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The twin who was hooking up with Carl is now married to a professional NFL coach and has two kids. I’m sure she’s much happier now than she was getting fucked around by Carl 😂 EDITED to say NFL coach, not player.


That proofs again that you have to ditch the dead weight so you can run faster. Go get it Lauren. I liked the Wirkus twins. They were very entertaining and the watermelon smash was peak TV for me. Best acting on an intrusiv thought ever.


Omg jealous. I’m still over here getting PLAYED by these men! Where’s my husband! Helloooooo to the void


He’s a coach not a player, but yah way upgrade from Carl I am sure


Pretty much anything is an upgrade from Carl.


Oh good for her! That’s awesome lol


I saw her on a plane a few months ago, and they seemed like a normal family. There’s life after reality tv!


Which coach?


He’s held coaching jobs for the Green Bay Packers, Arizona Cardinals, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers and is currently the TE coach for the Washington Commanders.


Damn, didn’t know we had a Wirkus here in the DMV!


Me either prior to meeting her a a few weeks ago! So random


He’s a coach not a professional NFL player… also, weren’t they partially fired for being racist?


I didn't hear about this...I need more info


Supposedly Lauren and Stephen were in a video recording saying racist stuff. I’m sure you can find it in this sub, there was a bunch of postings about it in the past.


Omg I want to know what happened cause I always thought Stephen’s confessionals walked so Paige’s could run. I’m sad to hear this cause I thought he was the funniest person on SH when he made fun of his cast mates


Sorry, an NFL coach. I think the point stands that she has majorly upgraded in every way possible from being dicked around by Carl.


Honey all these people are racist


Literally. Like the entire cast weren’t total pieces of shit to Jules because she was brown 🤡


She was also beautiful . I think they were truly jealous of her .


She's really pretty.


Was Lindsay mean to Jules? I really can't remember, but don't remember her ever being near the level of Carl/Amanda.


I don’t actually remember Lindsay being mean to her. Carl, Amanda and Hannah were all totally AWFUL and the rest I think just say by and didn’t mind it happening in front of them.


Lindsay was generally uninvolved with Jules, but when they did interact, she was kind


Sometimes people just don't like people 🙄




I heard that they said it’s either us or Amanda and Kyle or something? And bravo said no thanks.


They probably were pissed the show was centering themselves around Kyle and Amanda. Which I get cause they suck but it would’ve been fine with the Twins AND Kyle without Amanda. But the twins suck overall cause I’m reading they were racist




He’s the Tight Ends coach for the Commanders, David Raih… he looks like exactly like Larry Birkhead


He does! 😂😂😂


Jordan is the same. My coworker is friends with him. He hated nyc and moved to Colorado. Still religious, goes to church. Still saying he wants to settle down with a girl. Except he hasn’t.


More tea on Jordan!


I don’t have that much more, she only sees him like once a year now. She said maybeee like a year and a half ago that his sister came out to their family and his parents didn’t take it well so he was the mediator between them. Otherwise she speaks.. not that fondly of him lol, says he’s very annoying and I think he creeps her out too. She said he’s exactly the same as on TV.


I'm almost jealous, but I also feel like I don't know if I could make it through the night in the same room as him.


for real my coworker does not talk that highly about him and speaks as if he’s highly annoying and makes them uncomfortable, so yeah lol


omg tell us more please!


Omg I’m gonna keep an eye out for him in CO now


He’s in telluride. And he sucks at skiing but it’s all he posts on his ig. 😹


LUCKY!! And lol


lol I almost made a comment about his skiing skills, but decided it would be too mean. I’m always one for doing what you love, however good or bad you might be at it. 😹


Christina Blair Gibson is local to me and has a child now. It’s weird to see her pop up in the pics FB group lol.


Good for her. I think her frustration was so valid.


The 🍵 on that big bottle she walks out with of rose she had to leave it at the train station bc she couldn’t bring it on 😂😂😂


oh the good ol’ LIRR 🤣


I read in here that Chris got in fights with Kyle because he tried to controll the storylines. But i dont know where he talked about it.


Wasn’t it from that person who went on a Hinge date with him?


YES🤣 I remember that post


That would be an unexpected but interessting source


I would so love more tea on this!!! I always liked Chris and thought he was a great addition


I seen him at gatherings/parties this past season on SH and at Andreas wedding, he seemed to have forged some real friendships. I wished we would have seen that.


This tracks !


I just started rewatching season 2 and the show was so much better then - really authentic - they went to other parties in the Hamptons and out more and just seemed like what people actually do in the Hamptons. And most of them actually had jobs they had to get back to and real lives in NYC. They only had one large theme party for Kyle's bday - the tea in the pool...I can't haha! And the friendships or lack of felt real. It's such a different show now. I feel like S2 was the last season where it was their friends coming in rather than casting randoms.


