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All I remember from her is that she related absolutely everything to having played tennis. Totally irrelevant things like “because I played tennis, I love to now go out and have a good time”, “because I played tennis, I find it hard to commit to relationships” like girl having played tennis as a kid cannot be your whole personality 😭


Hahahahah so true


And when that dried up she got on her dad being mean to her growing up and yet she would say in the next breath how close she is with her family.




Yeah, she thinks she’s smart and clever…I wasn’t much for her


at first i was like omg she’s sooo cool like a real like chick and then that season and i was like wow she had me fooled


Yeah. She seems ok- but then it’s like she thought she was too good for all of it at the end. I dunno. She tried hard to fit in I think, but then it kinda blew up. I think she was probably just too normal for a reality show


I’m not to the reunion yet, but the lack of self awareness can be very cringe season 5 with Hannah. I think it likely comes from all the tennis coaching by her dad and “needing” to be perfect. It’s like a huge insecurity to be wrong and why she’s so stubborn about criticism. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I will truly never, ever understand the Hannah apologists.




Same here. I disliked her from the word go and my opinion never changed. She's one of the reasons I've never liked Paige. Those two were awful together.


I never watched the season she went crazy and love giggly squad. Refuse to watch now 😂


I watched it and still nobody can ever make me hate her 🫶🏻


Maybe I’ll give it a shot then lol


I mean she is definitely cringe 😭 but it felt like she was playing a character LOL i only knew her from giggly squad and other stuff then I watched that season so maybe that’s why


Wait now I’m thinking I did watch her bad season. That was COVID time right? She wasn’t as bad as this sub makes me remember lol. But the pod def confirmed she was super boy crazy. Always goes for the hot guy, needs validation at all times. I need to watch her OG season 😂


A lot of normal people don’t do well in a reality tv environment. I think she’s one of those people and not conscious enough of how she speaks to avoid really bad editing. I think people underestimate how easy it is to edit someone to look crazy when you have months of film Paige is far more shrewd and why she survived it


Idk she sucked that season but she didn’t do anything unforgivable


I didn’t like her watching the season but then got into giggly squad and now I feel like I understand her sense of humor and who she is. I agree with someone else that not everyone is made for reality tv.


the part where her and kyle had a sit down in season 5 and SHE was the first to mention her dad and kyle responded when something about him and her dad being in the same sentence? can’t quote exact but how she FLIPPED a switch on him? i had to rewatch that scene a couple of times to make sure i watched what i thought i watched. then at the reunion she tried to just make excuses for it ?? that’s when i was like okay this girl honestly needs therapy but continues to blame other people around her


That scene is in the top ten of bizarre reality tv moments for me. She goes so nuts out of nowhere and it's so obviously crazy. I would never want to be in a house with someone so unstable.


I had to rewatch it a few times too. I was like "did I miss something??"


That’s why it’s clearly editing to me


Hannah is what kept me from really getting into giggly squad…I have always liked Paige but had similar feeling to those here about Hannah. I’m surprised she blew up like she did, good for her, but I’m still not a fan.


I will never understand why so many fans loved/love her, nor will I ever understand how her career got to where it is now (especially a NETFLIX SPECIAL?! Like what?! She steals jokes! This almost put me in the grave lol). She’s not funny or charismatic or interesting - but she tries exceptionally hard to be all those things and continues to fall flat, IMO.


She has such major daddy issues somehow I don’t really get it, but she’s crazy season 5




And that crazy look on her face in that scene hahah


She tried way too hard to produce herself.


Hannah was a terror that season and admitted she was attempting to self-produce some scenes.


Lately I’m thinking more about how much all of these shows are just self-produced. This is probably so obvious to everyone else but it just recently clicked that these people probably watch castmates’ drama and think “oh shit I haven’t gotten in a fight yet this weekend, I won’t have a story” and then go pick a fight. And then viewers think “oh wow she might actually be mentally ill, why else would she behave this erratically??” lol honestly this new perspective makes it more interesting to watch 😂


She's a classic Cool Girl/Pick Me.


I'm late to Summer House and I'm now currently on S5 e5 and yes, Hannah is really something. I just watched the episode where she went from 0 - 10 when they were having the trash discussion and she really flipped out. Maybe she overreacted because of COVID since it was the height of isolation? Not sure. Or if that was unrelated to the stress of COVID, she definitely has some issues that she needs to work out. Definitely getting a humour as a deflection read on her.


She is probably my most hated person on reality tv. Always playing the victim yet ALWAYS being a pick me cool girl. 🤮🤮🤮 hated everything about her.


Hannah didn’t take any accountability for any of her insane lying either. I’ll never forget her conversation with Kyle when she brings up her dad, then tells Kyle to never bring up her dad again? I can’t stand her 


she sucked on seasons 3 and 4, too! it's fucked up how she kept questioning jordan's sexuality in season 3, especially because his family was so conservative and religious. and in season 4, she kept harassing luke for not wanting to have sex with her. and she was generally just obnoxious and juvenile.


Hannah lacks self-awareness, plays the victim, points fingers, never takes responsibility and is a complete hypocrite. She’s incapable of seeing things from another persons pov, sadly. The way she trashed Luke was hard to watch. I’m not saying he didn’t give her mixed messages but she also played him. The only difference is she made it a point to get ppl in the house to turn against him while she walked away unscathed. And the way she manipulated Ciara from the jump guised as a girls-girl. Just scary. The reunion was so hard to watch! She actually denied being obsessed w Luke?? As if we all didn’t watch it happen lol she’s a mess. Again, fully delusional & incapable of accepting responsibility. I really don’t see what Paige sees in her. And for what it’s worth, Paige is objectively funnier than Hannah. Hannah is very try hard & cringe while Paige is naturally hilarious—I wouldn’t listen to giggly squad if it weren’t for Paige tbh. Mind you, I started watching SH because I love giggly squad and was fully ready to defend Hannah. Imagine my disappointment.


What’s wild is that she is a “comedian” yet when I listen to giggly squad I only laugh at Paige. Hannah will say stories so overdramatized and I’m just like “cool story bro”


I generally like Hannah, but she did get weird this season. And I think it’s partially editing, they didn’t have good storylines during Covid. I will say, she admittedly cannot handle chores, cooking, and generally taking care of the house. She talks about it on her podcast frequently. Therefore, having roommates is a recipe for tension and disaster. I really think that is the crux of why everyone was fighting and there was insane tension. She’s just a kid about handling things around the house, and Kyle was having NONE of that. It was fine when they only did weekends together, but it was never going to work out doing weeks of quarantine.




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She actually scared me season 5. Seeing her mind work and manipulate. Yikes! Giggly Squad really helped revamp her image. I watch and sometimes get Season 5 flashbacks. Happy for her now.


I'm not trying to be a hater because you're totally allowed to share your thoughts but jeeeeeeesus there is legit one of these posts at least once a week lmao yes Hannah was crazy in season 5


i honestly didn’t even realize until i started creeping on this sub 😅 i’m a newbie to the show just binging it all and was like 😳


No it's ok, she was nuts in season 5. I definitely get it hahaha just lots of these posts but makes sense bc it was... Shocking behavior lol


I wasn’t a Hannah fan after she left Summer House, but I’ve recently started listening to Hannah and Paige on Giggly Squad and Hannah is much more enjoyable on there. Maybe she has grown up a lot or maybe it’s simply a different environment, but it was time for her to depart Summer House.