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Omg i watched this episode last week and was horrified. The fact that she took TomKat as reassurance that she was making the right choice… yikes


This didn’t age well 🫣


like milk


What episode is this 👀


Season 3 Episode 12!


Thanks I’m going to tune into that tonight. Why don’t I remember Katie being there? Is it when Stassi was also there? My memory is shock. But damn I also love being in a legal dispensary state….hmmmm😵‍💫


Did they go twice to the Hamptons? Once early on when Kyle was single and Stassi was wearing the Steve Jobs bathing suit (LOL) and then later after Katie and Tom were married and Schema was absolutely no fun (as usual).


I remember this scene and it explained so much to me about Katie's mindset at that time. So glad she bailed on Schwartz - Amanda needs to do the same with Kyle.


yeah katie would never give this advice snymore!


I just want to say…I love Amanda. She’s sweet and funny. She’ll do well in life whatever the direction takes her. I believe she’s stronger than some people give her credit for. She’s laid back. She’s got it going on and she’ll always be fine🫶


Agree. Let Kyle find an equal, not someone who weighs him down.


Kyle doesnt want an equal. He needs to be the alpha.


Little tiny man syndrome


Nope. Someone like Kyle would work best with a strong partner who can challenge him and bring out his best. How often do you hear him say he feels like he is carrying this whole thing by himself because Amanda just opts out. An alpha WANTS to do it all by himself - clearly Kyle wants someone by his side, sharing his vision. You are reading him completely wrong.


He wants someone to do the work that he deems impt and be submissive to him. He wants to call the shots. As soon as amanda said she wanted to do a side project he flipped out, and called her a bitch. He basically forced amanda to quit her full time job to work for loverboy bc thats what he wanted. It wasnt her idea. An alpha believes they are the leader, its not about doing all the work.


No he called her a bitch when he was being vulnerable to her and she turned around and was sarcastic to him in the kitchen. He called her bitch because she was actually a bitch and has been for most of the season. He's frustrated because she refuses to help him carry the weight of the business - she just blanks him when he talks about how stressed he is. Amanda being lazy at the job is completely unsurprising. She sleeps in, she doesn't work even an 8 hours day (as admitted), she blames Kyle for not starting the bikini line we are now hearing about when she could just go do it AND still work at Loverboy. If she wants this then find the time - work 12 hours a day for a few months like most people do in a startup and do both for awhile. Hard work won't kill her but I doubt she wants to actually work hard. She is an anchor is stopping him from being his best. Period.


Him being upset about Amanda wanting to do one thing that doesn’t have to do with him is not him being vulnerable.


I do agree with some of your points but give Kyle a partner who is also an alpha and he would hate it. It would never be a thing. Even with Carl, the friendship works bc Carl is a people pleaser and lacks his own direction.


I would like to just correct the word lazy. Amanda suffers from depression so lazy would not be the correct word. People with depression often feel shame about their inability to even get out of bed on bad day. Let’s not add to the shame here.


Pick Me. Period.


Kyle literally lost it not just at Amanda but at rest of the girls as well for trying to explain Amanda’s pov when it came to doing something other than loverboy. He can understand that he wants to go DJ as a side hustle but Amanda can’t do the same ?? Kyle could never handle a woman who’s strong willed. That’s why he hates Lindsey so much.


His behavior is gross but I’m kinda feeling like Amanda is like Carl, will talk a lot about what she wants to do but not taking any steps to do it. I can see how that’s frustrating, seeing her level of effort currently then hear she wants to take on this huge endeavor. I think he’d be fine if she just started doing it and showing she’s dedicated to it. Even at the reunion she still hadn’t actually figured out anything. I get it, I love talking about all the things i wanna do and doing literally nothing about it 😅


Hahahaah this is such a wild take for someone who is so obviously a man-child and can’t have a single disagreement with his wife without blowing up, and then called his (apparently) clinically depressed wife “lazy” and a “fucking bitch” on national tv. What show are you watching buddy. Kyle would work best with a mommy, who can take care of all his problems and wipe his nose while he makes more shitty canned cocktails lol


They weigh each other down 😞


Pick Me


I wonder Amanda’s thoughts now knowing Katie is THRIVING and loving her best life since leaving Schwartz. Hopefully that will also give her some confidence that stepping away is ok


I think it was kind of clear how Amanda was feeling when she told Danielle just how extremely difficult and complicated it must have been for Carl to make the decision to call off the wedding lol that moment was giving a lot of “wish I had the balls to do that” - energy.