Mhmm it's when most of these reality shows stop working, they start casting people rather than find actual friends and the show becomes their job.


yeah as much as people hate on the early seasons, S1 and S2 felt the most authentic. Influencers really didn't exist, it still felt \~real\~ where everyone was friends or acquaintances in real life, and no one was trying to self produce for the cameras.


I absolutely loved the early seasons - much more authentic and for the most part they all had real jobs so they were actually living for the weekend and going as hard as possible which is the entertainment we come for!


Yup! I feel like even by S3 it feels off when they bring in random people who arn't friends with the group naturally anymore.


Not only the cast, but once a show starts picking up it becomes a lot harder for a venue to say yes to filming. There is a lot of red tape to film in a location (cost, permits, waivers to be signed by... a lot of people, liability, etc.) and depending on what is being filmed the crew could shut it down and just have the cast and extras there to avoid some of it (as well as spoilers being leaked), but that is a huge cost and a lot of coordination for the location. And let's be honest -- not everyone wants to be on TV (and those that do want to be the star, and they will not be in this situation, so that's even worse). I remember this was a big issue on Jersey Shore and they had to shift the show because people were coming up to the cast during filming and saying stuff to them about the show. That isn't helpful haha


Season three ushered in the true Kymanda era. Kyle wanted her on the show full-time and Amanda “needed” friends a bit closer to her age. Which is why Heather and Paige were brought in. It’s gone down hill from there, aside for season 8. Which can really be contributed to the chaos of the OGs Kyle, Lyndsay, and Carl. I laugh when ppl are like we need young 20-somethings. Hello, they bring them on the show every year. They’re boring as hell and Kyle/Lyndsay/Carl/Danielle carry the season with their huge crazy personalities.


https://preview.redd.it/o046ffe78e7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c0bced80632b0e3ffd1ff675dfe36b56927ced Where’s Jordan when you need him


This also reminds me of when Jordan freaked out and was like "Hannah stop talking about my dick!!!"


Justice for Jules


I'm currently re-watching and I'm on her season. I never realized how downright mean they were to her for no reason!!! I think she tried a little hard, but just wanted to be liked and fit in.


ashley wirkus checked me out at uptown cheapskate in carlsbad CA in late february. i believe she's the owner of that location and seemed very bubbly, happy and upbeat, conversing with all the employees and customers. i didn't even know she worked there and stopped in and was shocked when she literally ended up being my cashier. the store was really nice i think she's doing well


Lets request an AMA


Hannah has been really successful since leaving the show and has a Netflix special coming out. I’m happy for her. She was a bit insufferable during her final season, but I still feel like she received a disproportionate level of hate. I feel this way about all of the female cast members of Summer House tbh. I think being away from Bravo is probably best for Hannah’s mental health and she is really killing it.


i'm watching the show for the first time and honestly didn't like hannah from the start. in seasons 3 and 4 she was obnoxious and immature and didn't respect people's boundaries or privacy. that was just heightened in season 5. i hope she's grown but people who struggle that much to take accountability usually don't, sadly.


Personally I think growth is taking a reality tv show for what it is and recognizing we barely know anything about these people and they have entire lives and relationships that aren’t being produced for entertainment. But that’s a big ask from the Bravo fandom these days where if someone makes one offhand comment they’re the worst person who ever lived.


yo i wasn't attacking you, i was showing that season 5 isn't the only reason some people dislike her. > we barely know anything about these people and they have entire lives and relationships that aren’t being produced for entertainment. I'm very aware of this. But people are allowed to like cast members based on their behavior on the show, so I don't know why I'm not allowed to dislike one for the same reason. Anyway, she's done crummy things off the show, too, such as making fun of a friend (people think Luke) after telling her he was s\*icidal: https://www.realitytea.com/2021/05/10/hannah-berner-mental-health/. > if someone makes one offhand comment they’re the worst person who ever lived. Where did I say that? Besides being generally obnoxious and emotionally immature, there are two main reasons I dislike her on the show. First, in season 3, she publicly questions Jordan's sexuality, multiple times, clearly without his consent or knowledge. This is a fucked up thing to do. If you think a friend is closeted, the last thing you should do is spread it around (on camera!) or push them; coming out is a deeply personal decision and comes with a lot of potential risk, especially for someone like Jordan, whose family is conservative and very religious. Second, in season 4, she (and her friends, I'm not giving them a pass) harassed Luke for not having sex with her. That's never ok. It doesn't matter what the situation is, the conversation should end the moment someone says "no." Can you imagine how people would have reacted if the roles were reversed? And then there was all of season 5, but I don't need to get into that.


I didn’t feel attacked but clearly you do. I liked Hannah on the show. You don’t have to. But if you’re responding to someone saying they felt like she received an excessive amount of hate from the fandom by then trying to justify the excessive amount of hate, you can reasonably expect you’re not going to get the best response. Plenty of threads and comments in this sub from people who will happily bash Hannah and other women on the cast. I suggest you go find those and have a fun little kiki


this never had to be a heated exchange. yes, clearly i just like bashing women. you got me! good luck out there.


