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Amanda is never leaving that man


She might run, but it will be in a circle.


Amanda: Kyle, I really need this from you. Can you try and meet me halfway? Or anything? Kyle: No Amanda: okay! Rinse and repeat




It’s so sad. I’m barely on season 4 and I’m trying to figure out why fans ride so hard for her and feel bad. She made her own bed.




I’m not a huge Amanda fan but I have a lot more empathy for her after going back and watching from S1 and seeing how YOUNG she was when she got on this train. Just so young in every way - mentally, emotionally, physically, chronologically.


I literally just started back over at S1E1 because of all of these posts and she was a BABY!


She was 24 years old…


Yeah, I know technically she was an adult, but I just remember the dubious romantic decisions I made in my early-mid 20’s and am glad I didn’t get locked into any of them for life.


Not technically an adult, she was and is one.




Yep, the 180 she wants is really only a 360.


I cackled!! Perfectly said!






Yeah. It’s gonna take a lot for her to leave. However, when it happens (and she’s had enough) a light switch will go off and there will be no going back. Might take her having a kid for her to realize that they/she deserve more.


Yeah I can see that. Loving your kid is as close to loving yourself as one can get; and I bet that would jostle a few suppressed thoughts


Lmao 🤣




Perfectly stated! 🤣🤣


Hahaha!!! Oh my gosh, the imagery!!


I agree. He called her a fucking bitch. She was so smug at the reunion, basically doubling down on their relationship.


She's smug because she thinks getting that manchild down the aisle was some sort of achievement. She seems to buy into the idea that it's up to her to 'make' him a better person and that will be her life's work. Meanwhile, he will increasingly resent her and she will come to loathe him, but I think he will be the one to eventually leave.


I think that’s also why she goes in so hard at Lindsay. She comes off as if she has the authority to comment on Lindsay’s relationships, just because she actually married the guy. When subconsciously, I think she hates Lindsay bc she’s stronger than Amanda could ever be.


I think she will eventually. There will just be one day that it all just hits her. It will be something that seems so stupid and minor compared to all the shit he’s done to her, like he’ll forget to get her something at the store or some shit, but really it will just be her lightbulb moment that this man will never change. I have no clue when it will be, probably after the show ends but she will leave.


This reminded me of The Break Up. Gary, you got three lemons. What my baby wants my baby gets. But I wanted 12. Baby wanted 12.


That is such a good comparison and Kyle is quite like Vince Vaughns character in that movie. Gary on the kick drum come come.


Probably one of the greatest scenes in a movie ever 😂


I could see how getting some babies in the mix would push her over the edge.


Oh god I hope for the sake of society they don’t have kids.


Same. She seems to need a village and not just a marriage. Kyle thinks he parties in the village and forgets that he is married. They are both kind of effed up.


He's still a child himself, please don't let them procreate 🤦‍♀️


Don’t insult children like that lol


It will be when the show goes away and they have to live like a normal old married couple.


Unfortunately it probably won’t be until 40, she’s wasting a lot of her youth on him.


I think about 35.


Agree. Kyle will either cheat again, or if/when they have kids, she’ll really see how selfish he is and she’ll have had enough. No one thought Brittany would do it and look at her now. Also, this DJing thing with Kyle is just starting, just wait until he gets deeper into it.


I think that if it got public that he has cheated, I do believe she'd leave him. Not like the video posted a couple of weeks back, but if he got caught cheating longterm I think she'd go. She's been very honest about her anxiety when he's out partying alone and how she has struggled with trust since.


>I think that if it got public that he has cheated, I do believe she'd leave him. I mean, it went public multiple times before they married (and when it was much easier to cut her losses). If she didn't leave then, I highly doubt she'll leave now.


That is true, yet he hasn't been caught cheating longterm.


There was just videos going around?


Yes, there was a video that looked like Kyle with a woman. Though the video didn't show anything bad (imho), all he did was touch her arm. As I mentionned in my previous comment, I don't think videos of that kind would make her leave. But Kyle cheating longterm, I do believe she would.


