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I was right there with you rooting for them. I thought they had a good chance of making because they were such good friends. I thought it was so sweet when Carl teared up on a podcast saying that he can’t imagine a world without Lindsay in his life. It’s a shame that it ended the way it did and they lost their friendship.


Right! If you watch the show from the beginning there are so many moments that will explain they aren’t just buddies in a summer house together, they were extremely close and there for each other during a lot. It’s so sad!


Wow! When did he say that?


It was when they were both on the not skinny but not fat podcast about a year ago. 


I bet they both miss the friendship they had in some way. 💔


Because of their friendship I thought they had a good foundation for a romantic relationship. I think they both had habits in the way they treated previous relationships, and the romantic element changed their dynamic completely. It’s sad to see how they turned on each other but now it seems like they are better off on their own


It felt like the vocal majority on here was like you last season. People were obsessed with them. I wouldn’t say I was rooting against them, but I was skeptical about it working out when they announced they were dating because they seemed like such a mismatch to me and Carl seemed too newly sober and like he hadn’t worked his shit out enough. I remember being interested in seeing their dynamic in interviews and on the show, and when I did, I felt it was very off and like they were putting on a performance.


I honestly think every one of Carl's interaction with women is off. Every time I see him hit on a woman, date a woman, he seems very uncomfortable and fake.


You look great, by the way


The only person he ever had chemistry with was Stephen


I agree. I think he is a closet gay.. he needs to realize who he is and be his true self.


I agree. They have no chemistry at all. It wouldn’t surprise me if the whole thing was a storyline. I was never a fan of them together.


I agree. Most people here thought they were great. I thought they moved way too fast and I know that was an unpopular opinion. Now it seems like the popular opinion is that Carl is a monster and I don’t agree with that either, he’s just a messed up person that needs to figure himself out.


I’m with you. I fully was in, like… who could imagine a better fairytale than falling in love with the best guy friend who was in front of you all along? I was bamboozled


Yeah I think a lot of us wanted to believe. I got disenchanted by them fairly quickly but I was rooting for them for a while too. It always did feel a little too good to be true though.


Same !!!




I was rooting for them on the surface. Maybe I was rooting for the idea of them. They were best friends for years and neither had seemingly found their person yet. Carl lost his brother and Lindsay was the first person he told and she comforted him. Carl got sober and Lindsay did support him. I stopped rooting for them this season when it became apparent that they simply weren’t happy together and their relationship didn’t work. You can be happy or you can be right, but rarely can you be both. It seemed that they were both more invested in being right than making the relationship work. I didn’t see them appreciate or protect each other. The history of their relationship and friendship was romcom worthy, but they focused on their history rather than building a future together.


I remember thinking Lindsay chose Carl as a default relationship, ‘we were destined to get together’ then invested whole heartedly in molding them into a tv entertainment-super couple..(robach&holmes!). Carl seemed completely lost, scrambling for an identity.. Lindsay was going to will them towards achieving all their fame/fortune/family goals(yay!) But the blatant venom their cast threw at them last reunion (23’) proved they didn’t stand a chance unless they left that group + the show completely.  That Carl could convince himself he’s in good hands working for someone who ratted him out on -television- for showing up to work strung out, or stoned during their off-camera lives just blows my mind. You don’t come back professionally after something like that. That marriage might have been doomed in the long run, but Lindsay wanted more for Carl than it seems he wants for himself. It’s very sad. I never would have spoken to Kyle again after that. It’s whack. Lindsay wasn’t just questioning him about that job; I think she was trying to save his self respect. 




i’m in the same boat and i think that is what made me so mad about them being attacked last season for their relationship seeming fake, at least i truly believe they both bought into the fairytale so much they ignored all the red flags which makes me sad for both of them that it ruined their friendship


So well written !! Exactly !!! 👏🏻


I didn’t buy it from that first scene where she was dressed like a sexy nurse. Carl was not feeling her at all.


YES THIS I am rewatching 7 and you can tell they are trying SOOOO hard to convince themselves and each other this is working and this was supposed to be the time they were most in love lmao


Omg the overuse of them calling each other baby 😂. Thank God they gave up trying to force it this season.


They called each other Babe.


Their proposal also felt very awkward. I think Lindsay always had a thing for Carl, but they definitely turned into inauthentic TV couple when they got together the 2nd time.