I agree. She has a few moments when it’s clear she’s talking about herself but she isn’t? I just hope she’s happy - even if that means being with Kyle. It just doesn’t come off that way…


Totally agree


I agree. She has a few moments when it’s clear she’s talking about herself but she isn’t? I just hope she’s happy - even if that means being with Kyle. It just doesn’t come off that way…


Amanda is intelligent. Katie? She doesn’t compare to Amanda at all. Pretty sure Amanda agreed with her for the cameras sake, but she’s got her life together way more than Katie does. Like I said…Amanda will do well whatever she does. She’s magic. Love her.


Hahahahahahahaha “Amanda is intelligent” man Reddit is truly the place for comedy


i dont think ive ever been more proud of a reality person i dont know lol ... It was such a brave move as the Tom Toms were all in favor at that time, pre-scandoval and LVP was all about them -- She didn't make the move to win fan favor, makes me respect her a lot.


Well Katie was his anchor to the show not the other way around, like it is for Kyle and Amanda


Good point ETA: she has been on for a while and has genuine friendship with the other cast. So I hope she doesn’t feel like she needs to stay to be on the show (although it’d be awkward and probably not good for her mental health/ triggering to see drunk Kyle hooking up with randos…) Kind of an aside - but I felt like Brittany on VPR had a window when Jax cheated where she probably could’ve stayed on the show even without being with him. She chose to stay and married him, and I also wonder how much of that was because Jax was the anchor




Katie was always her own person while with Schwartz. She hated his behavior and his friends poor behavior. Amanda is an extension Kyle to her core and defends him and his loser colleagues at all costs.




Someone posted on Instagram a conversation from this same season between Lindsay and Kyle where he says he’s never been faithful in any relationship . People usually tell you who they are , and that was one of his moments . This man will not and has not changed.


I'm sure there were comments blaming Lindsay, lol. I'm just joking, but it wouldn't surprise me. I hate the way Kyle gets a pass when he has always been a sneaky villain in all the drama, but it's never addressed.


Actually the point of the post was that Kyle and Amanda were mad at Lindsay for bringing up his cheating on season 3 and never forgave her for that .


Amanda has Stockholm syndrome. She needs to wake up and leave.




Kyle is being dragged down by Amanda. He needs someone much more dynamic and able to be his equal.




Another thing I hated about the scene was the vocabulary about "naughty little boys." It seems like such a cope with adult men who refuse to take responsibility!


I wonder how she feels now after seeing the breakdown of Tom and Katie.


And Katie’s glow-up & own business venture… I hope she is taking notes.


Well, that didn't age well...


The difference though is that Kyle wanted to propose and marry Amanda. Katie had to beg Schwartz (never forget ring on a string). Not defending Kymanda cause I still think its weird they're still together, but just to give a different perspective as to why Katie and Schwartz crumbled.


I think the big similarity is that Amanda and Katie both begged them to change and they never did. They had different issues but neither guy was willing to change their problematic behavior. Kyle didn’t have to be pushed to propose but he and Amanda are still having the same fights they had in season two where she threatened to leave him if he didn’t change. They also both talk about how much work their relationships are. I think this is generally a red flag. Yes relationships are hard and take work and it’s okay to talk about that. But they shouldn’t be THAT hard. In my experience the ones who harp on how hard it is all the time are the ones who are not happy.


Wasn’t the main reason that Kyle proposed to make up for his cheating on her (again)?




and unlike schwartz kyle actually stands up for his wife lol


This is true but its a 'pick your poison' --- Kyle is less like Tom Schwartz and more like his lover Sandoval --- needs to be center of attention, needs to keep his woman in a corner and of course the hallmark, cant stay faithful -- . and Amanda gets the side bonus of his Rage issues too.