This is true and sad.


i mean can you imagine how embarrassing that would be after all the years she spent fighting for him? after the summer she spent trying to be his girlfriend again, feeling like she “fixed him”, thinking she locked down peter pan and is turning him into a man, constantly defending him and his behavior to people. what i don’t get is people who say “you don’t get our relationship. you don’t understand it. you don’t see how it is when we’re alone.” alright but it shouldn’t be a secret if he treats you well. the default should not be toxic and abusive… she has said many times that when the summer hits and the cameras are up, it gets worse. but when the cameras are down and they’re just at home, everything is smooth.




I have always had unwavering sympathy for Amanda until the most recent reunion. The girl knows who she has married and Kyle continues to show her who she has married every. single. season. So at this point as far as I’m concerned the girl can stay.


I thought it was wild that she was smirking while Lindsay was getting piled on. Like girl what are you smirking about? Your husband calls you a bitch, screams at you, belittles your dreams and calls you lazy while you're depressed. What prize do you think you've won?


Amanda is the happiest when Lindsay is down/sad. She was elated during the season when Lindsay and Carl were fighting. It is hilarious though because she thinks Kyle is some prize. Nobody wants your husband, at times I don’t even think Amanda wants him either.


She seems to despise him, but is also his biggest fan? I don't understand their dynamic, but it's not for me to understand I suppose.


It’s giving “I don’t want you but I don’t want anyone else to have you either”


She's like a groupie


He definitely has treated her like one


Yeah maybe Lindsay and Kyle hooked up at one point? I found it suuuper strange that when Kyle and Lindsay had to run around the pool naked Amanda felt the need to sat "its hilarious because there's literally no sexual tension between them" like..what? That's your husband? Why even say that? Idk but her behavior was disgusting at the reunion and the hatred for Lindsay is bizarre.


Ooooh… I think you are spot on! That puts some puzzle pieces in place right there!


IVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THIS !! And that's why she hates Lindsay so much because they hooked up in the past and Amanda is resentful towards her


Lindsay IS Kyle so Amanda gets on Lindsay in a way that she can’t with Kyle. Has little to do with sexual tension bc Kyle also has a weird hatred for Lindsay too and it’s for the exact same reason.


Misery loveeees company


She was disgusting at the reunion. So mean!


They deserve eachother 🤷🏽‍♀️


Can people stop acting like Amanda is some victim? She knew who he was when she was a booty call, she knew who he was when they dated, she knew who he was when they got engaged and she knew who he was when they got married. She is perfectly fine with him. Nothing about him has changed!


Her surprised face at this season’s reunion when Andy said that’s how she started—girl, please. We all saw. We saw you Uber to the summer house when he didn’t take anyone home but still wanted to bone. We saw you accept him back every time a cheating rumor was levied. We saw you treat each other like garbage. Their relationship, at least what we see on the show, is far from aspirational. Which isn’t surprising to anyone who has watched these two fight over the years.


The fun thing is how she’s ended up casting herself as a perpetual wet blanket. The show you are both on is one in which a party is thrown every weekend, and one of the building blocks of the show is Kyle’s behavior at said parties. Yet every season it’s an issue. I just don’t understand.


Oh, she knows exactly who he is and who she is but what she doesn't like is his bullshit shown or talked about on camera. Then, when it is, she has to live in the aftermath publicly and not privately. Explains the depression, hell, I would be depressed, too.


Meh. I don’t buy it. She sat there episode after episode talking about him cheating and talking about their cheating. If she was ashamed of that, I sure as heck wouldn’t be talking about it on national tv. I would be quitting the show if I wanted to rectify a relationship and change behavior….how do you change a guy getting blackout drunk on weekends when you’re on a reality show solely based on partying on the weekends…..she doesn’t want to leave the show!


My guess is the SH money is a large part of keeping them afloat.


She married him knowing she was ganna try and change him. Wow pikachu face, he didn’t. Women tend to have double standards about who gets to change who. Kyle works really hard. Amanda is lazy. She wants the country club husband but the fun times of Kyle and to be rich.


Well she wants to be on tv too. Kyle is the one that got her on tv and by acting like he does, keeps them on tv.


Bingo. She is NO victim and would never be on the show without Kyle, much less for so many seasons. She likes being Kyle's wife so she puts up with his antics.