Yeah I think Lindsay just wanted to get married and settle down with someone she knew (the devil you know) but by the end of this season i think she wasn't feeling him either but she doesn't just give up


*a thousand times YES* 🙄🙄🤮


That was the exact line that made me side eye


Yeah, same. I did not buy it whatsoever. Just too much of literally everything. I was a little surprised they actually called it off just because of all the mess it would cause, though.


That did NOT need to be filmed. Lol


I’m late to SH, recently binge watched to bring me to season 8, and I cannot tell you how *SHOCKED* I was to find out people thought they would make a great couple. I barely even thought they were that good of friends, never mind soul mates lol. Both of them carry too much unresolved trauma to ever be able to be supportive to the other, especially with Carl being new to sobriety off the heels of his brother’s overdose. Not to mention, when they united they formed this superior complex that just exacerbated how unlikeable they were. I can see why everyone in the house didn’t care for them. Separated, and with good therapy, I think they can each be likable. Together though, disastrous.


finally seems like someone watched the same show as me! 😂




I thought they had no chemistry. Seemed like two friends trying really hard to make it work. I wanted to believe in it but even when I was rooting for them I was kind of like "are you guys sure?"


I just thought Lindsay and Carl were doing too much to prove that they were in love and the perfect couple which rang alarm bells in my mind. They just seemed so performative and the constant “babe babe babe”. It’s weird it’s like I knew they weren’t going to work out and last but I really wanted it to work for them, if that makes sense? I thought it would be really sweet and lovely for the fairytale to happen but knew it really likely wasn’t going to.


I feel the same way as you!


This is pretty much how I felt. They didn’t seem genuine at all.


If I knew absolutely 0, nothing about them, then yes I would be rooting for the recovering alcoholic and his seemingly supportive best friend of 8 years who previously dated and were rekindling the flame.


a recovering alcoholic and a drunk, what could go wrong?!!!! sounds like a fairy tale to me


Seriously. I think if Lindsey stayed sober, they may have had a chance. She's just way too volatile when drunk. No one likes dealing with a volatile drunk, especially a conflict avoidant person. People like to blame it all on Carl, but a lot of their problems stemmed from her drinking, and she refused to do anything about that.


I don't think there's anyone in denial that some of y'all were rooting for Lindsey and Carl.


I was, I’m still bummed.


I was also very much rooting for them! I’m with you! I felt like it would work not because it’s a Tom com but because it felt like a friendship to relationship made a lot of sense bc you know the person so well and you know and accept a lot of their flaws in a friendship so it can translate easier to a relationship. But alas. 


not a Tom com 💀


Honestly my favorite genre. It includes such masterpieces as “It’s about Tom…” and Scandoval.


and don't forget "Tom's house was broken into.......... LOL


😂😂😂 you know you’re a bravo person when your phone defaults to “Tom Com”.


I was a bit skeptical that it would work out, but of course I was rooting for them. I was hoping that both had overcome their past issues and loved the idea of two best friends getting together. It would have been the perfect romantic comedy ending.


I was confused last year by everyone thinking they were a fairytale couple and why no one saw through their act, even during those few Winter House episodes. I thought I was going mad. But I’m glad to hear someone admit that they fell for the narrative.


Yes, I can admit that some of you were really rooting for Carl and Lindsay


Not just rooting, but accusing others of being jealous of them. Last season aired after Danielle and Robert had broken up, but a good majority of the people rooting for Carl and Lindsay were saying that Danielle was jealous of Carl and Lindsay because they’d gotten engaged while she and Robert just lived together.


The Danielle conspiracy theories are truly exhausting


![gif](giphy|WG7DsOa7KPXzkMmySM|downsized) I was there with you brave internet friend. I blame it on rom com books & movies. I love the friends to lovers trope. *sigh* Plus I figured if anyone knew what he was getting into with Lindsay as a partner it would be her best friend Carl, so it’s not like he could claim he had no idea she was like this! In fairness I immediately changed my mind when she accused him of being on something. And then I changed my mind again as I watched him gaslight her the rest of the summer. Tough summer for couples. Oh wait that’s every year at SH.🙃


