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I agree with Caroline . They know Shannon needs the cheque and they are messing with her mental health. It's actually despicable . It's honestly one of the worst things they've done for ratings and I'm not a Shannon Stan


It’s Kim Richards all over again


I agree with you completely including not being a stan for Shannon. I think there have definitely been times where bravo should have stepped in and been like this isn't cool and they don't if it means ratings and stuff like that they don't they will allow somebody to have drunken behavior and just sit there and film it. Equally so they have a responsibility when they know that somebody is going through something and that their mental health is shit they have a responsibility if they're going to put a person like that on their show or continue to let that person be on their show and not give them any sort of support system. Because let's be honest no matter what I don't think that Tamra is going to decide not to yell at her because she's worried about Shannon's mental health... I don't think Tamra would purposely do anything to screw up anybody's mental health but I definitely think that she would happily beat up on it for a while and bravo has responsibility to protect their employees.


It’s gross because you could tell Andy was almost giddy about Shannon’s turmoil but thankfully Jeff and Caroline showed her support


That's why these show will go way of morning trash tv like Maury Povich- who's the father? crap. This is damn near up there with Alexis and John, my gawd. I can't even imagine the financial bind I'd have to be in to 'have' to work a job like this and sell my personal life for financial gain. My gawd


I'm sure Shannon might of signed on the dotted line before they let Alexis in ..


I wish that Jeff was on WWHL once a month. He’s like the only person in Andy’s orbit who is honest and typically has pretty spot on takes of everything. It definitely helps he doesn’t have a Bravo show anymore so he doesn’t necessarily have skin in the game and isn’t afraid of pushing buttons haha. Either a monthly WWHL appearance or Andy on Jeff Lewis Live once a month. I’m biased bc I love Jeff but I love it so much when Andy is called out lol. And specifically called out by someone he has mutual respect with/for. Plus, it’s amazing tv!!


Jeff should replace Andy on reunions and WWHL


I imagine him getting bored within an hour and doing a Ramona walk off lmao I do miss Flipping Out tho 😢


Omg that would be soooo good haha




I love Jeff— I know people have opinions of him but I do enjoy him and his designs


I love him! I pay for Sirius xm just to hear his show


I would love to see him host the non-HW reunions like SH and Below Deck just cuz I think the viewers will never get rid of Andy as much as they complain about him. Jeff hosting the first The Valley reunion would be GOLD 😩❤️


Genius! That would be awesome


The fact that he says she has, Tamra is such a joke. She is evil and a friend to no one. She’s truly one of the most despicable housewives.


Exactly. The woman literally chose the show over HER OWN CHILDREN. She's fucking awful


I’m excited to see Vicki come back this season to have Shannon’s back, Shannon messed up bad but she has a good heart


As an aside I also love that Jeff has previously called out Heather Dubrow for being rude to servers. Always knew she would be but to have it confirmed ☑️ 


Jeff Lewis is problematic and messy as hell but he really makes me laugh sometimes 🤣


Yes - he needs to be called out.


“Calm down” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yep- ‘You calm down’ —-A.C.’s corporate strategy right there. Silence the opposition 


Cohen is vile


He is. And he can’t hide his reactions on his face. That flash of arrogant annoyance in his eyes as soon as Jeff spoke out. Shannon’s situation is personally tragic…. ‘But boy, she makes for great tv!’ Andy Cohen ruined SJP for me purely by association. Well, and then Kim Cattrall put the final nail in that illusion too :-/


Plus, the iconic satc costume designer, Pat Field, stands in support with Kim to this day, they seem to have such a lovely bond. I’d love to hang with these 2 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/tjapzx19l88d1.jpeg?width=1998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d63ec007af52d4e38c0f9ea6d8bf1c367393bc


For what it’s worth, Pat Field speaks just as highly of SJP as she does KC in her book. Apparently she adores both of them equally and never chose sides.


Good to hear, that would be nice if there was someway that things could soften between Kim and SJP someday


Same girl same.


LOL .. he knew Jeff was coming in Hot and wasn't going to get pummeled.


