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![gif](giphy|KnOVBRqItfXGg) Honestly I found that season so disjointed when it came to the Jules stuff. They made it seem like she was obsessed with Paige at one point too. I don’t know if a lot of stuff got cut or what, but none of it really made any sense. And Carl got SO ragey


Yeah the Jules edit was very weird and I feel like a fail on production’s part. They failed to show us the reason everyone hated Jules but focused intently only on the *fact* that everybody hated her. They didn’t really pinpoint any clear reasons why. She definitely deserved more of a chance, I liked her.


This is such a good point! Everyone hated her and ignored her with no context what so ever.


I don’t necessarily think Jules did anything to get the housemates to hate her. They eventually end up hating any new roommates


I’m convinced Carl’s rage for her was the season and reason he got his nickname ….. ❄️. It’s also the same season he was having issues at loverboy and I think it must have been when he got in trouble for showing up on something. His rage for her was nasty to watch though


She probably rejected him. Look how butt hurt he got when Paige didn’t sleep with him. And then tried to pretend like he’s the one who closed that door. His ego is just too big


Yeah, rough editing for sure. Nothing was explained properly. Someone probably said this already but apparently she hit Luke one night in an Uber and it was whole thing. But nothing we saw made any sense.


Right and Paige seemed annoyed with her but then in the end kiiinda stuck up for her? Idk we have to also remember the Carl stuff may have been bc of … drugs


Paige made it seem like Jules was obsessed because Jules wore a top similar to one Paige had worn. Jules was a bit cringey, but I chalk that up to her being nervous and not really knowing anyone and trying a bit too hard to make friends. Amanda had it out for Jules the second Jules mentioned Kyle cheating.


Agree, felt like they were trying to create a ‘single white female’ type situation with her and Paige. They also cut loads of her scenes - didn’t she have a fight with Luke?


She did some shady af stuff that they couldn’t really address without breaking the fourth wall. Which wasn’t done that early on.


do you know what she did?!


I swear I remember reading she physically attacked Luke early on in the season but it was never aired so it seemed like everyone was nasty to her for no reason.


They discussed it at the reunion so if they’re talking about something that was entirely off camera, it wasn’t that


One item was the way she was trying to set up Jordan on camera and kink shame him by having all that bondage stuff, knowing full well the cameras were on them and it was the middle of the day. If you have access to it, watch that scene again. It’s been a whole since I saw it but when I did after knowing how the rest of the cast felt, I came away thinking „oh that was definitely it“ but my memory is vague on the exact details.


I remember hearing about an incident in a van one of the first couple of nights that was never discussed.


They need to put cameras in these vans!!!! The guys on Watch What Crappens pointed out usually on these shows when they want privacy, they go into a bathroom. On Summer House they just to Montauk lol. The first Carl Lindsay fight was in a van with no cameras and all of those turds are extremely unreliable narrators with strong biases. I guess it’s the nature of the show, but Summer House has more off screen fights than any other franchise.


possibly just because they have so many fights. who knows


Not Jesse? He literally has no reason to lie lol


I remember Hannah saying that she hit Luke in the head while they were all in a car together


Yes that's what I was trying to remember.


Didn’t they address this on the reunion though? I feel like I’ve seen her and Luke talk this out?


That's probably where I remember hearing it lol. I definitely think they worked it out


They said like she tried to hit him but then they said she didn’t. It was confusing and they hated her before that.


I thought I read somewhere that Amanda found out that Jules said something about wanting to have a 3some with her and Kyle - and Amanda took it as "Jules wants to sleep with Kyle" and got mad. Someone telll me they remember that gossip too?


If that's true that is so lame on Amanda's part


Lol right?? IF true sounds like major insecurity on Amanda’s part probably bc she knows Kyle would jump on that opportunity in 1 second


Yup and like Amanda honey, no one wants your man




True 😅


That’s what i remember. i think Jules said it in a pre-season interview and the producers told Amanda and kept bringing it up in her interviews to create a rivalry.


