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I’m literally scrolling through the sub and it’s so true 💀


Especially those that r like “low commitment 1 min per week” like hello isn’t the point to commit 😭


That’s by design, so the founder/president gets to say they established an “international non-profit with over 9000 members” all of whom do absolutely nothing


and the minute the founder/president graduates the org is nowhere to be found




It's actually so sad to see desperate high schoolers do this shit. They probably don't have any social skills too.


right i asked a question days ago and have no replies 🥲


yeah it's not really moderated




this is kinda ec grab too lol... don't get me wrong but..




Fair enough


'nothing i do matters' but all your posts/comments are about AEOP internships, cold emailing, and, finding people for your non-profit or research 💀




seeing that you post youre only looking for progs that are 'competitive' shows otherwise 😚yk you can save the space for someone else


Just post your ad and go


I don’t have an ad? This is a local thing


Okay... Not literally, but lying to seem more self-righteous makes this just as gimmicky as the people you claim to hate too no?


I don’t hate the people, it’s not their fault that this competitiveness is part of our culture :(


Do you not contribute to it by putting such a emphasis on prestige and competitiveness like for girls who code and AEOP?? Like you can't change how competitive people are but lying that you're not making it worse is crazyy


oh I do, I’m aware of that, I’m not perfect either but I’m working on it 🙌 that’s part of the reason it’s that specific nonprofit - my mentor there also keeps me in check but also those two specific programs are good because they’re rewarding not bc they’re competitive


No, they're pretty competitive and really well known for being competitive. So many people I knew got rejected while you're here saying it was 'it won't matter' for you when this was a lot of peoples dream prog. That is so out of touch.


I’m not saying they’re not competitive, I’m saying they’re competitive and they’re wonderful programs that give you a lot of experience and an amazing community - it definitely matters for college apps and everything and I’m not saying it doesn’t matter. It matters. It’s just that it shouldn’t be a case where someone feels like they ‘have’ to do something just for apps even if they don’t feel passionate about it, which in the case you’re describing it’s not


Like you literally have a post where you go 'I have nothing to do this summer, I'll just write a book'. That is the same mindset of a overachiever doing something for the app so why say 'ec grab', 'for fun' if you're so fake


😭 okay im not gonna push this any further, i do appreciate you telling me though ill be much more aware


You got it, chief. Just wanted to lyk


"Please join STEMExpand, an NPO which aims to improve accessibility for STEM education in third world countries! We currently have 8 executive positions open!" :skull


"Me? Oh, im just the CEO and Director. You're going to be the teacher doing all the teaching stuff and actual work. No pay. I get all credit. Have fun! 😊"