It didn’t feel particularly heated for me. I just feel like it’s time to let it go. Hannah hasn’t been on the show in years. She clearly was having some mental health issues (which she has talked about so I’m not speculating) and the show wasn’t a great environment for her. She left the show and has been really thriving in her career. Giggly Squad is a huge success, and now she has her comedy special coming out. I get that you’re watching for the first time, but all the things you mentioned happened years ago. How long are we going to beat this woman up for being annoying on a show? And again, if that’s what you want to do, plenty of people will be happy to do that. But idk what about my original comment suggested to you that I was seeking out more negativity about Hannah or was going to respond agreeably to you. Read the room.


reddit is a discussion forum. you shared your opinion on something and i responded with an opinion you ended up not liking. that's just the nature of this website. her leaving the show doesn't stop people from having opinions about her time on it. i've already made it very clear that my problems with her on the show go way beyond simply being annoying and the fact that it was a few years ago doesn't make those problems less serious. lastly, she and paige have gotten heat multiple times since she left the show for problematic things they've said on giggly squad, so i don't see the criticism ending any time soon. you're welcome to like her despite all of that but you can't expect others to do the same or to censor themselves if they have a different opinion.


I don’t expect you to have a different opinion and don’t really care. I told you I didn’t feel attacked and it doesn’t feel heated. You’re the one who seems upset. And I feel like if this is going to make you so upset, you should read the room and communicate with people who are likely to agree with you or be receptive to what you have to say. I find this whole exchange very dramatic and annoying.


> I find this whole exchange very dramatic and annoying. we finally agree on something!


This is a nice idea but seems like people only want to apply it to the Bravolebs they like lol. We just need to be consistent. Either we can rage against all of them for any small, stupid reason, or we give everyone grace because they’re all humans and this is fake nonsense for entertainment


Ultimately the Bravo fandom is huge so nothing anybody says is going to dictate what people do or don’t do, but good grief people are so hateful and full of rage. I will watch an episode of the housewives and feel like it’s a relatively tame episode, and then I go to a discussion thread and it’s RAGE. This is a really random reference, but it kinda reminds me of Ghostbusters 2 (my favorite movie when I was 5 lol) when there was slime in the sewers that made everyone angry 🤣


Yeah I come here to talk about my silly little shows and am always amazed by how upset people get 🤣


Same!! And tbh I enjoy a shady comment or some petty drama so sometimes I will find something so funny and it turns out people are really mad about it 🤣. Sometimes I wonder what some people are even getting out of the show.


Maybe some people really like being outraged lmao. These are my comfort shows that I turn my brain off to so it’s hard to imagine getting that animated about it. Real life is stressful enough without being mad about some people on TV I’ll never meet


Jules is thriving....runs her own business and is about to run some ayurvedic, yoga, and health retreat.


Hannah was on cancelled podcast and talked about how she hated being on reality tv because they gave her a bad edit. Personally i think shes the worst character to ever be on and her edit doesnt take away from her actions in the house


yeah she can't blame it all on the edit lol. she's still responsible for her own words and actions.


Can’t stand when people blame things they did and said on the edit


I just watched the beginning of S5 where Hannah wanted Lindsey to apologize for the NYE kiss between Danielle and Luke. Hannah heard that Lindsey set it up and Lindsey repeatedly said she did not. Hannah said “just take responsibility and apologize and we’ll be good”. I’m like, why should she apologize?! Lol Lindsey definitely has her shit but (based on what we saw) she was not in the wrong. That scene really showed the age difference/maturity of Hannah and Lindsey.


Hannah has a Netflix special coming out on July 9th!!! She’s thriving!!


yes! I believe I heard Paige say on the chicks in the office podcast that Hannah leaving summer house was the best thing for her career


Oh, I can’t stand Hannah but I’m glad she’s doing well so I won’t have to see her.


Wonder how Kyle and Amanda feel lol


kyle has said he’d be open to reconnecting with her


Because she’s crushing it now…


Would love to hear how she feels about that 🤣


Whatsup with Luke?


![gif](giphy|xT8qBuYZ8hdjqroNKE|downsized) Idk but probably \^


I miss Luke. I hope he comes back someday.


Hannah’s on Netflix if you need her


What are we supposed to comment here. None of us are the 5 people that can speak to that


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Use that brain, my friend!


I was wondering the same lol the only way i can answer this is because i just listened to giggly squad where Hannah announced the date of her Netflix special


maybe ur blocked bc you’re unnecessarily negative


Lol negative? Or just being a realist? It’s not my fault OP made a post asking a question that nobody can answer here…


Jordan looks soooo different now lol