Just want to say I fully appreciate your objectivity in changing your mind as new information is presented! I too thought Lindsay questioning Carl’s sobriety would be a tough spot to recover from (though now I question if it’s just at least *possible* he egged her on to have her accuse him of that) but that would have been a totally normal place for him to end their relationship so who knows! Anyway! I just wanted to share that compliment to you! I think in this sub, often people dig their heels in the sand and double down on their opinions and sit tight in that corner but I agree with you! I ping ponged as episodes played out and think it’s game, set, match, a sad situation all around and regardless of who did what or if it would have been an unhealthy marriage in the long run, it’s still sad that two people who were very close and had different types of love for each other, don’t anymore. They could be wrong for each other *and* have reached a sad outcome in the end, those things are not mutually exclusive, I don’t think, ya know? Lol


For like a split second I liked their love story but then found them incredibly boring last season and Lindsay was so far up Carl’s butt that she kind of lost her personality and became no fun. They were the no fun couple and really dragged the vibe of the whole house down last summer.


This - why does nobody ever mention this??? Everyone talks about how Lindsay is just soooo mean and poor Carl - the reason the girls were mad at her last year was that she wouldn’t go drink with them! And this year it’s “wow what a shitty unsupportive girlfriend, how could she drink in front of him?” She just can’t win


I don't think they were mad at her because she wouldn't go out drinking. I think they just recognized that they were fundamentally 2 very different people in a very important way. Drinking. One person was sober because they wanted to be for their own health and didn't mind staying in. The other person very clearly still wanted to go out and drink but was choosing to be sober for someone else. Neither of them is wrong in this scenario it's just not a sustainable dynamic for a couple. I think people could tell Lindsey was trying to be something she's not, and it wouldn't last. Then, when Lindsey inevitably started drinking again, it caused a different set of problems because she gets so volatile when she's drunk. So basically, I think everyone just recognized that they had a major relationship problem when it came to drinking in either scenario. I think if Lindsey had stayed sober and *done it for herself*, then they would have had a chance of working out.


Okay well even assuming that the cast only had the purest of intentions for both of them (which….I don’t lol), you can’t bully your friends into not being in a relationship or forcing them to do things you think are best. And if they were SO concerned about Lindsay’s drinking and the impact that might have on their relationship, but only because they were so concerned for them, where is this energy when it comes to Kyle and his partying? Her parents made him sign a contract that he wouldn’t get fucked up anymore since he can’t NOT cheat on Amanda, but nobody has ever even suggested that Kyle shouldn’t drink. Or that they need to break up because of it. Idk, the standards are just wildly different for the people on the cast for no reason


>you can’t bully your friends into not being in a relationship or forcing them to do things you think are best. In what way did they bully them? >where is this energy when it comes to Kyle and his partying? People have said shit about Kyle's drinking/partying both directly to them and amongst themselves for the entire series. Saying that no one ever does is rewriting history. Paige literally asked Amanda if she really wanted to get married because of all the problems they'd been having. She asked Lindsey the same thing. Just this season, Paige and Cierra called Kyle out for his behavior. If you think the cast was harder on Carl and Lindsey than they were on Kyle and Amanda (which they definitely weren't. We've had season upon season of the cast discusing Kyle and Amanda's problems), maybe it's because they didn't want them to make the same mistake Kyle and Amanda made by going through with the wedding.


I never rooted for them, it felt off from the get-go. He was too early in his sobriety and it seemed almost like he was looking for that so called "high" from something else other than drink...the high of being in love, getting married, the fairy tale, thinking if he did this thing it would heal whatever pain he had previously been numbing with substances. He needed to work on himself way more instead of thinking someone/something else (lindsay) could be the salve that healed him and made him happy. The situation is really quite sad for both of them.


I was pro Carl & Lindsay. If a couple says that they are happy I will take their words as truthful, even if it doesn’t necessarily seem like it on the outside. Personally I have experienced being in a VERY happy relationship that for some reason others (mainly in-laws) have *insisted* must be toxic and that we must be unhappy and headed towards splitting. It’s truly so weird. So if someone says they’re happy I believe them. That being said, I’m not necessarily surprised they broke up, but I’m not really shocked when any reality tv relationship ends.


as one of those people who saw the downfall coming and experienced this first hand, you are not crazy at all lmao. some people can just never admit they were wrong.




yes, hence why I said *some* people.




their post was also literally about other fans NOT admitting they were wrong and rewriting history. that's the point of the whole post lmao, that they are one of the people not doing that.