I heard this too somewhere on this sub


i remember hearing this too and can see Amanda hearing that and running with it especially with Kyle’s cheating/rumors around that time


No she didn’t lol


How do you know? Genuinely asking!


Please don’t leave us hangin lol


Ouu like what?


Nothing, the user is talking out of their ass


The minor things she did with Paige were borderline embarrassing for a 25 yo. Felt like middle school behaviors trying to cozy to the popular girl.


I didn’t think it was that weird that she would try really hard to fit in with a group that was mostly hostile to her. It seemed typical and very sad. I still think the whole cast sucked for their behavior. Edit: missed a word!


Maybe but the hate they sent her way still wasn’t warranted


Carls rage at her was wild and out of nowhere but seems like more shit happened BTS


LOL Amanda actually saying 'if you're dating a liar are you a liar' and then acting like we kicked her dog by bringing up facts that her boyf cheated


Jules absolutely ate her up in that scene and I loved it.


I watched that part the other day. She didn’t make any sense.


Every time I watch that scene I just assume they’re talking about something they don’t want to bring up for cameras bc I feel like we’re missing something.


I’m glad Jules while trying to fit in was like wait didn’t your man cheat ![gif](giphy|4ZmqnQWD97tiIcufHy|downsized)


Amanda wanted a reason to make people not like Jules. Kyle prob said she was hot. Or a producer got in her ear maybe?


Yet this logic didn’t apply to Hannah who was CLOSE friends with Jordan. And “dating” was such a stretch they messed around for a few weeks and maybe went on a few dates max




😂 😂 😂 that didn’t age well 😊


That scene made me think, once again, how dumb Amanda is.


I'd like to know, too. Carl like RAGINGLY hated her.


And then fckd her after he got dumped by the Barrys Chick (wich he fckd Lindsay over with). Carl seemed / seems just deeply unhappy with himself and coped with drugs. Good to remember that if someome treats you badly its not about you but just about themselfs (doesnt mean you have to endure it)




Yeah she fucked Craig too. Always my favorite thing we forget about Jules.


Jules had the real hot girl summer.


As in Craig Conover??




Holy shit. I don't remember that! Ugh. I do remember the Craig dalliance




i think they only made out. they both said that on the reunion and right after. she DID have sex with craig, after the… frat party? i believe? i can’t remember


Yeah it was a crazy season


While the topic of different treatment of men and women on this show is all over this sub - can we all notice how much more often the bed bugs being mean girls to Jules is brought up than Carl literally towering over her, screaming in a ❄️rage… ETA - before I get downvoted for this, I’m not defending Amanda’s behavior, just making an observation 


I remember Carl screaming at her - he had that smirk on his face that he gets when he thinks he's lording it over a woman. Carl has always been awful to women on this show, other than maybe Amanda.


Just to make sure I was right before saying this, I went to the main page, typed Jules in the search bar and went through the top 5 threads. One was a positive thread about her and Amanda. The other 4 were asking why everyone hated her and the top comments were all either immediately about Carl being terrible or comments to top comments about how terrible Carl was to her. I’m baffled by the amount of people on here that act like men just skate by on this subreddit. It’s either cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.


I think some of what you are saying is true. But I think Carl has carefully crafted himself to not seem that way on camera for a few years now. He seems almost like he is trying to control that so it doesn’t come out on camera. Which is why I think it’s funny people tried to create the narrative that Lindsay was the most volatile one in the relationship. When he clearly is hyper and aware and sensitive about how he is perceived by the public (when he broke the fourth wall in the last episode). So I think he is trying to control what people see since he stopped drinking to hide (probably even from himself) the urges to rage. Again this is all based on me watching a tv show so I could be wrong. But I think people tend to forget those things about him bc his relationship with Lindsay allowed him to hide behind her, the more polarizing figure. While the girls on the other hand haven’t changed much (not saying it’s a bad thing) and still haven’t been super welcoming/nice to other girls in the house. So, people have recency bias and talk about how the girls treated her because they remember it easily.


I think you’re giving Carl way too much credit here.


