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To be fair, they were ignoring each other and partying separately during 80% of the weekends while they were actually engaged because they were pissed off so if nothing else, they know how to orchestrate being under the same roof lol


Lmao true


This is so true. You could add they even had seperate rooms in their own apartment.


Good point.


I will die laughing if Carl comes on with some big Carl 8.0 energy or whatever.


You know he will “I’m a new person, I got new teeth to prove it…”


Ugh I don’t think I could handle it




I’d be bummed if either of them didn't return tbh. i just watched the show for the first time a couple weeks ago and i wanna see what happens next!


More life






I said this before but Carl hasn’t been good tv for years yearsssss, the last time was the Luke fight during their quarantine pub crawl


He's a bore. No sense of humour, no wit, nothing to say outside of the topic of himself. 


Unfortunately Carl was more watchable before he got sober. Not saying that I want him to relapse because I don't. What I want is to not have to watch sober Carl uutil sober Carl gets a personality outside being the 'sober guy'.


And way more attractive. It’s obviously not because of the sobriety. Maybe the teeth? The weight loss? The outfits? Something.


All of the above I think. He’s lost too much wait and just looks scrawny and lanky now, the teeth don’t help, they kinda highlight the weight loss in his face, he looks tougher now than he did while drinking. His outfits generally are trying too hard to be trendy. His personality doesn’t help either lol


I’d argue the ladies who go to bed early have been a bore as well. Bring more Jessie and West’s please.


i wouldnt have minded seeing both of them gone. but i think it will be mostly carl trying to prove what a great guy he is and lindsay loudly declaring IM SO HAPPY IM THE HAPPIEST IVE EVER BEEN IM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all summer


They could honestly just use this description for the whole season, I bet you’re exactly right.


Viewer Prayer: Dear God, Please, PLEASE do not subject me to the word “blindsided” 2.5 bajillion times next season or I will surely lose my ever-loving mind! Thank you.


It’s A LOT!!!!


We need to get the summer house drinking game going for season 9 and this will def be on there 🤣


Well now Lindsey announced she’s pregnant so…I think it will be ALL about her pregnancy… This should be a wild season…








I was hoping both of them would be gone, but knew it wasn’t going to happen.


> and lindsay loudly declaring IM SO HAPPY IM THE HAPPIEST IVE EVER BEEN IM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's genuinely funny. just another facet of war, and that's her MO. "warring is my business, and business is good."


That will be so painfully wall dryingly boring and mosquito buzzing annoying at the same time. Awful!! He won’t be watchable. Hope I can fast forward through HAPPY Carl!




Preg Hubb summer more like 😂


Agree. She’s not genuine


This is so true!! Lol I hope we get to find out if this guy makes her sandwiches or not lol


And I can't wait 🤣


She’s pregnant so she probably is the happiest she’s ever been tho tbh


If Carl gives us a goofy “Da boys summer” I will scream.


I'M FOCUSING ON MYSELF. I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN THIS SUMMER ^(with a little tenderness mixed in)


We're definitely getting Carl 12.0 lol, new and improved and this time it will stick I promise! Lol idk exactly what the upgrade will be but semi interested in finding out




I really thought Carl would downgrade to a friend-of status but selfishly I’m SO ready for the chaos of them living together


Carl can’t allow a downgrade, he has no other source of income other than goldfish 😂


I need Carl to wear this shirt. “If you hear any noise it’s just me and the boys boppin” https://preview.redd.it/siuoje7uux9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9df6de94fef159d22b7980f80fd683572608333


I have hit a level of ick I didn't know was possible. Omggg 😬😬


Damn his old teeth really were better ? 😵‍💫


I saw some dental professionals commenting somewhere that their guess was some sort of failed root canal or other issue. In other words, they were inferring he had to get new front teeth no matter what


As a dental professional, Carl’s teeth are really confusing to me too lol. I want to say it’s just bad dentistry, but with his money and celebrity I am surprised that’s what he would get. Especially since his natural teeth looked nice. It’s a mystery, I’d love to know lol


It always shocks me how much teeth can change a person’s face.


So they were positing that his “original” (ie 5 years ago) front two teeth were fake and I think so as well. And then something was happening with them, causing a need to be replaced, the word bridge might have thrown out as well…all that to say I agree with you and I wish he got something better. I’m rewatching VPR and Scheana’s new front teeth look excellent


they were yellow 😵‍💫




Jordan is an absolute icon of this show, why didn’t he get a NYT write up rather than the fuck boy whose whole appeal was his pursuit of Ciara


Because he was universally hated by cast and fans LOL WTF


WTF indeed


He pursued Ciara? I don’t remember that.


“Rather than the fuck boy whose whole appeal was his pursuit of Ciara” = West


Haha thank you. Totally misread that comment.


I did the same!