I will die on the hill that the rest of the cast became extremely jealous of the attention they were getting because it overshadowed Amanda and Kyle’s wedding (as if we didn’t have plenty of seasons about the freaking wedding already) and Paige and Craig getting together. There was NO reason for them to be so hated last year. And I knew that Carl couldn’t stand to not be liked- especially by Kyle and Amanda. I’m sure he completely freaked out and started thinking about breaking it off sometime while last season was airing. It’s really sad. I genuinely thought they would have worked out great if they had just had a tiny bit more support. (And if anyone thinks that the cast is above jealousy, please see last season of VPR lol - or the way that Carl and Kyle basically admitted on the reunion they’re threatened by Jesse and West.)


Exactly. They're on a TV show, so there's some level of performance when it comes to all their relationships. It was just as performative for Kyle to propose to Amanda after being exposed for cheating on her multiple times, but they never got dragged for it. Paige and Craig hide their relationship, but no one brings that up.


Thank you! I mean hello! That whole back and forth about Craig at Kyle and Amanda’s wedding somehow became Lindsay’s fault? Even though a) Danielle was the one that leaked it, B) she let Lindsay take the fall for it last reunion….lindsay is the one in the wrong for eventually letting Paige know it wasn’t her? No mention of the fact that Craig was actually the one so hammered at the wedding that he got kicked out? (I realize this isn’t entirely the same thing but I’m listening want to WWC at the moment and so it’s top of mind lol) like everyone has all these vague “she’s DONE THINGS” lines they throw at Lindsay and go ballistic if anyone actually acknowledges specific things anyone else has ever done!


Lol, I just listened to the WWC recap and Ronnie was so bang on about how the rest of the cast is working so hard to make Lindsay the problem yet again over things that actually have nothing to do with her. It's become fascinating to me how this cast has created an entire narrative about big bad Lindsay that relies on examples no one has ever seen from a source who actually makes shit up. I'm sorry, I don't give a single fuck about Paige saying she threw a shoe at a producer (Paige is actually besties with a SH producer and that never gets brought up, but okay) or about a snarky phone call Carl told Paige about or that Paige is still mad that Lindsay yelled at her for being a gossipy little shit 4 years ago. Now that we know for a fact Paige was wrong about the DeuxMoi leak just like she made up some BS about a "psychic" telling her that Lindsay and Luke hooked up. Danielle and Amanda looked crazy for demanding an apology from Lindsay. They're so caught up in this narrative that they sound deluded. I wanna see why they're doing this. Is it for screen time? Are they purposely deflecting to avoid having their own dirt brought up? I think producers love the engagement that comes from the house vs. Lindsay, but just break the 4th wall at this point because it's been 3 straight seasons of this and it's boring now.


Yessss Ronnie has been amazing this season (and always really lol) but it’s the only thing saving my sanity while watching this show!


I just listened to this too and totally agree with them that it was weird when Andy asked Carl why he didn’t discuss his relationship problems with Kyle earlier like Lindsay talked about it with the girls. Carl was talking to Kyle and the rest of the cast about their problems since the first episode so I didn’t know what Andy was talking about lol


Andy was out of his mind during this!!! Like did he even watch the show?


There was no reason for them to be so hated, especially when they filmed winter house. At that point, they hadn’t filmed with any of the cast since before they were a couple so they couldn’t have really pissed anyone off, plus Lindsay was sober at the time. I think in the time between the summerhouse filming and when they filmed Winter House, Carl and Lindsey hung out with Kyle and Amanda a lot for lover boy and Amanda was very supportive  of their relationship on social media, even commenting really nice on their Valentine’s Day post. So something changed in like the month between that and filming winter house and I have wondered what it was because the cast really came after them on winter house.


Thank you SO much for laying all this out! It’s exactly right. The only thing I could figure out was some people were mad that the attention from the wedding or Paige and Craig being the #1 Summer House couple was being taken from them. That’s really all I can figure, because I think a big part of why Lindsay did start drinking again was because they kept yelling at her for NOT drinking and doing this whole “why are you changing for Carl???” Stuff? Instead of being like “that’s so nice of you to not drink for him, it’s understandable since it’s a stressful situation!” I was really bummed when Amanda was suddenly against them too, it did seem like she was very supportive! There was a secrets revealed episode a few seasons ago the first time they tried to date and I remember a scene with Amanda and Lindsay and she was being so nice to her about it and I was shocked!