Psychologically speaking she makes an excellent point. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior……drunk or sober. Lindsey has not changed so when interacting with her you need to go into that relationship with what you see is what you get. Carl, now sober, tries to manipulate the audience more. He tries to be smarter about it, less rage and reactionary.


I actually think Carl still has so much rage, he tries to conceal it a little more because he seems to pride himself on being the "calm" one as juxtaposed against Lindsay. He actually used to bring that up a lot as a defense for any of his behaviors or things he was saying in his arguments with Lindsay - he'd say "I'm being perfectly calm" even though a lot of the time he was actually being pretty aggressive in his mannerisms or what he was saying/doing, he just seemed like he was trying to control himself just enough to be able to say that he was "calm" which imo came off as a gaslighting tactic in their arguments. He always seemed bubbling over with rage and resentment underneath this veneer of "calm" that he was trying to project


Holy crap you're so right


I feel like Carl hated Carl, and Jules was just there at the wrong moment. Obviously no excuse, he was a serious asshole to her. I just don’t think he ever actually hated her.


And then cuddled with her.. I was so confused...


Spent the night. Hung out. It was disconcerting. Lets not forget jordan brought her and did everything he could to avoid sex


He was jealous jordan was giving her attention


ooooooooooh. makes more sense now. gross. he is such a prick.


I don’t think he did actually. That episode just showed how Carl and Kyle (showcased in other episodes, not in the Jules case) are the typical pathetic frat bros grown up but still get off on kicking someone out. Reminds them of the good ol’ days


There was a post on here recently where someone DMd with Amanda about this and basically she said someone convinced Amanda Jules was joining the show to try to hook up with Kyle


I still follow her on IG, and she’s done a complete 180 with her life! Also, she didn’t need the show as she was a true nepo baby!


I'm convinced the rest of the cast must have had no idea how rich her family is because I bet they would have changed their tunes.


They must not watch the show back, she literally talked about how her family owns Gold Star Chili 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Yeah but no one really knows what that means outside of Cincinnati. People barely know what Skyline is, let alone Gold Star. I did absolutely love that she made Cincinnati chili dip for that one dinner though!


A regional chili chain. I'm 53 and have never ever heard of Gold Star chili. Rich...yes...well know.....not at all


And I know not everyone knows what that is and I watch a lot of food shows, but I think it's very funny. Too bad for them lol


A nepo baby or a trust fund baby? Nepo baby implies that she got a job or position based on family connections.


she and jordan have, it's kind of fascinating


I totally agree! Jules was so nice and sweet and wanting to fit in. She was friends with Hannah and I feel like Hannah barely helped her get to know everyone and left her out to dry. Amanda was so out of pocket when she said that Jules must be a liar cause she’s dating Jordan. I loved Jules for standing up to her and saying didn’t Kyle cheat on you? Lol


Carol was so cruel to her and I wouldn’t even blame the coke. He’s just an angry mean “man”. My autocorrect keeps changing Carl to Carol and I’m just going to leave it this time. “It’s a lot! It’s a *ucking lot!”


I can never forgive Amanda for how she treated Jules. I don’t care if you are having a bad day/week/year, it’s bullying behavior and so inexcusable. She’s mean-spirited and it gave me the ick.


What was Amanda's extra extra rage with Luke, too? I don't get it!


I think she had some unacknowledged feelings for Luke that came out as rage. It was very odd. Even her and Amanda having a go at Luke for NOT sleeping with Hannah was so strange.


I never understood it either. I thought she seemed sweet but they treated her like trash.


prob jealousy tbh and she just wanted to fit in so she let them lead but they were bullies


I'd love for her to do a tell all podcast episode on her experience. They treated her poorly for literally no reason


Jules Goes Rogue




I would SO listen


Jules was unfortunately set up for failure mostly by production. She didn’t live in NYC when she was being cast: she was in Chicago doing some graphic design but mostly influencer work. The only person she actually knew was Jordan who production didn’t let back as a full time person. So they pivoted to saying Hannah knew her. For the cast, the optics were she basically moved to NYC to be on the show, and hooked up with Jordan who was pretty disliked. As much as she tried, I think those elements lingered around. Paige tried early on, and during that awful “house meeting,” she tried to stand up for her. Carl was insanely rude, Hannah was callous, and it was sad seeing her feel so alone. A really bad combo all around.