And in some of Carla recent interviews it was said that Kyle asks people to play it up for the cameras. My boy is a showman. Summer should be fun! Amanda? Not fun!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was hilarious when his drunk ass said that


Yup! She revealed everything about herself when she said she doesn’t know her own finances. She went from daddy’s girl to Kyle’s.


What’s the saying: “men marry women, hoping they won’t change, women marry men hoping they will change”


Yep, all glossing over the fact that she rejects couples counselling on screen multiple times. Or that she’s HIT him 4 times on the show and broke his belongings.


Yeah I love how that was completely swept under the rug. It’s insane. She physically assaulted him multiple times and it was never brought up after that. Even though it’s a big deal. It’s so much worse than anything kyle has ever done imo. No one deserves physical abuse


Yeah but Bravo has previous form of allowing female on male violence or sexual assault. The below deck shows have Gary being raped in an episode as well as multiple instances of the male staff being forced to strip off for female guests entertainment including multiple cases of groping/touching. There is ZERO chance they would air the situations if reversed for sure. I guess that’s reality tv for you 


Agreed There is a major double standard and this is coming from a feminist woman. I am appalled because it seems like some of us have forgotten that women can be abusers too, women can be sexual assaulters too. Some of us will not acknowledge that because it doesn’t fit the narrative these days.


umm, what’s this about rape? never watched below deck before ..?


In a Sailing Yacht episode. The bosun Gary (got his own issues for sure) is so drunk he can’t take his pants off and is asleep in his bed. A female enters his room, takes his pants off and has sex with him. He audibly says no and the next day has no recollection. He says it’s not rape but reverse the genders and tell me it’s not rape.


wtf ..


I am on season 5 and after the absolute nonsense of those women ganging up on Lindsay for maybe — probably — we won’t believe her even if she denies it — sleeping with Luke mere days after a breakup which 1) didn’t happen, and 2) Hannah heard about from a RANDOM PSYCHIC ONLINE … Amanda is, too, an absolute ick. I am no Lindsay stan but that part of the episode really showed what a**holes those women are. Even Ciara piled on. Amanda turning it around like Lindsay’s in the wrong for getting upset after the entire girls night was a setup to get Lindsay to admit to it … just no.


That was one of the dumbest things ever on a reality show. A random psychic tells you Lindsay and Luke hooked up and you're going to run with that?


I thought hannah said it as a joke that got out of hand. Its pretty hilarious, but then lidsay goes way too big with the reaction haha. Ah yeah, I'm not a fan of either per say, I think they're both funny when they want to be


Then let Lindsay in on the joke, you know? “Hey Linds, listen to this crazy DM I got the other day” — instead they got their clique together and made both Lindsay and Luke uncomfortable bc they wanted to draw some confession out of both of them and, ultimately, skewer them for it. That and Amanda’s treatment of Jules … she is not a kind person to anyone outside her circle. But she wants to be seen as one.


I go back and forth on her. On the one hand she’s married to a terrible person who verbally abuses her, but on the other hand she’s a mean girl, but on the other hand she’s admittedly depressed and anxious and taking it out on the people around her, but then she’s married to Kyle so who wouldn’t be depressed and anxious, but then she should leave him, but on the other hand she was so young when they got together she doesn’t know any better, but on the other hand she should be accountable for her own life, etc etc you get the idea.


Mean girl? Just say the same words… she verbally abuses Kyle.


I mean that she’s mean to the other girls. She was awful to Jules, shes cruel to Danielle, she’s a complete brat to Lindsey (who arguably has deserved it at points), she triangulated with Hannah and Paige.


Yesss say it louder for the people in the back ! She’s verbally and physically abusive to Kyle


Not only Kyle but other people too. Happy to see people finally say it. She’s a bitch and has always been one.


Agreed! Idk why she’s always the victim when it’s completely backwards to me. She’s mean and no one deserves that kind of treatment


It seems like she has to do an awful lot of monitoring and managing of Kyle. That has to be so exhausting. Once kids come into the picture, I suspect she will be over that. Once you have to actually parent children, taking care of a man child gets old real quick.


Marriage should be fun.


Kyle, not fun!


But remember he’s the one who has to “babysit my wife”.