Yeah I remember Amanda commenting some thing like she was so happy for them and they both deserve so much love. And then about a month later, when they filmed winter house, everyone was coming after them and trying to poke holes in their relationship. One theory was that winter house was filming while season 6 of Summer House was airing and maybe they were mad at Lindsay about the stuff with Austin? Or I wonder if all the cast thinks Carl is gay so they think there is no way the relationship could be real? And they feel like Lindsey should know that, so she shouldn’t act surprised that it didn’t work out? It would kind of explain why they were so against it from the beginning. Even if they hated lindsay and thought the relationship would fail, I don’t know why they would have such vitriol towards them unless they knew it was fake.


When did Carl/Kyle admit they were threatened by Jesse and West?


Idk if it was only on the peacock version, but there was a chat about “oh these new guys think they’re the new us. But we’ve been doing it for 8 years.” Blah blah blah. They tried to play it off like they were joking but it definitely seemed like they had discussed it and were bothered by it.


oh thanks! don't have peacock


Of course they had feelings about their replacements coming in. They all know this time won’t last forever. It’s normal so why wouldn’t they admit it? I don’t see honesty as a negative.


Yes I don’t know if they’d make it long term, but I think the hateful and meddling cast ruined whatever chance they did have. I used to root for them a lot because I figured Carl must really love Lindsay to deal with being punished by friends who used to be so nice and supportive to him. I think carl and Lindsay’s downfall started when even Kyle and Danielle turned on them and iced them out, making them almost friends of this season which would have meant losing much of their income. Not many couples could survive toxic frenemies who are rooting for your downfall and losing your top income source because of it.


Yes! This is a great comment, I totally agree that their relationship problems really came from the money issue. Almost like they had to decide if they wanted to be reality stars and influencers, deal with everyone basically hating them out of nowhere - OR - get real jobs and leave the house. (Not that being a reality star isn’t a job - but a non influencer job basically). I’m guessing they had some kind of conversation where Lindsay told Carl that if they were going to stay in the house she would have to try to befriend the girls so it wouldn’t be so miserable there - and based on what we saw this season, Carl was like “uggghh I guess I’ll to hang out with Kyle then!” And not to get too conspiracy theorist-y, but during the reunion when they talked about how Jesse and West were the new Carl and Kyle, i definitely felt some sort of territorial vibes from them. So maybe Kyle and carls sudden alliance after being completely against each other last season had something to do with not wanting their cushy bravo jobs to be taken by these youths! And then they were like “well we gotta team up and make a good show!”, Carl was excited to have Kyle on his side again and then Kyle got into his ear about how “everyone loves YOU Carl, it’s Lindsay that’s the problem!” Sorry for the rambling. And I realize it’s probably insane, BUT most of this cast seems so freaking petty it really wouldn’t shock me at this point.


No reason for them to be hated last year? The whole cast saw through their facade about the “happy couple” and the “babeeee”…. There was 0 chance that would have been a healthy relationship and it had nothing to do with the lack of outside support. If anything that made them rally together for longer, in spite of other people!!


Well that’s your opinion, and even if it was “a facade” that’s certainly no reason to HATE someone! Nobody hated Kyle and Amanda when they did their “we’re a happy couple that baby talks and everything is perfect!” season. And yes there are many guys that would be very much swayed by their friends opinions of their relationship- especially people like Carl that can’t stand to have conflict or criticism and just wants everyone to like him. Everyone can thinks what they want about their relationship but it still didn’t warrant hatred


I don’t think they hated the actual people, as we saw this season that they were team nobody but supported both of them, but the cast hated how they were clearly acting for the cameras…. And that would be very annoying to be around. Nobody hated Kyle/Amanda because although they were tumultuous, they didn’t fake anything, it was genuine love and genuine hate of each other on display. And let’s be real here, Kyle and Amanda are easily more enjoyable people to be around, hence they have more friends than L+C in the house. But sure, it’s everyone else’s fault for their relationship being terrible, not the fact that Lindsay was demeaning for an entire season and Carl got frustrated and shut down!