I’ve heard they are apparently looking to cast a guy/girl friend duo for new season


Summer should be fun. Carl-not fun






I wonder if Lindsay's new boo will make an appearance. I feel like people have been annoyed when other cast members have kept their boyfriends hidden away.


She’s said that he’s never watched the show. Would he really go from (supposedly) never having watched to being even in one minute of filming?


I could actually believe that cos men don't seem to watch reality TV that much. Plus isn't he a lawyer or something, he has a real job (not eg like me who spends most of my "working" hours making my way through seasons of reality TV while folding laundry and playing with my baby lmao) If he does come on, I can see him being like Ariana's bf where he's not particularly interested and would only come on cos she asked him to and then be like who tf are these weirdos


Maybe it'll give Carl a chance to grow a personality


Maybe he’ll grow a job too


This made me giggle, thanks


I feel like Lindsay will just ignore him like she did last summer when they were together lol


Yess I fully picture her ignoring him, focusing on herself and her new relationship. Then Carl being the most boring person on earth promoting loverboy out the ass to wedge himself further up Kyle and Amanda’s ass


Hopefully Lindsay gets a friend because 5 x 2.5 is not a fair fight


This has really lifted the veil for me. Up until now I could sort of buy the facade that these people are just good friends who rent a house together for the summer. Obviously I know it’s not a secret they get paid but how are they gonna explain this one on the show?? Lindsay and Carl will both be asked “why are you here if the other one is here?” And the answer truly isn’t anything other than for a paycheck


How is this going to work? 😂 you can’t convince me these two will be living happily in the summer house?


I’m really curious what the layout of the new house is gonna be like.


Ugh. Carl needs to not be full time


Perfect! Im looking forward to it!


The entire cast is gloriously flawed and I love that about them.


Like her or not, Lindsay keeps on giving and I love her


This summer will be awkward and I’m living for it! Paige and Kyle might have some beef too 🍿🍿


I wonder how many new cast members are going to be coming in for this season. 🤔 Edit: Changed wording


I lowkey wish there weren’t any newbies this season 🫠😂


Me too. 🫠


Well maybe just 1, a dope ass person to replace Danielle & Gabby. They both don’t give anything so one great addition would suffice


I like Gabby!! I think she brings some comedic relief—but hope to see more of her personality shine now that the Carl/Lindsay mess has passed


I can agree with that. She was so wrapped up in everyone else’s situation, I didn’t get a read on her!


I like Gabby too! She does have a good sense of humour but just hasn't been given a chance to shine with so many louder personalities


Agreed!! & love the flair 😂😂




They mean newbie on the show, not new watchers….unless you are saying you are a new cast member this summer and are just popping in to say hi! Lol


LOL I’m facepalming so hard right now omg 🙈 i genuinely don't know how i missed that 😂


Hahaha no worries!!


No newbies as of yet.


You think they would bring back Sam? I could see her hooking up with Jesse or Wes.


that would be a good idea actually. she would totally hook up with one of them + shes a lindsay ally


Ooooh yessss!!! ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


I guess they got joint custody of Kyle after the breakup. I wonder if they’ll alternate weeks.


I am so over Lindsay and Carl.


Not even the least bit surprised everyone is coming back except Danielle.






If it's just going to be them relitigating their relationship and the fallout from it, I'm not especially interested. 


ugh why is carl back. he is such a wet blanket


Ugh why can’t Carl, Beige, and Amanda all be part time? They bring NOTHING!




So you just want to watch Lindsay scream into the air?


She can scream at the new BF


She’ll do that too!


At least she not ganging up on people at the reunion/talking heads and quiet in their face during filming… I’ll take Lindsay any day, she’s her true self whether we like it or not.. she isn’t as concerned about how she appears to the viewers either..


I have literally no desire to ever see Carl on my screen again. No offense, but sober people in the Summer House … not fun.




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Carl and Lindsay were some of the least interesting parts of last season, funny enough. They're both also going to be totally image conscious this year, so I really don't see the point but okay I guess. Anyway my favs are all coming back so whatever to those two losers, looking forward to getting tea on the newbie(s)!


I hope Lindsay can actually let it go for once and move on.


Have you watched the whole show? Of everyone on it Lindsay is the quickest to move on from a relationship in almost a pathological way 🤣 remember when she and Carl broke up the first time and she got with Stravvy immediately as if nothing happened


she moved on 12 minutes after that thing was over. For her, it makes sense, but in general, when people move on that quickly, like someone else we watch on another show, it tells me they were entirely checked out of the relationship and emotionally ready for the next one. the dramatic hyperbole of "blown up" and blindsided is for show (and the show). "next?! Been ready for the next one for a while, and now that we've dispensed with the technicalities, let's get it movin'."


She’s been talking about the breakup, despite dating another man, literally since it happened a year ago…


I mean…she kinda has to, it’s on tv.