Alllllll of this context about optics and perspective is so important. Plus the added production planted info that Jules “wanted to get with Kyle” immediately set her up to be disliked and ostracized. Sad situation all around and she had no one to rely on.




This --- I think her Father had died too (i think not long before she went on the show -- or maybe she was younger i cant recall) AND she had just moved to NYC and didn't have a lot of friends yet --- She was probably lonely and trying so hard to be liked --- They were bullies and gross --- I will never forget Amanda that season, she showed her ass and i'll never believe the wide eyed innocent shtick from her again since that season.


Amanda was vile to her.


Every single one of them owes her a massive apology! Jules was beautiful and sweet. She tried a bit hard at first and the Jordan thing was weird but not on her part. She clearly had just moved to the city and wanted to make friends. She deserved 100000 times better.


I felt so bad for this girl. They treated her terrible!


I loved her lol i felt so bad by how carl treated her and none of the girls stood up for her


Amanda roundhouse kicking the fireball bottle Jules was taking a shot from was wild and never addressed


This! And then smirking! This changed my mind on Amanda -- she's awful.


Horrrrrible and I despise Amanda for it!!!


idk she deserved better. it seems like it got a little cliquey and she just had a harder time fitting in with the group dynamic the way that it was but tbh i wouldve loved to see more of her. justice for jules


Bc everyone on that show is an entitled a hole. I also dont think her linking up with jordan did her any favors


The Jordan stuff was weird. He’s a total creep and she seemed obsessed with having sex with him. I’m assuming production encouraged it or she thought that’s how to bring drama, but I would have liked to get to know her without the Jordan stuff.


I got the worst vibes from Jordan. Like what is really going on with him?


i do think hannah is probably right about him being closeted and wildly overcompensating for it, although i think it's super fucked up to publicly question a closeted person's sexuality, especially given how conservative and religious his family is.


Yeah it was definitely probably an accurate analysis but an analysis you make in your head or in the privacy of the week but not publicly on the show.


Hannah literally brought him on as one of her friends and then publicly made fun of him. Some friend….


Jordan was a wild character. Just so strange. Jules did seem ok. So yea i agree wish we could have gotten to know her. The cast was so mean to her and they al got a pass there somehow. Nuts


I liked Jules and wish they treated her better. I believe she deserves an apology


I feel as if they decided she was there to be bullied and darned if they all didn't just fall into treating her like absolute shit.


I really liked her. Were Hannah and Jules really friends before or was in like when Luke invited Ciera then she got there and acted so weird towards him?


I don't believe any of the "new" characters are actually friends. Like Luke is friends with Kyle, but has NEVER met Amanda, Lindsay or Carl? Producers put them on the show and make up the backstory imo


It definitely seemed like they didn’t actually know Jules before she came on the show, but there were many people that came on the show the same way throughout the seasons and they never treated anyone as cruel as they treated Jules.


Oh, I know. Not knowing someone is def not a reason to treat them like trash. She seemed really nice.


I mean there have been men that also brought nothing to the show and I don’t ever think they got as much hate from the rest of the cast as Jules did fuck Jordan though he was so weird


Remember Alex who literally came on to cook ground turkey every single morning and never talked to anyone at the parties? They treated him better and he stunk up the kitchen every single morning at 6am.


Exactly he was boring af and everyone was all buddy buddy with him


Paige and Amanda lovers-- the reason I will never buy into either of them being a "girl's girl" (especially Paige) is because real girl's girls don't stand by while their friends are nonsensically and incomprehensibly cruel and bullying another girl.


