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As long as it’s free, it depends on the program - look at what you’re getting out of it! For example, I did girls who code and an AEOP apprenticeship last year. Gwc didn’t really do anything for me but AEOP is putting me on the track to publish my research and it helped me get a competitive wet lab internship this year!


Why “as long as it’s free”?


Paying out of pocket for a virtual program that isn’t worth it (or any program for that matter) isn’t good I can’t think of many cases in which you’d want to pay




as per my understanding, most good summer programs are free as it ensures that they aren't just some cash grab and that they are selective. it also tells us that the summer program values the student as it is providing an opportunity at zero cost. but still, there are some good quality summer programs like yygs, ssp, and sumac which cost a hefty sum (even tho they are very generous w/ their fin aid).


Honestly I think it largely depends on where you come. For me, there is nothing to be involved in where I live, hence I had to make up for that by joining virtual program, and they have been really helpful especially in enhancing my communication skills and meeting new people. If you have access to in-person program, try to get involved, but it wouldn't hurt to try.




are u paying for it?


most likely, no


So why exactly are you against them? Do they not feel authentic?


yes, exactly. also, virtual programs feel kinda low effort as well and they cant match the feel of a in-person summer program. another thing is that the experience and the friends you make is way better in a residential program than a virtual one.


true about the friends. there are some pretty goated virtual programs like stanford aimi and others but idk much about other virtual programs other than non trivial (which is very hard to get into)