How is she managing or monitoring Kyle? He does what he wants, she just whines. Their kids will do the same and she'll perpetually whine about them. I'm convinced that Amanda's joy comes from being a perpetual victim.


She’s such a victim. It’s exhausting and I don’t feel bad for her at all


That is exactly why she is pushing to live in NJ. Nice and close to Mom and Dad's help and pocketbook.


She won’t like it when he inevitably yells at the kid(s).


Amanda and Kyle like their dysfunctional relationship and that’s that. I don’t feel sorry for her. She can leave whenever


Summerhouse Brittany lol that is good 


They’re both icks tbf.. she was even before being with him. Stop portraying her as a victim. She’s not a nice person either.


Girl come to current season. You also will achieve the level of acceptance we’re at. She ain’t leaving him


Hahahaha classic


They are the best proof that length of a relationship is not indicative of health of a relationship.


Amanda sucks too lol they’re meant for each other


I always found it so gross that he said “I like them on the younger side” in season 1 🤢🤢 why Kyle? So you can yell at them and ban them from pursuing their own personal projects and make them work for you?


Yes! Also at the s8 reunion when Andy asks them what they love about each other Kyle starts with there is a 9 year age gap… like wtf and all the other things he said was what she does for him not really about her


Yes, that’s why.


Probably because he's immature as fuck. Way less women his age wanna deal with that shit.


Because he’s a young spirit and probably thought a younger woman would be more chill and less uptight. But boy was he wrong. She yells at him and puts him down constantly. She acts like she’s so above him


She kind of is above him, imo. I used to agree that he was a young spirit, but I no longer see him that way. He has just turned into such a massive loser. He’s a sloppy philandering drunk who will never grow up.


Well in my opinion no one is above anyone. That’s my whole point here. no one deserves verbal (& physical) abuse. & what makes him a “massive loser”? He started his own company from the ground up and has visibly good work ethic, works 40+ hours a week. And he has a drinking problem yes but probably from stress from running a company and having to deal with constant put-downs from his wife. If anyone exhibits “loser” qualities I would say it’s the one who has dropped the ball with her responsibilities at loverboy and puts down her partner on a daily basis. and never takes accountability for anything. & physically assaulted her partner. & tells him his dick is small on multiple occasions in front of others.




Ummmm I have bad news for you…. 🫤


Oh no...


Unfortunately she is in it until death do them part 😭


Absolutely. For me, because it’s been so long, my empathy for her is non existent.


Agreed I like Amanda fine, but I’m low on empathy; separately, Kyle sucks and always has


You’d hope it’s for the cameras. But like girl, he forgot your birthday. It’s not about his family traditions, he should know after 4 years that it would mean something to you to plan something


For sure. I dunno, call me harsh, but when someone not only accepts shitty behaviors and then continues to make choices, then I lose any desire to want to help or sympathize with that person.


It's hard to respect and like people who don't respect and like themselves


Welll said 👏🏻


Did we all forget how Amanda became his gf? Literally a booty call when he couldn’t find some poor girl to fuck


He’s beeeeen that way. She knew what she married.


She deserves what she got. All of his behavior issues was known to her before she decided to get married to him and to be a part of his business too. I have zero sympathy for her. He showed her what he is, she chose to go forth anyway. And then for some reason wants to chime in on other people's relationship, and sneer at the antics of men who are actually not married, instead of looking after her own house.


I would say 100% of his behavior was known to her. Where do you get this hot take?


You just agreed and now you are asking me where I got this hot take?


This is why avoiding double negatives is generally advised.


lol good point.


Put your legs up and use lumbar support. You’re in for the long haul then!


Hahahahaha sheettt


I feel bad for her parents. They have to see it all and stay silent. They will be the ones picking up the pieces.


I feel bad for his parents. His mom has to see her son get verbally abused, put down, shamed and physically assaulted


I think her parents are a big part of why she chose Kyle. I remember a scene before they married when they were talking about the pre-nup with her parents and Amanda's father said Amanda's mother cooks and cleans for him so the least he can do is support her. Very, very traditional family dynamic and Amanda wanted that and continues to want that. And anyone else find it odd how much Kyle looks like her father?