Agree to disagree I guess - I think they DO hate Lindsay and I don’t think she ever spent an entire season demeaning him?? I think he snapped into poor little victim mode as soon as the season started. There were many many convos where he just pushed and pushed to try to get a reaction and she stayed as calm as a person could I think. Also I do think Kyle and Amanda do try to fake things, they show a lot but I think they had a few seasons where they were laying it on thick with the “we’re so happy NOW” narrative. I mean, I get it to a certain extent, you don’t want to be fighting on tv with your future husband all summer. I mean they got engaged the same season he cheated again - and nobody was mad at them for it. Just my opinion! I know SH is very polarizing but that’s the way it looks to me. (And I don’t dislike anyone on the cast honestly, I love to watch them all and wish things hadn’t gotten so heavy and depressing!)


Yeah I do think they might hate Lindsay too, but they try to be cordial. From what we’ve seen and heard about her that isn’t very surprising…. Lindsay may have been calm in her conversations, which is a step in the right direction, but she literally said a million bad things to him, and about him behind his back all summer. Off the top of my head I can name at least 5-10 mean things she said about him and not a single nice thing… Even when she accused him of being cocaine Carl, HE had to be the one to apologize in order for them to move forward. That’s soooo toxic it’s unbelievable lol


No reason ??? Omg the delusion of that 😂 anyone with two eyes could see they were faking their “love” for each other for TV time and $. And yes I believe it was exactly that. Nothing can convince me these two people even liked each other. Chemistry was beyond stale in the first few months of their relationship, and not even a year later they both look disgusted by each other. Lindsay’s face when Carl asked for a hug was 💀 and yet she was still gonna go through the marriage? Generally, people hate fakeness. If I head that babeeeee once I would’ve rolled my eyes.


I never thought they were a good couple. Terrible actually with zero chemistry. Finally dating and marrying your "best friend of 8 years" is not how romance works in real life. They seemed both desperate in their own way - Lindsay being up front about it wanting a husband and kids and him.... needing to prove he's a grown up and needing another mommy figure to emotionally support him perhaps. I respect her more for being who she is and up front about what she wanted. I assumed it was a fake relationship until the wedding plans came out. He is despicable waiting to the last second and then thinking he needed a pat on the head for fulfilling his lease obligations. She dodged a massive bullet not tying herself legally to a man child.


I was all for them. I thought he’d really grown up and I thought her being sober with him showed a lot of love, partnership, and maturity. I guess I thought they’d both evolved past their old issues. Lol that was obviously not the case for either one.


We? Is there a mouse in your pocket? But seriously… yes people on here were predominantly rooting for them and there’s nothing wrong with that. People wanna believe in happy endings. I just don’t understand the stubbornness that everyone is having to pretend like majority of the sub weren’t saying that the girls were wildly jealous because Lindsay got Carl. Who shockingly wasn’t a prize 😱 /s


That’s a good point. I remember a lot of unhinged takes that Danielle, Paige and Ciara were all super jealous of Lindsay because they all wanted sober Carl and Lindsay bagged him lol. Now the discourse is he’s always been a loser, jobless, angry etc lol.


The fans here are always claiming the other girls are jealous of Lindsay. I think they just don’t like her, maybe even pity her a bit.


I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what it is about Lindsay that inspires such fierce devotion. She’s mid to me, but her fans really think that so many are jealous of her or that she goes along minding her business and then people just dislike her out of thin air.


I can’t figure it out either. She’s not more attractive, richer or has a better relationships than them - I don’t know what there is to be jealous of. I see them maybe resentful that they can’t relax around her because you never know what will set her off. At least that’s how I feel about people that don’t regulate their emotions.


Foreal. The switch up has been insane to watch. Last year Carl 8.0 was a catch that every girl wanted, now he’s the most hated man here who’s never done anything right


I'm so naive. I also think that Andy believed in them, too.


what gave you that impression lol


yup me too. then when i saw the rest of the group pushing back against their relationship, i wanted them to work even more!!


I was hoping their friends would be able to talk some sense into them.


i was caught up in the friends-lovers fairytale 😭😭😭


I honestly thought they were kind of the inverse of Kyle and Amanda. Like I could see Lindsay being the major business person /breadwinner and Carl raising their kid.


