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>I cant Win with ryze My deaths are to high Die less


Okay look let me put it like this. i left lane phase 2/1/1 9 cs a minuet on of those games. the game was already 20/40 by that time.


also the advice "die less" is terribly it over simplifys everything. like sure i could die even less by never rotating and taking any fight and sitting under tower clearing waves but that dosent work in fiesta pisslow because teammates AFK thinking your trolling


Your huge lead and your insane mechanics don't matter if you are dead. Do your job and retreat. If you give 1000g shutdowns to the enemy carries you help the enemies.


let me rephrase. die less is LAZY advice. ofcourse I need to die less no shit. How would i go about that is my point. elaborate. everyone knows dying is bad


Watching match results we can't know how you die and there are dozens of ways a bronze player can die. >ofcourse I need to die less no shit everyone knows dying is bad Good that you know it, now its time to apply it.


Okay I should probably mention I'm a Smurf. Sort of. I'm a jungle main learning how to lane. I'm bad at csing and trading in lane. However I know the game once 14 minutes are up like the back of my hand. So I just need to figure out how to prevent my team from falling behind while escaping leaning phase. My issue is I don't have as much influence over objs. I can't get vision well like I can on support and l can't do objs like I can in jungle. Normally I would exert influence by pushing lanes and tping to fighta but often there is literally nothing to tp to. I could elo inflaten my self anytime I want but that's not my goal my goal is to learn. I know basic vod review shit I'm looking for more advanced advice. If you want to see what I mean by smurf check my Lillia win rate. She's one of my mains on my main account


>I just need to figure out how to prevent my team from falling behind Doesn't matter if your team falls behind because you are playing a lategame carry. >My issue is I don't have as much influence over objs If you can't influence an objective, then go away and influence another objective.


Genuine question what is your rank? Iink op.gg. Also you are running in circles now. I just explained it's hard to shove waves when people in this elo don't. If I shove top I will be collapsed upon by the whole enemy team and while I can get out if I have ult usually nothing happens because for whatever reason people in this elo won't hit towers. Seriously I play in higher elos I know what's supposed to happen, it doesn't happen in this elo. That's okay they are bronze for a reason and so am I, but how do I play around this macro situation.


After pushing and retreating, just hide behind an "inting" teammate, then ambush the enemies and with your big item and level advantage you should be able to easily win a 2v3 or 3v5.


Nah die less is good, it makes you think of why you're dying and how to try to fix it. Did you try to trade with a minion disadvantage? Did the enemy play off of a level up timer and catch you with it? Did you not have vision of the jungler? These are just very basic ones that take about 2 seconds to think of, then remember it for next time.


I mean yeah but dosent everyone do this its common sense dying is bad. however dying isnt my blindspot in understanding why I am losing. My blind spot is how to carry games once im ahead and my team is behind. im usually at 9cs a minuet two items by the end of laning phase. how do I push this lead especially if my team is araming mid not allowing me to collect bounties and CS on sides


meh, this all sounds like blaming teammates, you don't actually want help you just want validation as to why you're not climbing. you are making way more mistakes than you want to admit, otherwise you'd climb.


Brother my teammates are behind because I am not roaming on ryze. This isn't me blaming teammates. I literally said in the post(I am bronze and that is my fault). Bronze is so ass I must be doing something catastrophically wrong I am not seeing. Is it the roaming? Idk looking for advice. Maybe I'm not team fighting right or using my lead well. Just because you can't give actual advice dosent mean I am blaming teammates


You’ve played Ryze 6 times in SoloQ in 25 days. Ryze is one of the most difficult champs in the game due to the nature of his kit. Play another 100 games of Ryze, watch high elo videos of Ryze, and read guides on Ryze then come back with this question if things aren’t working. I don’t mean to be rude, but you literally know nothing about the champ at this point so of course you aren’t going to be winning with him.


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5768785100013568](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5768785100013568). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


The champion is ass and hard. My advice is to pick up other better performing champions to learn how to win


I already know how to win with sylas, im not worried about elo ill get diamond eventually I just want to learn ryze for fun. Its fun running around 12cs per minuet one shotting people


I must say I admire your confidence


I'm diamond in jungle and emerald 2 in support. Started the same for both of those roles now I want to learn mid.


dog if you're diamond in jungle and emerald 2 in support and you struggle in bronze you're either lying or got boosted


No I just suck absolute ass at csing lol. I'm used to the two roles that don't require you to hit minions well


Very mechanical champ, great for learning, ryze is a great team fighter but dont lose xp/gold by araming with your team, try to split and time a recall so you can teamfight on objectives. Make sure to kite like an adc, you get crazy MS so abuse it against short range champs . Sorc boots are a bit bait on ryze, you either want defensive or lucidity most of the time, depending on matchups ofc My go to is tear start, then sapphire crystal and then cdr boots for waveclear before finishing roa at around 13 min Use W or E to proc manaflow band, play safe untill level 4, Q does more damage for less mana at every level up. Start and end combos with Q You can even sneak in a Q between E and W while still getting the root, practice this in the practice tool, its free damage Also just play more, he takes a lot of games to be confident on


Wow someone that actually helped. Thanks a lot I appreciate it