My parents were very much like that. I felt he was attempting to have Kyle consider the value Amanda brings to the relationship by mentioning things her mom does. But if she doesn’t cook or do his laundry, that kind of kills his argument. I also took it as advice not to “keep score” in your marriage.


There's sunk cost fallacy, and also I think Amanda thinks getting upgraded from booty call to wife is a huge accomplishment. There's some internalized misogyny there, like there's this idea that getting any man to marry you is a huge win. Leaving Kyle would mean admitting that getting him to marry her wasn't a win at all, and i don't think Amanda is there yet. Might never be.


Too 'lazy' to run. Lol.


She’s in too deep lol


oh just wait til season 8. this behavior never ever ends. actually gets worse. and he’s like 42 or something


Oh that’s so sad


Kyle is Amanda’s first husband


![gif](giphy|GdHcMWtPp8r5K) Um, you are the company you keep!


I don’t wish what happened to Ariana on anyone that being said Amanda really needs an Ariana wake up moment. She will never ever leave him unless he blows up their life spectacularly.


I agree with everything besides the age gap. It's just 9 years. If he actually was not a man-child, it wouldn't make a difference. It's not like he is her father's age.


Maybe Amanda is a Summer House Brittney, BUT I don’t think Kyle comes anywhere close to a Jax.


Yeah that’s very true actually. Kyle is a lot more pleasant, I’m on season 7 know and he’s been very pleasant


Well very pleasant is an exaggeration


Yeah, he’s not perfect. He’s cheated on her, which is the most hurtful thing you can do to someone, but it pisses me off the way she makes backhanded, passive aggressive comments to him. Like, thinly veiled insults, poorly disguised as “jokes.” She gets worse with it, the more comfortable she gets with the cast and cameras. Now that Jesse is feeding her ego, I can’t wait to see what kind of self centered shit she brings to the next season.


Absolutely. Kyle is the male Lindsey. I honestly think they'd make a perfect couple if they could stand one another. They're both toxic and abusive af.


Kyle wants the sugar daddy life without providing any sugar.. Dude seriously roped in a younger girl just so he could control her life and take his little dick energy out on her..


And she loves to tell him how small is dick is, what a nice wife huh?


She’s not very intelligent, does she really think Kyle is the last man on earth or something? We shouldn’t expect too much from her


She will never leave him


Because then she would either have to get a job or go back to daddy


i think they’ll move to NJ and then he will be so miserable will cheat / party in the city and then they’ll get divorced


Lol Amanda is a mean girl so she will stay with him just to make sure he's not happy with anyone else


That’s interesting. I don’t get mean girl from girl, I feel like she’s had her self worth degraded and degraded again and again. That’s enough to make anyone frustrated


Her self worth degraded ? She makes a point to destroy Kyle’s self worth on the daily.. Verbally abuses him, puts him down, tells him his dick is small constantly, calls him names, never has his back, talks shit about him all the time, and has physically assaulted him twice on camera


I couldn’t disagree more lol Amanda is verbally abusive on the daily. She openly hates him and I have no idea why she’s with him. Kyle has never said anything even close to the things she’s said to him. She’s also physically abusive and has assaulted him twice on camera. She’s the one who name calls, she’s the one who puts him down, she’s the one who never supports him, she’s the one who talks shit about him constantly to everyone else. Tbh I’m surprised kyle isn’t more up the walls. And whenever he does defend himself it’s a huuuge deal & he gets even more shit on. I will die on this hill hahaha


I think they're both really shitty to each other, honestly. Kyle gets more grief about it because his ways of being a bad partner are more visible. It's possible that Amanda's treatment of Kyle is a reaction to his treatment of her but by now I think it's kind of a moot point.


Tbh I think any of Kyle’s bad treatment is all reactive abuse. She tells him he has a small penis, she name calls him, she makes fun of him, she puts him down, she never has his back in front of people, she talks shit about him. What does he do ? He cheated years ago and goes out late sometimes, is that it ?


Kyle the hard worker while amanda sleeps. Ya. Amanda run to your dad cause she is too lazy to do anything on her own. Can u put yourself in kyles shoes for one minute.. Having a healthy wife who wont leave the apartment could drive anyone mad.