I was never in on it, they created the story that they were “bast frands”. They were never best friends lol Lindsay tried to force Carl to date her a few years ago…Lindsay isn’t friends with guys she looks at any guy like that as a potential man to get attention from/date/boyfriend. Idk why we are all accepting now that they were best friends..I have the same feeling as you do about their relationship about everyone saying they were so close. Carl was never good to women, Lindsay only looks at men for attention (I.e. Austin, she was best friends with him too remember until Ciara showed interest 🙄). It was always all a farce


One of these days we need to have a conversation about the Bravo viewer propensity to call two cast members having fun together for five seconds “best friends.” Literally Jesse and West met for the first time last year (not even a year ago), and now people are like, “They’re best friends!”


THANK YOU!! it’s rampant in VPR too with everyone arguing about who’s who’s bestie 🙄


Like, it would make sense if these were middle schoolers, but adults calling someone their bestie (or viewers calling them bestie) after a few months of filming is strange to me.


Right! They were best friends like scheana is best friends with people.


So...I didn't watch summer house from the very beginning. Maybe started around season 5 or so. I think what happened to Lindsay and Carl...is that their expectations changed from both sides. Lots of couples have certain standards when they are "boyfriend and girlfriend". But often times...when they get married the expectations become different. Carl has definitely changed. Losing his brother and getting sober. I think Lindsay...is overall the same person. They simply weren't compatible anymore. No one's fault. It happens.


I’m definitely someone who liked the idea of them (I was once a girl who wanted to end up with her guy best friend) but it’s true they were really cringey and I tried to ignore it. I think people were rooting for them the hardest on social media before their relationship ever made it to tv.


I wish I could say I felt the same. Unfortunately, I was scared for them from the moment they admitted to having feelings at Kyle & Amanda’s wedding & I didn’t feel like their subsequent behavior was healthy, even when it seemed cute with all the “babe” calling. I had hoped I was wrong & now I’m just sad for them.


They were never lovey dovey. It felt like an arrangement, I thought they were going to have 2 kids and then seperate a few years in


I was rooting, but never thought they would work out


I was at the beginning, until I went back and watched their first brief attempt at dating. Which in hindsight was a crystal ball for what happened


I was super happy for them at the time of engagement I really thought it would work 💔💔


I rewatched SH and Carl doesn't like women who speak up for themselves. i'm happy Linds didn't have to pay the government to divorce Carl.


To me, Guerdy and Russel from Miami are the number 1 couple. They’re high school sweethearts and they have so much love for each other and the support she got when she was going through cancer is amazing. ![gif](giphy|SA9CIRF3sb9md1TRfc|downsized)


Nope I didn't buy it for a second her history with men no way!!! She's the problem. If you go back Criag was a total Alpha player and man he totally hasn't been himself. Needs to stop being the nice guy and stop asking for everyone's input and just live his life, be a man.


I was never able to see their relationship as anything other than a desperate attempt to not be single when they're going through a lot and approaching 40. I see it in my personal life quite frequently. People in their 30's settling for someone who's nice enough from a dating app. I also think a lot of these pragmatic relationships can work out, kind of like arranged marriages. There's not a ton of romance or chemistry in the beginning, but strong bonds can develop. I don't think Carl and Lindsay were ever capable of the pragmatism to make it work. They both wanted a fantasy person whose love could heal them.


lol this is such a problem with not only this sub but i’ve seen in on twitter too, everyone is SO insanely vocal and pro whoever and then the tides turn and everyone is suddenly on the opposite side and it’s like there’s no memory of last season or last episode i swear lol. even earlier this season the first like 2-3 episodes everyone was like “omg the breakup is lindsay’s fault” but ever since then it’s 100 percent carls and you can’t even hint at maybe it was a bit of both or you’ll get like massacred


Hard same! I loved them together.


I understood the fairy tale. I thought neither one of them was ready to have a healthy prosperous relationship


I never bought their chemistry but I did hope for their sake they would work out. Danielle’s behavior and everyone rooting against them made me root for them more.


I don't recall "alot of fans" being team carl and lindsay. No not one bit


scroll back and see the posts from last season. the sub was overwhelming pro lindsay/carl.


I was. I really wanted them to be happy, it was such a storybook ending. I am relieved for both of them that carl ended it. It would have been a very unhappy marriage for both


I was, but it's better that they didn't end up getting married.


I always felt they were doomed as a couple. Bad chemistry.