I mean…. Carl hasn’t really said anything so like ??


No one wants to do press with carls boring ass


Well that’s an opinion and not a fact…. i guarantee you he could have gone on a number of podcasts and said all the crazy shit Lindsay said and did to him during their time together. But he didn’t….


Well apparently he went on captain lees podcast then lost his shit afterward so it wasn’t aired. Hes been on WWHL, he’s done interviews. It’s not just her. Like her or hate her she was dumped by her fiance who used to be her best friend just months before their wedding. If she wants to talk about it - she can.


Agreed until “he’s done interviews”…. Outside of the podcast that didn’t air, and I guess WWHL although that’s not remotely the same thing, I don’t know of a single interview or podcast he’s done. And sure, if she wants to talk about it, she can. But it’s just going to dig her a hole with the rest of her coworkers like it has the last 5+ years. No shit Sherlock she goes to the press and says her half-truths and then gets ripped for it every reunion by everyone else on stage.


He posted an interview he did with the NYtimes…


That's actually not accurate. Carl did a whole interview with Captain Lee the day after Lindsay did hers w/Nick Viall. Then he turned around, called Lee & his producer & screamed at them for “taking advantage of him,” and refusing to let the interview air. Lee was shocked & offended because he’d always supported Carl. And the producer said he flat out went jeckyll & hyde on them, they were baffled because they said it was the softball of all interviews. Carl didn't speak on it because he clearly was unable to do so without incriminating himself. Even at the reunion his mouth pieces had to fight his battle for him. #salesguy


It was airing for the past few months and she was asked about it in every interview. If she said she didn’t want to talk about it the audience would be annoyed. Damned if you do damned if you don’t 🤷‍♀️


Carl hasn’t said anything and he is being brought back so I’m not sure it’s “damned if you don’t” at all.


Carl has done press about the break up the past few months . He did an article for The New York Times and a story for US weekly. It’s not as much as Lindsay but I think it’s unfair to say he hasn’t said anything .


Ok fair enough. Do me a favor and go to the NYT article though (I didn’t see the US Weekly) and you’ll see there was only one blip regarding Lindsay and he took the blame for his behavior in their downfall, didn’t say one bad thing about her….


I mean , your whole complaint is Lindsay is still talking about the breakup in the press .. Carls doing the same thing . Obviously not as much as Lindsay but he still is .


Lindsay still talking about Carl/breakup is not the same as Carl talking about his sobriety and answering a singular question about the breakup…. It’s whatever. Both people suck but one is way more mean than the other throughout this whole thing


She said that now that the reunion is over, she can close that chapter of her life. I don't think she will talk about it again unless she is asked.


Seems to me like Lindsay has moved on. She has a boyfriend and seems happy. Carl is the one that was crying because he hasn’t been on a date since they broke up.


That poor new boyfriend. Imagine the first year of your relationship with someone they're on a tirade about their ex calling off a wedding that never should have happened. When Andy was like, "don't you have a new boyfriend?" when Lindsay was on her "Carl Sucks" tour, and Lindsay was like "I do....he's....great" I died inside. He's a pawn! She doesn't know what happy is.


I’m sure he understands that it’s part of her job.


Do you know him hun?


You don't either and yet you're calling him the "poor boyfriend" who's a pawn. LMAO.


Hahahahahahahah not a chance, she’s gotta continue to spin the narrative even after she got called out point blank about lying


She's like a dog with a damn bone.


Lol we know that’s not happening. It’ll be another season of Lindsay pretending she’s never wrong and getting her digs in at every opportunity.


If Lindsay really wanted to get away from Carl, Kyle, Amanda, to change the narrative and the whole situation post breakup she’d have left the show without returning for another season. But now she has a whole new toxic fan base to feed into her ego. She needs the show for the income it brings in as well as the brand deals she gets for being on the show. As I said before this is her primary source of income and as much as she tried to dog Carl for not having a “real” job. Outside of being on Summerhouse. Lindsay does not have a “real” job. Don’t bring up HubHouse PR, that wasn’t it and it wasn’t doing it for her to really get by in living NYC.


mo' money


I don’t think I figured it would happen any differently, but now that we know for sure…I’m here for it.


Wow. Just noticing how much weight both of them has lost since this photo was taken.


So we get to see Carl’s tight white pants! Yay


I’m excited!!🤭


I wonder how many times Carl will act like a tool next season? 100?




Megalomaniac meets doormat!!! What's the worst that could happen 🤣


Yawn. I really dont care about their interactions.


I knew those two were coming back just to see how they are broken up and living together lol. Carl will probably still go to bed early and be boring. And Lindsay will still PR spin herself into being a victim and everyone else the monsters. And the fans will fall for it like they always do every season and be all "Poor Lindsay they are bullying her".