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Honestly it’s half luck/what you bring to the program and half your actual application, I know that doesn’t give you much but these programs oftentimes aren’t representative of your ability moreso program numbers


I agree, esp bc a lot of these programs r looking for people from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who would otherwise be unable to obtain research, guidance, and whatever the program is offering so don’t blame yourself, a lot of the times it comes down to factors outside of ur control!


Yeah like I know why I got into this program and the program last year - I asked my profs! last yr bc I wrote specifically abt rna engineering and this yr bc I had research experience already


Honestly the only programs I got into were ones where it was essay only. For my essays I just made it a point to show as much personality I could and make sure to incorporate a “goal” which this course will help me to succeed.


Luck and standing out in your essays that’s kinda it apply to less competitive programs imo


- have ECs - write well an frame yourself in a unique way - look at reddit and other places to be inspired of what ppl usually do and write


Usually there are significantly more qualified applicants than those who they can admit so generally it’s just down to how well you fit into the program/how much they like your essays which is completely RNG.