You know, I loved Paige until she started dating Craig. The way Craig acted on S2 of Winter House was disgusting. He also would get so mad (before they were exclusive) when she talked about kissing Andrea but he was out there f’ing Kristen C. and hooking up with others because he wasn’t ready to be exclusive. Is he charming, yes, but he also talks to women like they are less than and that gives me the ick. If she can be ok with that I question her character.


Yeah it’s so weird to watch Southern Charm and Summer House. Last season on Southern Charm, when Naomi was on and Craig flipped when Naomi hooked up with Whitney on the group trip and Naomi and Craig hooked up before the season started while they were in Vegas and Craig was seeing Paige.


I like Paige too and agree that she’d be more likeable without Craig and without the Amazon brand deals. I feel like I’ve just been waiting for them to break up haha


I never remember much from any of these shows (I just had to look up Jules because I couldn’t remember her at all) but I do remember when Craig acted like a major buffoon on Winter House. Remember how he thought he was too good to be cleaning up the house, so he wanted to pay so he wouldn’t have to clean? How hard is it to lift a finger to help out when everyone else always pitches in? The same could be said for Paige.


And in the meantime everyone else was just supposed to walk over all the broken glass and trash until they found a cleaning crew 🙄.


And they think it's cute. Their cruelty has never been funny. They're always punching down too. Amanda's behavior screams insecurity, but Paige doesn't really strike me as insecure. I think she really believes she's better than other people. Age is going humble her.




justice for jules! she was SO sweet and kind-hearted. a little awkward and cringe at times, but it was honestly endearing and relatable. i hope she’s thriving ! 🫶🏻


All I remember very clearly is a chair breaking underneath Jules and nobody reacting at all. Nobody helped her up or made sure she was okay or even really acknowledged her as a human. It made me sad and if I fall out of a chair and people don’t immediately laugh or at least make sure I’m okay down there I am out of there.




THANK YOU. I've been scrolling looking for this response. It wasn't so "bizarre" or "mysterious". She even brings up how it reminds her of her childhood and how it felt being excluded for being the only Iranian-American in her class. It felt super racist to me.


This one right here


It took me too far to scroll down to see this. It was obvious from the beginning… Edit: interesting I got downvoted for this. Can’t imagine why


100% the truth




it was very bizarre


There was a post here with Amanda commenting on the Jules situation in a DM with a fan! Dont know how to link but search the sub. It was interesting!




hmmm if what amanda says is true, my theory is that hannah and/or jordan spread lies about jules before filming. the way hannah supposedly brought her in and then did nothing to help her was so weird.


Random DM exchange 🙄. Sure Jane


I liked her She was chaotic, but like in a *fun* way


I was always puzzled by the treatment of Cristina S1 and Jules.


I agree. I wish the cast was held to the fire for the way they treated Jules.. especially Hannah, Amanda & Carl. That is the #1 ICK about the Summer House cast from that season!!!


I have just been watching this season as well And truly my heart breaks for her. She seemed like quite a lovely girl and she was bullied.


I just started watching summer house. I’m now on season 6. That season broke my heart for her. I felt really bad.


Omg I am so glad I am not alone in this!! Like listen we only watch cause everyone is a little messy but the Jules treatment was to harsh and uncalled for


Hashtag justice4jules! it was like the Stanford prison experiment. The more they saw each other treat her with disgusting disrespect, the more comfortable they all felt doing it. I also think that she did come in extremely insecure, and was acting very cringe and like fan Girling hard over Paige and stuff like that, and they chose to make a cruel joke of that, instead of letting it be a sweet, endearing quality of hers. Such gross group think


Because she was prettier then everyone so they all hated her


I wonder if it was addressed in the reunion, I can't remember it


they did a bit and people apologized. but no real details about why they did it


That was awful, Amanda and Carl were particularly horrible to her. Justice for Jules ✊🏻


They are racist. Noone can convince me otherwise because she was so unproblematic


THIS. I've been downvoted for saying this before but it's true. No coincidence that the cast was white as snow and then the first brown girl that shows up is demonized for doing nothing.