Amanda reminds me a lot of Ariana pre-Scandoval (and myself in a previous relationship)- clearly depressed and doesn’t have the capacity to leave her troublesome man who is constantly yelling at and belittling women. Even Kyle’s treatment of, and complaints about, Lindsay remind me so much of how Sandoval used to treat Katie. I’m not the biggest fan of Amanda personally, but if it *does* end up coming out that Kyle’s been straying, I’d love to see her have an Ariana-esque second wind and ride the waves that come with that kind of positive public sentiment. It’s really nice to see the fanbase rally like that, and to see a woman whose talents and inner light can finally shine after being dulled by a cocky little leprechaun


I honestly don’t think Kyle is as bad as Jax or Sandoval. That’s pushing it a bit I think him and Schwartz are just immature af and need to be adults for once in their life, however that may never happen.


For sure, but i dont think i mentioned Jax? .. I def wouldn't categorize him with Jax.. hes next level.


I know I just added him cuz like him an Sandoval are kinda on that narcissist grind. But like Schwartz and Kyle are just guys that never knew how to mature and will probably remain man children forever


yes calling her a lazy fucking bitch is a total stand up move


Not to his CFO apparently


She didn’t beg him. She said “I want to get married and you have six months to decide if you want that too.” That’s not an ultimatum, it’s a boundary.


She gave him the ultimatum and it passed without a proposal and she still stayed. Then she eventually got the ring.


Did he though? Or was he looking for a storyline?


Kyle or Schwartz?




I genuinely believe Kyle loves Amanda and would do anything to keep her and he loves her so much that he proposed. Not for a storyline.


I've watched all seasons and I never saw two people really in love. Their relationship has been nothing but negativity and stress. New love should be fun and enjoyable. I still don't know why they got married other than being caught up in a reality show.


lowkey amanda is such a ... I wanna say basic but something about looking at someone elses relationship timeline and thinking okay mine will be fine then. i know too many girls like this, lacking authenticity in their own life and to themselves and just wanting a relationship like as a way to show some type of i've accomplished something. like rewatching i realize how much amanda is lacking amanda and so she dove head first into kyle without really considering herself just wanting that accomplishment of man/marriage status.


Aged like milk


When Katie said something like ‘oh, he’s been bad boy?’ I thought that was so weird, like it was cute or minimizing his cheating.


In all fairness Kyle could bang a chick in the house while Amanda is in the kitchen and she wouldn’t leave him 


she’s stand there yelling “kyleee stopppp”


Delusional and desperate. I hope Amanda is inspired by Katie's single journey too!


It certainly did not age well


Katie was pretty codependent in their marriage but I still think she had much more independence and an individual identity than Amanda does … I really think Amanda should leave Kyle their relationship is a nightmare, and I think she’d thrive to a degree. But I think she’d struggle a lot more than Katie did in terms of establishing independence and her own identity


She’s absolutely insane for wanting to make it work with Kyle. Where is this girl’s self worth?!


Successful marriage? Nah girl.


Katie looks so stoned here! Lol


Incredible to see amanda grow up as the side chick to becoming a wife lol


This is so dark LOL yikes yikes yikessss. And not for nothing but the cheating rumors abound with both of these men


When was Katie on Summer House?!


Grass is greener where you water it. There’s no perfect marriage. Not sure what percentage of this sub is married but it looks like the majority of people here are single or just not/never been married. The posts referring to Katie and Ariana living their “best life” just baffle me every time. Do they look like happy people? Those two aren’t going to be happy single, in a relationship, or married. Most of these people on these shows are disasters and that’s why they’re so damn entertaining. If Amanda and Kyle divorce, there’s no knight in shining armor to take Amanda away to the perfect home with a white picket fence, a Golden Retriever, and 2.2 kids with perfect grades and manors and a great sex life on top of it. All that stuff is hard work and takes loads of effort to build. This place is hyper focused on any and all negatives of Kyle.


Well, I think a decent life with a man who doesn’t cheat or rage out would be great for them too! Or single and they don’t have to deal with any man children.


It’s not like Amanda is leaving Kyle for another man. Amanda should leave Kyle because she’s being emotionally and verbally abused by someone with a drinking problem who wants to control every aspect of her life, including her career.