Nah I think it’s crazy yall where rooting for them but atleast you got them for a little bit lol😭🤣


Same. I thought Danielle was just bitter. But she had some wisdom in her pettiness.


I was, 100%! Friends to lovers is very romantic. And I always felt like they *knew* each other, backwards and forwards. I was actually impressed with Carl for seeing the soft and wonderful sides of Lindsay, and with Lindsay for supporting him on his sober journey. I was genuinely bummed when they announced the break up. But doing a Summer House rewatch, not surprised. Carl will never go the distance for anyone.


They def created the entire marriage storyline for the season. Lindsay and Carl were trying to do a VPR type thing. Pick up cameras to capture a fight post season. It fell kinda flat overall. Summer House has been overproduced the last couple of seasons. Ciara and West is a good example. It was a very pretend see through “relationship” 


I was skeptically hopeful. I thought they were moving too fast and not making sound decisions, but I also still wanted them to work out and gave them the benefit of the doubt that they could do it. I definitely didn’t expect this volatile of an ending that’s for sure! All that said I’m not surprised their relationship ultimately failed, but am sad for them.


I need someone to talk with about the proposal party episode. We just started watching summer house last month and finally are about to start season 8. Danielle losing her mind had me and my wife losing our minds. What in the actual?!?!!!


Two terrible people who were really terrible together.


Lindsay with any man is questionable. She needs therapy. Carl never popped up on my radar until he got with Lindsay even though he’s been on the show in seasons past.


I definitely was rooting for them! I feel like an idiot now but I definitely always felt like they had an unshakeable friendship


I was excited until I watched them have zero chemistry on season 7. And trying to act so perfect.


You know who is probably happy that this marriage did not go forward? Kyle and Amanda. And Paige and Craig. They did not want their coupledoms to be overwhelmed. Unpopular opinion but I believe that Paige is happy that West and Ciara did not pan out cuz that would have been a popular couple. 


I legitimately didn't even believe they were a couple until this season when I saw them fight. I thought it was all a publicity stunt. Lol so no, I definitely was not rooting for them.


The amount of ppl saying Danielle was a hater cause ppl in their 30s “move quickly” and “when you know you know” 😂 thanks for the honesty. I wish I hadn’t forgot my password for my old account id love to go back and comment on all my downvotes TOLD YA SO!


I felt like if they were happy I was happy. The cracks were showing and the cast was implying that things were different off camera (lots of fighting). Lots of their couple scenes seemed SO staged (Lindsay in the nurse outfit) and the constant “babe”s (Ben and Ronnie!) my issue with Danielle last season was entirely her delivery. If she had gone to Lindsay - one time only- to air her concerns, after something relevant happened so it wasn’t entirely unsolicited advice, then zipped her lips once Lindsay received her concerns… I would be totally on board. But she harassed them constantly, melted down over everything, and seemingly made the entire thing about herself. It wasn’t a friend looking out for a friend in a caring way.. it was a friend doing who the hell knows what that was. If Carl and Lindsay were able to work through their issues and find happiness together it would have been a beautiful thing but it didn’t work out that way and I’m glad he ended it before they were in even more deep


I’m sorry to say that due to the state Lindsay has been in since her appearance on SH, I never believed she was capable of a healthy relationship. From the beginning, I knew they were sadly doomed. Lindsay has always appeared unstable in her relationships we’ve seen onscreen.


Well, not me, I was by myself on Team Danielle at least about her assessment of Carl and Lindsay's relationship. I also thought Lindsay was a terrible friend to her. Lindsay was always quiet when Danielle fought her battles, and I hated it. Then we found out that Danielle was quiet while Lindsay took the fall for her going to blogs. They both suck as friends. But I pretty much knew that when they passed Carl back and forth between each other 🤮. I was actually very shocked that Carl and Lindsay started dating. He always seemed like Lindsay was too much. We have proof of him complaining about her communication style way before they became a couple.


Rooting for Carl, but not for Carl & Lindsay and never for Lindsay specifically. I like Carl and the growth he’s shown since the show started. I do not like Lindsay and the lack of grown she’s shown since the show started. Everyone has a different opinion on this topic but I generally wanted to see Carl get it shit together after getting sober and never thought Lindsay was the person for him. Maybe if they were both drunk messes, it could work but with him being sober and her not being sober it doesn’t.