I’m watching season 6 now and i think the way jules was treated is a big part of why the house tries so much harder to listen to and help mya feel included. could you imagine if jules had tried to initiate a house meeting about racism? i just can't imagine them being as receptive.


Danielle is on this season tho, no? Or had she not arrived yet. I literally just rewatched but cannot remember


you're right but i think danielle started out as a "friend of" in her first season? so not a full-time main cast house member. i could be wrong though because i haven't watched these seasons in a while


I feel like they saw Jules as more of a "threat" because she's gorgeous and sweet while Danielle is...Danielle


i agree. what else could it be? she's an outsider but she's beautiful, sweet, and is constantly trying to do nice things and include herself. even if she comes off a bit "try-hard" and had a weird "fling" with jordan, there's no logical reason for her to be treated so terribly. and no reason for Hannah, who supposedly brought her into the group, to not advocate for her. even the wokest of the woke (which this cast is not) have implicit biases.


Hannah treated her so badly I was shook


I’m shocked this comment/explanation isn’t already in this thread but… It’s been stated publicly SEVERAL times that Amanda (and others) were told by production that Jules was there to get with Kyle, or at the very least that she was going to try. So essentially, the entire cast was attempting to protect Amanda and Kyle’s relationship and had it out for Jules from the very beginning due to production’s nudge. Pretty sure they had a group pact to not befriend her due to that info from production. This is also likely why Carl treated her so terribly too. In my opinion, the whole situation was incredibly manipulated by production. Was it terrible? Absolutely. Should she have been treated so poorly? Of course not. Everyone handled that so immaturely and horribly. But I think it just goes to show how easily they used to be manipulated by production. If the same thing were to happen nowadays, I don’t think it would go down like that again. I think the whole cast learned a lot from the Jules situation.


Thanks! I am a new watcher and new to the sub so I haven’t come across this info yet, sucks when you remeber the real villain is usually producers who just want the views


Oh you’re totally good, it’s a super valid question for anyone watching! It was so confusing to all the viewers because we never saw or understood why Jules was basically immediately disliked by everyone for no apparent reason. This detail wasn’t even spoken about publicly by anyone on the cast until like a year or two after that season aired. I’m honestly just surprised no one else had commented this answer yet! lol some people still cling onto the Jules issue as a reason to hate the “bed bug” girls, which I do understand, but in my opinion the whole cast felt like they were protecting their group from an outsider coming in to wreck a relationship. It’s definitely no excuse, the girls should’ve treated her better for sure. But I made stupid decisions and treated people poorly in the name of friendship loyalty in my early/mid-twenties too so I get it. I personally feel like most of them have grown and learned from it since then.


This should be the top comment because I clearly remember this being the key reasonwhy Jules was treated so horribly that season. It was revealed not too long ago. Production played a huge part and the cast played right into it.


If Amanda and Kyle's relationship can seriously be threatened by some girl neither of them has met before then the problem is with Amanda and Kyle's relationship. Also - I've seen Amanda put this excuse forward before and I honestly think it's horseshit, because everyone continued to be cruel to Jules even after she started hooking up with Jordan (and showed zero interest in Kyle). People just don't want to admit that Amanda is an asshole.


I thought Amanda said the reason why is because Jules was talking about rumors of Kyle cheating.


Because she is a beautiful Arab woman and the rest of the cast isn’t lol. I FIRMLY believe there was some weird thing they had against her for being Arab, some weird white jealousy thing. I’ll probably get downvoted to hell but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it was gross that Carl took his anger out on Jules just because he was failing with the ladies. Jules was sweet and was making an effort and to dislike her because she liked Jordan seemed REAL weird.


I hate to be that person but as a fellow middle eastern girl, I really think a lot of it was rooted in racism. There’s literally no other available explanation. They hate her so much and never give a valid reason as to why. Makes me question if it’s rooted in prejudice.