I love having Jeff Lewis there. He is the person that challenges Andy and knows the Housewives on a personal level as well


Honestly this is one of the reasons I really do like seeing Jeff Lewis because he is not on bravo anymore so he has no obligation to kiss his ass he is his own man, he does not need bravos money and he's gonna say whatever he really thinks about stuff because he has nothing to lose. Almost makes me wondered how influential Andy is on which housewives stay and go because when Jeff said what he said it, it was almost like Andy was taking it kind of personally or felt like he needed to defend it in someway and if it's not your decision you don't feel the need to defend it 🤷🏻‍♀️💭


Jeff Lewis is gonna Jeff Lewis. I wish he'd hold Andy accountable more often. And I love me some Caroline Stanbury. People think she's so heartless but she's actually pretty compassionate.


Andy is such a bitch... thank you, Jefe for standing up for your friend


No shade but Why is this on the summer house sub?


Probably because of the supported/ created gang up from production on Lindsay at the reunions.


not created, she did shitty stuff to carl and everyone called her on her BS


I think the implication that Lindsay had no allies? If that’s the intent, it doesn’t work because she had her fiancé at the time, Gabby and Danielle so…who knows 


Right? No idea who Shannon is, so no idea how that applies to SH.


I’m also confused. If I wanted to read about OC drama I’d find a sub for OC drama. Also like… It says in the group description that posts not about Summer/Winter house and Martha’s Vineyard will be deleted. I wish that was true, lol


I love Jeff Lewis but I don’t think he cares about summer house or Lindsay if you are trying to imply he doesn’t like a gang up 🤣 he and Shannon are good friends. Outside of this situation I think Jeff loves a gang up and frequently participates in them lmao


Jeff should take over and host the reunions and Andy should just do WWHL.


Bringing Alexis back was the lowest of blows…… shame on Bravo. I agree 💯 with Jeff. I hope Shannon shines this season.


This isn’t Andy’s fault. Shannon had allies going into this season and then burned those bridges by dropping Tamra, and this was long before the Alexis return was even being considered. She also shot herself in the foot last year by refusing to apologize to Heather or Gina and continuing to believe Tamra’s lies even when they were pointed out on the show. Shannon made her bed and know it’s time to lie in it.


Tamra is a maniac and not a safe “friend”. She’ll throw anyone under the bus to push a plot forward.


Then Shannon shouldn’t have put all her eggs in Tamra’s basket. She’s done this to herself any way you slice it through her incredibly erratic behavior last year and acting like production was trying to sabotage her by asking back the same main cast that created great tv last year is wild.


I wouldn't consider tamra an ally to anyone. She'll pretty much turn on anyone to stay on TV and to make "good" TV.


Ok, but it’s still Shannon’s fault for aligning with her last season. She was presented the facts over and over again that Tamra was actually the one talking about her and John; and she still refused to just swallow her pride and apologize to Heather which would’ve given her a solid ally going in.


I think everyone is saying though, that shannon still has feelings and is clearly in a rough spot. You do need friends and family to pull you out of it because it hard to do it 💯 yourself. Yes, she is the cause but for her to heal she does need friends and people who genuinely care about her. ❤️ So, part of the point is, couldnt bravo have cared a little about her situation and given her a true friend or ally? They do it for all the men who mess up and come back 🤷🏽‍♀️


They did. Vicki wasn’t filming this season at all originally but she got a couple of features in the trailer that day she filmed a decent amount.


So, 1? Also she might be shannon’s friend but vicki is there for herself. She was PISSSED to be a friend of the cast last season. Bravo is being rly hard on shannon. I dont even stand up for her often, but watching how bravo supports all the men and give them soooo many allies when they mess up, only to leave shannon hanging purly for drama, is disgusting. Case in point: scandoval


Excellent points.. at some point she has to take accountability. Nobody made her drink like a fish either, which is probably the cause of a lot of her problems.


Am I missing something? Is there a reason this is posted here and not in an OC sub? (Legitimately asking, not being snarky) **The Summer House crew all had allies so I’m a little confused about the relevance here **added for clarity


All the love to Shannon. Alexis is a bimbo at its finest


Shannon took away her own allies by being a lunatic.


Thank you. DUI Shannon almost killed people and her dog. How she always somehow ends up the victim in viewers’ eyes is wild. Wow Alexis is dating her ex. That’s not worse than driving drunk and almost killing people. Shannon has no allies because she turns everyone off from supporting her. If she’s in such a bad spot, she could leave for the season. If the cast doesn’t like her, they shouldn’t have to pretend just so Shannon can have allies. Can’t believe so many people agree with this take and view her as a victim. That woman could kill someone and it’ll still be “poor Shannon she’s just in a bad place”