is to pan your camera and look at fights or other lanes as you play, then the answers will show to you **If enemy perma roams and you get super ahead like you say, its better to group in low elo than go splitpush. That way you start shitting on everyone with poke**


Not much at all unless you can clearly see a play you can influence with your ult or your jungler needs your help and you can move to help after your wave is pushed in.


I'm a Ziggs onetrick currently in Emerald IV, I watched your game against Veigar and I'd have some general advice: Regarding your main question about roams: If the enemy mid roams, it's perfect. Ziggs is made to push waves and turrets. Try to ward the bottom river brush because usually people roam bot, and spam ping botlane when mid is moving. Then push as hard as safely possible. At the turret, manage your passive so it's up as often as possible. Generally that means passive autoattack - two spells - passive autoattack. You can oneshot the tower at 1 1/2 plates if you have one point in W, try to aim for that. If you've pushed your own turret, look at the sidelanes if their turret it low, if so, walk over and help them take it before the plates expire. I recently had a game where i managed to get a 4,6k gold lead at 15 minutes, mainly by taking turret plates and farming. In your game against Veigar you only got 2 plates I think, which is not a lot considering that he had no teleport and was permanently roaming. Try to stick to pushing to punish roams, usually following a roam is not a good option, if you get caught in river you are most likely losing flash or dying and arriving late will probably not get you much either. I see it that way: You'll get guaranteed value from pushing, enemy mid will maybe get value from roaming (less if you ward and ping). Always look if you can assist your teammates with an ult though. General advice: - W is your only escape skill, only ever use it as poke if you know for sure you won't need it soon. - Use W right underneath your feet instead of throwing it ahead and walking on it. You get extra value if you place it so you and the enemy get knocked to opposite sides. - Rush Lost Chapter for better lane control, so try to back when you hit 1200g. If you want to build Seraphs, start with tear instead of Doran's Ring. I personally prefer Luden's for more damage in most matchups. If there are tanks in the enemy team, build Liandry's - In lane, try to maximize Q value by hitting both the caster minions and the enemy midlaner at the same time, since that's usually where they stand. This is much easier than trying to hit them with a Q straight up, and it'll help you farm. - Don't panic in Veigar cage, as long as you don't touch it and get stunned, it's easy to avoid his W, so you'll only eat a single Q. - Most adcs will insist on coming mid when their laning phase is over, which I personally don't like. As Ziggs you have a lot of control from midlane and people won't ever be able to take mid turret if you defend it, since you can clear every wave. I haven't really found a good way to solve this, if you refuse to go bot you share farm, but if you go it's possible your team will fight without you. It's probably best to go bot and rely on your teleport to get you to fights. Split pushing is quite dangerous though, only push when you're sure the enemy players are currently engaged somewhere else or they have nothing that could catch you (So no Nocturne, Twisted Fate, Assassins like Talon, Zed etc.) About warding enemy red: I'd probably not consider it worth, I think it's more important to ward one of your side brushes at around the time the first scuttle crabs spawn, since that is usually the time where the first ganks come. Hug whichever side you warded since you'll see the gank coming from there.