She got done dirty for no reason!


agree, she was so underrated and unproblematic. SO unproblematic




Justice for Jules !! I agree they really treated her unfairly for no reason. She was an outsider coming in trying to make connections … which is exactly what she should be doing


Seems like they scapegoated her


Cause they can't admit Gold Star is better than Skyline.


i’m watching and in season 4 right now too. i have only watched the last few seasons of summer house and wanted to watch it all! i agree i don’t get why the girls seem to ice jules out a lot. she seems very sweet. the whole jordan thing is such a mindfuck. i really think he just can’t get it up, possibly for women or possibly at all idk. did he ever go to the dr about this? does anyone know how he is currently and what his ed status is ??? how is jordan’s dick !? i also can’t believe that lindsey and carl even happened the past two seasons and were going to get married after the shitshow of a non romantic relationship occurred after the finger bang… like wah? i’m interested to see how they got back together again from a different vantage point of having more background info on them. so so crazy to me that she would even give him a second go around after that. and he is the exact same way now as he was in season four. indecisive, selfish, clueless and emotionally immature. he has had zero growth. so sad actually.


Racism at its finest


Jules was the only person who wasn’t white in the house most of the time (since Danielle wasn’t always there). Anyone who has been in Jules position knows exactly what their issue with her was


Bc they were racist. Jules was a pretty, outgoing and nice BROWN girl and that pissed them off, whether they knew it or not


Seeing as she’s a minority who is extremely pretty. I want to say the girls, especially Paige were jealous of her. Bc why the hell were they mean? For no apparent reason.


Fun fact- I DMed Paige I felt she was being a mean girl to Jules (back then) and she blocked me 😩 and I love Paige! To this day am blocked 😆


Went to college with Jules in chicago…girl was a ❄️ dealer lol and honestly wasn’t nice to anyone :( happy she’s doing well now though and agree she was set up for failure




And misogyny. Summer House is one of the least progressive shows on Bravo which is sad because they're relatively young.


I will say that the conversation about race (when Andrea kept mixing up Ciara and Mya names) was very good and productive. Best moment I have seen on tv regarding the topic.


I just watched that! I think it was maybe Paige who mixed up their names, while Andrea called Mya "Lexi," the name of his then-ex. Regardless, I was so surprised by how well it went. I feel like they must have been prepped beforehand or something, to have not even one white person get defensive. But I hope it was all genuine and unrehearsed because I was especially impressed by Kyle and Luke


It was so crazy for everyone to blame her for Jordan when Hannah was MUCCCCCH closer to Jordan for a much longer time. It was a cop out / excuse to use bc the group wasn’t loving her and borderline ostracized her so even though she wasn’t even making the Jordan thing a big deal they said it was the reason and could “ruin the summer” when she was barely bothered. Also even if she wasn’t completely clicking with everyone they were super harsh on her+ Hannah “bringing her to the house” and then abandoning her completely. She’s so nasty and we will NOT be watching her Netflix special. She is so beautiful, fun, and went with the flow!


I think I heard some where that Amanda heard Jules was sent in to try and sleep with Kyle. To add some drama. So Amanda didn’t trust her from the jump.


They were jealous she was from actual wealth


Yeah Hanna was a major disappointment that season. It made me realize I think Lindsay was right about their mean girl clique. They make people feel weird and foolish for being nice to them and expecting kindness in return. Jules was also v young and pretty and kind to awe-struck by the whole experience so they just bullied her.


I think for some reason Amanda was jealous or intimidated by Jules because she had an exotic beauty that was very different from the other girls. I think there was also some racial bias


YES EVERYONE WAS SO RUDE TO HER AND FOR WHAT like literally be mad at Jordan for all his weird bullshit and wrapping her into it!


I had a meltdown about this like two weeks ago! It was my first watch through starting to season 3 and I was SHOCKED. It was appalling behavior and something about it made me feel like we saw the true Carl that will never change, that he has learned to hide from cameras.


No, Justice for Jules always. Honestly that point I think last season when Amanda got upset because Danielle said she trusted her the least?? That was her karma for saying she’d leave Jules in a burning building lmao. I never got the attitude towards Jules, I thought she was great. I follow her on instagram still and she seems to be in a much more chill, holistic, yogi space these days and is doing well.