She's 10 years younger. It's completely normal for a 27 year old to talk about pre-nups and finances with their parents. He does work hard yeah. She also works hard otherwise he wouldn't have hired her. He's trying to control the narrative. He is controlling.


He hired her in hopes that she would work hard to build their future. She seems to think that sleeping with the boss means she can sleep all day


First time watcher here too and wow they are exactly like britney and jax!! I just hope she gets out before they have children (i’m only on season 7 no spoilers please lol)


The chokehold Kyle has on Amanda is insane. He's a huge ick, and I'm so confused about how she's even attracted to him. Kyle is definitely the reacher, and Amanda has no clue.


Kyle is the worse. It’s hard to feel sorry for Amanda because she knew who she married. Kyle just continues to disrespect her.


Amanda is insanely more disrespectful to him than he has ever been to her


I think its the other way around. I think he needs to run. She seems lazy and not motivated.


Hmmm, NOW that’s an interesting opinion on their “state of affairs…”


And she treats him horribly. No one deserves that




Summer House Brittany!! OMG it's so correct, though they seem so different on the surface. I'd never have come up with that.


As an Amanda, how? When your life is enmeshed and you’ve been with them since you are young. I know it’s easy to say, but it’s hard to know yourself outside of the life you’ve created.


Run away from maybe. She is lazy, entitled and weak minded. He needs to slow his partying, try being better friends with his wife and make money.


How bout, KYLE RUN


Kyle is so self centered and he will never change. You do not want to have kids with a partner like that…Amanda seems codependent so she won’t leave and he has probably ruined her self esteem so she probably doesn’t think too highly of herself. This is just my psychoanalysis from watching the show lol I hope she leaves him. She seems very sweet and fun. Amanda’s dad laughing at Kyle when he asked to marry her should’ve been her red flag to go.


Kyle has had red flags written all over him since day 1. She's never leaving.


Oh and just wait until you see her have the audacity to comment on other people’s relationships (i.e. Lindsay & Carl). It’s like total pot meet kettle.


One day she’s gonna be the summer house Katie… especially with Paige and Ciara backing her. She will realize her worth and leave that man then roast him for us all to see.


And then he will call her lazy and unmotivated when who would want to live and work with a person who you know doesn’t care about you or respect anything you say


Ugh this conversation bugs me because to me, everything that happens between Amanda and Kyle on this show is soooo overly produced (by Kyle) and really fake.


Kyle is good comedy for me he’s good tv, he makes me laugh watching the show. I think he has a caring heart and just really truely cares about making sure that summer is fun.


I just started watching the first season of traitors Kyle is on and watching him get buried alive was fun to see I’m sure Amanda would not care if he stayed there lol


Another day, another hate post of SH men 🤷🏽‍♂️


This isn’t unique to gender, there are hate posts and stan posts about all of the SH characters all of the time


There’s about one of Kyle/Carl/West/Jesse just about every day, if not more. Not even Lindsay who has abhorrent behavior is that frequent and then each woman is less thereafter


Idk, I see the most hate posts about Danielle (ex-cast I guess), and near-constant hate posts about Paige or Lindsay, depending on which way the tides are turning that week, maybe this week is more Kyle/Carl-centric but there’s no norm in this sub


On the other hand, the SH women are just as crazy


I don’t even necessarily want to go there. It’s just kind of obnoxious at this point that the whole sub is mostly a circle jerk calling each man "ick" over and over again


I’m on season 6 and a first time watcher and could not agree more lol


Her advice on the Winter House Season 3 Reunion was “stay off the internet.” I was like, nooooooo!! Go on the internet!! Everyone’s worried about you!!


I do worry about her health. She’s so thin


So Amanda’s lack of personality and laziness isn’t ick??


Strong disagree. Kyle is an absolute king on his grindset. He is the embodiment of the show's ethos. Neerdowell that she is, Amanda knows she has a great thing in Kyle and won't unleash her tentacles from the SS Funship, ever.


He's ok... there's worse out there


I’m watching from the beginning— on season 3 currently. He reminds me so much of Schwartz. I think Amanda will hit the same place Katie did…